A summer in the castle Pt 1

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A summer in the castle Pt 1Six months ago she never would have thought she would find herself in a place like this, not in a million years. As Miranda lay in a large ber with three other naked women she relived her path to this place where she now found herself.It was early spring,she was sipping coffee in a sidewalk cafe. She noticed him enter, an older man mid fifties she would have thought. Well dressed, exspenive suit looked like he had never done a hard days work in his life. There was something about him, an air of something she couldn’t pin down, she shook her head and went back to her Iphone reading her favorite blog. A few moments later she looked up to see him sitting two tables away from her, watching her. There eyes met, but he didn’t look away, like some of the guys she’d catch checking her out from time to time. No he Held her gaze till she dropped her eyes and looked away. She felt her face flush and grow red. She looked at her phone some more pretending that he was not there, but for some reason she felt compeled to look at him again. She turned her head slightly and looked over at him, he was still watching her. She felt funny under his gaze, it was as if her Body was reacting to him on it’s own, her nipples were growing hard she felt hot around her neck. He remained quite still his eyes thought seemed to be burning into her, reading her iner most thoughts. She felt as though she were naked sitting before, her brain reacted making her place one arm over her breasts. On seeing this he gave a little smile and seemed to nod his head. How could he be making her feel like this, he was twenty feet away. Miranda wanted to get up and leave, but she couldn’t find the will to rase off the chair, it was like she was tied to it. She felt helpless in his view, like his will was holding her as if she were bound with ropes to the chair. She bowwed her head and just sat still not looking at him, all kinds of strange thoughts were going thur her head, things she wanted to do or have done to her, she couldn’t stop them they just seemed to flood her mind. How could he be doing this to her by just looking at her, why was she reacting to a total stranger in such a way. She looked up once more and her heart began to pound as she saw him rise and walk toward her table. He stood before her and asked, “Do you mind if I sit down?”. Miranda just muttered “No”. He sat and said, “My name is Stefan, and you little one what is your name?”.She said in a low voice “Miranda”. “Oh what a charming tekirdağ escort name, Miranda”. Miranda had pulled herself together a bit and asked, can I do anything for you. “Oh I’m sure you can do lots for me”, came the reply. “Excuse me I’m not sure I know what you’re talking about”.”Oh but you do little one, deep down inside you know very well”. Miranda flushed bright red, not knowing what to sat she just sat there.”Little one I can read people very well and I know what you want more than anything else”. Miranda tried to pull herself together and asked, “And what would that be then?”. in as strong a voice as she could find in herself at this moment.”Oh please little one dont try to fool me and yourself,you know what you are and what you want to become. I’m going to offer you the chance to fullfil your dreams and let you have what you always wanted”.Miranda said,”Oh yeah and what might that be then”, trying to be as brave as she could at this Moment.”Miranda, Miranda, please don’t be like that, you know what I’m talking about, don’t pretend you don’t”. “Ok then, tell me what I want if you seem to know so much about me by just looking at me for five minutes”.Miranda looked around the cafe it was still quite at this early hour, not many pepole around. He said in a soft voice, “You want to be controlled, you need to be told what to do, you want to obey a Master and bow to his wishes”.Miranda’s head was spinning, oh yes she had been looking at bondage and other things on the internet and found herself turned on by them. She had interduced bondage role playing to her boyfriend and they both enjoyed it. She thought she more than him. She thought that had he been what was for her a real man then he would have been more harsh when he spnaked her. He would have taken controll and made her obey him. He didn’t seem to get, that that was what she wanted. She wanted to restrained and then used for his pleasure. She wanted to feel helpless as he entered her, sometimes Miranda just wanted to be fucked for sake of been fucked by him for his pleasure and not to think about what she wanted,,,yes she wanted to be used!.Miranda wanted forced orgasms, she wanted to cum becaused she was been used as a sex object. She tought that would be the most exciting orgasm she would ever have, helpless bound, her body reacting to been used for the pleasure of another. Not been asked how is it for you dear, do you like it like that, should I go harder or slower. No sometimes tokat escort she just wanted to be fucked like a piece of meat, taken clothes ripped off thrown