A Toy , His Friend

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Sometimes life is complicated. Other times it’s simple.

Adora enjoyed her life, her home, her access to a lovely waterfront area, the beach, friends, shopping and other niceties of an idyllic location. It was a life she had built; it was both pleasant and fulfilling. Keeping life simple and uncomplicated can be accomplished by a pragmatic, intelligent and focused person who puts oneself in the right situation, makes the right decisions, and compromises in certain areas of life. But Adora still had needs – and those needs, like with many things involving other people, came with complications.

Adora’s relationship with her friend Nick – in an aspect of life many people find complicated, complex, and sometimes troublesome – was instead very simple. Nick was much like the toys she kept in the drawer by her lovely, comfortable bed. She could take him out of the drawer when she wanted him and put him back when through with him. Sometimes, on a gorgeous springtime night with a light breeze sifting through the window she would call him, tell him her shoulder needed his strong hands to work out a kink. On a cold night in the winter she would send him an email saying that she needed someone to warm up her chilled hands. That request would be all it took and Nick would show up ready to work out her kinks or warm her hands – for starters!

Much like the toys kept in her tastefully decorated bedside table, Nick would be available to play when she needed him to do so.

And like those toys Nick had different settings of which Adora had learned to operate with the tone of her voice, the twinkle of an eye, or just the right instruction. She alternated the intensity, type, and frequency of his actions much like she used the controls on her favorite vibrator. And Nick had more settings than any vibrator she had come across in her years of searching.

Sometimes Adora just wanted her breasts to be sucked while she teased herself with a vibrator or dildo. Sometimes she told him she to give her a good hard session of fucking and to use his heavy cock for a long time in many positions. Other times she told him to take over, that she was just a weak, horny woman with a healthy appetite for whatever he could imagine. Whatever her mood, she could count on him to come out of his “drawer” whether it had been days or even weeks between their encounters.

Her king-sized bed was often the playground for their fun but sometimes she brought him to a staircase where she could enjoy the view of this head buried in her legs. His tongue licking her sensitive pussy was so nice, his mouth clamped tightly on her ready cunt was a wonderful sight to see. And if she purchased new furniture he was told how they would initiate it into her living space. If she was feeling very naughty her balcony was available for a tryst – and possibly being secretly watched by a neighbor or passerby was a bonus. If she was feeling frisky she might ask him to pick her up in his SUV and drive her to a secluded spot where, by moonlight, they could neck like teenagers and she could ‘lose’ herself in the backseat, her voice squealing in delight. Occasionally, on a slow weekend afternoon, Adora told her man-toy to come over and just stroke his cock while she watched telling her a tale of his sexual adventures and she would simultaneously use her vibrators on herself.

Nick was exactly what Adora needed for her life at the time.

Nick could not always be around, of course, but the buxom woman enjoyed reading and writing stories about all kinds of sexual situations and encounters. This particular week during some quiet time alone she had been casually thinking about a story she had read while her hands worked a smooth, wide dildo into her wetness. This story was about two handsome men, friends, who fucked a willing co-worker after an office party. Adora had seen pictures of such a combination only recently. It looked fun.

She had had a busy week (and she was also at her sexual peak for the month) and it was a Friday afternoon when she called Nick and said she had some furniture to move and that he would probably need to bring another man along for the lifting. Nick said he would be glad to help and he’d be over at eight with another pair of hands for the lifting.

Adora was pleased and titillated knowing it would be an interesting night; a night of many possibilities. She had a couple of opportunities for such an experience but it had not worked out. This time the odds seemed in her favor.

Adora knew she would need energy so she walked into town and met a friend to share a meal, all the while during the conversation thinking about the pleasure appointment scheduled for that night. She drank wine, ate slowly, sipped her cool water, and glanced at other tables seeing the people around wondering if they would speculate this nicely dressed, classy woman would be stretched to the limit with so much cock in only a couple of hours. She smiled to herself. Her friend noted that Adora seemed so perky and alive. They both laughed lezbiyen porno – Adora was discrete but her longtime dinner companion knew something was up.

