No One Will Believe This


No One Will Believe This[ For…..I’m not really just who to dedicate this to, to be honest. Certain parts of it are ‘real’ (or have realistic antecedents), and certain parts are not. But, when it comes right down to it…who cares? Right? So, just enjoy the story as a story and leave it at that. So, enjoy! ]1976. Summer. Los Angeles, CA. No one is going to believe this, I know. But, believe it, or not, I had one of the most unusual experiences of my life (then, or now) while I was living, or trying to live, in Los Angeles, CA; and trying (without success, I must ad) to get into the porn business as a porn actor. How many young men have tried to do that? Probably thousands; each thinking they are going to be the latest, and greatest, porn star—someone like, say, the illustrious Peter North (aka Matt Ramsey, etc. etc.) I’ll say right here at the start that I didn’t make it. In fact, the entire attempt was basically a total and complete failure…except for the one experience I’m going to relate now…..I heard someone saying: “Hey! Hey, you!”I looked up and there was this super fancy white limo, with darkened windows pulling up along the street where I’d been walking, and the driver had rolled down the passenger side front window and was leaning over in order to make eye contact with me. He was smiling.”Ya wanna make a hundred bucks?” He asked, still smiling behind his dark sunglasses.”A hundred bucks? How?” I replied. I was totally financially broke at that point, and the idea of even twenty bucks sounded great, but a hundred? That would be hugely helpful to me in my plight!”Easy,” he said, still smiling from behind his sunglasses. “Hop in the back and you’ll find out.”At the same moment the rear passenger side door popped open, and I could see that there was someone seated in the back, but I couldn’t make out who it was. I hesitated for a second.”Hurry up,” the driver said. “Get in. There’s nothing to worry about. No one’s gonna hurt you. I promise. Come on!”Then, suddenly, on impulse, and even against my better judgement, I reached out, opened the door further, and climbed and shut the door behind me as I did. At the same moment (all this took place faster than it’s taking to write it out here), as I settled Küçükköy Escort back in the plushly upolstered seat, and as the limo sped off out into the traffic flow, I suddenly realized that I was staring into the face of none other than the famous, and infamous, Larry Flynt; the controversial publisher of Hustler Magazine!”Hello there!” He said, beaming a big, friendly grin across his face.”Hello,” I replied, not sure exactly what else to say.”It’s so nice of to join me,” Larry said. And then, without hesitation, he reached out and handed me a paper envelop. I took it. Then, opening it, I saw five twenty dollar bills; new, crisp ones, not the dog-eared sort you usually see. As I counted the money, Larry said: “So, your probably wondering what your going to have to do to ‘earn’ that money. After all,” he said smirking, “nothing’s really ever, truly free. Right? There’s always a cost that someone has to pay.”I waited for his answer.”I sometimes get rather bored,” he said. “So, sometimes I go out and look for something exciting. Today’s adventure is an easy one, in some ways, and for a good looking young guy like you, I suspect it will be very easy.”He paused, and I waited in silence as the limo continued to move through the traffic.”So, here’s the deal. Here’s what you have to do to earn that envelope of cash. Okay? I want you to set right where you are and masturbate. Also, I don’t want you to just masturbate, I want you to ejaculate, as well. Do that, and the money’s all yours. Simple as that.” He smiled once again as he finished saying that. He added: “And don’t worry! I’m not going to try and touch you, or anything of the sort. You set there, and I’ll set here, and that’s that really. How about it? Feeling adventurous?”So, yes, you probably guessed it, I took the cash, and I jerked off in front of him!It was a strange situation in some ways. First off, I’d never jerked off in front of another guy before; and I’d never done that while riding around in a fancy limo, while none other than the famous Larry Flint watched!So, I can hear someone ask: Was it fun? Yes, it was fun, even while it still definitely felt a bit ‘surreal’, to put it mildly, at the same time!Did Larry seem to enjoy Escort Küçükköy just watching? He certainly seemed to! I mean, the whole time we sat there, facing one another as I stoked my