Diana’s Tales: Cruising Pt. 03


It was long past midnight when Javier, Chan, and Nigel finally left my room after our evening of debauchery. They thanked me profusely as they left, which I found odd since it amounted to thanking me for being a slut, but their hearts were in the right place. As they left, however, my newlywed neighbors were returning to their room at the same time. They saw three young men leaving my room and caught a glimpse of me naked, and they could draw only one logical conclusion. Nigel quickly closed the door behind him, although I wondered what kind of side eye I would draw from them the next time we crossed paths.Nevertheless, I was exhausted from the night’s extra-curricular activities, and I crashed and slept like a baby the whole night. In the morning, Felix paid me another visit, and I eagerly accepted another fuck session with him. Luckily, I had taken a shower right before bed, so I had washed the cum and the stench of sex from my body before Felix mounted me and left my pussy dripping with another load of cum.After Felix left, I quickly freshened up and headed out to seek new adventures. I realized that the cruise was quickly ending, and I wanted to make the most of the time I had left.As I emerged from my quarters and stepped out onto the deck, the beautiful views of Cozumel filled my sight. White sand beaches with crystal blue waters awaited just down the shoreline. Off in the distance, mountains filled the skyline. I took in a deep breath of the salty air, the ocean breeze refreshingly cool against the warm sun, and I reveled in the picture-perfect environment.I had considered taking an excursion to one of the Aztec ruins, but after yesterday’s fuckfest with Javier, Chan, and Nigel, I decided that a more laid-back activity was in order. A vacation should be relaxing, after all, so I made arrangements with the cruise concierge to rent myself a cabana at a private beach nearby, thinking I could work on my tan a bit, but otherwise relax in the shade and sip on mimosas and tequilas as I tried to finally finish reading my book. I did note to myself that I had established a clear trend whereby every time I read more than a few pages, I ended up having sex very shortly after. I couldn’t discern how much of this was due to my own arousal while reading the sex scenes in the book and how much was coincidence.An hour later, I was following the concierge at a private resort right on the beach.“Senora, if you please,” the concierge said as he pulled aside the curtain on a cabana. “We are a private resort, and this is a private beach. This is your private cabana right here on the beach with a beautiful view of the water, and you are welcome to enjoy it for the entire day. There are coolers for food and drinks.The beach, as I said, is private, so you will not be surrounded by throngs of people like on the public beaches. We have other guests, of course, but it is a much nicer experience. And, if you need a little more privacy, to change clothes, to nap, or just to hide from the sun, whatever the reason, you can pull this curtain across, and completely open up or close off your cabana space as needed. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call. You have the app installed on your phone. You can contact us through there, and we will be here in a moment’s notice to serve your needs. Please, enjoy, and welcome to Cozumel.”“Thank you,” I said as I handed him a tip. “It’s been an eventful week. I’m looking forward to a relaxing day on the beach here.I settled down into a lounge chair that leaned back almost flat, and soon I was transported to the lusty deeds of my romance novel. I could easily relate to the book’s general sentiment. The protagonist was an American visiting the Dominican Republic on holiday. She was recently divorced and looking for a spark, the toll of her bitter separation weighing heavily on her. While on holiday, she ended up in a steamy love triangle.The sex scenes in the book were explicit (a real “bodice ripper” as my husband would jokingly refer to my trashy romance novels), and I found myself feeling aroused as I read page after page. I imagined myself back in the waters with Miguel in Puerto Rico. I had surreptitiously brought him to orgasm in the water as other beachgoers frolicked around us, but I regretted not being able to climax myself at the moment.As I leaned back in the chair, my fingers slipped inside the waistband of my bikini bottom. The sound of the waves softly and hypnotically splashing against the shore lulled me into a trance.“Excuse me, Senora, is everything alright?” a young man with a Spanish accent said.I sat up and locked eyes with a young Mexican man. He looked apologetic, but his gaze was transfixed on me.