Lost and Found Ch. 17


Lost and Found

Chapter 17 – Belle of The Ball

Candy sat in the garden on a little wooden bench that she’d assembled herself, looking out over the flowerbeds filled with sunflowers, fox gloves and freshly bloomed bluebells as she sipped from a mug of tea. Steam billowed into the summer air as she took in the beautiful view, the reward for her hard work in the garden over the past few weeks. As she glanced over towards the lawn, she remembered her water fight with Daniel that had caused her to end up with a soaked top, allowing her son to see her breasts for the first time. A wicked little grin crossed her lips as she thought about everything that moment had led to and how grateful she was that it had played out the way it had. It had only been a few weeks since Daniel had left on the train, but she had missed him terribly. Her bed felt empty and the house seemed lonely without him, but she still knew, deep down in her heart, that she had done the right thing. He needed to live his life while he was young, explore the world, experience the things she hadn’t been able to. It was a short term sacrifice she was making for a long term gain for her son. After how long they had been apart, she had a lot of things to make up for and this was part of that as far as she was concerned.

As she did her best to relax while thinking about Daniel and their relationship her phone rang, breaking the peaceful silence of the morning and causing the birds assembled at the feeder to scatter up into the sky. Checking the display she saw that it was her long time friend Pamela. She was one of the people Candy had hired to work with her as the clothing business had soared to incredible and unexpected levels of success. It was a nice feeling, being able to use her personal success to spread the wealth around amongst those who had stuck by her in recent years, paying them back for their friendship and kindness during her darkest hours. She paid her employees well and allowed them flexible hours so they could work around their kids, other jobs and just life in general. She couldn’t be prouder of how everything had worked out and of course, Daniels contributions had been a huge part of that. He had been the one to help get things off the ground and to support her financially while working his ass off at the building site. She would never be able to repay him for what he had done for her, but she would do her best to show him her appreciation, every single day. Just that morning, she had taken a picture of herself fresh out of the shower, naked and wet, with droplets of water running down her smooth skin. She’d been quite pleased with how it had come out, a nice ‘good luck’ present to send him for his pending international travels.

“Good morning Pam,” she said warmly as she answered the call, “how are you doing?”

“I’m good thanks Candy,” she replied, “are you getting excited for the awards ceremony?” She was referring to a local event for independent businesses in the area that was happening later on in the day that they’d both be attending. It was intended to help bring attention to the local companies involved while rewarding them for contributions to the community. It was hardly the Oscars, but for their small little town, it was as close as you could get.

“A little bit, it’s not like we have been nominated or anything, but it’s certainly nice to be invited.”

“You should be proud Candy, the hubby was telling me that only the cream of the crop of local businesses get invited, which is even more impressive considering you’ve only been running for a few months!”

“Yeah, I guess you’re right,” Candy replied, a wide smile on her face as she thought about how far they’d come. “So have you sorted your outfit?”

“Yes, all picked out! One of your pieces of course, I’ll be like a walking billboard!” They both laughed together at the joke as Candy took another sip of her tea.

“Can we write the company name on your forehead?” she replied, causing another fit of hysterical laughter from them both at the outlandish suggestion.

“That’s a good idea! But you’ll have to give me a raise if you want me to do that!” Pamela replied between cackles.

“Ah, nevermind then, I guess wearing the dress will have to do,” Candy responded and they chuckled together before continuing their conversation.

“So I’ll come and pick you up at 6:30 if that still works for you.”

“Perfect,” Candy replied, “I can tell you about the buildings I’ve been looking at on the journey over too.”

“Oooh, yes, I can’t wait to hear about it! Crazy to think you’re looking into opening a shop already.”

“Yeah, it really is,” Candy replied, “but I want to keep things growing, you know?”

“Yeah, of course,” Pamela replied before there was an awkward silence on the line. “I better go babe, got a couple of errands to do, but before I do…,” she trailed.

“Oh my goodness, has Pamela gotten all shy?” Candy teased.