After finishing the delicious meal and casual conversation Adora departed the restaurant, walked three blocks in the setting sun’s light, entered her castle, and prepared for the appointment! A robe would be all that was neede – this was just so much easier than heading out for the evening. She wasn’t going anywhere else that night but she would be riding, that was for sure.

A few minutes after eight o’clock there was a light tapping on the door. She opened it slowly, never nervous because Nick had come through so many times. There he stood tall and handsome. Next to him stood a slightly shorter, slighter man with a swimmer’s athletic body. His name was Matt and she thought he looked a bit younger than Nick. Adora noticed his cute grin and evenly tanned legs along with his sandy-brown hair and bluish eyes. He seemed a bit nervous when he reached out to shake her hand as he stared at the floor, “Hello Adora, I’m pleased to meet you.”

“Nick & Matt Moving Service is ready to serve,” Nick made a wisecrack to lighten any awkwardness there might have been.

Adora could feel her nipples getting hard as she asked them to come inside, told Nick she was thankful that he could come over on such short notice to help her out, and asked them if they wanted a drink.

She led them to her quaint living room. The men seated themselves while Adora brought in a bottle of vintage Cabernet. She poured and handed a glass to Nick, seated as usual in his favorite rocking chair. She poured two more glasses and handed one to Matt as she took a seat opposite him on her sofa, tucking her right leg underneath herself gracefully as she sank into the comfortable cushions.

“You have a really nice place, I look forward to a tour,” said Matt with no hint of an accent but with a nice even manly tone. He was looking around the room casually and she was positive that when she was looking at Nick talking Matt was giving her a good look, too.

“Thank you so much, Matt. I’ve been fortunate,” Adora replied sipping on her wine and with an overt flirtatiousness. “So, Nick dear, how do you know this gentleman?”

Nick, rocking slowly, replied, “I met him at a party for a volleyball league I play in. Matt’s been in this area six months and he joined the league right near the end of this season.”

Nick continued gesturing at Matt, “The top team picked him up for their roster. I protested, of course! He’s a ringer I said. But, well, Matt stayed on and helped them take the title. The bum!”

“They would have won without me, for sure,” said Matt laughing.

Adora listened to the two men banter and noticed her glass was empty; so was Matt’s glass and without hesitation she poured some more for them both. Nick just rocked slowly back-and-forth while a cool breeze flowed in from the half-open glass door to the nearby balcony.

Matt, it turned out, had joined the faculty at a community college in a town about seven miles due north. He had moved to the area from Ohio to focus on his artwork while still paying the bills by teaching art courses, something he had done at other small schools since earning a Master’s degree in Fine Art.

“I enjoy teaching various styles from water-color painting to murals to sculpting. I seem to learn as much from whomever I teach as I have learned from real pros I have encountered!” he explained. Adora noticed him giving her the once-over even more as he grew more relaxed. “Ok, I’ll admit art and activities surrounding it like gallery exhibitions and showings are also a great way to meet neat, interesting, and often attractive people – especially women.”

“I imagine you do well with them,” Adora said, a hint of flirting in her voice but she meant it. She shifted her position allowing her robe to open just a little more in the front.

Matt seemed to blush noticing Adora’s ever opening rob but he stayed self-deprecating, “I think I do well but…usually not I admit. I’m basically a shy person but I force myself to be more outgoing. I’m comfortable in my studio alone. Teaching has helped me with confidence that’s for sure.”

“Yeah, buddy, I noticed how tough a time you had being the focus of attention at the first party I saw you at,” Nick laughed. “You were dancing up a storm – or you were having a seizure, not sure which!”

They all laughed.

Adora giggled, “So, you were having some success on the dance floor?”

“Well, I guess. I was dancing with whoever was around. Everyone! But no one stayed near me too long!”

“Was your girlfriend with you?” asked Adora.

“I haven’t dated anyone seriously for a couple of years. I’m busy with my own art work, I am passionate about teaching my classes, and I do write some art reviews for small art publications in print or online,” Matt explained. “Right now I don’t feel like dating someone liseli porno – maybe that’s selfish?”

“He’s just trying to corner the market on artsy chicks, the bastard!” Nick blurted out. Obviously, Adora thought, these two can rib each other like all men do!

“Do you miss dating?” Adora asked as she continued to sip her drink and glance at both handsome men.

