A Jealous Grandson

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Rachel lay on her back in the darkness of the bedroom. In 30+ years of marriage, she had never admitted to her own desires, only pretending to allow her husband to talk her into spreading her legs for him. It had been a month and her husband, Dave, had been pestering her. But in reality, she had been ready for a good fuck for a week.

She was ready, but she will still waiting, as her husband tried again to convince her to do something that was just plain stupid. He wanted her to go to a nudist colony approximately six hours from home, supposedly a place they would not be recognized and could chill out. That it would enhance their sex life – make her feel like fucking more often – topped the long list of reasons and rationalizations he had used the last 15 minutes.

“I am 58 years old and I do not want to parade this old body around in front of a bunch of horny old men. And you say there will be a bunch of women there also? I don’t believe it. You get enough pussy for our age. He was 62. You looking and lusting after other women is not going to keep your cock hard any longer, I don’t care what you say. You want pussy? You should be over here on top of me right now instead of trying to convince me to do some stupid crap!”

Dave, upon her promise to think about it, finally maneuvered to mount her. Rachel would have normally been disappointed at his lack of youthful firmness, but she was ready to fuck. Her moans of pleasure firmed him up almost immediately and they fucked with an ever increasing rhythm until she was moaning lustfully and Dave was trying desperately to hold off his ejaculation. Rachel eventually felt the grip of orgasm seize her, causing Dave to almost immediately shoot his load. They decoupled after a long minute, kissing each other good night, and rolling to their perspective sleeping positions. In their long years of marriage, neither Rachel or Dave had ever washed after sex, with Rachel only reclaiming her panties.

Dave was soon snoring. Rachel on the other hand was thinking about her grandson, Randy. It was the fantasy of him being between her legs that had brought on her orgasm. She tried to remember when it had started and even as to why it had started. She pondered their relationship since he had begun visiting most weekends, attending college three hours from their home. He was over 1000 miles from home. When alone, they talked freely about the girls he knew and he freely told her, his Nan, who put out, who might, who wouldn’t, and what the ones that would would do. He was aware, for she had also spoken about it freely, of her sexual relationship with Dave and the way she had used her sexuality to keep him wanting and mold-able to her wishes. With few exceptions, she had told her grandson that Dave would do anything sexually she wanted. They had both laughed together about the nudist colony subject.

Laying there seeking sleep, she admitted to herself that she wanted to lay with her grandson. She realized she had thought about ways to seduce him. Maybe, she had finally come up with a way.


A retired schoolteacher, Rachel, always attended and helped out with conferences and reunions. She was doing that very thing now, 600 miles from home. A particular professor, still teaching at 71, Dr. Hubbard, had been one of her professors in college and had taken a particular interest in her both academically and physically. As usual, during dinner time or just having drinks, he hit upon her openly and unapologetic ally.

“Call me Robert.” He had told her for forever but she refrained from being so familiar.

Rachel was not a drinking person but would have one or two during dinner or gatherings. The third night of the gathering, “Robert”, had been sitting beside her and steadily filling her glass with wine until she was mildly intoxicated……. and admittedly, horny. In 30 years of marriage, Rachel had strayed a few times but resisted any urge for an affair to get serious or linger. One had lasted for six months and three clandestine meetings.

“Rachel, my dear lady, why don’t you and I go into my suite for a nightcap?” Dr. Hubbard whispered in her ear.

“Dr., I mean Robert, you have been wanting to be alone with me for a long time, haven’t you?” She whispered back, noting his smiling nod. “I will go with you but promise nothing.”

The two waited a few minutes before leaving the bar counter. They split and went their separate ways but met at the elevator and took it to the eighth floor. Inside the suite door, the old fella was immediately pressing Rachel against the wall and peppering her with kisses on her neck and shoulder, down to her sweater ed chest. He struggled to get her sweater over her head, but she did not resist, allowing its removal. He fumbled with her bra clasp behind her back. She eventually unclasped it herself and allowed him to attack her breast hungrily.

“The drink, Robert! You promised me a drink?” She protested verbally

Dr. Hubbard stood erect and agreed that he had. Rachel retrieved her sweater and bra off the floor and followed after him into the sitting room and to the small bar. She stood patiently, karaman seks hikayeleri bare chested, as he mixed two drinks. He turned, handing her one. They stood very close facing each other. Rachel made note that he did not look at her bare breast and she thought of her husband’s desire for them to go to a nudist colony.