“No, you bitch!” she answered antalya travesti good naturedly before continuing. “I just wanted to say that I’m really proud of you. I used to worry about you a lot, y’know? When you were with him.” Candy winced at the reference to Steve, a flood of negative memories coming back to her like a tidal wave. “But ever since Daniel came along, you’ve been like a different woman. Like the person I met when you first moved here. That was all I wanted to say.”

“Thank you,” Candy said sincerely, “I love you Pam.”

“Love you too sweetheart, I’ll see you later!”

“Can’t wait,” said Candy before ending the call. A grateful tear had welled up in her eyes without Candy realizing and she wiped it away as she held the mug in her hands, enjoying the sensation of the warmth radiating out through her skin. Pamela was right, she was doing a lot better than she had been, but what she had been through couldn’t just be easily pushed aside. She still had nightmares sometimes and now that Daniel was gone, unexpected knocks at the door filled her with dread, but everyday it got a little easier. When she was really struggling, she would go to her room and pull out her most treasured item from her bedside drawer. It was one of Daniels t-shirts, branded with the name of his university and their crest on the front. He’d left it for her in the spare room and she’d only found it after he had departed on the train. Atop the garment was a sweet little note, saying it was something for her if she needed any comfort and whenever she was feeling particularly stressed or anxious, it was her go to remedy. She’d climb into bed, lay on her side and hold it against her, like it was him. It still carried his scent and it had a powerful effect on Candy whenever she was cuddled up with it. As sweet and wholesome as it all was, she couldn’t pretend that she hadn’t sniffed it while masturbating a few times too, the smell of her boy intensifying her pleasure far beyond what she could achieve alone.

Shaking the lewd thoughts from her mind, she went back to drinking her cuppa, wondering what the evening would hold in store. She couldn’t help but feel a little nervous knowing she would be rubbing elbows with all the local luminaries, but it was an exciting opportunity to network and maybe even make a few friends too. As she drained the last of her mug, she checked the time. One of the perks of being your own boss is being able to set your own hours, but she did her best to be strict with herself as much as possible. She would make sure she worked from at least half nine until three in the afternoon, although sometimes she did go beyond that, especially if she got caught up with a specific garment she was working on. Heading inside, she put her mug in the dishwasher and made her way upstairs and into the spare bedroom. She had set it up as a makeshift workspace, sewing machine and laptop sitting on a desk next to the window, drawers filled with fabrics, needles, buttons and everything else she needed. It was cramped, but it would do the job for now, at least until she could find a suitable business premises to rent.

As she sat down, her phone pinged and she picked it up, smiling when she saw that it was a text message from Daniel.

‘Hi mum. Thanks for that picture earlier, it really started my day off with a bang 😉 I’m on the plane now and we’ll be setting off shortly. I’ll give you a message as soon as I get to Tokyo. Try not to worry too much and have a great time at the awards ceremony tonight! Love you xx’

He was so sweet and considerate, she really was lucky to have him in her life. She quickly tapped out her own reply before getting started on her work for the day.

‘I’m so glad you liked it! I hope you had time to make proper use of it! 😉 Safe travels baby, I’ll talk to you soon, love you! Xoxo’

Candy couldn’t deny that she was a little worried about her baby boy traveling so far away, literally to the other side of the world, but it was the best thing for him and he would ultimately return to her a better man. As she pulled the dress she had been working on out of the wardrobe she couldn’t help but think about how long it had been since she’d been fucked. Her fingers felt wonderful when she masturbated and she certainly was more sexually active now than she had been before Daniel, but her hand or even a phallically shaped hunk of plastic just couldn’t scratch that itch the way he could. She’d have to get some kind of action soon though, it was going to be a long month until Daniel was back home and he had awoken something in her that would make abstaining from sex a real struggle. If she did go without until he came home she would probably be ready to tear him apart the second he stepped through the front door. Smiling wickedly, she tried to put the naughty thoughts of her son from her mind so she could focus on her work instead, turning on the sewing machine as it whirred into izmir travesti life, her nimble fingers getting to work on the custom dress.

