A First Night Threesome


I am Naren. I am a masseur in a Bangkok hotel. I can give a massage, but rarely do my clients want massage. My job goes deeper. I have figured earlier in these chronicles in the story Jump Starting Love, Bangkok Style. I have had many interesting experiences. I will narrate one of them.

Most often my clients are middle-aged couples. Two women, and sometimes even a group of three women have needed my services, but never a single woman. One day I had call from two Indian women. So far the only Indian women I have met were couples, and even that is rare. I was surprised for Indian women do not venture out in a foreign country. But the two women who called me were full of surprises

These two did not show any trace of shyness. On the other hand there was a mischievous twinkle in their eyes. When I entered the room they greeted me warmly. They were in their early forties. Both were wheaten coloured with black hair streaked with grey. They wore elegant rimless spectacles and had the appearance of professors. I thought I was in the wrong room. When I referred to my slip one of the ladies told me that they had ordered for my services. The third surprise was that they were quite assured. Even seasoned clients from the Western world are reticent at the first encounter. But not these. They called me in and offered a seat as if I was a student and they were my examiners.

“I am Maya,” said the leaner one “and this is my friend Saras.”

“What is your educational qualification?” asked Saras. I smiled. “I suppose it is the first time a customer has asked for that?”

“Yes,” I said. “I have completed my schooling and I was doing my first year engineering diploma when I got into this.”

“How strong are you in mathematics?” asked Maya.

“Not bad.”

“You must work on your maths. That is the mother of all sciences. When you retire from this job, which I suppose would be much earlier than other jobs, go back to engineering.”

“Thank you auntie,” I said and they burst out laughing. I laughed too. It was not my intention to call her auntie but it just came.

“You are welcome to call us that,” said Maya.

“Now I will tell you about us,” said Saras. “We have known each other from our teenage years. We were college mates; we are still college mates but as professors of mathematics in a college in a big town in southern India. We are spinsters. We are not lesbians. We live in different hostels for working women. We often meet outside college hours mostly in libraries. One day we were both working on our lectures when the following conversation ensued. Maya please tell him what happened.”

“I wanted to talk about sex for some time to Saras. The conversation went somewhat on these lines.

‘Saras do you have sexual fantasies,’ I asked. She looked up in the middle of serious preparation for her lecture and answered as if it was a routine topic we discuss in libraries.

‘I do Maya, but why suddenly this question?’

‘Of late my fantasies are become more and more lurid.’

‘You have to explain.’

‘They are becoming attainable.’

‘More explanation needed.’

‘Formerly it was about celebrities like sportsmen and movie actors. Nowadays it is men whom I meet in my day to day activities.’


‘My students. That is bothering me. It is horrible. Now tell me about you.’

‘The same here,’ said Saras. “I fear that we may even be targeting the same person in our fantasies,’ she said and we laughed. We discussed the matter further and decided that we are sex starved and unless we do something about it we may proposition a student. The thought was frightening. The ensuing scandal will erzincan escort surely drive us out of the town. Both of us thought about it for a few months and did some research too. We decided that it would in our best interest to satisfy our hunger. We discussed it for some months and pitched upon Bangkok because of its liberal attitude to sex.

“Have you anything to say young man?” asked Saras.

“You have come to the right place,” I said.

“Nice to hear that,” said Saras. “We have to go about it step by step. We have a lot of catching up to do. We have no experience of men whatsoever. For example we have never seen a man in the nude. We start there.”

“That’s easy. I’ll undress and come draped in a towel and when you give the signal I’ll whisk off the towel.”


Soon I was in front of them with a white towel round my waist. For the first time they were nervous. The two were not leaning back but sat at the edge of the seat. They were moving their tongue to moisten the dryness, and their pupils were wide-open more in fear than excitement.

“Now give the signal,” I said.

Suddenly the tension eased. They laughed. They looked at each other and Maya spoke, still giggling.

“On the marks, get set, go,” she said. I whisked off the towel and threw it on the cot. They gasped. I moved closer.

“Is this the normal size,” asked Saras. “By normal I mean in the resting state?”

