A Day in the Life


It was another typical day, nothing extraordinary had happened and Jack didn’t expect it to. His life was routine and though sometimes it was monotonous, he enjoyed it. He walked into the usual meeting place, the newly built sports bar entitled Harry’s. It sat right across the street from where he usually worked out so it was a convenient spot.

“Hey Jack, how’s it going?”

“It’s going, Joe. Let me get the usual.” Jack sat down and turned to his friend. Usually Alex would greet him but this time his friend seemed to engrossed with something or rather someone on the dance floor to bother with the normal hello. Jack turned to see what had gotten his attention this time. No doubt it was another young hottie that Alex would later try to pick up. This would be typical Alex. Jack turned and looked around. On the dance floor he saw two girls dancing seductively together. The blond bumped her hips against her friend who followed suit. Soon they were grinding into each other in a rather suggestive and lewd manner. Jack rolled his eyes and smacked his friend on the shoulder.

“Earth to Alex. You said there was something important and major I needed to see, don’t tell me it was this.” Alex blinked a few times and turned and looked at him with a blank look on his face.

“What?” He frowned then blinked. “Oh, yeah. No, this isn’t it. This was unexpected but definitely not unwanted,” Alex murmured as he gave one last fleeting glance to the two gyrating girls.

“Let’s go.”

Jack inhaled a large breath of clean air. It felt good as opposed to the smoky confines of the bar. When he was younger that was the norm but now he was past that. He was settled.

They got into his car since Alex had his car at the auto shop. It amused him that his 34 year old friend would want to get sky lights, not to mention a 2,400 dollar kit added to his already nice Acura. Of course he had had some work done to his car too but they were minimal.

Jack drove for about 45 minutes before Alex sat up and declared that they were there, where ever there was. Jack looked at his friend. This was probably another wild idea that Alex had cooked up in his head but Jack always humored him.

Alex was fair haired and fair skinned while he was dark haired and olive skinned, his Italian background taking shape in his stature and facial features. Jack met him at the gym where they both worked out. They had done a few presses together and Alex struck up a conversation. From then on they talked and became friends. In the six months Jack had known him; Alex had dated 17 different women and took him on 2 wild goose chases, one all the way to Vegas. This was his third attempt at getting what Alex had deemed, “His Girl”. Whatever he was looking for, Jack only hoped he would find it this time. They got out. Jack surveyed the tall brown stucco buildings and realized that they were at Long Beach State. Jack chuckled softly.

“Hey Alex, is she even legal?” He asked on a small laugh.

“Yeah, go ahead, laugh now but when you see her, man your just going to blow.” Jack chuckled but followed Alex as he went down the hall of the art department. He stopped at a room and silently opened the door. They slipped inside and shut the door.

It was a normal art class complete with semi nude model. Jack looked at her. She was classically beautiful with fair skin and big eyes. Her blond hair was unbound and left to fall in a mussed mass down her naked back. She was sitting with her legs folded at her side holding a red satin scarf which barely held her modesty intact. If this was the girl, Jack was disappointed. Alex usually went for something alluring and exotic. Like the red head from Oregon. She was sexy as hell but Jack would never admit that, not to Alex.

“This is it?” He asked his friend.

“What do mean, “This is it”? Don’t you think she’s sexy as hell?” Jack turned to the model, nope nothing special there.

“God, looked at her. I would love to peel that prim dress off of her with my teeth and see what’s underneath it,” Alex whispered. Jack frowned. Black dress? The model wasn’t dressed. He turned then his eyes lit on her. There she was sitting serenely unaware that she was being watched. Her face was half hidden by her hair that fell in a tumbled black waterfall of curls. He continued to look at her, wanting to see her face. Then, as if she heard him she looked up and Jack blinked. She was extremely young looking but there was just something about her that even her prim dress couldn’t hide. Her face was small. Her pert nose was bridged by a pair of black glasses that hid most of her eyes. His eyes hit her lips and now he knew why Alex had picked her. Her lips were pouty and full and painted bright red. So Miss Innocent wasn’t really innocent. My what those lips could do, Jack thought. Then he frowned and gave a small derisive smile. This was Alex’s girl. He tore his eyes away and stared instead at the blond model. He concentrated on the model’s almost bare form bursa escort until he heard the soft ding that signaled the end of the period. Quietly everyone began to put away their supplies and leave. A few stayed and spoke with the model while others lingered talking to their peers. Miss Black Dress neatly packed her things and picked up her portfolio and headed for the door.

