

Subject: “A Trial Of Strength” – Part 447 by Rob Williams TRIAL OF STRENGTH – PART 447 By Rob Williams CHAPTER 447 � “MASTER & BOY AT LAST” IN THIS CHAPTER: After the party Grady swaps gossip with his boy Brian. The handsome movie star and his Italian lover Mario make love to young Brian and Mario wants to freeze the moment in time. Then tough, macho Seth and gentle young Danny go on a dinner date full of love and laughter. But then Danny falls into a perilous situation where he is rescued in a vicious fight by the man who swears to protect him always. _____________________________________________________________________ ************ In the previous chapter *************** “The Grady House always works its magic.” Those words, in a lilting Italian accent, were spoken by Mario, the handsome Italian lover of the heartthrob movie star Grady, both of them owners of the Grady House where a festive gathering of the tribe was in full swing. He was sitting at the group lunch with the tribe’s leaders Randy and Bob. They had all just been treated to a stunning display of master/boy role reversal where the musclehunk Marine Hassan had just been fucked by his own boy Eddie to prove he deserved his new title of senior boy. “And I do not mean only Hassan and Eddie,” Mario continued. “You must have heard of what happened last night between Seth, Danny and Tommy � especially Seth and Danny.” “Yeah, that seems to be a story in the making,” Bob said. “But I wonder if it will go anywhere?” “Oh, amico, magic like that does not just disappear in a puff of smoke. Just glance down at the end of the table where the three of them are talking. That’s not smoke getting in their eyes. That is what we call vivacit� … how do you say … genuine sparkle?” It had all started the previous night when the rugged construction worker Seth had stumbled into the room Danny was sharing with his boyfriend Tommy � and at Danny’s urging Seth stayed the night. Over a nightcap drink Seth mentioned that he was confused about the setup of masters and boys in the tribe. “Like, whose boy are you Danny?” “Hm, well, Tommy’s my lover and he’s the boy of Steve and Lloyd. But I’m the only boy who doesn’t have a master, sir. Grady and Mario are my bosses and they love me, but their boy is Brian, not me.” “So, er, what makes a guy a master?” Seth asked. “Well,” Danny explained, “he’s older than the boy, he has to look like a master and be dominant sexually. It can be a Randy type � tough and rugged � or a guy like Bob who comes across as kind and gentle but can be macho as hell. Now you, sir, are definitely the Randy type. You even look like him � a big tough muscular gypsy. It’s what’s called an alpha male, and you are definitely that, sir.” Huh,” Seth laughed. “I guess I should take that as a compliment. But, hell, I could never teach a kid anything. Look at the mess I made with my son Will. Nah, I’m not master material.” “That’s not true, sir,” Danny said heatedly. “Like I said, a master protects his boy and I bet you would fight like a tiger for your boy. You said you’ve no social skills but that’s something that can be learned. But being a tough hunk like you � that’s bred in the bone, you can’t fake that. I mean, all the boys naturally call you sir, don’t they? They know a master when they see it.” Seth later proved this when he gazed at Tommy’s perfect gymnast butt. He growled in his guttural voice, “You can’t flaunt this ass in front of a guy like me without getting fucked, boy. I see an ass like that I fuck it.” Then to Danny, “And you, you young fucker, are gonna stay there and watch me fuck your boyfriend. Then it’s your turn. You two may be all cool and confident in this big fancy house but when it comes to fucking ass I’m the master, get it?” It was when Danny’s turn came that the real magic kicked in. Danny looked up into Seth’s magnetic blue eyes set in his swarthy face with its high cheek bones, heavily stubbled jaw and shaggy dark hair. As their eyes met there was a flash of … recognition? … familiarity? … a sensation that could only be felt but not explained. Danny was expecting the same savage wildman fuck that the rugged construction worker had given Tommy, so he was relieved when Seth leaned over him and he felt the long shaft slide slowly, tenderly in his ass. It was as if Seth read his mind. “See, you don’t have to worry kiddo. I sent the caveman back to his cave. It’s just me now, you and me and I’ll take good care of you.” Tommy was happy for his lover � the way Danny and Seth had found this connection � and he felt in no way felt threatened by it. He and Danny were lovers, but there was no reason why Danny should not also have an older man in his life as Tommy had Steve and Lloyd. Next day, after the tribe had watched Eddie fuck the macho soldier Hassan, Seth said to Danny and Tommy, “Man, there’s more to this master-boy thing than I realized. Those two turned it on its head. It must feel great to have a boy you can protect, but I doubt if I could handle it. “I mean those guys have money and power. Me,” he chuckled, “I’m just a simple construction worker, just starting to pull down a salary and with a roof over my head at last. Nah, I’m too rough around the edges, no breeding, no experience. I’ve heard guys call me primitive and they’re right. But look at you two. You’ve both worked in fancy hotels and that rubs off � I mean, you’ve got class.” “But sir, like I said before, it’s not the money or the job a guy does � it’s the man himself � the total vibe he puts out. And sir, your vibe is definitely a master vibe, no question. As for the social manners and all that stuff, like I said that stuff can be learned.” “Tell you what, sir,” Danny said. “On Tuesday evening I’m gonna be all on my own. Tommy is working a dinner party at Steve’s house, Mario and Grady will be out of town on some P.R. gig for Grady’s studio, and Brian will be spending the night at his boyfriend Brandon’s place. So, sir, if you’re not doing anything Tuesday … why don’t you take me out to dinner? I know this great place down in Silver Lake, kinda smart/casual. I would love to go there with you, sir.” “Me, take you?” Seth laughed. “See me in a fancy restaurant? Hell, I wouldn’t know which damn fork to use.” “Oh nobody cares about that sort of thing these days. And anyway, that’s the point. I could help you through that if you like. Only thing is that neighborhood can sometimes feel a bit dicey late at night but I’d feel safe with you anywhere.” “I think it’s a good idea, sir,” Tommy said. “I’d feel happier knowing you’d be with Danny.” Seth hesitated but Danny’s shining eyes won him over. “OK, kiddo, you got yourself a date.” *********************** CHAPTER 447 ************************ The Party’s Over As the afternoon wore on the weekend party began to wind down. Soon after an early light dinner the crowd thinned out, with a series hugs and profuse thanks to Grady and Mario for hosting the gathering Bob said to Mario, “You guys have got to let us help defray some of the costs of this shindig,” but Mario wouldn’t hear of it. “Assolutamente No, amico. You all bring such joy to us.” Grady agreed. “I haven’t had as much fun since the jungle set collapsed at the studio and me-Tarzan was left goofing it up on a bare stage. That one sure made the gag reel.” Mario had a special word with young Will when he left with the twins. “Ciao, bambino.” I hope we didn’t work you too hard in that kitchen and that you got to join a lot of the festivities.” “Oh I had a blast, sir. It was worth the price of admission to watch my friend Eddie fuck his big tough Marine. And when us chefs are all together in the kitchen it’s a hoot, sir. I hope you’ll let me help at the next party.” “Let you help?” Grady said. “Kiddo, it wouldn’t be a party without you. But next time you and me are gonna have a gossip about what goes on in that kitchen. That’s the best part of a party � talking it out afterwards. It’s what my boy Brian and I do. He gets around � knows where all the bodies are buried.” In fact, as soon as the last stragglers had left Grady grabbed the arm of Brian’s wheelchair and said, “Hey, kiddo. You sleeping with your boyfriend tonight?” “No, sir. Brandon’s going home with Pete. They share their duplex with Hassan and Eddie and they’re gonna celebrate Brandon and Eddie becoming senior boys.” “Good, so I have you all to myself. Come on Mario, we’re gonna make this guy spill all the beans. “Ve haff vays of making you tawk,” Grady said in the worst movie-villain accent Mario and Brian had ever heard. ********************************** Brian Gives Grady All The Gossip Brian wheeled himself fast to keep up with his bosses and they went up in the elevator together. He soon found himself sitting between Grady and Mario in their big king-size bed. It was times like this Mario loved Grady the most as he sat with his arm round young Brian and gossiped about the party. “So, kiddo, on a scale of one to ten how would you rate this one?” Grady