“Senora, Konyaaltı Escort I am sorry, I thought, I heard noises, I thought maybe you are in pain, I didn’t know, I -. “ His voice trailed off, his words failing him, but he didn’t turn away. His eyes kept scanning up and down my body, and I admit, I must have made for quite a sight, with my bikini bottom pulled down, legs splayed, and my hand furiously rubbing away on my mound.I remembered how Felix had walked in on me that first morning on the cruise. I had reacted badly, incorrectly assuming he was an intruder, and the lessons from that episode were still fresh in my mind. I had acted like a jerk, and I was determined not to be a “Karen” about it this time around. Besides, that first awkward encounter with Felix had worked out to my advantage. I was just as horny this time again, and I couldn’t help but wonder if I could strike gold twice.“Hold on,” I said, holding my hand in the air. “You were just doing your job. There’s no need to apologize.” I was naked in front of this young stranger. Although it wasn’t planned, it wasn’t entirely unwelcome, either. The excitement stirred my juices, and my other hand began to finger myself again right in front of him. His eyes darted down as he realized I had resumed openly masturbating myself.“I am all alone here. It might be nice to have some company,” I hinted strongly.“I-I cannot fraternize with the guests. It’s against my job code, company policy. I-I could get in trouble.” He stuttered in nervousness, but the gaze of his eyes and his dispassionate tone as he recited the company line told a different story. He liked what he saw, and he wanted to stay, but he just didn’t want to get in trouble over it.“You don’t have to do anything,” I assured him. “We’re just two people talking, right?” I pointed out as I let a finger slip inside me.“I guess – maybe that is alright,” he conceded as his eyes continued to take in my body.“What is your name?” I asked him.“Jorge.”“Do you like older women, Jorge?”I undid my bikini top and let it drop to the floor.“Si, senorita,” Jorge answered after a long pause.I pulled the finger out of my pussy, raised it to my lips, and seductively licked off my juices.“I don’t want you to get in trouble, but it’s such a bore just playing all by myself. If I’m going to put on a show, it’s always nice to have someone to watch who appreciates my efforts.”“I am appreciating it,” Jorge confirmed, his eyes nearly bulging out of their sockets.I laughed as I spread my legs wider, and then inserted two fingers into my vagina and wiggled them around as Jorge watched on in fascination.“Jorge, there you are,” a new voice proclaimed as he spotted Jorge before catching a glimpse of me spread out naked and furiously rubbing away. “Whoa, mamacita!” the new visitor exclaimed.I was so turned on by this point, I didn’t even make any attempt to hide or apologize for my lewd behavior. In for a penny, in for a pound, or so they say. I leaned back, laying almost flat on the chair as my fingers pumped in my pussy while my thumb rubbed my clit for a few seconds, letting my new visitor have a good look at my shaved pussy.The new visitor was another young Mexican dressed in the same resort worker uniform as Jorge.“I hope you don’t mind, but I seem to have preoccupied Jorge’s attention,” I called out to my new voyeur. “You can stay, also if you like.”“Oh man, is this for real?” the new guy asked in stunned disbelief, his jaw dropping to the floor.“I think so,” Jorge replied. “Either that or I’ve gone to heaven.”“It’s not heaven; it’s Cozumel,” I laughed. I knew my conduct was completely inappropriate, but I was so turned on as I displayed myself for my young audience, that I just couldn’t help myself. By now, I was furiously rubbing away on my mound, spreading my legs ever wider so that they would have a clear view of my pussy. My other hand pinched and played with my nipples. I was staring at my young admirers, but I knew my eyes were glazing over, almost as if I was falling into a trance as I surrendered to my arousal.And then three more young men burst onto the scene.“Hey, we were looking for you guys, let’s go grab some lunch before – hey yo – “ one of them shouted, breaking mid-sentence as he spied what was pre-occupying his compadres. The five guys now taking in my masturbation session were almost clones of each other. Around twenty years old, about 5’7, slender build, and Mexican heritage. I couldn’t help but wonder if there was an assembly line just manufacturing handsome young Mexican men right behind my cabana given the way they seemed to magically appear every few seconds.They started talking amongst themselves in Spanish. Luckily, I Escort Konyaaltı spoke conversational Spanish, which came in handy when I used to be a college guidance counselor, although I can only assume they didn’t think I could understand their conversation.