A Natural Submissive Pt. 07


A Natural Submissive

Part Seven

Note to the readers:

As I write this story names, places, businesses, and other pertinent information will NOT be included or provided. I hope by doing this it does not detract from this story, but any of that info would allow others to figure out the names, places, and other Information. In doing so I am just protecting people, businesses, and places from any ill effects from this story.

Someone learns new lessons, Missy up’s her game.

Missy sat next to me naked, not having a worry in the world until she told me she had to use the restroom.

“I have to Pee. Where is the restroom?”

“Just wait a minute dear.”

I looked around for Jill, then motioned her over.

“Jill, would you please bring me a Gold necklace?”

“Yes Sir, right away.”

“What is the necklace for Sir?”

“If you walked across this place naked without it, it would take you hours to get done.”

“Nit just to pee Sir.”

“No, you don’t understand.”

“Please explain it to me Sir.”

“Without that necklace, you’re a free fuck, with it, they know you’re hands off.”

“Free fuck for who Sir?”

“All 50 of the Men in this place.”

“Oh my.”

I could see her thinking about that reality, she was wondering what it would be like to be forcefully taken by 50 cocks at once.”

“Does that idea excite you, my slut?”

“Well, I wouldn’t say excite, but it does make a girl think about what it would be like.”

“You’re not anywhere near ready for that type of gangbang my dear.”

Jill came back with the necklace which had a medallion of two hands Inside a circle with a diagonal line through it. She motioned for Missy to slide out of the booth and she out it in her.

“Jill, will you show her to the ladies room and wait for her, then bring her back?”

“Of course, Sir.”

As she walked across the club, I could see every man in the place looking at her until they saw the necklace and ended up with a look of disappointment on their faces. She is one hell of a sexy woman and being nude just made her more enticing. I even took a thought of watching her getting man handled by 50 Men all at once. She would just go into her trance like state and keep going until she satisfied every one of them. What a party that would be. But ai was brought back to the here and now by Jill escorting Missy back to our booth.

“My lord.”

“What’s wrong Missy?”

“It’s just that having all those Men looking at me, knowing they all want to fuck me, made me hot and wet.”

“That’s the life of a beautiful slut my dear, get used to it.”

“I Ned another drink to calm down Sir.”

Jill still standing there, heard her request.

“Right Away Sir.”

“Sir, I have another question?”

“Go ahead and ask it Missy.”

“The pizza guy and that girl: Why were they here tonight.”

“That is his submissive, and he’s trying unsuccessfully trying to train her.”

“He’s training her to be like me?”

“Not all Submissive are naturally submissive as you are.”

“Did you have to be so hard on her?”

“Yes, she wanted to be a submissive, but she wanted to make all the decisions, and that doesn’t work.”

“OK, but the way you treated her, she will never like you?”

“She’ll love me if I continue her training, Missy. She must learn that a Dominant man is Dominant, and his authority is not to be toyed with.”

“But isn’t it wrong to force her?”

“Missy, she chose to be submissive. Something was missing in her life, and she thought she saw it in the sub life. She has to learn what this life is, and find out first hand.”

“And what if she decides later that she doesn’t want this life?”

“She will have plenty of time to decide that.”

“Thank you for explaining that Sir.”

“Now drink up your drink and we can go.”

“Yes Sir.”

“What is next for tonight, Sir.”

“I expect we will be hearing from David about Beth shortly.”

“Will you be intervening if he calls?”

“He’ll only call of he has problems with her, and hopefully the thought of me coming over will help to keep her in line.”

“Let’s hope the best then Sir.”

“Yes, but until then, we should go out and celebrate your new lifestyle.”

“Where would we go to do that?”

“There are a few places I could think of. But first we need to handle something.”

“What is that Sir?”

“You’ll see shortly. Jill, can we get a carry bag for her clothes please?”

“Yes sir, right away Sir.”

She brought a small bag with handles and nicely folded her dress and panties and put them into the bag before handing it to me.

“Jill, please give me your card.”

I ran her card and mine through a small card reader at the rear of the table and typed in $40 before handing it back to her.

“What was that for?”

“That’s how she gets her tips, it’s all electronic.”

“Wow, depending on her base pay, that’s a good living.”

“Yes, she makes well more than you do.”

“Maybe I should work here?”