“Any suggestions on what to say?” Alex asked. Jack shrugged.

“It’s your girl.”

“Damn,” muttered Alex. As she drew closer she smiled and started to walk faster. Jack looked up in surprise, she was staring straight at him. He stood up taller and was about to say hi when someone bumped passed him and walked straight into her open embrace. He kissed her on the cheek and whispered something in her ear with made her laugh. Together they left the room. Jack couldn’t help but laugh at the current situation.

“What’s so damn funny?” Alex growled.

“You, me, this whole thing. Why didn’t you say something?” Alex started back to the car.

“Because I knew he was going to show up and they would leave together. It happens every time she’s here.” Jack frowned.

“So, why do you even bother?” Alex looked at him with an incredulous expression. “Are you blind! Did you not see how hot she looked?”

“She’s alright,” Jack lied. Of course he thought she was hot and yes he wanted to fuck her but he wasn’t going to mention that right now. Alex muttered something and got into the car. Jack laugh as he started the engine, typical Alex. They drove to the end of the lot and onto the street when he spotted her. She was rushing from the car that she had gotten in earlier. She slammed the door and began to walk away. The guy rushed out and grabbed her arm. She yelped and dropped her portfolio. She then brought her free arm back and smashed the heel of her hand into his nose. He quickly let go and she grabbed her things and hurried down the street. The guy grabbed his nose and continued to curse. Then he spat onto the ground and got into his car. Jack watched as he sped off and wondered if Alex would want to stop her. At the sound of the car door slamming, Jack turned in time to see Alex walk across the street. In curiosity Jack followed.

“Hey, excuse me! Hey!” Yup, Jack thought, Alex was smooth. Alex caught up to her and grabbed her arm. She tried to yank free but he spun her around. He grabbed her by both shoulders and looked at her.

“Hey, stop. Look, I just wanted to ask if you were having problems. I saw what happened.” She looked down as his hands on her and arched an eyebrow. He quickly let go.

“Sorry. Are you okay?” He asked softly.

“I’m fine,” she said stiffly. “If you’ll excuse me, I have to go now.” She turned and walked away, Alex dogged her steps.

“Maybe we can give you a ride somewhere.” She stopped.

“We..?” She trailed off as she saw Jack. She took a defensive step back.

“Look, just leave me alone, okay. I’m fine.” She eyed them nervously and turned to look down the deserted street. Jack frowned. Alex had fucked this all up.

“We just want to help you, that’s all. My friend here, Alex, he likes you and I don’t mean in the creepy scary sense, I mean he wants to date you. He thinks, now let me see if I get this straight, he thinks your a “hottie” and he would love to peel that prim black dress off of you with his teeth.” She blinked startled then she laughed. And laughed and laughed. Alex growled and elbowed Jack in the stomach.

“Thanks Jack,” He said disgusted. He turned and started for the car. Jack followed took one last look at the girls laughing form and followed his friend. The laughter echoed softly, following them down the street.

“Real smooth, Jack.”

“Hey, it was better than you scaring the shit out of her.”

“Yeah, but that was better than the truth.” Jack slapped him on the back.

“Oh, come on. It wasn’t that bad.”

“Nope, it was worse.” As they opened their doors the girl rounded the corner. As she saw them she shouted, “Wait, wait.” Alex turned to Jack and grinned. She stopped in front of them, breathing unevenly.

“Can you guys just drop me off?” She queried.

“Yeah, we can do that.” She smiled and bit back a laugh as she looked at Alex.

“Thanks.” They piled into the car and Jack listened as she gave him directions. She lived a good half and hour away, not far from where he lived in Lakewood.

“Sorry about before. You guys didn’t need to see that.” She turned to Alex, “Sorry about laughing, it just caught me off guard. But thanks for it. I needed it then.”

“No problem. Next time I’ll make sure I leave Jack at home,” Alex joked. She laughed softly.

“So where you guys from?”