over whatever was there and entered dry, vagina forced open, hard manhood pushed into her, pain or not didn’t matter. On a table top naked legs over his arms, his hands squeezing her breasts vice like as he entered her forcing himself into her, tears flooding from her eyes as she felt like she was been ripped apart, his eyes rolling in the back of his head lost in a****l passion as he grunted and growled till he came deep inside her, pulling his cock out of her and letting her flop on the table cum dribbling and he just to walk away from her leaving her there without saying a single word, sore and used. Yes deep down Miranda sometimes wanted that just to be used.Now here in the cafe sat a man across from her that seemed to read her iner most thoughts without even knowing her for five minutes, how could that be???.Something a switch seemed to flip in her head and she asked, ” And what, you think you are that Master that I would like to obey, to bend to your breeze and bow to your wishes?.”Yes little one I think I am that person that could you a whole other life waiting to be lived”. “What would I have to do to live such a life that you offer, and you really think I want to run off and be somebodies sex slave?”. “Oh Miranda I see more in you than just a, as you call it a sex slave, you seem to be two halves of the same coin”.”What is that supposed to mean, two halves of the same coin, I don’t understand”.”It’s quite simple. I see you as a slave on one hand a Mistress on the other. Let me explain a little. I see in you a woman who will bow to a Master and also one who will be a Mistress to others, male and female alike who seek to obey another”.Miranda thought for strangs reason that sounded reasonable, because sometimes she had the urge to buy a strap-on cock and fuck her wimp boyfriend and put him in his place, but she had thought it was only because he didn’t know how to controll her. Then a picture flashed in her mind, a female body naked before her tied bent over, Miranda poised behind her, hanging between her legs a large rubber cock, the submissive female helpless as Miranda chose which hole to use, fliping a coin in her head would let her know where to enter first, pussy gently, maybe letting the offered body feel some pleasure before been taken in the ass roughly,screams of pain trabzon escort that would turn to pleasureable moans as the anal canal accepted the forced invasion and relaxed pushing back onto the large rubber cock that was been driven in and out of it. When her thoughts turned to a man prone before her, she felt her pussy swell and grow moist. A male ass little bud puckered ball sack hanging lose, the man whinppering waiting to be fucked in the only hole he had to offer. She had a picture in her mind that was so real she could almost reach out and touch it. Miranda imagined tapping the huge dildo on his ass as he wriggled trying to get away form her, but he is tied where can he go, nowhere, he is mine to use as I see fit. Miranda thought she was going to cum as she imagined herself pushing ten inches of rubber cock deep into a mans ass. Miranda didn’t know if that was what this man was offering but she hoped it was. So she said, “Ok let me here your offer, and I’ll think about it”.”Oh no little one as you americans say this is a one time only offer,, no time to think, yes or no now”.Miranda said,”Ok fire away”. “Little one you will come to Europe for the summer and join me and others in my castle for four months, there you will be interduced to a new way of life. At the end of the four months you will be free to do whatever you want, but you must agree to stay the full four months no matter what, that’s the only but as you Americans say”.Miranda looked at him with a new found braveness and said, “Stefan, as we Americas say, you have a deal”. “Oh god”, he said, “Have I just bought a car”, and laughed. “No a spunky little redhead”, came the asnwer, and they both laughed.Miranda relaxed and asked questions about the castle as he called it, but the answers were short and clipped, not really giving much away. The one thing that he did tell her was that what she’d seem on the Internet or would look up later was not really what happened, yes there was punishment for slaves,but in a whole other way than what was she would see, sometimes far worse and sometimes not so much, but a Balance was always found, and the crime always fitted the punishment,,or the other way round. He did give her a link to a site that wouldn’t be found in the main stream that would help her understand what she might be in for. He told her that all exspences would be paid. She would recive plane and rail tickets soon, and if she gave him her salery amount it would be paid into her bank account for the four months. At the end of the time if she wanted to return to the states all tickets would be paid for, or any where else in the world she wanted to go.And so it was that Miranda gave up her job, left her as she thought whimp boyfriend and headed off to Europe for summer of what she quite didn’t know.

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