A Life With Ups and Downs

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Claudette Jones was the only child of a Welsh solicitor and a French cabaret-singer-cum-goodtime girl who reformed at the time of marriage. Claudette had dark hair as a child but by the time she started high school she was a blonde and remained a blonde until she died tragically in 2005.

The nature of her death at thirty would not have come as a shock to those who really knew Claudette and they might have thought, ‘Once a slut always a slut’. Despite that she was a great kid and grew into a lively and well-liked young woman. Interestingly she’d found benefits in being sluttish.

As a senior high school student Claudette appeared to have more pocket money than anyone else in her class and for a time her classmates couldn’t understand why she was so popular with the guys and some of the male teachers.

At university in southwest England, Claudette was never short of money. Her parents paid her fees and accommodation but expected her to work for her personal upkeep in the belief that would help educate their daughter about the value of money and she would then spend it wisely.

So much for theory.

“I can’t understand how you never ask us for spending money and yet never seem to work at nights or weekends,” said her mother, with her French accent all but gone but she still thought like a Frenchwoman. “You have also built up a very expensive wardrobe.”

“Oh but I do work hard for brief intervals for good reward.”

“But how?”

“On my back mother. I think you French have better understanding of that than the British.”

Her mother shrieked, ‘Omigod.”

Chantal had to stifle her mirth. She was aware her daughter knew she’d been a cabaret singer before marriage but was supposedly ignorant about her activities much later at night that sometimes continued through to mid-morning. With Dylan her husband being considered for appointment as a judge, Chantal had no wish to have his good name smeared by stupid talk of his wife’s sinful activity as a young woman.

“My dear I think I understand it but let’s not get into that,” Chantal said defensively. “Now listen to me about the full precautions you must take and I’ll tell you everything I know, er from what my friends have told me, about the less-endearing ways of men sexually, especially when they pay for favors.”

To Claudette’s surprise she found she didn’t know everything and she enjoyed listening to some of the disgusting and even horrible incidents involving women in casual sexual relationships. Her mother related those stories so graphically and with so much verve it was as if she had been central to the experience rather relating those stories second-hand.

Before too long into this educational chat, the penny dropped for the 19-year-old. When she walked away after her mother had finished she thought rather scandalized, “Oh god, it’s inherited.”

Thinking more about that Claudette recalled a couple of times arriving home and yelling “Mom” and her mother coming out in a robe and looking quite flushed and saying she’d been sleeping. Thinking back on those incidents Claudette dimly recalled sometimes noticing a car parked right outside their suburban home when she arrived from school.

“Mother you slut.”

Claudette had long learned to be discreet so she rejected any thought of confronting her mother about her presumably licentious life in France and about the lovers she’d had since marriage. Her mom was entitled to keep her private life a secret, just as she was.

A month later Claudette, who was studying for a BA in drama and French at Bristol University, faced a disciplinary hearing on a charge alleging unacceptable behavior. She’d met the wife of the professor who headed her department at a social function. The wife appeared flirtatious and late into the evening Claudette had drunkenly proposed a threesome with the woman and her husband. The wife Angela had described that as a brilliant suggestion and said she’d set it up. But Angela had second thoughts because late next day Claudette was notified she must appear at a hearing on a charge of disgraceful conduct.

The hearing was relatively informal and involved Angela the complainant and Claudette. The young student was aware at worst she faced expulsion although she could challenge that decision and be entitled to have legal representation. However she argued intelligently calling it ‘a playful and naughty proposal’ between two half-drunk women in a conversation she was sure no one overheard.

Angela claimed to have been shocked and felt degraded and Claudette asked precisely when did those emotions grip Angela who said the following morning. Claudette also pointed out that no lewd activity had taken place. The chairman asked had Angela been intoxicated when the conversation she’d complained about had taken place and she agreed she might have been ‘a little tipsy’. She admitted at the time she’d described the proposal as a brilliant suggestion.

The chairman then conferred with her two associates and then declared there was no case brazzers to answer. That close shave taught Claudette to be less proactive about attempting to set up moneymaking liaisons and instead project her availability and let the proposals be made to her.