was as merry as ever and Brian blinked hard behind his glasses. “Well, sir, I’d have to give this one a ten. The guys were all in such a great mood and there was a ton of action.” “Agreed. OK � highlights and lowlights.” “Hmm …” Brian frowned. “Only lowlight was when Bob and my Uncle Mike stumbled on Randy and Seth making out. That was touch and go at first, cos Randy really badmouthed Mike, but my uncle let him have it and fucked him in that real fierce way he learned years ago. You didn’t know Uncle Mike could fuck as rough as that did you, sir?” “Never had a clue,” Grady said. He grinned, “Me and Uncle Mike should get together sometime. OK, highlights.” “There were a lot, sir, but top of my list is when Bob made Eddie and Brandon senior boys.” “Sono d’accordo,” Mario said. “It was wonderful for them. And, er, you are OK with that? Not envious or anything?” “Oh no, sir. Brandon’s promotion was way overdue. And we are the only lovers where one is a senior and the other a junior, it’s great. Anyway, all I want to be is your boy, sirs.” “You will always be that,” Mario smiled. “OK, what else, bambino?” “Well � all that stuff between Seth and Danny. Didn’t see that one coming. Nobody did.” “Ah, now we’re getting down to the juicy stuff,” Grady grinned, snuggling closer. “Even though Danny’s our House Manager I wasn’t really in the loop on that one, so tell me how it happened.” “OK, sir. Well, you know I assigned the rooms for the night and I gave Zack and his group those two adjoining rooms. Seth was supposed to bunk in with them but when he went to look for his room he was a bit lost …” “… and a bit drunk …” “Yeah that too, sir. Anyway, by mistake he barged in on Danny and Tommy, and Danny asked him to stay � and spend the night. Seems Danny had often jerked off thinking about Seth and Seth lusted for Danny too. And you know how Seth goes apeshit over Tommy’s ass � like who doesn’t? Tommy used to be an ice-skater you know.” “Yeah, yeah we know that, kiddo, but cut to the chase here. Who fucked who?” Well of course Seth did the fucking and Tommy was the first fuckee and Danny the second. And that was when the thing happened � when Seth and Danny looked into each other’s eyes and Seth made love to his ass. Hello … master and boy anyone?” Grady was listening wide-eyed. “Yeah but can you see that really going anywhere, Brian? I mean Danny, the boy, would be the classy, confident one, While Seth, the master is, well, kinda primitive with not too much social smarts. Don’t get me wrong, that is a very sexy look but do you really think that could work out? What’s your take, kid, you’re good at this stuff?” “Oh, I think it’ll work sir. Like you say, it might look kinda weird, the sophisticated young chef and the big rough and ready construction worker. But you can’t look at things from the outside, can you sir? It’s the inside what counts. “I mean, look at us. You’re this big hotshot movie star, Mario has got that chic European thing going, and I’m just a kid in a wheelchair who a few years ago was living in a trailer in the desert. But here we are, all together because of what we got inside. We love each other, right?” “Absolutely right, kiddo,” Grady hugged him tight and glanced at Mario who smiled and shrugged, acknowledging the simple Diyarbakır Escort wisdom of this earnest young kid they both loved so much. “Man you sure got your pulse on the way the world works. At least our little world here.” “Giusto,” Mario said, “I saw Danny and Seth looking at each other today after their night together and I pointed it out to Bob and Randy at lunch. Definitely something going on there.” “So what happens next, Brian?” Grady asked. Brian blinked earnestly. “Well, sir, here’s the deal. Next Tuesday evening Danny’s gonna be alone. You two will be out of town on that P.R. junket for the studio …” Grady sighed and rolled his eyes. “Don’t remind me, kiddo. Hate those things.” “… so the house will be quiet and I’m gonna go spend the night with Brandon and Pete. And guess what … Danny asked Seth if he would take him to dinner at this fancy restaurant Danny knows. Seth hesitated `cos he said he wouldn’t know what fork to use, but Danny convinced him … so they’re going on a date!” Mario grinned. “Where Danny will teach Seth what fork to use and Seth will take care of Danny.” “So there you are, sir,” Brian smiled, “you’re all up to date. Er, do you want me to go to my room now, sirs, and leave you alone together?” “Hell no!” Grady smiled. “Listen