“Ella sabe que estamos aqui, verdad?” “She knows we’re here, right?”“A ella le gusta que la miren.” “She likes to be watched.”“Y nos gusta mirar.” “And we like watching.”“Yo, podriamos meternos en problemas.” “Yo, we could get in trouble.”“No estamos hacienda nada. Estamos parados aqui.” “We’re not doing anything. We’re just standing here.”“Es su cabana privada.” “It’s her private cabana.”“Oh Jesus,” I cried out as I became consumed by my arousal. I looked around the room, individually sharing a gaze with each of them as I scanned the room.“Ella es una mujer mayor.” “She’s an older woman,” one of them commented, still in Spanish.“Eso es un poco sexy.” “That’s kind of sexy.”“Un poco? Jesus, mataria por follarme ese cono.” “Kind of? Jesus, I’d kill to fuck that pussy.”“Esta borracha?” “Is she drunk?”“Puedo entenderte.” “I can understand you,” I said aloud in clear Spanish between heavy breaths. “You can direct those questions to me if you’re really that curious.”They were all taken aback, clearly jarred by the realization that I understood the entire conversation.“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean – this is all a strange situation, and I don’t know how to act,” Jorge replied in English.“It’s alright, I’m – Oh God.” I was falling into delirium, quickly hurtling past the point of no return. My finger probed my vagina, my nails scraping along inside me, hitting every aroused nerve as I writhed on the chair, coaxing every ounce of pleasure from my body.I cried out in pleasure, probably louder than I intended. There was no one in sight outside my cabana, but I had no idea if there was anyone within earshot of the sides that were curtained off.I was approaching my climax, and I curled up into a fetal position, although I kept my hands on my pussy, my legs squeezing against my hand still probing my pussy. I grunted, half in frustration that I hadn’t climaxed yet, half in pleasure from edging so hard.“Is she okay?” one of my voyeurs asked, now speaking in English since they knew I understood their conversation, anyway.“It almost sounds painful,” another one added.“Fuck, that’s hot. I’ve never seen a woman masturbate before,” Jorge chimed in.I was almost hyperventilating, my breath short and heavy, as my body writhed and I let out a primal scream, the orgasm pouring out of my body as my voyeurs covered their ears from my piercing screams.“What is going on here?” An older stout Mexican woman asked in a stern voice as she suddenly appeared, standing behind my cadre of young admirers. She looked at them and then looked down at me with disdain.“What is the meaning of all this?” she demanded to know. She was dressed in a uniform similar to all the young men, although hers had extra adornments clearly meant to indicate she was of a higher rank.My onlookers were all frozen, unable to speak, clearly fearful for their jobs after getting busted for inappropriate behavior. I quickly switched gears, however, and tried for a Hail Mary to salvage their jobs and save them from any punishment, and maybe also to save myself from the public embarrassment. I pulled my hand back from my pussy but continued to writhe on the chair and moan and groan loudly. They say it’s a thin line between pleasure and pain, and I tried to blur those lines and use it to my advantage.“I was – trying to change – then I don’t know – something – my back, the pain just shot up my spine – “.I spoke haltingly in tense bursts between deep breaths. Truth be told, I was pulling this farce as much to save myself as to save them. I figured maybe if she actually bought off on my act, it could save me some embarrassment. Worst case, maybe I get kicked out of the resort.The lady’s facial expression immediately softened. “Oh my God, you poor woman, please, you need help.”“It’s okay, I think it’s finally getting better,” I replied. “They heard me in pain, but they saw me in a state of undress, and I think they were unsure, not wanting to do anything inappropriate when I was unclothed.”“Do you need us to call medical attention?” the lady persisted.“I don’t think so. I think a muscle was just knotted up, but I think it is finally receding.” I feigned another painful muscle spasm as I let out another series of painful grunts and moans. I couldn’t help but wonder if maybe I was playing it too over the top, although the lady’s sympathetic look told me I was hitting all the right notes.“Oh, you poor thing, let’s get you covered up,” she said as she grabbed Konyaaltı Escort Bayan a towel and wrapped it around me. “Why didn’t you guys think of that?” she admonished all the young men. “She is a lady. You need to preserve her dignity.”She looked down at the wet spot in the chair fabric after I adjusted my position.I saw her staring, and I apologized, “I’m sorry. I was in so much pain, I think I must’ve temporarily lost control of my faculties and maybe peed a little. I can pay for any damages,” I insisted.