A Time To Reflect


I stood by her side. My God she is a beautiful woman! Her red dress perfect! The pearl necklace laid gracefully on her bust and dipped sensually into her ample cleavage! The tears formed and ran from my cheeks falling upon the creamy satin that surrounded her like the clouds of heaven. I reached out, took her hand in mine and rolled her wedding band and small diamond engagement ring between my fingers!


It seemed like yesterday when I was walking along a white picket fence in front of a small the Cape Cod. There was a woman in a rocking chair on the front porch.

“Mrs. Miller, my mom said you need some help with your yard work”

“Yes Jimmy, Come up here.”

I opened the gate and just as I was about to leave it open, thought better and turned to latch it before proceeding to the porch!

“Thanks! I must latch that gate 10 times a day! How is your mother?”

“First impression” so my dad always said and by closing the gate I had just made mine!

“She is fine Ma’am”

“Oh my! A young gentleman! I’m pleased, but Mrs. Miller is much preferred if you please. You do understand, the other makes me feel so old?”

The widow Miller or Cranky Annie as some of the other kids called her was a beautiful woman about my mother’s age. She always dressed in long dark dresses, flats, no makeup and a drab scarf always covered her dishwater blond hair. She was about 5Ft 4 and, other than ample breasts which couldn’t be hidden, who would ever know what for a figure. She was seriously over protective of her flowers and other property and that caused her to be the recipient of far to may of the kid’s pranks!

“As you wish Mrs. Miller. What kind of yard work did you have in mind?”

The yard was perfect. The grass was mowed, the flower beds and side walks were perfectly edged and there wasn’t a weed in sight!

“Well the young man I had has gone off early to college! I know its late in the year for you to be taking on new yard work but there are still several weeks of mowing and then there will be the fall leaves. If you can help me I’d really appreciate it! – I payed Tommy one dollar an hour but what ever the going rate I’ll pay you!”

“I can use the money but I don’t see much that needs done!”

“My husband, God rest his soul, would roll over in his grave if I let this yard turn into a jungle. He spent hours out here every night and on weekends and I just can’t let it get out of hand! God knows I can’t afford to keep it like he did but I have plenty of work for you just to keep up with the grass, weeds, hedge and leaves. So — You interested?”

“Sure, Just show me what you want done and I’ll start first thing tomorrow”

“Ok, Jimmy come back tomorrow and I’ll show the tools and the work! Oh, you’ll be staying for dinner so don’t forget to bring a change of clothes.”

I turned and gave her a puzzled look!

“It’s ok Jimmy! Your mother knows but if you don’t want to It’s——-ok.”

It was a big thing with mom that we always ate dinner together. Was mom just trying to be nice to Mrs. Miller and give her some company?

“That will be fine Mrs. Miller but I’ll need to be home by seven if that’s ok.”

“Oh my – You have a date! We will be done in plenty of time, Jimmy!”

“No Ma’m——- Oops— Mrs. Miller, I don’t have a girl friend but every Saturday night I go out with the guys.”

“A nice young man like you, the girls don’t know what they’re missing! Maybe we can —- Well we’ll see——- “

I would turn 19 in two months and start electronic technical school the next. My dad didn’t make much money. School was going to be hard on his savings and if I wanted the car I would have to pay for the gas. This job was really going to help. And although I was dumb and a little slow when it came to adult things, some how I knew mom and Mrs. Miller had something in mind for me.

The next day Mrs. Miller and I worked all day weeding and edging the flower beds. She was sure fussy about the little things but 8 or 10 dollars was more than enough to make up for the hassle. Later she showed me the shower and told me to get ready for dinner. I had forgot to take my change of clothes in the bath room but when I stepped out of the shower there they were and my dirty things were gone! Gee it was just like home! But, knowing another woman other than my mother was in the bath room while I was taking a shower did put me a little on edge. Although I had no idea why, my manhood was growing at the thought that she may have seen me through the shower curtain.

Dressed in clean jeans and a dress shirt I walked out of the bath room to the sensational smell of dinner cooking and some easy music. Glen Miller type stuff! Mrs. Miller, dressed in a light cotton house coat met me in the hall. The nearly sheer material barely hid her ample breasts with dark aureoles and protruding nipples. My manhood gave a very uncomfortable twitch!

“Jimmy, there is a stack of records beside the Victrola. Would you be a dear and change them as each finishes? I love to here the music and normally there is no one here to change them while I get washed and dressed.”