“If I weren’t a tekirdağ seks hikayeleri selfish man, yes. But I don’t want you swimming in the pool of sharks as long as you’re mine, and you are mine. Ready to go?”

“Yes, let’s find out what the night holds for me.”

“Shall I call ahead for your car Sir?”

“It should be right outside the door, but you can call to make sure.”

“Yes Sir.”

We walked out to the car, and the way Missy walked made me take a moment and think. Just Friday she was covering up neck to ankle, and now she was walking nude out of a club and to the valet station, head held high, and a smile on her face, learning to feed the sexual urges she tried so hard to suppress. I was so content with her progress, and knew this meant a whole new life for her.

We got in the car and pulled away from the club when Missy softly spoke.

“Sir, I have a question, but I don’t want you to think less of me for asking it.”

“Go ahead Missy, you can ask me anything.”

“Well, it’s just…well you know I have…oh forget it.”

“Now come on Missy, ask me your question.”

“I don’t want to come off sounding like a cheap whore.”

“Look, if it’s important to you, it is important to me. Just ask me.”

“Well, I’ve been getting fucked and sucking cock regularly since I left work on Friday, and I kind of got used to it. And now it’s been a while, and I’m missing it, if you know what I mean?”

“Are you trying to say that you’re horny?”

“Yes, I want someone to fuck me, and I wouldn’t mind if it were rough either.”

“I can pull over and give you a hard fuck?”

“That would be great, but that’s not what I mean.”

“Then what Missy?”

“I guess I want to get fucked by two, maybe more, like with you and the Pizza guy.”

“And what makes you yearn for a group fuck?”

“Well, when you said in the club, you know about what would happen if I didn’t wear the necklace.”

“Oh, I see. Listen Missy, that is not abnormal, it’s really expected when a woman discovers her slutty side.”

“Is that something you can arrange for me to try sometime?”

“Yes, I can arrange it, or just take you somewhere that it will just happen.”

“You know of a place where I can get multiple guys to fuck me, I mean roughly?”

“Yes, a place where you can pick how many guys, and which guys. Kimd of like from a menu except you get to see each one before you choose.”

“And I can ask them to treat me a little rough?”

“Yes Missy, they will fuck you as rough as you want.”

“I’d like to go there someday; you know just to find out what it feels like.”

“Missy, does this have anything to do with your early life and what those guys did to you?”

“Well, the men really. The boys didn’t really know how to if you know what I mean.”

“Tell me about it.”

“Well, it only happened twice but once was in a car garage, and it was dirty and perverse, but I was taken there and there were five of them. They stripped me and put me on the hood of a car and started fucking me at will without a single word being said. One after the other they shoved their cocks in me and it felt different than any time before.”

“How so?”

“I guess it was because so filthy, and I don’t mean dirt from the place, I mean they just didn’t care, and they were going to use every part of my body they wanted to.”

“And how did that make you feel?”

“That was one of those times I only remember parts of. I remember being on the car, then a ladder, and the front counter after that. They just lifted me up and put me in the next place and started all over. The worst was when they tied me to a work bench and did it there, that wasn’t very clean, and I was laying between old car parts, and it smelled of gasoline. I remember afterwards they drug me out back and washed me down with a hose because I was covered in cum. Then they threw my dress out and left me laying there naked and alone.”

“And that excites you?”

“Well, it’s just the fact that they did it all together, I never really knew whose cock was in me. They would just step up and replace the one that was there and kept going.”

“Well, if you don’t want to choose which men, I could get a bunch to come and take you.”

Yes, I think I would like that. Not knowing who or what’s going to happen.”

“Alright, I’ll take you somewhere you can experience a rough forced fucking.”

“Thank you, Sir.”

As I turned to take Missy to a local private sex club, my phone rang, and it was David. I told him I would stop over, and I changed direction once again.

“We have to make a stop first, but then we’ll go to get you what you want.”

“Is it that woman from the club with the pizza man?”

“Unfortunately, yes, it is. Put your dress on and we’ll go take care of this.”

She dressed as we drove to David’s house and arrived there just to see her arguing with him in the parking lot. As I walked up and she saw me, she simply stopped talking and looked down at the ground.

“What’s going on David?”

“This woman won’t follow simple directions.”

“Is that true Beth? Do you have a problem following instructions?’

“Well, I guess so.”

“You guess so what?”