kiddo as my boy you have two main duties. One � feed me all the gossip about the tribe. Two � be my bed-mate and fuck-buddy whenever I need it, which is often � including right now. Everyone knows I like dick in my ass and I got plenty of that this weekend. But sometimes I like to fuck a good-looking young kid � and that means you, kiddo.” “Do not let him bully you, bambino,” Mario smiled. “Sometimes he really acts like he’s Tarzan, king of the jungle just because he plays him onscreen. But you never have to do anything you don’t want to.” “But I do want to, sir. I do want him to fuck me sir, and not because he’s the king of the jungle or anything but because he’s Grady, and I love him.” “See, Mario!” Grady teased. “Can you think of a better reason than that? OK, kiddo, let’s get naked.” *************************** The King Of The Jungle Grady jumped off the bed and Brian watched as he dropped his shorts and pulled off his shirt. He looked magnificent as always towering over them wearing just the black briefs that he wore on the infamous billboard when he was an underwear model, before the glory days of Tarzan. Once again Brian stared up at him in awe, the heartthrob star on countless screens and in endless magazines, the man most of the world would fantasize about, waiting to be fucked by him � as Brian was now. But Brian had long since got over that star-struck fantasy. Now he was looking up simply at Grady, the man he loved. And he was his boy. Grady reached down and pulled off Brian’s T-shirt and shorts, then grinned at Mario. “You too amico. You’re part of this too, except this time I’m in charge.” Smiling into Mario’s dark brown eyes Grady helped him off with his elegant linen shirt and lounge pants. He stared down at his naked lover and sighed, “Fucking gorgeous. Say something to me in Italian.” Mario grinned, “Vafanculo!” “Even if that means what I think it means � `go fuck yourself’ � it sounds beautiful in Italian. But I don’t have to fuck myself, amico, `cos I got my handsome young boy here to fuck. So how about it, kiddo? You really want it?” “Yes please, sir. Very much.” And I suppose you want Tarzan to take off his loincloth,” Grady grinned, tugging at his briefs. “Yes please, sir.” As Grady dropped his briefs and stood naked before him Brian blinked excitedly, grabbed his legs behind the knees and pulled them back. Although his legs didn’t work (hence the wheelchair) everything else worked perfectly, especially his penis that was now rigid with anticipation. Grady knelt on the bed and gave Brian his most dazzling smile. “Spit OK?” “Absolutely, sir.” Grady spat on his hand and spread it on his cock. He leaned forward over him and slid his cock gently into his ass. Brian sighed, “Ooh, thank you sir. I love it when you do that. Your cock is so big.” Brian reached up and ran his hands over the chiseled features and sculpted body that millions of fans had thrilled to all over the world but that now belonged to Brian alone. Beside him Mario lay propped on his elbow and smiled down at Brian while Grady made love to his ass. Mario gently pulled off Brian’s glasses and set them on the night table, then kissed his eyes. He played with the boy’s nipples then ran a finger over his lips. He pushed his finger in his mouth and Brian bit it gently. “Naughty,” Mario smiled, pulled his finger out and kissed him. Brian was in heaven as the two lovers caressed him � his mouth and his ass. When Mario pulled back Grady smiled down at him and said, “You are the perfect boy for me, kid. Us three go together perfectly.” Mario got up on his knees beside Brian, turned to look at Grady and kissed him. Brian almost came as he saw the two sexy men making love over him while Grady eased his cock in and out of his ass. Then both men turned their attention to Brian. “Grady, it looks to me like our boy wants something … pi� forte.” Grady grinned. “Is he right, kid … do you want it harder? Should I turn up the heat a bit?” Brian nodded vigorously. “OK I will, but you’re gonna have to hold him down Mario. Let’s make the boy our prisoner.” Mario knelt behind Brian’s head, leaned forward and pinned his outstretched arms to the bed as Grady fucked harder. Brian’s fantasy took flight � he was the prisoner of these two gorgeous men, the handsome Italian pinning him helplessly while the muscular Tarzan pounded his ass. He gasped as Grady and Mario leaned toward each other over him and kissed. Mario’s cock was now directly over his face, so Brian opened