A Summer At The Cabin

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This isn’t so much a story as a retelling of an incident that happened to me when I was younger. Back then, I lived with my parents and my older sister in apartment in the city and each summer we would drive out to a small cabin that my uncle owned and stay there for a few weeks.

The cabin was pretty small, though it hosted four bedrooms, a living room and kitchen. Each of the rooms were uncomfortably tiny. Still the size never really bothered us, nor does it play a relevant part in this story.

The bedrooms were situated on top of each other, two were on the ground floor looking out on to the backyard, and the other two were directly above those with a small staircase and landing leading up to them. My parents and sister always stayed in the bottom two rooms while I enjoyed the solitude and privacy of having the top floor, if you can call it that, to myself.

The room I liked to stay in was the first on the landing. It was small and much the same as the others with nothing of any distinction to it. However, a year prior to this story, the shared wall between that room and the other room and been damaged. I don’t remember exactly how this happened but almost half of the wall had crumbled away. For whatever reason my uncle had been unable to get it fixed and so as a temporary solution had patched it up with sheets of cardboard. Not the best idea, I know, but that was what he did, and from the uneven placement of the sheets and the numerous strips of duct tape, it looked like he had done it himself.

This new “construction” left sizable holes from which I could peer into the other room, but that didn’t really matter considering that room was always left unused when we visited and at the time I hadn’t even paid much attention to it.

The year following that, when we went back, the wall still hadn’t been fixed and wouldn’t get fixed for about another four years. That year my sister had invited one of her friends to come say with us at the cabin. I was really annoyed about this at the beginning…but that feeling passed away quickly. My sister is a few years older than me, and at the time of this story she and her friend must have been around 20-21.

As you might imagine her friend stayed in the bedroom next to mine, on the top floor. Her name was Anna and she was an annoying girl, or at least I thought so. She always spoke down to me or went out of her way ignoring me. I’m pretty sure she thought that just because she used to get high grades since kindergarten that she was smarter and better than everybody else. She had that snobbish and priggish air around her that most over-achievers seem to possess.

Physically speaking, she was an attractive girl, not “sexy”, but attractive. She had a pretty face and long brown hair that fell across it; a nice body that wasn’t too fat or too thin; and average sized breasts that always managed to fill up her top. Up to that point that was just about all I knew about her body.

The thought of spying on her wasn’t something that occurred to me immediately, not even when we were at the cabin and I could hear her unpacking in the next room. It was something that happened quite by chance one evening. I was hunting around my room for something and went to look over by the broken wall. Her room was dark and I didn’t even know if she was in the house. But, suddenly, the light came on and I was left with an unmitigated view inside her room.

From where I stood, I could almost see three quarters of her room. I saw as she walked in and went up to the mirror and stood before it checking out her outfit in the glass. Before alanya escort I could even realize the wonderful situation I had found myself in, she pulled off her top and began hunting through her bag for another. The scene sadly wasn’t that exciting, she was wearing a camisole under her top and so really she hadn’t undressed at all, but still, it left a lot to look forward to.

I camped out beside that broken wall that night, crouched there in the darkness. I imagined myself a spy or a secret agent waiting for his target, childhood imagination and all that. My

parents were already in their bedroom while Anna and my sister and were downstairs doing something. They all presumed I was asleep.

I didn’t have very long to wait, Anna arrived soon enough. I first heard her climb up the stairs and then walk into her room switching the light on. She shut the door behind her. She was still wearing the top I had seen her put on earlier. It was pink and fairly loose, showing the straps of her camisole underneath. She wore it with a pair of black jeans. I watched as she walked around a bit, emptying her pockets and picking out some things from her bag to keep on the shelf below the mirror.

Soon, although it didn’t seem so at the time, the moment I had been waiting for arrived. She began to undress. first the top came off and got tossed on the bed, then she began removing the camisole, it was tight, and as she pulled it up it almost felt like she was peeling it off her body. It got stuck around the base of her breasts and needed an extra nudge to get it off. Somehow it’s always arousing when women touch their own breasts, even if it’s in a mundane way. Underneath she was wearing a navy blue sports bra, and in the yellow lamp light of the room she looked good standing there in just her bra and her jeans.

Her skin looked smooth and pale, I had seen it before obviously, but now there was just so much more of it. My eyes gazed down from her shoulders to her almost flat stomach and down to the rim of her jeans, around which I could just about make out the elastic edges of her panties. Then I went back to stare at her breasts. They looked big, much bigger than they did through her clothes. I could tell her bra was too small, perhaps a full size too small; her breasts looked packed up against her chest and I could see the tops of them trying to spill out from the hemmed edges.

I suppose this is a good a time as any to tell you that I had never seen a woman’s body before, not in real life anyway, and that made the experience extremely special. It was odd, within the span of a just a few hours all my dislike and hate for her and turned into attraction. I wanted to see her body, I wanted to know what she looked like, I wanted to touch and feel her. I wanted to be with her.

She took off her jeans then, and stood there in just her undergarments. It was quite a sight, at least for me. Her panties were blue, not the navy blue of her bra but a lighter powder blue, and had some sort of cartoon drawn over the crotch, I couldn’t quite make out what it was. However it was interesting to know that she didn’t match her underwear, she seemed like the type of super organized person who would.

She stayed like that for a while, in her underwear, as she hunted around for her night clothes. Her bum was small and round, though not perfectly so, and as I watched her stand with her back to me, I had the strongest desire to grab it. I imaged it felt soft and like marshmallow.