“I’m sorry sir, I guess so Sir.”

Beth, do you want to be a submissive?”

“Yes, more than anything. It’s like a need deep inside of me.”

“Then what’s the problem?”

“I’m not sure, but it seems like I am lost in all of this.”

“I think I know what the problem is, give me a minute with David and you go to the car and talk to Missy.”

“David, you’re failing as her dominant. If she doesn’t know you mean what you say, then she’s never going to fall into line. You need to learn as much as she does.”

“What should I do. She doesn’t obey or even listen to what I say.”

“She doesn’t listen because there is no punishment if she doesn’t, and she knows it.”

“Should I think up a punishment for her?”

“No, you must be decisive in the moment, not sit and think about it. Watch me and learn how to do this.”

“Beth, come over here.”

“One second, I’m talking to Missy.”

I walked over to her and slapped her hard across the face, then grabbed her hair and pulled her over to where I was standing.

“Did I ask you to come over when you were finished?”

“No Sir, I’m sorry sir.”

“Beth, go get in the back seat of my car.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Now, do you see the difference?”

“Yes, yes sir I do.”

“Now get your keys and follow us in your car.”

“Where are we going to?”

“If I wanted to tell you that, I would have told you that.”

“Yes, I’m sorry Sir.”

“If you want her to obey, you must know how to first. Now do as I asked.”

He left to get his keys and I programmed the route into the Sat/Nav on the dash. When he returned, he got in his car, and I climbed in the back with Beth.

“Missy, you drive. The route is on the screen in front of you.”

“Yes sir.”

As Missy started to drive, I spoke with Beth in the back seat.

“You know you will be punished for not obeying me when I told you to do something. I won’t tolerate that type of misbehavior.”

“Yes sir, I am sorry Sir, please forgive me?”

“After your punishment. Now remove your dress.”

“But we’re in the back of a convertible?”

“Did I ask you if you wanted to take it off?”

“No Sir.”

She did as I asked and removed her dress. Once she handed it to my outstretched hand, I simply raised it up and let it go, causing it to blow onto the road behind us.

“You don’t get clothing tonight. If you learn your place, then you can wear clothes, but not until.”

Because I was sitting sideways, I could see that David had stopped to pick up her dress, but I said nothing to her about it. I reached into the pouch on the seatback and took out tow wrist restraints, a choker collar, and a length of chain with spring clips on the ends. I had her bend forward while I out a leather cuff on each arm, and the color around her neck. I then attached the chain to both cuffs behind her back and attached it to the choker. Then I retrieved a chain leash from the pouch and attached that to the choker ring.

“Well, at least you learned not to wear panties or bra, so there could be hope for you.”

“What are you going to do to me Sir?”

“You’re going to be punished and that’s all you need to know.”

We arrived at the private club, and all got out if the car, and David came to join us, where I handed him the chain leash.”

“She doesn’t deserve to be talked to, if she doesn’t follow you just yank hard on the leash. If she doesn’t want to listen, she can see how much she likes being choked by that chain.”

“Yes Sir.”

“Come with me Missy, and you two follow behind.”

We walked up to the building, and I punched a code into the keypad at the door to get in. I walked up to the reception desk that had a beautiful young woman behind it dresses in just a skimpy lingerie.

“Hello Kathleen, Are rooms 401 and 402 available?”

“Yes, they are Sir, would like them both?”

“Yes, please and have a bunch of guys ready and I’ll come back and chose from them.”

“Certainly Sir.”

“Follow me and put Beth in room 402, chain her leash taught above her head from behind, then come join us in 401.”

I left Missy in 401 and told her I would be right back. I went to choose Seven guys for Beth and told them I would be back for more men for Missy. I returned to Beth, chained and naked, and I told the guys what I wanted.

“She is a disobedient slut, and she needs to be punished. Do whatever you like, and I’ll be back for her later.”

I uncuffed her and left her with the men, then I went to Missy who was waiting for me with David.

“Should I go to be with Beth?”

“No, you stay out of there, you just get Missy undressed and I’m sure she knows what to do from there. I’ll be right back.”

“But what about Beth?

“She is being punished, and you stay here and let her take her deserves.”