“Sometimes. But I’m really into my work,” replied Matt as he started to get up. “Speaking of work, Adora – may I call you Adora? – anyway, Nickbo here said you needed some help with your furniture.”

“Oh, I do, Matt – and of course you can call me Adora,” she replied setting down her glass and standing up near him, “But I thought I’d show you around first, give you a tour. I have some original art, oil paintings, water colors, too, from local artisans you might want to see.”

“That would be cool. Nick, you mind?” Matt responded holding out his arm for the fine lady to take.

“Not at all. You two go ahead. I’m going to drink some more and relax. Maybe throw on the TV to check out the ballgame if you don’t mind. Been a long day…” and Nick got up to grab the TV remote. “Oh, take the bottle guys. If you leave it here I’ll just drink the rest.”

They all chuckled. Nick wasn’t kidding, of course. But he figured he would need the energy later that a full bottle of wine might effect.

So, Adora and Matt started the tour. She took him all over the place and there definitely was art to see. Matt was thinking how impressed he was by her taste and even hoping to get the names of some of the artists for his own follow-up. He also liked the feel of her hands on his arms.

Adora was enjoying showing off her art, many guys didn’t pay much attention to it but Matt was even asking about the frames and how she chose to hang what piece where.

“Oh, Matt,” Adora smiled and squeezed his arm, “I just love things that are…to…be…hung.”

He laughed at her obvious reference. They were upstairs near her bedroom. She gracefully pulled him into the room telling him he would enjoy seeing some of the items inside. She had a closet holding some works she hadn’t put up on the walls yet, she said, and wondered if he would like to see those, too. Matt did and he sat down on the bed, glass in hand.

“This is a really great room and it looks like you’ve enjoyed decorating it,” Matt said looking around.

“Oh, it’s my sanctuary. Nick likes…oops, I mean, well never-mind.” Adora said from her walk-in closet as she re-entered the room with a frame in hand.

“Go ahead. You were saying Nickbo likes what?” Matt’s heart was beating just a tad faster.

“He likes this room, that’s all.”

“Has he spent, ummm, time in here for any particular reason?” Matt asked a question but, though he and Nick had not gotten into details, he understood the overall situation very clearly. This was the fine lady he had heard about in other conversations Nick and Matt had had privately as their friendship had grown over the last several months.

“Yes. He has spent time here,” she said cautiously. “What has Nick told you if you don’t mind me asking?” Adora said it in a much lower voice as the conversation was turning more intimate.

“He is a good guy, Adora. He hasn’t said that much except that you were a lovely lady and he was at your disposal for getting, err, stuff done.” Matt said slowly looking nervously at the floor.

Adora sat next to him closely on the bed. “Matt, I have a great life. Right now I like it just the way it is. To keep it simple I’ve been lucky to get to know him. He’s kind, gentle, funny, and understands when I need a man…and for what I need the man to do.”

Matt started to respond but Adora lightly put a finger to his mouth.

“Let me finish, hun,” she continued, “I have always liked sex. Ok, I admit it. I like to have fun. I get horny. Very horny. I don’t need Nick around all the time, I have other things going in life. He’s been about perfect – he is around when I need him or when I tell him he’ll be around. That seems to work for him and it works for me. He’s discrete and…”

Matt listened intently and Adora was using her fingernails to lightly touch the back of his neck…

“…and Nick is a very sexual man. He allows me to use him like, uh, well a toy. Let me be blunt – Nick’ll fuck me any which way but loose.” She said that last part laughing, almost spitting up her last sip of the wine. Matt was laughing, too. The bed rocked a bit.

They both sat quietly for a few seconds, two people not knowing how to proceed but both knowing where they were headed. Adora showed him the framed water-color painting she was holding. She then showed him two other works from local artisan. Matt enjoyed the time showing off a bit his experience in the field. Her taste and enthusiasm for art also impressed him.

Finally Matt said, “I wonder if we should head back out and see how buddy boy is doing?”

“We could,” mature porno she answered sitting on the bed close to him, “Can I ask you a question first?”

“Sure, anything.”

“As an artist would you enjoy doing a painting or drawing of me?” Adora said in a seductive voice.