She even learned there could be an upside to close calls. Two days later the same professor called Claudette to his office. She went in with some trepidation but emerged from the office smiling because the professor had invited her away for the weekend and would pay for everything and give Claudette two hundred pounds to have sex with him.

During the remainder of her time at university she and the professor had many sinful nights together.

The professor was Claudette’s first experience with an older man. His dick was huge and that taught her she could take them any size providing she was careful. Compared with younger guys he was in no hurry to get his nuts off and patiently taught his student, albeit for his benefit, how to increase the male’s enjoyment of intercourse.

This financially rewarding association also provided confirmation just how two-faced women can be, even to other women. Three years later on Claudette’s last weekend in Bristol the professor secured his wife’s permission to invite Claudette to their weekend cottage near Littleton upon Severn.

“How lovely to see you again darling,” Angela said, kissing the young girl and her warmth in that greeting seemed to confirm the professor’s assurance that his wife had happily approved of Claudette joining them for a social weekend on the eve of graduation.

Angela proved to be a real surprise when they arrived at the pretty cottage late Saturday morning.

“You two go to the bedroom now and have it off. I’ll join you in half an hour after preparing lunch.”

Angela joined them thirty minutes later, nude and wearing a strap-on.

Claudette gulped.

But she had a great weekend, one she’d always remember. The thought of having Angela up her butt appeared imprinted on Claudette’s brain.

After Claudette’s graduation her mother was worried about her daughter’s appetite for men and had her suspicious confirmed those fee-paying men existed. They kept popping up like tomcats and Claudette felt obliged to act.

“Darling your promiscuous behavior worries me now that your father is to become a court judge.”

“I’ll move out.”

“What out of England?” Chantal said, looking delighted.

“I hadn’t thought of that.”

“Darling I know. Go and live with your grandparents in France and continue your studies to gain higher qualifications in French.”

“And then what?”

“Teach French.”

Claudette wrinkled her nose and said, “I suppose I could do that if you and dad agree to give me a monthly allowance until I finish my studies. It is expensive to live in France.”

“Of course darling. You could pay my parents board and divide the rest between your study frees and having some real experiences of French living, um outside of your accustomed nocturnal activities.”

“Okay mom I’ll think seriously of doing that providing you tell me about your riotous living in France before you married and how dad first nailed you. My lips will be sealed about this.”

“Oh god. Who told you?”

“Mum you have all of the characteristics of a slut and you know it.”

“It takes one to recognize one,” Chantal sighed. “Grab a bottle of wine and two glasses and come to the lounge.”

* * *

During her lively and very sexually active times living in France, Claudette learned to stick to a Mediterranean diet to maintain her attractively proportion body. As well as gaining a PhD, Claudette felt she’d practically gained a doctorate in sex after exhaustive activity in that field. Part of her learning was those lean and suave Frenchmen depicted by Hollywood are not all that numerous on the ground in France, being vastly out numbered by overweight men, some with moustaches, who seem to think about sex constantly.

Claudette’s grandmother had been delighted to learn her granddaughter had more than a passing interest in sex and earned good money from it. Grandma had worked in a brothel for almost two years as a young woman. That disclosure had shocked Claudette because one doesn’t think of one’s fat, bespectacled and almost constantly smiling grandmother being anything else apart from being overweight and always pushing up her glasses and smiling, eager to chat. When grandma’s cronies first met Claudette her grandmother soon asked the visitor/visitors to tell the young woman about their sex life with emphasis on anecdotes including misadventures. Claudette become so interest in this she’d recorded notes on her computer about such conversations and her grandmother’s memory about Claudette growing up and what she knew about her daughter’s sex life.

There was no shortage of information, some of it very graphic, painting an over-sexed young woman (grandma’s words) who appeared to believe she was on Earth for only one purpose, leaving Claudette thinking cuckold porno of her mother almost in reverence, although not quite ranking her as a Joan of Arc.

Shortly before her graduation in France, Claudette received a call from her mom’s much younger sister in Dallas.