I went to get more men and chose four very well-built guys and explained that they were to take her, make it dirty, but she was not to be hurt in any way. Then we went to Missy’s room where they undressed and surrounded her as she sucked David’s cock. In no time at all, she had hands all over her body and finger inside her. She looked at me with a look of pleasure as she enjoyed all those hands while sucking a cock, and I just smiled back to her. I walked up behind David and whispered in his ear.

“I need to keep checking on Beth, and I’m holding you responsible to make sure Missy isn’t hurt in any way. Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do. She’ll be safe with me Sir.”

I gave Missy another smile and left to go back to Beth. When I walked knot Beth’s room, she was laying on a bench face up, two guys holding her legs up and apart, one cock in her mouth, two in her hands, and one sawing in and out of her pussy.

“Well, how is that cunt?”

“She’s tight but she tried to fight us off, and well, that didn’t work.”

“Beth, you still don’t realize your position. Let me spell it out for you then. Because you can’t keep your position out there, I gave you a new one in here. You are nothing but a collection of warm holes for Men to use at their will. In here, yours doesn’t matter one bit, and let me show you what that’s like.”

I looked at and spoke to the two holding her legs up and the guy that was fucking her.

“Take a break young man and let me step in there. Can you two lift her a bit as you keep her legs open, I want to try that asshole.”

“Sir, she hasn’t been lubed yet.”

“All she gets is your spit and her own juices tonight.”

I could hear her trying to scream but the cock in her mouth muffled all her sounds.

“If she tries to scream again, shove that thing all the way down her throat. I don’t care if this cunt passes out or not.”

Hearing that her eyes got very wide, and she stopped squirming. I spit in her brown pucker, rubbed it in with me thumb and did it again. I rubbed my cock in it and lined up with her anus and gave it gentle pressure.

“You’re not going to like this as much as I do, but then again, this is not about your enjoyment.”

I increased the pressure and I heard her pleading but I didn’t care, more and more pressure until I felt he sphincter give up its fight and the head of me cock made entry.

“Pull out of her mouth and let her speak.”

“Oh, please Sir, don’t, it hurts too much.”

“You’ll be enjoying it after all these boys have a go at you. Being a slut, you should know to be lubed and always plugged, so you’re ready for a good ass fucking. Just think of it as another lesson for you to learn.”

I resumed putting pressure in her with me cock, and it slid in inch by inch until it was buried all the way in up to my balls. Then I pulled out and shoved it back in a bit more forcefully, and I increased my pace until I was hammering in and out of her ass. She changed from half crying and begging me not to continue, to moaning and enjoying it.

“Oh yes Sir, fuck my dirty hole, it feels so good.”

“I’m sure these boys will wear this hole out before we’re done here, so enjoy it while you can.”

“Just keep on fucking me Sir, I want all of you guys to take a turn at me.”

“Put your cock in her mouth, I’m tired of listening to her beg.”

The guy that was previously in her mouth retook his place and was aggressive about it. He would go so deep into her throat and hold it there, that she would start bucking like a prize bronco, giving me an even pleasanter sensation in her ass. As I continued my task they guy fucking her face was getting more brutal, she was gagging when he let her, her face had turned blue from lack of air, and her body was convulsing like she was being electrocuted, but he showed her no mercy. Finally, he dumped his load down her throat and pulled out. She just laid there gasping and choking while his cum ran down her chin, barely aware I was still fucking her. As soon as she recovered there was another in place to take her throat, and she greedily grabbed his cock and guided it in her mouth, which was too much for me as I shot my cum deep into the upper regions of her rectum.

I sat back down on a bench against the wall and one of the club girls came with a warm wet towel and cleaned up my cock. (I love this full-service sex club Idea) I pulled up my pants and went to check on Missy.

Before I even got to the room, I could hear Missy yelling.

“Yeah, that’s it, don’t hold back. Fuck me and fuck me hard boys, I want all your cum.”

When I walked in, David was sitting off to the side watching the show unfolding in front of him.

“Why aren’t you in there?”

“She sucked me off like only she can, then sucked me hard again and told me to take her pussy. I did both but now I need to recover a bit. How is Beth Doing?”

“She’s definitely being fucked into submission. By the guys get done with her, she’ll see herself as nothing but an object for Men to use as they please.”

“She’s not giving them a hard time about anal sex?”

“Well, I Just used her ass dry, and she eventually got into it, but I hope she tries to refuse them, then she’ll receive her biggest lesson.”

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