“You are a charming woman, Rachel.” He praised.

“I am a much older woman than you knew back in college. I am heavier, my ass is broader and my tits sag too much.”

He put his hand lightly on the nap of her neck, her short brown hair brushing his hand lightly, and asked, “You have always mesmerized me. To me, you are perfection. Do you like to fuck, Rachel?”

“I do, Robert. I do indeed.” She answered with a coy smile. “But what would your wife think?”

“My wife knows who you are and about my desire for you. She was a sex therapist. She past away two years ago.”

“I hadn’t heard. I’m sorry for your loss.”

Dr. Hubbard took her hand and led her to the bedroom. He did not turn on any light, the only illumination coming from the living room, and, taking her glass from her, set both glasses on the dresser. He walked to the left side of the bed and began to undress. Rachel moved to the right and followed suit. When they were both naked, they entered the bed, and meeting in the middle, they cuddled together, his right leg between hers nestled against her pussy. Their tender kisses soon turned passionate and Robert was soon running his hand over her body, concentrating on breast and ass, then, pussy. “You have a lovely forest between your legs.” He praised. Rachel, taking his cock in hand, found it rigid and ample, surprising her, making her think he was taking a pill.

His passion and considerate foreplay made Rachel think why she had waited so long to give in to her professor. His hand stroked her pussy lovingly and lightly and he avoided her clit for many long minutes before stroking it lightly with his middle finger. Her involuntary moans relayed her joy. Soon, his middle finger slid into her. He finger-fucked her slowly, occasionally retracting to lubricate her clit, only to slide back into her, making her moan her enthusiasm for him to continue.

She was ready when he maneuvered to mount her. She repositioned her hand to keep her hold on his cock, placing it to her as she retracted her knees. Well lubricated, his ample cock entered her easily. No pubic hair pulled – no yelp of discomfort. She could not remember being as wet. She felt only pleasure.

The elderly Dr. Hubbard was soon breathing heavily against her neck. She was immediately alarmed thinking the unthinkable – causing the man to have a heart attack or stroke. The thought evaporated as quickly as it had appeared. She thought it had to be a pill that kept his cock piston hard. She had barked every time Dave mentioned the subject of ED medication. The next time he brought up the subject she was now inclined to let him take the pill.

Rachel began to banter. She praised the size of his cock, his love making and his sustainability. It all only made him fuck her harder with determination, shoving deep into her occasionally, causing her breath to audibly catch. Over the years, she had learned with Dave to bring herself to orgasm before his cock gave up the ghost. She and Robert had been going at it for a good while and she felt it was time to bring on her orgasm. The fantasy of Randy between her legs, screwing her, came to the forefront of her mind, causing her knees to ratchet a little faster against Dr. Hubbard’s sides. It took a little less than three minutes for her orgasm to take hold. It gripped her strongly with a loud exclamation of “FUCK” to accompany her quaking body. She never slowed down, determined to get the old man her best, though her body, she knew, would most likely be sore the next day. She praised him more as his cock jerked inside of her.

“For a short while, my dear Robert, my pussy belongs to you!”

“Thank you, my dear lady!”


Rachel and 20 year-old Randy had an internet schedule twice a week. Their computers were equipped with cameras so they could see each other as they talked. The sessions usually lasted about an hour with the subjects variable as to whether Dave was home are not. This Thursday night Dave was away playing poker and Randy was rattling on about a girl he had just met and was anxious to get into bed. He was giving his Nana a blow-by-blow description of their recent make out session in the backseat of his car.

“She let you put your hand on her pussy on the first date!” Rachel exclaimed with surprise. “And, I’m sure, you tried for the gold right there and then?”

“When I tried to put my finger into her, she shut me down completely, Nana!”

“You poor baby! But I bet you took care of your problem when you got home, didn’t you, you naughty little boy?”

“I couldn’t help it.” Randy replied with a mischievous tone and smile. “You said it was healthy.”

“You bet it is!” She assured him.

Rachel took control of the conversation and started talking to her grandson about his granddad’s reasoning for going to a nudist colony. She went through the list of his arguments which Randy had heard a number of times earlier, but he listened patiently. She had purpose in her rehash.

“As you probably know or reason, I am a very private person. Only your granddad has seen me nude. He is always spying on me in the shower.”

“I can understand that, Nana.” Randy injected. “You’re a very sexy and attractive woman.”