cock, he wore this sly smirking sort of smile. And no, he never once tried to reach over and touch me in any way (which is what I thought he might try and do). He remained true to his word on that.What also seemed strange at first, and what took me a while to adjust to, was overcoming the feeling that everyone around us, in the other cars, might be able to see us (that is, see ME doing what I was doing)—but they couldn’t. As I unzipped my jeans, and then worked them, and my undershorts, down around my ankles (which in the limo, as roomy as it was, was a little awkward), and then as I started stroking my cock (which was at that point nearly fully erect), neither Larry, nor I, really said anything; except, at one point, as I was starting to relax more and get into the mood of the situation more fully, Larry said, in a quiet voice: “Nice cock!” Emphasizing the word ‘nice’, which I found particularly exciting and flattering.I’m not really sure just long how we rode around. Maybe, at most, half an hour. Approximately. I wasn’t keeping track of time! But eventually, after finally relaxing fully, I was enjoying the whole curiously strange situation very much; and I remember when I started to realize that I was getting pretty close to ejaculating. I wasn’t sure just how long he might be expecting me to ‘last’ before coming, but I mentioned that if I went on as I was, that I was going to come pretty soon.”Mmmm,” Larry said, his eyes focused mainly on my hand as it stroked up and down along the length of my erection, “Well, whenever you want to, please do so.” And he smiled at that point.By then I was more than ready to come, and I no longer felt the initial strangeness I had at the beginning. So, I just sat back, letting Larry take in the sights, as I began to more hurriedly stroke my cock; definitely eager to ejaculate my load of cum.”Where do you want me to come?”I hurriedly asked Larry. I wasn’t sure if I should shoot it on the fancy leather seat, or the plush-carpeted floor.”Anywhere you like,” was his simple Küçükköy Escort Bayan reply.By then, it was moments away from an orgasm, and I stayed reclined back, stroking my cock more urgently now than ever…and then, suddenly, I felt the up-rushing pleasure of the orgasm start; and there was now no turning back at that point; and I began gasping out loud, while still stroking my cock, as the first spurt of my sperm blasted upwards into the air and falling back under gravity’s beckoning force; followed by a second, a third, a forth, and eventually, six strong jets of cum.”Oh–FUCK!!” I kept saying, like a broken record, again, and again, until the orgasm was at an end at last.During all that, Larry sat there smiling that cat-that-got-the-canary sort of expression; obviously pleased with the ‘out come’ of his adventurous excursion that day; and, hopefully, he thought it worth the hundred bucks he’d given me earlier.I sat up and saw that I’d not only gotten sperm on me, but it had also flowed down the leather seat covering, as well as on down to the dark, brick red of the carpeting. “Don’t worry,” he said, as if anticipating my thoughts about cleaning up my mess, “I have people who will take care of that.”He handed me a roll of toilet paper, that he had gotten out of a side compartment in the door next to him. “Here, use this,” he said, indicating that I could use that to wipe up the sperm I’d gotten on my thigh; and that’s what I did, and then I pulled up my undershorts and jeans, and as I fastened my belt, Larry asked me where I would like to be let out. I mentioned a street address. He called the drive by means of an intercom, and gave the directions.As we continued on, Larry began chatting about different topics. The topic of me masturbating in front of him had no mention. That is, until we stopped near the address I’d mentioned, and then he said, smiling broadly: “Thank you again for a very interesting, and enjoyable time, this afternoon!”I thanked him for the money.”Don’t mention it,” he said. “Besides, you certainly earned it!””Thanks,” I replied to what seemed a compliment. It was. Then I got out of the limo. As I shut the door, Larry smiled once again at me.”Take care,” he said.Then the door closed and the limo drove off into the traffic once again. I gave a brief wave, but I couldn’t sure he saw me; and then I went to the apartment I was sharing with a friend; thinking, as I did, that there was no way anyone would ever believe what I’d just done, let alone with who!The End

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