his mouth and took it down his throat. Double teamed by the naked jocks Brian’s cock was oozing pre-cum as one cock drove into his ass, the other his mouth and they kissed each other above him. He couldn’t hold back much longer and uttered a muffled shout into the gag of Mario’s cock.” Grady pulled away from Mario’s mouth and grinned, “I think our young captive is trying to say something, amico.” Mario pulled his cock out of the boy’s mouth and he gasped, “I think I’m gonna cum, sirs.” “Sounds like a plan,” Grady said. Mario released Brian who reached down and grabbed his own cock while Mario did the same, stroking his cock above Brian’s face. Grady tried to look fierce as he stared down at Brian and growled, “Me Tarzan, you Boy, and I fill your ass with Tarzan jizz.” His muscles flexed, his body shook and he blasted semen deep inside his boy, pumping his fist in the air and shattering the room with his Tarzan yell. Mario shouted, “Our turn now. “Andiamo, bambino” and he splashed streams of cum in his face from behind while Brian pounded his cock and spurted juice all over his own abs and chest. There was a momentary silence … broken by laughter, Brian’s joyful, silvery laugh as Grady and Mario smiled down at him. Grady pulled gently out of his ass, the men knelt on either side of him and licked the cum from his face, one kissing his eyes, the other his lips. “And now, signori, we sleep,” Mario announced. “No argument there,” Grady smiled. “It’s been a long, beautiful day and our young prisoner here can hardly keep his eyes open. Come here kiddo. Grady lay down beside him and snuggled tight, and very soon they were both asleep. Mario stayed awake a bit longer because he wanted this feeling to last. Lying on his side he gazed at the two of them, his handsome lover asleep on his back with his arm curled round Brian, his head resting in the curve of Grady’s neck. As he watched them Mario’s eyes misted over. It had been a joyful weekend with all their friends gathered together, and the Grady House had worked its magic again. Mario thought back to another blissful time � growing up in his loving family on their farm in Tuscany where he was born and raised. It had been a blissful childhood but as he gazed at Grady and Brian breathing softly together in sleep Mario knew he had never felt happier than he did at this moment. When he grew old, he thought, he would look back on this shining moment in all its clarity and joy. He wished he could freeze it in time, so he could live it forever. ************************** ************************ Dressing for dinner And then it was Monday and the tribe went back to work as usual. At the compound that meant the weekly business meeting in the office with Bob to go over the budget and expenses involved in keeping a large house like this going. The only difference this time was that, in addition to the office manager Jaimie, and the newly promoted senior boy Brandon, Nate’s former place had been taken by Eddie. Normally confident and happy-go-lucky, Eddie was now feeling rather unsure of himself with his responsibilities as a new senior boy and House Manager. But Bob guided him gently through the meeting and Jamie gave him friendly, individual attention. And of course Eddie’s longtime buddy Brandon gave invaluable support, not least curbing Eddie’s tendency to launch into one of his breathless stream-of-consciousness speeches. Seth went back to work on Zack’s construction site though he too felt differently from before as his mind kept wandering to Danny, the handsome young Grady House chef who had had such a strong effect on him � though he still could not fully grasp quite what that effect was. Danny, who had slept last night with his lover Tommy, spent the day with Tommy and Brian cleaning up the Grady House in the aftermath of the big weekend gathering. And so the routine of the tribe resumed, and all in good time Tuesday afternoon rolled round and the thoughts of Seth and Danny turned to their dinner date. They were both nervous about it but Danny was reassured by Tommy, who had eagerly encouraged his friendship with Seth. As for Seth, he sought reassurance from Bob and dropped in on him after work. “I feel really weird about this date with Danny, Bob. I’ve never had a `date’ before in my life, least of all with a young guy I hardly know. But when I spent the night with him something kinda clicked between us. He’s such a great kid � you know, cultured but a bit shy. Makes me feel protective