“Nonsense. Are you sure we don’t need to call a doctor?”“No, this is all quite embarrassing enough as it is. I will be fine. My pride is hurt more than anything else,” as I pretended to struggle to sit up and gather up my clothes. “I think the muscle spasm is passed. I know how this may have appeared, but I assure you, your employees were nothing but respectful and exemplary.” Which was true enough. I wasn’t about to vouch for my own behavior, but the less said about that, the better.“Are you sure you do not want medical attention?”“No, I must insist,” I replied. “This is all quite embarrassing enough as it is. I could just die. I’d appreciate it if maybe we could just not make mention of it and pretend as if it never even happened.“Yes, senora. Of course, we value your privacy, and we pride ourselves on our discretion. Please, rest assured that no one will speak of what happened here outside of this cabana.”“Thank you. It is most appreciated,” I said as I sighed heavily, thinking how easily things could have turned out disastrously.“Please, just take it easy and relax here. Jorge, get our lovely guest some water, please. The rest of you, get back to work.”When the lady’s head was turned away, I gave them a knowing wink, and they smiled back and threw me a small appreciative wave as they quickly scattered to the wind.******I awoke refreshed but saddened to know it was my last day on the cruise. Felix visited me one last time that morning, and I gave him a special blow job as a goodbye present of sorts. I savored the taste of his cum on my tongue. I stuck my tongue out at Felix as he left my room for the last time so he could see the large glob of cum he left in my mouth.“It’s something to remember me by,” he smiled as he waved goodbye while I swallowed his load clean.I knew I was unlikely to ever see anyone from the cruise ever again, so I figured, what the hell. I put on a light sundress, but I wore nothing else except for some sandals. The dress wasn’t really sized correctly, so it afforded easy views down my top.As I exited my room, the newlywed groom next door was leaving at the same time.“Good morning,” he said. “My name is Will. I don’t think we’ve formally been introduced.”“Will. Pleased to meet you,” I said as we shook hands. “I’m Diana.”“Are you on the cruise alone?” he asked.“I am, although I’ve managed to make some friends as I think you and your wife have noticed.”“I had noticed. There were three of them the other day,” he added cautiously.“Mmm – that was fun,” I replied devilishly.“How – if you don’t mind my asking – how does that even work?”“Oh, poor child, I’d love to show you, but I don’t think your wife would approve,” I said with a wink as I left him standing there speechless.It was breezy on the main deck as we cruised through the open water, and the hem of my short sun dress seemed to be constantly getting caught in the wind, flashing clear views of my pussy and ass to everyone around.I saw the stares from the guys, and more than a few girlfriends and wives openly admonished their significant others for leering at me a little too blatantly.I ran across my friends Chan, Nigel, and Javier while getting lunch, and I spent one last afternoon with them again as they all took turns on me. We returned to my room, and they kept me satisfied for hours on end. They all took turns on me, double-teaming me half the time, and using my body as they pleased. By the time they were done, I had drained them all, and they were all determined to return to college and stop chasing the girls on campus and find themselves an older woman who needed extra attention. On some level, I felt as if I had unwittingly performed a noble civic duty on behalf of all mature women. I was certain some older women in their college town would reap the benefits from their experience with me.I showered after they left, and then I headed to dinner. The last dinner aboard the cruise was intended to be a formal celebration. Everyone was encouraged to dress up for a nice dinner, so I wore a slinky black dress that accentuated my curves and paired it with black nylons and high heels that showed off my toned calves. As opposed to my more obviously revealing outfits from the rest of the cruise, this one was still sleek and sexy, but the hem was only a few inches above my knees, and it exhibited my more classy and elegant side. Adorned with a nice string of white pearls around my neck, I almost felt like the respectable lady that most people assumed me to be.

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