A Mother’s Luxuries Ch. 01

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Linda crouched outside the bedroom door; her face pressed to the two inch crack between the door and frame. She could hear his heavy breaths and the rustling of the blankets. Even in the dimly lit darkness of the early morning she could see it all. She watched as Gregory stroked himself beyond the confines of the comforters.

She watched with arousing anticipation as he stroked his cock. Linda could hardly believe the sheer size of his cock as she watched him stroke it with not just one, but both hands. Linda barely registered the fact that she had started to masturbate too. She ran her middle finger up and down her tight pussy; separating her labia that hung down a good half inch. Her pussy was soaking wet, just from watching Gregory masturbate for the better part of at least five minutes. She slid her middle finger into her vagina and let out a soft whimper. Almost immediately after that, Gregory let out a deep groan.

Linda pressed her eye against the crack in the doorway and watched intently. She couldn’t see the finer details at the distance from across the room but she watched as his strokes got faster and his hips started bucking. She also noticed that in his right hand he had a piece of dark fabric. Linda started rubbing her aroused clitoris as she watched his climax grow higher. He let out another muffled grunt and hooked the dark fabric around the swollen head of his cock. Linda rubbed her clitoris faster and hard as he ejaculated.

She watched intently as his thick long penis throbbed several times. Gregory slid back down to the mattress and laid there silently. Linda tried to muffle her whines as she brought herself to the brink of the climax. Thick strands of precum dripped off kırıkkale seks hikayeleri her the ends of her nlabia puddling on the carpet between her thighs.

A surge of orgasm rushed up and Linda stifled a moan as she came. Her inner thighs quivered and shook for a few moments. A sudden movement from within the room took her by surprise and she watched as Gregory got up and laid the fabric in his laundry basket and headed for the door. She scrambled up and nearly fell but managed to steady herself and get back into her room and mostly shut the door. She could hear him cross the hall and close the bathroom door. Linda waited for what felt like an hour before he turned on the shower and slid closed the curtain. She crept out from her room which sat just adjacent from his and moved quickly across the hall and into his room.

It always surprised her how neat and tidy he kept things. His clothes were always put away, his bed was always made and his belongings were always placed in specific areas. She glanced back at the door before moving deeper into his room and to his laundry basket. Sitting at the top of the dirty clothes was a small black folded up bit of fabric. Linda grabbed it and as she lifted it up and away from the other clothes she was taken by surprise at the weight of it. What should have surprised her more was the fact that the fabric wasn’t just some random piece of cloth; it was a pair of her panties. Linda opened up the panties and found the entire inside was covered in a thick layer of dense white cum.

Linda had seen her fair share of ejaculations. Most were at best two or three tablespoons worth. Gregory though, he had unloaded what looked like a quarter cup’s worth of cum. ‘No wonder it’s so heavy’ she thought to herself. She lifted the completely cum soaked panties to her face and smelled them. Linda could smell the scent of him through the cum. She opened her mouth and dipped her tongue in the thick cum. She wanted to taste it, to taste Gregory. To her surprise it wasn’t terribly bitter or sour. It was more sweet with an aftertaste of bitter but even that wasn’t bad. Linda set the cum filled panties on the edge of the bed and slipped off her panties.

Thick clear strands of cum drizzled off her pussy as she pulled off her panties and tucked them in his laundry basket. A new pair for him to cum in later. Linda grabbed the filled panties and gently she stepped into them and pressed the panties on. She expected the pool of his cum to be cold but to her surprise it was still warm. She pressed her hand against the outside of the panties and pushed the cum harder onto her moist pussy until she could feel the thick cum spread across her thighs. A part of her knew that this seemed a little absurd and disgusting yet she couldn’t help feel aroused.

The sound of the shower turning off took her attention and she quickly went back to her room and got dressed. Just as Gregory was getting out of the bathroom she opened her door and walked out completely dressed. Linda wore her favorite deep blue sundress and white push-up bra.

“Oh. Good morning Gregory.” Linda smiled.

“Morning Mom.” Gregory said and disappeared into his room and closed the door. Linda closed her eyes and pressed a hand against her panties feeling her son’s thick cum plastered to her crotch.

She walked down the stairs and into the kitchen where she made a two egg and toast breakfast for the both of them. Gregory walked down the stairs wearing his casual dress slacks and a low collared shirt. Gregory was tall but not freakishly so. He measured out to be six foot two and was lean but had stacked on some muscle to balance out his slender figure. Linda watcher her son walk into the kitchen and sat down at the breakfast nook where she had put the plates.

“How many classes do you have today?” She asked.

“Three. I should be done by about one.” He replied.

“Do you want to do anything before work?” Linda asked. ‘Maybe go for a walk? Have sex? Take a bath together?’ She thought.

“Umm sure mom. What do you have in mind?” Gregory asked. He didn’t notice his mom bite her lip. If she hadn’t been at the other end of the table he would have seen her open up her legs and slide her fingers into her pussy. She could still feel his cum on the outside of her pussy and as she fingered herself she took some of his thick white semen into her pussy. She didn’t care. She just wanted any part of him on and in her.

“What are you going to do today?” He asked as he finished his last piece of toast.

“I am meeting Marsha at the salon today.”

“Oh. Well say hi to her for me. Thanks for breakfast mom. I’ll see you after school.” He said. Gregory places his mostly clean plate in the sink of water, kissed his mom on the cheek and walked out. Linda waited for the sound of his car engine before she pushed away from the table and started fingering her pussy harder. Linda let out a long moan as she pounded her fingers into her vagina. “Greg!” She whined as she rammed her middle and ring finger into her pussy. “Fuck me Greg! Fuck me! Yes!” She shouted and orgasmed. Her cum dribbled onto the panties causing his drying cum to moisten again. Linda sank into the chair and just breathed.

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