of him and I can’t get him out of my mind.” “All the more reason to go to dinner with him,” Bob smiled. “I know you two come from different backgrounds but you know, when there’s mutual attraction the other stuff doesn’t count.” “Why I really came to see you, Bob, is something stupid � I have no idea what to wear. Danny said the restaurant is smart/casual whatever that means.” Bob chuckled. “In southern California it probably just means no tank tops. But you know my motto is always keep it simple. You can’t go wrong with a good pair of blue jeans and a smart white dress shirt. Jackets and ties have gone the way of flip-phones, except in the poshest places like five-star hotels.” Bob went to his closet and pulled it a plain white shirt on a hanger. “This one is really well tailored. I bought it for Randy but he almost never wears dress shirts and he’s the same build as you so it should fit and look good on you. Hey, how about we spice it up a bit with this?” Bob pulled out a looking brown vest. Wear this open over the shirt and you’ll look good enough to eat. Certainly fit for any restaurant this side of the Ritz Carlton. “Thanks a million, Bob, I’ll take them home with me. Danny arranged to meet me down here and go on to the restaurant. OK if I come a bit early and let you give me the once-over? Check out the look, see if I pass?” “Of course,” Bob grinned. “But a knockout guy like you is gonna look great whatever he wears, even naked � especially naked. Except I don’t think that would qualify as smart/casual. Too much emphasis on the casual.” ********************************* The Dinner Date When Seth came back in the early evening Bob was with Randy in their house. Seth knocked and came in hesitantly. “Hey,” Randy teased, “who the fuck is this guy? Never seen him before. Damn, well-dressed hunk like that, I gotta fuck him. Soon rough up those fancy duds.” “Don’t make me feel worse than I am, dude,” Seth grinned. “I feel real weird in his getup.” “Don’t listen Diyarbakır Escort Bayan to him, Seth, you look terrific,” Bob said and walked round him. The jeans were new, the white dress shirt was perfectly tailored to his body and the open brown vest was an inspired touch. Bob was glad to see that his hair was still wild and unruly as it went so well with his chiseled features and darkly stubbled chin. “Perfect,” Bob smiled. “Smart/casual and sexy too. But we don’t want you feeling weird. Here, let’s try this.” Bob neatly rolled up the sleeves to just below his elbows. “Most important thing about clothes is that you feel comfortable in them.” “Well your approval helps with that, Bob. If you say it looks good it must.” “Good enough to fuck,” Randy grinned. “You wanna cocktail to fortify you?” But just then there was a knock on the door and Danny came in looking shier than usual. “Wow,” Seth breathed, staring at Danny, neatly dressed in navy blue polo shirt, tan slacks and loafers. “You look great, Danny.” “You too sir,” Danny replied, feeling his cock stiffening in his pants. They stood staring at each nervously, then approached and awkwardly embraced. Seth kissed Danny tentatively on the lips, a kiss that quickly built into a passionate churn of open mouths and searching tongues. “Hey guys,” Randy said, “cut it out, you’re turning me on. Get a room …” “… or a restaurant,” Bob laughed. They finally pulled apart … and the ice was broken. “OK, kid, let’s get going.” Seth thanked Bob profusely for the clothes and the encouragement and they went downstairs and out through the gate. “Would you like to drive me in my new Range Rover, sir? Mario and Grady just bought it for me.” There was something that felt right to Danny about sitting next to this rugged, sexy man at the wheel of the stylish car. The restaurant was situated in an old part of the Silver Lake neighborhood. Like so much of Los Angeles it was scheduled for gentrification but right now was a mix of old and new � auto repair shops, small warehouses, liquor stores and a few new upscale businesses like Pierre’s where they were headed. There was limited parking and they wound up parking on a dead-end street a block away, on a patch of ground next to a boarded up building. The restaurant was a smart contrast to the rather bleak neighborhood and when they went in they were greeted by the owner Pierre, an older man with a slight French accent. “Danny,” he beamed and pulled him into a hug. “Long time no see, uh?” “Pierre, I’d like you to meet my friend Seth.” Pierre stepped back