It didn’t take long for her to find her clothes and once she had them laid out on the bed, she artvin escort didn’t hesitate to take of her bra. She was standing just as she had been a few moments ago, with her back to me and so I didn’t get to see her breasts just yet. It was agonizing, I knew what I wanted to see was right there, out in the open, in front of me, and yet I couldn’t see it. I kept staring at her back almost naively trying to see through it, I so desperately wanted to see her breasts, after waiting in the dark for so long and watching her undress like this, I felt that I absolutely had to see her breasts!

After taking of her bra, she cupped her breasts in her hands and held them for a second, I suppose it felt good to have them out of those tight clothes. I could see imprint of her bra strap stained on her shoulder and I could only imagine how uncomfortable it must be to wear all day. I wondered why she did. The reason became somewhat obvious as she turned around again to face towards me. Her breasts were huge and beautiful, everything I had hoped they would be and more. They were probably double the size of what they looked like under her clothes and made the rest of her body seem oddly small.

Looking at her then, I couldn’t look at anything else but her breasts, they were just so captivating. They weren’t the round firm breasts I had seen before in porn magazines, these were soft and droopy. They drooped down from her chest like giant tear drops, each peaked with a pale brown nipple. As she walked they shook a little, and as she leaned over to pick up her nightshirt they hung from her chest like over ripe fruit.

Quickly, far too quickly, she put her nightshirt on and her wonderful breasts vanished from my view. Though her shirt was thin and I could easily make out their shape through it, it just wasn’t the same.

My attention then went down her panties, I wanted to see what lay beneath those, to see what her pussy looked like. But she never took them off, she simply put on a pair of track pants over them and then before I knew it she had shut of the light and gone to bed.

It all happened so fast I was dazed, I didn’t move from my spot but just kept standing there still seeing visions of her in front of me, like how one sees the glow of light bulbs for a few seconds after they are turned off.

The show, very sadly, was over. There would be no more to see that night and so eventually I was forced to turn in and go to bed. Needless to say that I dreamed of her that night.

I made somewhat of a nuisance of myself in the days to come. I had grown obsessed with Anna, and found excuses to hang out with her and my sister. When we were together or when I was around her I kept slyly staring at her. I suppose I just wanted to keep looking at her. Her regular annoying attitude did put me off a little though, there was no getting around that, but each time I just remembered what she looked like naked and all those feelings of annoyance quickly changed to lust.

Now that I had seen her without clothes on, it was really strange to see her with clothes on. She looked so different, her body didn’t have as much shape or character, it felt bland. I realized then that she went out of her way to make herself look like that, the loose tops, the layers of clothing, the tight bras, she didn’t want to show off her figure. In truth that sounded exactly like the sort of thing she would do, she wasn’t the type to flaunt herself or draw attention to her body, she was too much of a prude for that. I wondered if she was embarrassed about her breasts, she tried so hard to hide burdur escort them.

I remember concocting a fantasy where she really was embarrassed and ashamed of her body, and I was the one to rescue her and show her how to be comfortable with herself and her sexuality. Sadly, it was just a fantasy.

The next few times that I spied on her were much the same as the first. I got to see her undress down to her panties and then either go to bed or go out. Although, there was one noteworthy addition to the norm on the third night. After she had undressed, she stood in front of the mirror half naked and spent about 5 minutes brushing out her hair. It was amazing to watch her do that, I think it was the longest that she ever stayed undressed. She just stood in front of the mirror, with her lovely brown hair lain down across her left shoulder, the strands of which fell across her breast half hiding it from view. While her other breast was clearly visible in the mirror reflection and jiggled a little with each brush stroke.

With her hair pulled in front like that, I couldn’t help but admire her back as well. I could see it clearly all the way down from the back of her neck to the waist of her white panties, through which I tried to make out the curve of her bum. It wasn’t hard, the panties were thin and clung to her body well, and soon I was imagining her standing there fully nude.

Sadly I didn’t really get to see her fully nude that night, or the night after. That only happened on our last day there.

It was early morning, around 7:00am, with only a few hours to go before we left. Pretty much everybody was busy, packing, cleaning or checking, while I, having finished my packing, was hanging about my room and wasting time. Anna had finished most of her packing as well and was downstairs helping my sister.

As things began to wrap up, I heard her come up the stairs saying she needed a quick shower after all that work. She grabbed her towel and headed back down. I didn’t really think much of it then, but a few minutes later I heard somebody rushing up the stairs again and looking out I saw her run past my door with wet hair wearing only a towel. I guess in the hurry she had forgotten to take a change of clothes down with her.

I instantly rushed to the wall and was just in time to see her pull off the towel. Underneath it she was fully naked, the view didn’t last long but it was enough. My eyes went straight to her crotch, and the first thing I noticed was that she had hair there, not a full bush, but a light dusting of hair that covered most of her pubic area. It was obvious that she trimmed herself there, and to be honest I wasn’t really surprised that she didn’t shave, she wasn’t the type to do that.

Within a minute she had put her panties on and her pussy was lost to my sight forever, I wasn’t really sad though, I counted myself lucky at having even seen it once, especially like this at the last moment. After that I watched her squeeze her breasts into a another sports bra and put on the rest of her clothes. Then she grabbed her bags and headed downstairs, closing the door behind her.

That was the end of my little spying adventure. I never saw her in any form of undress after that, the closest I ever came was seeing her in a bathing suit, and of course, she wore a one piece.

As the years past my sister lost touch with her, and consequently, so did I. Today, I have no possible idea where she might be or what she might be doing, and to be honest, I’m not sure I’d even care to know. I’m not in love with her or hung up on her. She was just the first women I ever saw naked, and for that she holds a special place in my memory. A memory that I love returning to and one that I have shared with you here today. I hope you enjoyed reading about it as much as I did experiencing it.

(Edited by Nnish)

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