“Darling your mom is worried about you settling back in England. I said why don’t you come and stay with us, test the American way of life and see if you could secure a teaching position here. I told Chantal I’d make the suggestion to you because I didn’t want you thinking she was attempting to get rid of you. She told me the reason for her concern, you naughty young woman.”

“You don’t mind my side interest Aunt Simone?”

“Good heavens no. I still have my little flings as does you mother.”

Claudette thought, ohmigod, her mother still put it around! What a two-faced bitch. What about her damaging her husband’s career?

“That’s a very generous offer Aunt Simone. Could I get back to you on that?”

“Yes of course dear and now you’re a young woman please call me Simone. Are you taking this call at home?”

“Yes, do you wish to speak to granddad and grandma?”

“Yes please darling.”

* * *

Claudette arrived in Dallas from France on a special entry provision to teach

French and assist with drama coaching at a private school. She’d been evaluated and approved in France for entry into the United States under educational provisions.

She arrived with a three-year teaching contract, the only requirement by the school being she must first live with an approved American family for a month ‘to socially and culturally interface’ before taking up her appointment. Simone’s family was approved as suitable to host her.

Simone, who at thirty-five was only ten years older that the new arrival, met Claudette at the airport with her twins who attended senior high school. The three of them were rather astonished to hear the young beauty speak to them with a distinctive American accent.

Claudette explained, “I have been living with an American for six weeks, to learn from him how to speak American English.”

Lucy asked, “An old man?”

The reply was given straight-faced: “Yes, he was thirty-two.”

Simone, Lucy and Zoë giggled.

That night Claudette met Sam, Simone’s husband, who appeared somewhat unfriendly. Simone told her not to worry, just to ride with the flow. “Your mother has been here with us on three occasions and they often argued. He found her strongly opinionated and bossy and expects you to be the same. He’ll soon find you are not at all like your mother in those respects.”

“I hope so. Living a month in the same house as a guy who looks at me sourly is not my idea of living with a friendly family.”

Simone smiled and kissed the visitor. “It will take him two days max darling to find just who you are. You have already scored of course. He’s looked longer than a glance at your ass and breasts.”

“Ohmigod, I won’t try to bed him Simone, I promise.”

“I suspect he’s seeing someone darling. His pattern of coming home and going out at nights has changed and I’m receiving less attention, if you know what I mean.”

“Do you mind?”

“No providing she’s not one of my girlfriends.”

Two afternoons later the TV program Claudette was watching ended and she went to find Simone. She walked into the bedroom after knocking lightly and heard Simone call, “Come in Claudette.”

“Ohmigod… sorry to intrude,” Claudette cried and began backing out. Her hostess was on the bed nude with her knees drawn up. She had a slim vibrator in her butt and was working a dildo in and out of her pussy.

“No come in, it’s fine. I was hoping you’d find me doing this. Grab a toy from the box beside this side of the bed and play beside me.”

“You-you are my aunt.”

“Who is also a slut. Join me darling. You might like to work the dildo for me while I work my nipples. Strip right off. I’m so eager to see your body. The girls think you look like a film star and have the body to match. Talk to me in English with an exaggerated French accent. That might help get me off. I’ve not managed to generate a big gush for a while.”

Later they sat in the kitchen waiting for the girls to arrive. Claudette still felt aroused; she was tingling.

“You suck pussy better than most of the guys I’ve been with,” she said, most impressed.

“That’s lovely of you to acknowledge that,” Simone smiled warmly. “You are pretty good. I’ll give you some coaching. My approach is to apply a serious of patterns and orchestrate a variety of overlays in combinations of tongue, fingers, breath and different pressures. I think of it as an art form and initially it’s not to be rushed.”

“I’d love you to teach me such things. Will you teach the girls?”

“I have thought about it but won’t do anything about it until they’ve turned eighteen next year.

Simone provided other cultural immersion for her niece, taking her to galleries and the czech porno local museum and Sam took her and Simone to various entertainment attractions and he took Claudette and the girls to football games and a rodeo.