“You don’t think my ass is too broad?” She inquired, noting that he had appraised her physically.

“Not to me! It’s perfection. I’d be honored to be gripping your sexy ass in the clutches.” He ended with humor in his tone.

“RANDY, you’re making me blush!” She exclaimed. “Then maybe you are in a position to help me out.” She suggested.

“Sure. Any thing!”

Slowly, she began to unbuttoned her blouse, removing it, then, sitting a half minute, seeing his eyebrows lift, reached behind her to unclasp her bra, sliding the straps off shoulders, revealing her breast to him, seeing his open-mouth expression. Her nipples were deflated.

“NANA! What the hell! What are you doing!” Randy exclaimed with panic in his tone.

“You suggested that I should do as your granddad desires, going to a nudist colony. I need to be naked in front of someone other than Dave, but someone I’m comfortable with to begin with. I’m comfortable with you, my dear. You don’t mind do you? You and I have a special relationship. We are close and we know each others secrets.”

“Hey. I’m game, Nana. You are going to take off all of your clothes, right?”

“You ARE a naughty boy, aren’t you?” She chuckled. “Every stitch!”

Rachel stood and began to remove her jeans. The camera cut off her head as she unsnapped them and pushed them down off her hips. She smiled into the camera as she bent to push them off her legs. “Are you watching?” She asked. “Yes ma’am, I certainly am.” He acknowledged. She sat down in the chair and took a deep breath. “I need to take a breather. I have never done anything so bold as this before.”

Randy sat there staring at his Nana’s breast. Outside of magazines and porn video, they were the largest, real, breasts he had ever seen. His eyes widened as she placed both palms under each breast and lifted them.

“So, do the sight of these make your heart race? I am not as proud of them as I used to be. Do you know how old I am? I’m 58 and certainly no picture of sexiness. Lord have mercy, this nonsense is making my nipples hard! If I am making your young cock hard, I apologize!”

“No, no, no, Nana. No apology needed. I’m more than happy to help you adjust to being naked in front of other men. Really, I am!”

“Your naughty, but you’re a good boy!” She teased, noting his right hand was positioned down in front of his body. “I suppose, if you were chatting with one of your more open girlfriends, you would be exposing yourself to her. She might even request you jerk off – for her pleasure?”

“That’s possible.” He admitted, smiling back.

A long pause. “Well? Don’t become shy, kiddo! I’m going to show you mine. I’d feel honored.” She said, beaming a smile, prompting with her hands. “Stand up. Let me have a peek.”

Randy hesitated to a long minute before standing up, his legs pushing the chair back. He was wearing cotton shorts, commander, and decided just to drop his shorts. Pushed down, they slipped easily off his slim body, leaving his erect cock standing straight out, curving up slightly. It was Rachel’s turn for her eyebrows to lift , her lips forming a slight smile. She appraised his cock as ample and of good length – the domed head well defined.

“Stand there a minute, honey, and let me have a good look. Lift it up for me.” She directed, then, after a long minute. “You can be proud of your cock, Randy. Any woman would be proud to sit on that! Are you going to let me see that thing squirt?”

“I would be embarrassed, Nana.” Randy replied, sitting back down.

Rachel felt no disappointment and her face did not show disappointment as she looked affectionately at her grandson on the screen.

“Well, if you are going to be selfish like that, I suppose, we should continue. Maybe in a minute or two you may reconsider. Or, you’ll be repulsed by this old lady’s body and your cock will become limp.” She said jokingly.

“I doubt that, Nana.”

Rachel’s face was again chopped off by the screen as she stood and pushed her panties off her hips. Randy could tell she was blushing as her face covered the screen as she pushed them off her legs and stepped out of them. She moved the chair clear and backed away from the screen. She turned in a circle, arms extended wide, profiling her nakedness to her grandson from 8 feet away. He had never witnessed such an abundance of pubic hair. It reached up to within 2 inches of her belly button. After making 4 complete turns she repositioned the chair and sat down.

“After you rest a bit, Nana, maybe you could make those turns closer to the camera?” He requested, wanting a closer look at her abundant bush.

“I suppose I could do that.” She said with humor and knowing.

She cupped her breast once more, thumbing the nipples.

“They are hard as a rock. See? When they get like this they are extremely sensitive. When you’re with a girl that puts out, do you like to suck on her nipples?”

Randy began to ramble on, first praising his grandma’s nipples and going through the list of the girls that had let him suck on their nipples and how each had reacted. “Even the ones that keep their legs together like their nipples sucked.”