By now İvedik Escort my cock was pushing down my pant leg and I had no idea why this 40ish woman was causing it to happen.

“Yes Ma’m — Mrs. Miller”

She took my chin and raised my head so our eyes met. And, then just smiled. I knew she saw the bulge in my jeans but she said nothing. As she proceeded down the hall I couldn’t resist turning to see if she had a nice ass to go with those big tits! Sure enough she had a great ass and the nearly sheer house coat did nothing to hide it. In fact I had spent so much time gawking at her breasts that I never noticed that it was baby-doll short. Her legs were perfect and as she disappeared into the bathroom, I found myself wishing for a peek at her cheeks below the hem line.

Six records later and my cock finally at its normal 2 inches she made her entrance at the parlor door. So much for my being comfortable and so long to my flaccid manhood!

“Wow — Mrs. Miller you are beauteeeeee —- I mean you look great!”

Her hair was beauty solon perfect, tresses of smooth curls caressed her bare shoulders. A red sequined and smooth fitting gown adorned her beautiful figure and draped from her hips to the floor. A slit that tantalized my passion ran up one leg further than I believed possible. Matching patten leather spikes made her nearly as tall as me! But, most intriguing was the low cut neckline! I mean low! It opened wide starting at the spaghetti shoulder straps and dipped to her slim waist! No way could she have a bra under that! Simply put she was a dream of a woman!

“I hope you don’t mind but I have so few chances do dress up now that my Ralphie is gone. Please indulge an old woman and grant me this privilege.”

This was certainly becoming a role playing game and from the looks of this woman I was more than willing to play along!

“Ms Miller, I’m certainly pleased to finally meet you!”

“And I you sir. And if you will please, just for tonight, Ann will do fine “

Mrs. Miller was a fine cook and even though she had to run to the kitchen several times, the candle light dinner was exquisite! All through dinner I couldn’t take my eyes off of this tantalizing woman. Each time she caught me gawking she would smile pleasantly and take another dainty bite. Some coffee and chocolate cake finished what I thought was one of the most erotic moments of my life. Although I had never experienced precum, well except at my own hand, about 4 inches down my right leg, my jeans were spotted wet. There was no way I could get up from this formal table and let her see what she had caused!

“If you please, Jimmy, another indulgence. Will you gant this old woman one after dinner dance?”

“Mrs. Miller — I mean Ann, I don’t know how to dance!”

Besides, even if I did I couldn’t show her the wet spot on my jeans.

“Just a waltz? I’ll show you the steps and you’ll do fine.”

There was no way I could break this woman’s heart so I held the napkin over my wet spot and walked to the other end of the table. Gently took her hand and asked “would you grant a gentleman this dance dear lady?”

“Nothing would please me more, sir.”

Her hand in mine, she stood, took the napkin and laid it on the table with hers.

“We won’t need this any more. There is nothing to hide between us is there? Besides, it makes me fell like a young woman to know that I can still make a man – do that!”

In the parlor she selected a record, cranked up the Victrola and gently laid the needle in the track. She turned to me and I extended my left arm to dance position and waited for her to move to me. Gracefully she took my other hand and placed it on her bare shoulder then pulled the other down to her hip. Low on her hip! Dam I had a hand full of tight Ass!

“This way Jimmy. Dancing is a sensual under taking and those things you see on TV are not what dancing is all about!”

She pressed her body to mine, slipped her hand under my arm and with both hands lightly gripped my ass! Through the side slit in her gown her bare leg, way above the top of her nylons caressed my manhood! I looked into her glazed eyes for confirmation that we had the right position. She subtly laid her head on my shoulder and began to hum to the waltz. We moved ever so little and swayed gracefully until the scratch of the record indicated the end of a wonderful afternoon.

As she paid me and we said our good bye’s I was again trying to hide the big wet spot and the massive bulge in my pants. To my total surprise Ann lifted my hand and while eye to eye she squeezed my raging cock!

“Its alright Jimmy! I’m wet too! That’s what dancing is all about! Remember a lady likes nothing better than to dance so next Saturday I’ll teach you some real dance steps! You will let me teach you won’t you?”

“Nothing would please me more than to learn to dance from a beautiful woman like you.”

