A Slave’s Life: First Lesson

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I did not like hearing him speak of her a property but figured I could always get out of this if she needed to. I just knelt there waiting for what was next. I watched him smile at me and survey me. “Now I am not sure you are familiar with the teachings of the positions. I am not a cruel master, but I will have your attention and punishment comes swift if you disobey.” I nodded my head slightly, afraid. He came close to me kneeling down to where he was eye level with me.

Placing his hands on my thighs he tried to open my legs, and I protested. “Come now, slave, do not do this. You do not want to start your slavery out with a beating do you?” His eyes were kind as I watched him, but his voice gave no hint of kidding, I let him open my legs. When my knees we about a foot apart he appeared satisfied and then took my hands and rested them on my thighs before he stood up and walked behind me. Placing his hand at the small of my back he straightens it to where I was forced to suck in my stomach and thrust out my chest. At last he lifted my chin and walked in front of me. I watched him silently. “Never look at me in the face slave, less you wish my hand across it.” I nodded my head and looked down. This was not yetişkin porno very fun.

He left the room for a few moments and I watched him go, figuring he did not mind as long as it was his face. It was mere minutes before he came back carrying a box. I looked down once more and waited for him. I was getting tired. “You are to remain that way in my presence unless I give a command otherwise.” I nodded my head silently. “I did not hear you, slave.”

His voice dripped with venom and I flinched. I spoke softly. “Okay.” I was looking down so I did not see nor expect the blow that connected to my face. Startled and smarting I toppled over. My hand went to my face where it was already welting up from his hand, I turned my head to him and stood up, I was not going to take this abuse sitting down, or kneeling or whatever. I walked to him, ready to knock him down a few feet when I noticed he had something in his hand. Shaking my head I raised my fist to hit him about the time he thrust out his foot and knocked me to the ground. While I was there a leash was attached to my collar. I had forgotten I even had the thing on. My hand went to remove it when he whipped the leash youjizz porno against my back and then yanked me to him, his breath on my face.

“You are being a difficult slave, and I will break you of it. You will come to know me and me alone, and desire nothing but what I give you. Do you understand?” I refused to answer and it seemed to annoy him more, his eyes flashed as she whipped me again across the back and I whimpered. “Do you understand me, SLAVE?”

This time I was hurting, never a fan of pain before and not about to start being one, I nodded. “Yes.”

“Yes what?”

“Yes sir?” This got another lash against my back and I felt something warm and sticky on my back. I would never have believed it if I did not feel it, he had drawn blood.

“I am your master and will be addressed as master and nothing else you pathetic excuse for a slave.” He raised the whip once more and then dared me. “Do you understand?”

“Yes Master.” I hated myself for saying but felt I had no choice. He stood up and dragged my from my knees and led me into another room. This one, clean and almost empty with the exception of three large chests like those I kept as a hope chest youporn porno a small bed, and a table. I sighed deeply thinking he was going to allow me to sleep, but needless to say I was wrong. He dragged me up and pushed me over on top of the table, before letting go of the leash.

“Remove your clothes.” Those simple words struck me hard. I could see being beaten, but naked? I was a virgin! I wouldn’t even undress in gym class, and now he wants me to undress here in front of him. I hesitated and once again I was backhanded across the face. “I see you are going to be difficult” With those words he grabbed my fragile dress and ripped it off of me, revealing my bra and panties. He watched me, like one would look at something to eat, cooking in a frying pan. His eyes lingered on my panties and then I knew what he saw. I realized then that I was moist.

His authority and his forcefulness have had an undue effect on me. I was embarrassed as he asked once more for me to remove my clothes. I hesitated once more and he removed them for me, this time he did it gently, his hands lingering on my skin. I was trembling, from his touch and from my fear. I did not know what to expect, but I feared of what I could imagine. He leaned me face first over the table, and attached my leash above me, to where I could move, but not stand up. I was stuck at all times with my head over the center of the table, my legs on the floor, and my body bent over. I watched his feet as he shuffled over to me, caressing my ass.

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