“It is slightly bigger.”

“Why should it be at this early stage in the proceeding?”

“When two exciting women are watching it would be most impolite if it were to be unconcerned,” I said. Both looked up.

“Exciting women?” said Maya.

“Of course you are very attractive. When young you both would have been beauties.”

“We were fairly good looking then,” said Maya, quite happy to hear herself described as a beauty, “but now?”

“Better. All the wisdom that has since accumulated within has given you a presence that is almost sensuous.” Though I was telling them what they wanted to hear I was not speaking falsehood. They were attractive.

“You are uncircumcised.”


“Can we see what is underneath that fold?”

“Certainly, please retract the skin.”

“Can we touch?”

“Of course you can.”

“Do most women touch?”

“Most women put it in their mouths.”

“We know. Fallatio it is called.”

“I think for the present you better retract that skin.” said Maya. I retracted the skin and they again gasped.

“The glans,” said Maya.

“Those who are not professors call it the rose,” I said.

“Red rose,” said Saras.

“Why don’t you both touch? It may feel slighted if you do not.” Hesitantly they approached, both at the same time. I have seen children touching snakes in parks with the same fear. They ran their fingers up and down.

“It’s warm,” said Maya

“I believe the erect one gets quite hot,” said Saras. “Now young man we want to see it erect.”

“Unfortunately getting the penis erect is not like raising an arm. For that to happen I want your help.”

“What help?”

“You both must remove your clothes.” They screamed. “Yes you must.” They looked at each other. They knew at some point they had to do it. They were bracing themselves for that move.

“I’ll die rather than expose myself to Saras,” said Maya.

“Same here,” said Saras.

“If one of you were to hide in the bathroom the other can expose and then the roles can be reversed.”

“No young man,” said Saras in her most authoritative voice, “that won’t do. We will not feel safe to be alone with you.”

“In that case erzurum escort I have a suggestion. I get the feeling that both of you do not like to be the first one to get nude. It can make it happen at the same time. You both remove your blouses and saris. If you are using knickers you can go behind the curtain and remove them and unhook the bras. At the blow of the bugle I will remove the bras, both at the same time.” The aunties appreciated the fun atmosphere of the proceedings by giggling, but they were still uncertain. I used my charm to soften them. Finally they agreed.

The blouse and saris came off but not without much giggling. They disappeared for moment behind the curtains and soon they were back in their skirts with the bras unhooked. I stood behind them and made the sound of a bugle blowing, and off came the bras and the girls were topless. Both covered their breasts instinctively with their hands, but I was stern. In the best cadet voice I ordered them to clasp their hands behind their backs. They did not obey with the alacrity expected of cadets, but they did eventually, laughing and giggling the while like teenagers. I gave a resounding wolf whistle, and with good reason for these two had magnificent breasts with just that sag one would expect from virgin breasts that yielded to gravity alone.

It was a funny sight, these two middle aged women standing with hands clasped behind their back, topless, with breasts proudly protruding, faces red with shame, but with smiles that depicted extreme amusement.

“Loosen the skirt tapes,” I ordered in military tones and the girls laughed.

“Not with hands clasped behind our backs.”

“Sorry,” I said sheepishly. “Unclasp your hands and stand to attention.” They did so. “Loosen skirt tapes.” They did that too somewhat uncertainly. “Hand back behind the neck. Ready.” They nodded. The smile was gone. Like children who had lighted the cracker fuse they we waiting for the explosion.

‘Now,” I said, and as I made the sound of beating drums I pulled down the skirts. They screamed and with both hand covered their pussies. They were more like little girls than aunties. I felt very tender towards them. I wanted to hug them. What prevented me? I got them both one on each side and hugged them. Their soft bare bodies rubbing against my bare body produced a delightful sensation. I will always recollect that moment with great pleasure. This act of mine made them more comfortable of their nakedness.

“Now I call the meeting to order,” I said. “The organ is erect for your edification.”

My organ was at its erect best. They touched it and ran their hands up and down.

“The rose is in full bloom,” said Maya as indeed it was.