Candy really did love her work and time flew by as she practiced the craft that she had honed over decades, lunch time creeping up on her in what felt like a matter of moments. After a short break to make some food, she returned to her desk and did the last few bits of work on the dress before carefully folding it up and placing it in a cardboard box, ready to be sent out in the post the next day. This one was headed off to Scotland, which Candy still found to be a crazy concept, that someone at the other end of the country was ordering a dress from little old her.

Once it was securely sealed up and put with the other items to be posted out, she pulled open her laptop to check her emails, assign tasks to her employees for the coming week, review any incoming orders and do some promotion on her social media pages. She didn’t enjoy the admin side as much as the creative side of her job, but it was a necessary evil and she found herself getting better at it the more she did it.

After finishing her tasks on the computer she was done for the day, but the digital display in the corner of the laptops screen showed that it was only just after two in the afternoon. The awards ceremony wasn’t for a few hours and she wouldn’t need to get ready for a while. What was a woman to do with some unexpected free time on her hands? She only had to think for a second before opening a new tab on her browser, switching on incognito mode and entering the address of a popular porn site. Browsing the home page, it was a feast for the eyes, beautiful women with curvaceous bodies and handsome men with enormous phalluses taking part in all kinds of sexual acts, from handjobs to anal, from squirting to gang bangs. There was more content here than anyone could watch in a lifetime, but Candy knew exactly what she wanted in this moment as the flames of desire were fanned inside her. Navigating to the categories page, she scrolled down until she found what she wanted. She’d clicked this link several times since Daniel had shown up at her front door months earlier and it had never let her down after multiple visits. She still felt a rush of excitement as she clicked ‘incest’ on the screen wondering how many of the people who were fans of this kind of material had actually engaged in this behaviour in real life.

As she scrolled down the various videos available to her she saw the names of a couple of creators she was familiar with, debating what she wanted to watch as she put in her headphones and slid her hand inside her panties to start absentmindedly stroking her wet little kitty. One title immediately jumped out at her and she clicked it without even thinking, licking her lips with excitement as an ad played and the video loaded up. ‘Son comes home from college and fucks lonely Mom’ was the videos title. Perfect.

The acting wasn’t exactly brilliant, but it didn’t need to be as the busty older woman in the video welcomed home her handsome son who was dragging a suitcase behind him to emphasize his prolonged absence from the family home. Candy’s excitement slowly built as they made small talk while sitting on the sofa before the mother started complaining about her husband always being away with work. The son commiserated, telling her that she deserved better, a man that would treat her better and give her what she needed. The mother made a comment that what she really needed was some good sex and after an awkward moment between them, the faux mother and son’s eyes met and they leant forwards to kiss as Candy slipped a slender finger inside herself and let out a low moan. Things quickly got hot and heavy between the two as the mother got down on her knees to suck on her son’s throbbing cock. It was so huge and veiny, saliva coating the thick shaft as she took it deep over and over again, lewd noises coming from her mouth as she sucked him hungrily. Candy wished that Daniel was with her, his cock tasted amazing and it always made her soaked when she had him in her mouth. God she missed it.

The son returned the favor soon after by licking his ‘mothers’ needy pussy until it was soaking wet and she was shrieking and moaning on the sofa like a woman that had gone without any sexual content for years. Her heavy breasts shook and trembled as her son’s mouth brought her to orgasm and after exchanging a quick kiss, he finally pushed his monstrous cock inside of her waiting slit.

Candy mentally replaced the faces of the pornstars in the video with herself and Daniel, imagining how amazing it would be to see her son and lover again. As the busty blonde in the video came on her son’s prick, screaming and shrieking at the top of her lungs, so did Candy. She yelled out “Oh Daniel, yes, fuck mummy!” as she came, legs shaking and leaving her quivering in her chair as she pulled her slick fingers from her hungry snatch, arousal dripping from the tips. “Fuck, I needed that,” she whispered to herself softly, closing her eyes and sucking down the juices from her fingers before relaxing back in her chair as she gently teased her sensitive pussy a little while she thought of her baby boy.