“Jack lives in Lakewood and I live in Lowetown.” She nodded and listened as Alex rattled on. Jack tried to concentrate on his driving but her scent was getting to him. She smelled faintly of lotion and soap but her natural tangy scent permeated the interior of the car. bursa escort bayan It was driving him mad. He breathed deep and wondered if she smelled like that everywhere. The thought sent a bevy of XXX rated images through his mind and he felt his cock stir. He gripped the wheel tighter and focused on the road. Just when he felt he couldn’t take it any more, they arrived. Alex showed her to her door and they stood on the step and spoke softly for a few minutes. She looked over his shoulder and stared at Jack then back to Alex. She gave a smile then a slight nod as she went inside. Alex turned and all but sprinted down the walkway.

“Jack, come on. She invited me in.”

“Yeah, you, not me.”

“No, I invited you and she said okay. She has a roommate so come on.” Jack thought about it for a split second. Ah, what the hell, he was only a man.

Her house was spacious and feminine, her walls a mixture of impressionist and cubist paintings done in a variety of assorted colors. They sat down on her cream colored couch as she went to get them something to drink.

“Pretty nice place for a college student.” Alex said looking around. Jack agreed. She returned with a scotch and a bottle of Shiraz. Alex took the scotch and she questioningly held up the bottle for Jack’s appraisal. He nodded. She poured two flutes and settled down. In the dim interior of the house she looked absolutely gorgeous. She had taken off her glasses and now that her eyes could be clearly seen, he noticed that they were dark and almond shaped. And sexy as hell.

“Sorry Elaina’s not here. She would have love you guys.”

“What about you, do you love us?” Alex asked. She laughed then and sipped her wine.

“I can’t decide yet. Do you guys come in a packaged deal?” Jack almost choked on his wine. He only hoped that she didn’t mean that as it sounded. He had to say something before this got too far.

“How old are you,” he asked. She turned surprised eyes on him, then gave him a wide grin.

“Old enough to know better,” she said. At his skeptical look she gave a throaty murmur that sounded very much like a purr. “I’m legal.”

“Where exactly is your roommate?” Alex asked.

“She’s probably dancing right now.” Alex’s head jerked up.

“What kind of dancing?” She smiled.

“Not exotic, if that’s what you mean. She’s in Danse de la Nuit.” Jack nodded, that was a classic ballet.

“Well, since she’s not here, how about that deal? Think you can handle it?”

“I think I can “handle” just about anything, thanks.” Alex set down his scotch and crossed to where she was sitting. He took the goblet of wine out of her hand and set it down. Then he proceeded to thoroughly French kiss her. Jack sat back and watch as he drank his wine. Typical Alex. She moaned softly and tried to get up but he pushed her back down into the softness of the couch. She broke the kiss and sat back on the couch with her eyes close, her chest heaving. Alex gave her a moment and sat next to her. She opened her eyes and glanced at Jack. He couldn’t mistake the look in her eyes. She was horny and she wanted to be fucked and he wanted to do it. Slowly she licked her lips and turned to Alex. She took his hand and led his down the hall. As she passed Jack he heard her whisper, “You too.” He was already semi and thought, hell, he wasn’t really going to say no to that was he?

By the time he reached the door, Alex was already kissing her and making an attempt to unzip her dress. Jack saw him struggle and came up behind her. He pressed his semi hard on against the softness of her ass and felt her stiffen. Then she relaxed and he lowered her zipper. Alex grabbed the straps of her dress and pulled them down, trapping her arms at her side. She didn’t wear a bra and her breasts were high and petite, her nipples a dusty brown color. Alex gripped her waist and bent down to capture one of her nipples into his mouth. She gasped and arched her back sending her ass rocking against Jack’s already hard cock. Jack bumped his hips against hers as his hands grasped her long curls and piling them atop her head with both hands. He bent his head and softly kissed the back of her neck. She uttered a soft sound, half moan, half whimper and it drove Jack crazy. He trailed kisses up the back of her neck and onto the side. When he found where her neck curved into her shoulder he gently began sucking.

“Oh,” She whimpered out. She tried to break free but Alex yanked her straps down lower, tearing one of the fragile pieces of cloth. He continued to pull down her dress, following the exposed skin with his mouth until it ended at the junction between her thighs. She was wearing nothing but a small shear white thong.

“God, you smell so good,” he whispered as he buried his face between her groin, his hands coming around to grab her ass cheeks. She gasped and arched her hips into his caress. He looked up at her and smiled.