I was so horny that I went straight home, sprawled out my bed and daydreaming of erotic dancing with Ann, I wacked off twice before my cock returned to its normal flaccid state. It seemed like my cock was at full erection İvedik Escort Bayan all week. Some of the girls that noticed my problem surely thought they were the catalyst. If they only knew that Ann was the only thing on my mind! I couldn’t wait for Saturday and my next dance lesson. It wasn’t just dancing though, I wanted Ann!

As I entered through the gate it wasn’t the dark dress and the scarf covered hair that I saw. I knew that under that garb Mrs. Miller was a luscious woman and my eyes saw right through, to her wonderful womanhood. His time in anticipation of another tantalizing, even erotic, dinner I carried my only suit in the bag.

She certainly didn’t let me down! Just starting my shower I saw the curtain slide back and there she stood in the same babydoll housecoat! This time the buttons were open and her breasts were barely covered but down below all of her womanhood was exposed. I had never seen a woman before! I mean other than the Playboy pictures I kept under my bed and most of them only showed their tits. Just a few showed some hairy bush! But, Ann didn’t have a hairy bush! She only had a small tuft of blond hair on her belly. Below she looked like my baby cousin when I changed her diaper one time.

“If you’ll let a woman join you in the shower we will have much more time for the dance lessons?”

Without me saying a word, my cock told her yes! What happed next was the most erotic thing I’d seen in my short life. She slowly pushed the house coat open letting her tits jump out to met my bulging eyes! They were bigger than I ever imagined and they were real live flesh. Then the light pink cotton slid down her back hesitating ever so slightly as it brushed across her ass. She pushed her arms together, rolled in her shoulders and squeezed her breasts together just like the little tease in my Playboy Magazine.

“Do you like my tits or would you like my ass better?”

Although I though I knew the answer, she knew I’d change my mind even as she turned and showed me her perfect butt!

“I have something else to show you!”

I couldn’t possibly imagine anything else she could possibly show me but she soon put that thought to bed! Her legs separated slightly she slowly bent down and grabbed her ankles! It was then I discovered what I love most to see of a woman! From between her legs, her pussy opened like a pink rose in the morning sun! My eyes must have popped out of their sockets! She was speaking to me from down between her legs but all I could see below her swaying tits was her chin.

“I thought you were an ASS man!”

She stood up and climbed into the shower with me! My cock was harder than it had ever been! When she took hold of it I only lasted a few short strokes before the cum streamed out like milk from a cow!

“My my, we are excited aren’t we! No mind, A young man like you must have plenty more where that came from.”

She soaped a wash cloth and washed me all over spending extra time with my cock and firm butt then she handed me the cloth.

“You want me to wash you?”

“Why yes! Surely you don’t think I got in here just to work!

We exchanged places and I started to wash her back when she stopped me. She turned and whispered in my ear “Lightly, just caress my skin with your touch! A lady’s delicate skin is only out done by her emotional sensitivity!” Exercising my new found knowledge I washed every inch of her beautiful body. Then when she squirted some shampoo into her hair I dropped the wash cloth and ran my fingers into her hair and massaged her scalp to the rhythm of her soft moans. With her breasts in my face she directed my hands to her back and as she leaned back to rinse her hair I clasped them to support her. My lips went straight to her breasts kissing and licking them.

“This is a dance position that I will show you but right now please suck my nipples! They like to be sucked!”

I took a nipple in my mouth and started to suck ever so delicately and then harder and harder. Her nipple expanded into my mouth until it was the size of a babies sucker and when I let it go to suck the other It was nearly an inch long! Soon I had let the other in the same condition!

“You must have been a breast fed baby because you sure know how to suck tit!”

Really I had some experience at sucking tit thanks to a former girl friend but that was all the further she would let me go!

“Now how are you at finger fucking? Women like a little finger fucking almost as much as dancing”

She pushed my hand to the one place it had not yet been on any woman. It was then that I knew this was the woman who would take my virginity!

“Gently now! Cup your hand and contain my womanhood! If you have done your job you will find it soaking wet with my juices. Experiment a little let your fingers slip between the wet folds of my lips but be gentle!”

I rubbed a little then my middle finger instinctively slipped in side her juicy lips to the hot meaty flesh inside! There I did it I had my finger up a woman’s cunt! Oh I was so filled with pride. “Young Dumb and full of Cum” as someone once reminded me, never once Escort İvedik did it occur to me that Mrs. Miller was doing this as a teacher!