“Sure. I’m not a great portrait artist but I do well on the sketches.”

“Put me into a position you would want to sketch me in.” Adora told him.

“You mean just arrange you as if we had a session set up?”

“Yes. You’re the artist, I’m your subject tonight.”

Matt nodded his head, “Alright…um, lay back.” Adora did so.

“Ok, ummm…get your whole body on the bed. That’s it. Ummmm, maybe lay sideways on your left side…”

Adora did as she was told. “Is this robe easy to sketch?”

“Well, to be honest we do some of our work in nudes or partial nudes depending on the subject matter and what we want to accomplish,” replied Matt looking at her eyes and standing near the bed.

“How about a partial nude to start then?” Adora suggested. Matt nodded in agreement. Adora opened her robe and slipped it down over both shoulders. Her black bra held her treasure chest.

“Should I take this off, too?” she asked innocently.

Matt took in a deep breath and let it out slowly, “Adora, I was hoping you would say that – I mean from an artist’s viewpoint of course.”

She effortlessly removed it, “Mr. Artist, could you come over to this bed and make sure that this new model is doing this right?” She smiled. “And I am a model who is just willing to do anything to get work, wouldn’t ya know.”

He moved over to the light-switch near the headpost and lowered it, “Lighting is so important, new model Adora. And other skills help in a session, too.”

The body heat between the two was building. Matt wanted to be in the bed as he knew their scenario had reached its limit. Their bantering was slowing down. Matt just wanted to touch her. Kiss her. He bent to her soft face. His lips were met with passion. Their breathing was noticeable as they slowly mashed like two college freshman at the close of a date, their hands exploring each other like someone forming pottery.

He wanted to touch her breasts and he did. They were wonderful. They tasted so good. The couple continued to explore like two lovers in a secluded spot in a park — except they were so much more comfortable on the bed, the sheets caressing their skin. He lightly touched her mound and worked a finger slowly into her wetness.

“I have some special skills, too, Matt,” Adora whispered in his ear enjoying his touch, “I am no artist but let’s give this a try.”

Her hands fumbled with the belt of his khaki shorts. Her hands were definitely practiced at this. She felt his hardness. He was silent as she started to touch and massage him. She wanted access to his balls. She got it. Adora was getting into her zone, the zone where she turns her mind off and her lust on. She bent down to lick and suck on Matt’s great balls – enjoying the fragrance and heaviness of this set. She felt their power.

She rolled the inner sac in her soft fingers and made his cock hard just with that massaging and licking. It was very hot and erotic. She kissed the cockhead admiring it. Matt was tempted to use her lips like a pussy but knew there would be time for that later…

She took off the rest of her robe. The evening was getting interesting.

“Matt, I want you to fuck me in every hole and be put into every position possible. I want to spread myself wide open to be looked at, explored, fucked and sucked. I want to be on my hands and knees and have my ass licked, fingered and fucked until your cum fills it up.

Matt did not need to be told twice. She was on her back the first time he slowly plunged his lovestick into her wetness. Her legs were way up in air bouncing wildly with abandon like a slut as she took his meat. She could feel his control as he plunged in and out. His cock was going at a perfect pace into her cunt. They switched positions as needed and he stayed rock hard and always inside her. Matt touched her backside and making her feel extra hot. He asked her if she would like to see what else he could do with his long brush. She told him lustfully she had lube and wanted to see what other ways a new model could learn to make an artist pleased. They slowly applied the lube.

A few seconds later, after some more attention to her gorgeous rear, he was plowing into her from behind. He had a nice rhythm going. Her breasts shook as he pounded her the way she liked it. He slapped her ass playfully and called her a “good doggie-style whore.” She just moaned at the thrusting.

He fucked her ass as well as he had fucked her wet pussy. He pulled out slowly and turned her onto her back again, grabbing her thighs and pulling her in tight against him. Keeping his eyes locked on hers, he pulled his legs up onto his chest, hanging them over his shoulders. He slid his hands under her hips and raised her body to him, holding her there with one hand as he guided his thick meat back into her tight, aching asshole. Her body arched as he slowly pressed his length deep inside of her heat. He put her legs up on his shoulders and spread them wide for the continuing cock assault.

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