“It would be honoured if you two could kiss it,” I said. They turned and looked at me and then at the cock. They bent down and kissed it both appropriately on the rose.

“Who comes first?”

“For what?”

“For four letter action, of course.” They screamed. Then suddenly they quietened down. This was serious matter. They discussed for some time. I could not say if the preference was to go first or second. I cut the discussion short. I said the choice would be decided by coin toss. I got a coin (not easy when you are naked). Maya called correctly. Most generously she asked Saras to have the first shot. Saras was shivering, but I held her by the shoulder and shepherded her to the sofa. I kissed her and spoke.

“My most precious Saras auntie I am yearning for you. I want desperately to… to… I am going to utter the four letter word. For you it may be an offensive word but not to me. It is a powerful word to describe the bursa escort most powerful action man is capable of. ‘fuck,’ that is the word, fuck. Now you say it.”

“I have never said it before.”

“Not difficult. Just one syllable. Try. It’s easy.” She hesitated and then took the plunge.

“Fuck,” she said hesitantly and softly, so softly that it was hardly audible.

“Good, but you can do better. You must suck the lower lip in and then shoot it out. That is what gives power to the word. Now.”




“Now darling I want to fuck you and I want Maya girl to come and sit by our side so that she assists. Come Maya darling sit by our side.” Maya came and sat and I fondled both of them. Then I sucked Saras and after that Maya. They offered their tits hesitantly and then they must have felt the thrill for both held their breasts up and I picked up speed. I took them to the bed. I kissed Saras’ pussy.

“Don’t its dirty.”

“Dirty? Your pussy? Don’t be kidding. It is as pure a blown snow.”

“I have not seen snow,” said Saras.

“Neither have I. But one gets the idea. You know the love button?”

“The clitoris? I do of course. I have studied myself in the mirror.” I spread her thighs. After initial resistance she yielded. With the tip of the tongue I touched her clitoris. It was a good-sized fellow and it was tense.

“A funny feeling,” she said.

“Yes, now funny, but soon you will run out of words to describe how you feel.” I licked, slowly at first, and then as she vibrated I got into frenzy. When I knew she was at the peak I licked in slow swathes and she cascaded down with muffled screams.

“Fuck me, young man. Be gentle. Maya hold my hand. I need help. I am taking the giantest leap in my life. Are we doing the right thing?”

“We are Saras, but twenty years late,” said Maya hoarsely. Then I got on top. At my request Maya accepted the task of guiding my cock in.

“Young man be gentle. It is so big I am afraid you will hurt me.

“No way Saras,” said Maya. “The passage that can stretch to accommodate a baby can hold this one big though it is.”

“Gently Maya.” Maya got firm hold of my cock and took it to the entrance. I pushed. There was some resistance, and then it went in. ‘Oosh,” said Saras, and then she was quite.

“Maya, get a hand mirror. I want to see the thing in me.” Maya hurriedly produced a mirror that apparently they had brought for this purpose. Getting the image to Saras was not easy but eventually they did it.

“Pull out and in” I did so. Their faces depicted awe.

“How do you like it auntie?” I asked.

“I do not have words to describe my feelings,” she said. I pumped, and after a while she responded. Then I ejaculated. She responded with counter pressure when I was ejaculating. She could not have got an orgasm.

Then Saras made a surprising statement. “I am a woman now,” she said. We lay, all three, in a naked huddle and talked, mostly about my experiences. Then it was Maya’s turn. I offered to enter her from behind but Maya did not want it because it was the doggie position. She did not want any comparison with animals. She wanted a repeat, and repeat it was mirror action included. This went off well too. The two girls were now thoroughly in it. They uttered the four-letter word with abandon.

It was time for me to leave. Both were sufficiently experienced in love making to come to the door in their birthday suits to send me off. If I had suggested that they make a tour of the hotel in that state they might have agreed.

I went home happy. There can be no doubt that my job is the best in the world, not for the sex, which is never of high quality, but for the happiness that I give others. I had more this time. I had a first. In and out of marriage I have never before deflowered a woman but today I deflowered not one but two women within minutes of each other.

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