She took my hand and nudged my finger deeper, deeper into her soft hot flesh. She then directed me “Right there Jimmy that’s the spot. Fell the soft nubby under your finger tip? That’s my erogenous spot and if you gently rub there I will soon deliver my essence into your hand!” Well I had no idea what was coming but I did as I was told and soon I could see in her face, the exquisite power I had in my finger. Within minutes her body began to shake and it scared me so I pulled out!

“Oh my – never do that unless you want to tease a woman to insanity! Now we can’t have that so please — continue please.”

She shoved my finger back into her pussy and I quickly found the little nubby again. This time when she began to shake she held my hand and wouldn’t let me take it out. Her once soft pussy meat turned to muscle and tightened like a vise on my finger! A few short strokes more and she filled my hand with her creamy fluid.

“Thank you! Its been a long time since I’ve cum like that.”

She left in a towel and I got dressed. Except for the tie that is! Fifteen minutes later Mrs. Miller came back into the bath room. Wow! Se was decked out in a short sleek black dress with a neck line that never stopped plunging! Beautiful legs and black patten leather spikes competed the steamy outfit! She saw my problem and in a few minutes taught me to tie it with a slim long knot. Then we went to the dinning room where one of her neighbors served us dinner. Our homemade apple pie complete, I walked to the other end of the table, took her hand and asked her to dance.

“I’d be pleased to dance with such a handsome young man.”

In the parlor she started a record that she called a Fox Trot and in nearly fifty replays she showed me the steps. Then to a new record we danced one sensuous Fox Trot! When we parted she looked down to the wet spot on my left leg.

“I see I have done my job! Now, lets see if you have done yours!”

She took my hand and directed it to her crouch where I found soaking wet silk. After I withdrew she reached up under her dress and then presented her wet finger to my lips. I licked the sweet nectar from her finger! Like soft butter she melted into my arms and we kissed passionately like lovers on TV.

We said good bye at the door! Next Saturday was much too far away! At home my mom just stared at me in my Sunday best. On my way to my room I explained “Mrs. Miller always dresses for dinner and I thought I owed her the decency to dress too”. Mom had a gleam in her eyes and a broad smile that I was sure was for her son who had just made her proud. If she ever knew that I had just finger fucked her friend she would have shit her pants!

That night at the WMCA dance it seamed like every girl there wanted to dance with me. I danced with them all but none of them made me hard and wet like Mrs. Miller!

The following Saturday it was another sensual short dinner dress, a dance called the Tango and a few modern steps that I saw some of the girls do when they danced together! Then after the dance lesson I learned what a woman loves better than anything else! Ann took me in her arms and deep into a passionate kiss, we stumbled in to the love seat! The kiss that I wished would last forever was broken.

“Last week from my finger? How did it taste?”

“Like sweet maple syrup?”

She opened her legs hiked up her dress and showed me her bare pussy! If I had known she didn’t have any panties when we were dancing there would be more than a little spot on my trousers!

“How would you like to taste it for real? How would you like to give a woman the one thing she likes best!”

I just gawked at her pussy and did nothing! I had no idea what to do!

“Jimmy, when a woman opens herself like this, a man that likes the taste of pussy drops to his knees and eats her like a melting ice cream cone! Are you a man that likes the taste of pussy?”

I dropped to my knees and slowly lapped the juice from her smooth mounds. Then, remembering how my finger had pleased her so much I tried desperately to reach that erogenous spot with my tongue. Although I didn’t reach it she seamed to love my tongue inside her!

“Up higher Mr beam! My clit, a hard pea up high between my lips. Take it in your mouth and suck it like a nipple.”

There it was hiding between her lips. I sucked it like she told me! I sucked it until she began to shake like last week. This time I didn’t stop! I couldn’t have stopped! She held my head between her legs with both hands. Soon it grew longer like a nipple and a few minutes later she filled my mouth with her sweet nectar!

Now it was my turn. I sat beside her and she opened my trousers to extract my leaking cock. She kneeled between my legs looked me in the eyes and said “I can’t let you go home and use your hand tonight!” She took my manhood in her mouth. At first she only licked and sucked it’s circumcised head. My hand never felt this good and even Ann’s soapy hand job couldn’t compare to the sensation that was building in my loins. Slowly she took more and more of my throbbing manhood into her mouth. Faster and faster her head bobbed up and down on my cock! I tried to hold it but I couldn’t wait any longer. My cum shot up through the narrow passage and into her mouth. Wad after wad shot out and she drank every drop.

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