and looked Seth up and down, “Ah, zut alors,” Danny, “you are doing very well for yourself … very well indeed.” He shook hands with Seth who instantly realized that Pierre was turned on by him and assumed he and Danny were sexual partners. “You must excuse me, Seth, if I seem overly familiar with Danny, but he is an old friend. When he first came up to L.A. from Laguna he often helped out when we were short staffed in the kitchen and he was a terrific chef. He suggested things we still use here. But now we don’t see much of him because I hear he has become a private chef at some big fancy house in the hills.” “Terrific place you’ve got here,” Seth said, casting an expert eye over the construction of the restaurant’s elegant interior.” “Ah yes, but I wish the neighborhood would catch up with us. I opened here a little too soon and the area is still a bit rough, but new businesses are coming and soon this part of town will be very trendy. Of course, some of the locals are upset about rising rents, but sprucing up the area is basically a good thing, I think. So, let me show you to your table.” As they were seated Seth and Danny smiled across the table at each other, feeling increasingly comfortable about their first date. ******************************** Danny Guides Seth When the waiter brought the menus he naturally addressed Seth as the older of the two with a more commanding presence. “Would you like an aperitif before dinner, sirs?” There was a flicker of panic in Seth’s eyes as he looked at Danny, but he salvaged the moment by asking, “What would you like, Danny?” “A vodka martini with a twist of lemon, please.” “Make that two,” Seth smiled at the waiter. They grinned across the table at each other and Danny said, “Well saved, sir.” “You know I’m totally out of my depth here, don’t you, kiddo? I’m gonna need your help.” “That’s why I’m here, sir, to help you. Well,” he grinned, “that’s not the only reason.” “I should hope not,” Seth said, rubbing his foot against Danny’s leg under the table. “What d’ya think? Does a permanent boner spoil the appetite?” “Shouldn’t think so, sir, but I guess we’re about to find out.” After the dinks came they looked at the menus and Seth’s initial frown gradually disappeared as Danny explained the various dishes. “As I used to work here I know my way around this menu and I especially recommend the fish. My personal favorite is the trout but I think you might like something a bit more robust like the salmon.” As they discussed other options Danny became animated � this was his fort�. Seth took in some of the choices but mostly he just gazed at Danny’s shining eyes and thought for the umpteenth time how beautiful the boy was, even more now that his shyness had faded. When the waiter returned for their order Danny said, “I’ll have the trout.” Seth smiled, “And I’ll have the salmon.” “Would you like that blackened, sir.” Seth shot a look at Danny who shook his head slightly. “No thanks,” Seth said confidently. “Not blackened.” And that’s how the whole meal went. It became a game as Seth seemed to gain his footing, only to be stumped by another question and subtlely rescued by a smiling Danny. When the waiter reappeared and asked Seth, “Would you care to see the wine list, sir?” he said, “What? Oh yeah, sure.” The waiter left and Seth stared at the wine list. “Means nothing to me.” “OK,” said Danny, “you’re not alone, sir. A lot of people get confused and there’s a lot of snobbery about wine. I tend to drink just what I like, something that complements the food.” On Seth’s frown, “… goes with the food, sir. With fish a nice dry white wine is best, and my favorite is Chablis. There should be one on the list. Seth perused it and frowned, “Er … no.” “Spelt with a c h but pronounced ssh.” Seth grinned, “Ah yeah there it is.” The waiter returned and Seth said, “We’ll have a bottle of the Chablis.” “Very good, sir. Excellent choice.” Seth stared at Danny wide-eyed and they both choked back laughter. Their original nerves had vanished and they were having fun now, aware of how perfectly they fit together despite the difference in their ages and backgrounds. They laughed a whole lot as they rehashed the Grady House party and chatted about the guys in the tribe. As Bob had predicted, they got to know each other intimately swapping stories about their lives before the tribe. And slowly, though they didn’t realize it, they were beginning to fall in love. They loved the meal, dessert and coffee came and