The rest of the day passed quickly for Candy, she fixed herself a light snack to keep her going until the meal at the ceremony later in the evening and after a relaxing reading session on the sofa with a brew, it was time to get ready. She showered herself and then primped and preened to make sure she looked her absolute best for the evening’s festivities. Walking into her bedroom, towel tied up above her bust she pulled open her cabinet and pulled out the dress she had specially made for this occasion. It was quite daring, long, black and sleek with a long slit at the bottom to show off her legs as she walked. There were also slits on the sides to display some of her midriff and a plunging neckline to create a generous valley of cleavage that would be sure to catch everyone’s attention. She’d spent days working on it and was still a little nervous about wearing it out of the house, but Pamela had reassured her that she looked amazing when she’d been sent a photo of Candy wearing it. ‘If I swang that way, I’d want to fuck you!’ she had joked, simultaneously making Candy laugh while building into her confidence.

Slipping into the elegant gown, she stepped in front of the full length mirror in the corner of the room to take a look at herself. “Not too bad Candy,” she mumbled to herself as she turned to take in the sides and back of the dress. She snapped a quick picture to send to Daniel later on, checking her phone and seeing that Pamela would be arriving any minute. She slid on a thin gold bracelet and took her black handbag with a gold chain, slinging it over her shoulder and taking a deep breath. “Here we go,” she whispered before heading downstairs to wait for her ride to arrive.

A few minutes later she was climbing into Pamela’s SUV as they awkwardly hugged over the center console. “Oh my god Candy,” Pam gushed, “you look amazing!”

“You’re too kind darling,” Candy replied in a fake posh voice, “but you are looking absolutely delectable yourself!” Both of them laughed together before Pamela pulled away on route to their evening of glitz and glamor.

*So, do you think you might meet a handsome bachelor tonight then Candy?” Pamela asked as they pulled onto a busy roundabout that led to the outskirts of town. Candy instantly thought of Daniel, but she could hardly explain she already had a boyfriend, sort of, even to her best friend. It forced her to consider the possibility though. What would happen if she met someone? She imagined Daniel would understand and want her to be happy, but surely it would be the end of their relationship. It was incredibly unlikely that most men would be okay with their partner sleeping with another person, let alone their own son. She realized that she’d been thinking for too long as Pamela glanced over at her in between driving, still waiting for an answer.

“I don’t know, maybe?” she replied weakly, uncertain of what to say.

“Well, some of the most influential and wealthy men in the area will be there tonight. If I was single, I’d be out trawling for a handsome, rich sugar daddy to take care of me!”

“You’re awful Pamela,” Candy replied, “but who knows, maybe I’ll meet my Prince Charming tonight.”

“That’s the way girl, get yourself out there! A stunner like you shouldn’t be wasted!”

They continued their journey making excited small talk about the awards ceremony and the buildings Candy had visited that could be potential sites for her shop until they pulled into the long driveway of the Solar Regent Hotel. They were part of a long queue of expensive cars and as they pulled up to the front of the venue an impeccably dressed pair of parking attendants walked over to open the cars doors and helped the ladies out, offering them a hand as they stepped out of the car and onto an unfurled red carpet leading to the entrance to the hotel. One of the attendants took the keys from Pamela with the vehicle being quickly whisked away to be safely parked. The two women walked down the carpet and up the steps and gave their names to the security guard stationed at the door before being allowed access inside. A pretty young girl who can’t have been long out of school led them into the grand ballroom and directed them to their table where there were already a couple of people sitting and enjoying a drink.

The young woman at the table was stunning, with a shock of short red hair, a kind, warm face and a body that could only be described as perfection, slim, yet curvy in all the right places in a beautiful green dress that accentuated all her best features. Sat beside her was an older gentleman who must have been in his late 40’s or early 50’s with short silver gray hair, thin wire framed glasses and an immaculately shaven short beard. His suit looked tailored and expensive and Candy initially wondered if they were a couple, but as the strangers stood up to greet them, the dashing older man clarified the situation.

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