“I’ll leave that for Jack. He’s the one with the wicked tongue.” She turned slightly escort bursa and met Jack’s gaze. He came around her and helped her out of her torn dress. She embraced him then, kissing him fully on the mouth. He tasted her completely, his tongue tracking every inch of her mouth. His hand came up and cupped one petite breast. She gasped and pressed herself tighter against him. His free hand roamed down her body, touching as much skin as he could. He skimmed down to the side of her thong. He fingered the fragile material and slid his hand along the front to where it covered her hot pussy. He then slipped his hand into the thong and rubbed his middle finger against her wet slit. She threw back her head and arched into his finger. He wouldn’t be that easily swayed and pulled back his hand so that he barely touched her.

“Please,” she gasped. He chuckled and slid a finger deep into her creaming valley. She gripped his shoulders and raised her leg as she grounded her wet cunt on his finger.

“You like that?” Jack asked. He pulled his finger out and brought it to her mouth. Eagerly she sucked on it.

“Jeez,” Jack groaned. He pushed her head down and she willingly went down on her knees. She ripped open his pant and pulled his hard dick out. Grabbing the base she proceeded to put the whole of his cock into her mouth. Jack jerked, unprepared for her thorough sucking. She swirled her tongue around on the head of his cock and his hand grasped her hair as he sighed in pleasure. Slowly she started to devour his rock hard dick in slow smooth movements, her other hand working his balls. She pulled out then ran a trail down the underside of his shaft with her tongue.

“Damn, you’re good,” Jack gasped out. She placed him back into her mouth and began to deep throat him, taking him all in with every bob of her head. Jack pulled back.

“Enough,” he said as he began to fully undress.

“Great, my turn.” Jack looked up at Alex and noticed he was already undressed and stroking himself with one hand. He took her by her arm with his free hand and pulled her to the bed. He stood beside the bed and she went down on all fours at the beds edge and proceeded to suck Alex’s cock dry. Jack, now fully undressed came up behind her and parted her thighs. He pressed his face into her wet crotch from behind. His tongue darted out and slid the entire length of her wetness, soaking her already wet thong. She jerked and bucked as he pulled the thin material to the side and began to eat her out. His tongue followed the entire length of her crotch and up to where it met her asshole. She moaned something around Alex’s cock and tried to shy away. Enthused Jack grabbed the barely there thong and ripped it off her. He then held her hips and licked her thoroughly, his tongue lapping over her engorged outer lips. He ran his tongue back up to her tiny brown hole and worked it around and around, giving her a thorough rim job. His tongue went back down and he thrust it fully into her. She gave a muffled whimper of pleasure and bobbed her head faster.

“God, whatever the hell you’re doing, keep it up cuz I’m definitely reaping some benefits,” Alex gasped out as he held her head and began to steadily fuck her open mouth. Jack laid down on this back and pulled her honeyed lips down onto his mouth. His tongue worked faster, stirred by his friend’s words and his own building desire. He parted her pussy lips with his thumbs and worked his tongue onto her clit as he inserted two fingered. She gave a gargled shout and instantly came all over his fingers and mouth. He pulled his finger out and licked them then buried his tongue deep into the oozing pussy, trying to eat every last drop of her cream. He came from beneath her then, wanting to feel her tightness around his cock. He placed his hardness at the base of her wet opening and in one solid thrust slid into her welcoming slit. He grabbed her hips and began pumping, attempting to go with ebb and flow of Alex’s cock inside her mouth. Slowly they both fucked her, Alex pumping away at her mouth and Jack pounding her tight cunt. Jack felt the first contractions of her second orgasm and pumped harder. She threw her hips onto him, wanting his cock deep inside of her.

“Jeez, Alex, I think she’s going to come a second time,” Jack bit out as he slammed into her dripping pussy.

“Yeah, well, I’m about to shoot my cum down her throat and I bet she’d like that.” She answered with a groan around his cock. Jack stared at her tight asshole and groaned. How he wanted to try burying his hard dick up that tight hole. He gritted his teeth as her pussy spasmed in orgasm. He felt his pre-cum shoot in a small spurt into her and he fought his own release and held himself still.

“Hey, Alex, wanna go at her pussy. It’s tight and I bet you want to fuck it.” Alex pulled his cock out of her mouth and she gave a long whimper.

“Yeah, I do.”

“Lay back and let her ride you.” Alex laid back, his dick sticking up in the air. She moved forward and slid down onto his cock. They both gave a small sigh of pleasure as she began to gyrate her hips, her pussy moving up and down on his cock. Jack watched them and wished he had a camera. He would have loved to capture this moment.

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