“Oh, I understand completely. That’s why Tina spread her legs for you – let you screw her. You said, when you got suction on her nipple, her legs just popped open.” She said chuckling, using her hands, spreading them wide to mimic legs. “Okay. I’m going to stand up again closer to the monitor. I think I’m blushing again. I really do appreciate you helping me with this. I hope I’m not embarrassing you too much.”

“Not at all, Nata. I’m glad to help.”

As she turned, she stopped for an extended frontal, then, for an extended butt view.

“Are you playing with yourself again?” She inquired, not having a good view of the screen.

“I can’t help it, Nana. Your body is absolutely gorgeous and provocative.” He answered. “Stay right there another minute. I’ve never seen such an abundance of lady hair!”

“You just tell me what to do, sugar. So much hair – don’t you think it’s gross! Dave catches hair every time he enters me, making me yelp.”

“It the most intoxicating thing I’ve ever seen! Now, turn your butt toward me. Stay right there. Damn, your ass is hot!”

Rachel heard the lustful tone of her grandson’s voice and figured he was jerking on his cock.

“So, you are an ass man. There’s plenty here. I hope you’re masturbating. Is it good? Tell me when you come. I can’t see the screen all that well so tell me when you shoot your load.”

“Turn around! Can you see better now?”

“Oh yeah!” Rachel said with her own lustful tone. “The head of your cock is ballooning with every stoke. Jerk on that thing! Pump the hell out of it, Randy! Pump it for your Nana!”

Long minute ensued.

“I’M COMING! OHH FUCK!” Randy exclaimed, as he ejaculated strongly. “Oh damn! The carpet. Nana! Nana, I am so embarrassed! I couldn’t help myself. I had to do it! It hit the keyboard too.”

“Baby! There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. Cum cleans up. Really! I know that was good. You needed that after all our naughty talk.”

“Do you need to come, Nana?”

Rachel answered his inquiry by positioning the chair and lifting her right foot, positioning her crotch toward the camera. Balanced, she proceeded to finger her pussy. She was soon moaning lustfully. Her middle finger, alternately, with all of her fingers, dug hungrily at her vagina. Like Randy, she soon moaned loudly as the orgasm swept through her, then, evaporated. Her body wobbled as she straightened up. She returned to the chair, dropping firmly, red-faced and breathing heavily.

“That was heavenly.” She huffed. “I needed that, Sugar.

Randy wanted desperately to ask his grandma to show him her vagina – her treasure hole – up close and personal, but did not want to appear too forward or chauvinistic. Rachel wanted too to push the envelope and show him her pussy but figured it would be anti-climatic and she had already done enough to appear to be a wanton slut.

“So you prefer a woman with a thick bush and big ass?”

“Absolutely!” He replied enthusiastic. “Exactly like yours, Nana. I mean your bush. Nanaaaa! Your ass is not big!”

“You’re sweet. Well, Randy, I suppose I should let you get to sleep. This is your weekend to visit, right?”

“Yes ma’am. I am looking forward to seeing yo – y’all – and your good cooking.”

“Look, do me a favor. If your granddad wants to take you off fishing or something, tell him you have studying to do. I would very much like for you to help me a bit more to get used to this being nude thing. I did promise your granddad to give it serious consideration.”

“Okay. I’ll see you Friday night. Night, Nana. Love you.”

“Drive careful, Randy. Love you!”

Randy readied for bed but was not able to sleep. He lay stroking his cock as he remembered the contours of his grandma’s body, her breast, her ass, and her lavish bush. He was too awed by events to go to sleep. It took him long, enjoyable minutes to ejaculate, his ejaculate shooting high, landing on his belly. Tired now, he had to clean up once more.

Rachel never bothered to redress herself. She too was still feisty. She determined to wait until Dave returned home. She watched TV for another two hours, toying with her pussy, then, went to bed to await his return. He was tired and was inclined to go to sleep, but when she slid her hand beneath his underwear and got a hold on his cock his tiredness was forgotten. Spreading her legs, placing his cock to her, yelping at hair pulled, lust quickly engulfed them and they were soon fucking hard. Before going to sleep, she fished as to his plans for the weekend. He informed her one of his fishing partners had a new boat they were going to trailer it to Tule Lake, three hours from home. He planned to ask Randy to go. In the darkness, Rachel smiled contently.

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