Claudette’s girlfriends found Claudette very appealing and introduced the visitor to their daughters. Claudette really enjoyed the social life with people a=round her age. Blind dates were also arranged and soon she was known as ‘Frenchy’ despite having spent most of her twenty-five years in England and news spread that she was a sensational fuck (Claudette didn’t charge for sex because she considered herself to be on holiday or rather vacation).

The twins adored her and she spent a lot of time at the house with them and they went out as a threesome on walks, to the mall, to swim and to the movies.

It was a sad time for everyone, including Sam when the time came for Claudette to leave for Massachusetts. He presented her with a beautiful watch on behalf of the family and Simone was astonished at his generosity.

“Are you still saying Sam hasn’t been into your pants?” Simone whispered, looking at the watch again as they prepared to enter the SUV to go to the airport.

“He hasn’t touched me; I swear he hasn’t.”

“Well I have,” Simone giggled. “God I’m really going to miss you and not only because of our precious and very intimate times together.”

Claudette clutched her and burst into tears and the twins came running up to them and began crying and that set off Simone.

“Jesus, will you lot get into the vehicle,” Sam snorted.


Claudette had been sent a promotional video on DVD of the girl’s school for girls thirteen to eighteen so knew what to expect and was not disappointed. The building and grounds looked beautifully maintained and the setting was very picturesque.

Her fears of being trapped in a coterie of lesbians had eased when she’d learned a quarter of the teachers were male as the swimming and soccer coaches and some other personnel were male. She also was aware the highly rated school was run on the English system of school organization although the curriculum was strictly American. She knew before being taken to the principal to address her simply as ‘Headmistress’ rather than Miss Kennedy and not to ask for coffee when invited to join Headmistress for tea.

“Are you lesbian?” Headmistress demanded over the teacups with an authoritative tone that belied her right to have headmistress used with a capital ‘H’.

There was no need to panic. Claudette had rehearsed her answer although not having expected the question to come from the school principal.

“Actually I’m bi-sexual but favor males,” she smiled.

“Oh my,” Headmistress smiled, having to take hold of her cup because it was shaking on the saucer she was holding. “I consider that a very honest response. I had anticipated you to lie, like so many of these lying lesbian bitches we have here. Young woman, I feel you are one of my teachers I can trust.”

Claudette smiled and sipped, taking care not to grimace at the taste. Well she was off to a good start.

“I shall reward you by switching you to Surrey House rather than Somerset House. Paul and Richard reside in Surrey.

Quite overlooking the inference of that, Claudette said the names of those accommodation blocks were names of English counties.

“Yes dear, the founder of this illustrious establishment, Miss Bennett came from England, concerned there was insufficient opportunity in the America of those times to receive an education in the classics. Of course these days we conform to American requirements in education.”

“Are you of English origin Headmistress?”

“Only indirectly. My parents and my mother’s parents immigrated to Boston where I was born. I was sent to boarding school in England and gained my doctorate in education at Oxford. Were you born in England Claudette?”

“No in Wales. I say that proudly but only the British can understand my pride.”

“I understand it.”

“Yes of course Headmistress but you are multi-cultural.”

“Flattery will get you everything young women. Now let’s converse in French to see what you’ve got.”

Fifteen minutes later Headmistress stood, indicating their time together had ended.

“I’m surprised you have used your Royal Dalton tea set Headmistress. It must be worth a small fortune.”

“My dear you lived most of your life in England and I thought with your father being a judge and you mother being a retired dress designer you may have appreciated the table setting. Well done. I’ll call Vera to take you to Surrey and then take you through our establishment. You are simply amazing, beyond my expectations. You speak French like a true Frenchwoman and your grammar is impeccable. You excite me.”


“Miss Jones.”

“I’m noted for my playful humor Headmistress.”

Headmistress smiled and nodded as if indicating no offence taken.

Vera was rather elderly, so shuffled more than walked, so the inspection took two hours but it was time well spent. Headmistress’s personal assistant for thirty-two years, Vera was part of school history. She knew everything and everybody and when Claudette asked what about the gossip Vera stopped and peered at Claudette.

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