went, and it was time to leave. The bill was presented to Seth who used his new credit card to pay. There was no objection from Danny who knew gestures like this were important in the balance of their relationship. Before they left they stopped to chat to Pierre to thank him. He said, “Danny told me you’re in construction, Seth, and I saw you looking round this room. We are especially proud of our kitchen. Perhaps you’d like to take a quick look at how we laid it out. Seth had learned a lot about the setup of kitchens in his work on various jobs so he said, “Sure thing, I’d like that.” Danny said, “Well I know the kitchen like the back of my hand having worked there, so while you’re admiring Pierre’s layout I’ll go get the car and pull it up out front.” Something made Seth hesitate but, with a final hug for Pierre, Danny ran outside and Pierre led Seth to the kitchen. Danny felt happier than he had ever felt as he left the restaurant and briskly walked the one block to the side street. He went to the dead end of the street smiling to himself as he imagined what he and Seth might do when they got back home. He was approaching the car on the dirt patch when suddenly … “Faggot!” He looked up startled and saw three figures emerge from the shadows. His instinct was to get in the Range Rover quickly and drive to safety but they were on him in a second.” He got a quick glimpse of three brutish figures dressed in black with red bandanas, one a young tough, the other two big heavy set guys. “Hey, pretty boy, ain’t you all duded up with your faggot clothes and fancy car. You don’t belong around here, boy, you and your crowd trying to swank up the neighborhood and throw us out. This our territory, asshole.” Trying to control his panic Danny said, “Hey, back off. I got a real big tough guy with me and you don’t wanna mess with him, believe me.” “Oooh, I got a big tough guy with me,” one of them mimicked him. “OK, guys, let’s show him how we handle fancy boys and their tough guys.” Two of them pinned Danny’s arms behind him and he howled in pain as the other sucker punched him in the stomach. ******************************* The Rescue Seth’s tour of the kitchen was brief. Impressed by the expert work that had gone into it he made suitable complimentary noises to Pierre, but he didn’t want Danny to be waiting too long outside. He shook hands with Pierre who said, “Take care of him, Seth. He’s a real special kid.” “I know that, Pierre. Thanks for a great evening.” He hurried outside and was surprised that Danny wasn’t already there with the car. He frowned, then heard a distant shout. His heart leapt and he took off racing along the block then turned down the side street. He could see dark figures at the end and yelled “No!” as he hurtled forward. He instantly sprang into action, hurling himself at two of the men, clamping his arms round their necks from behind and crashing with them to the ground. They rolled in the dirt trading blows until Seth forced one of them on his back, knelt astride him and slammed the back of his fist against his face from side to side. The man was lapsing into semi-consciousness under the blows when Seth felt an arm circle his neck from behind in a choke hold. His attacker yanked him up on his feet and pressed the crook of his arm against his windpipe. Seth felt things going dark but gathered his strength, raised his arm and slammed his elbow back into the man’s stomach. Winded, the guy released the hold and reeled backward, but the third guy instantly came up behind Seth and locked his arms up in a full nelson. The man he had elbowed recovered his footing and charged forward, slamming his shoulder into Seth’s ribs. The thug stepped back preparing for another lunge, but Seth raised his leg and swung his boot against him in a brutal karate kick, sending him crashing to the ground on top of his groaning buddy. But Seth was still locked in the full nelson by the man behind him. He took a deep breath, bent forward suddenly and jerked the man up over his head, flying through the air to land in a heap on the other two. Raging now Seth put the boot in, kicked the huddled, groaning mass of limbs as they tried desperately to crawl away. “No,” they yelled. “No more … please, we give up.” “Mother-fuckers,” Seth yelled, his words punctuated by vicious kicks. “You hurt my boy … you fucking attacked my boy. No asshole hurts my boy … I’ll fucking kill you.” And he might have if he not become aware of Danny groaning on the ground by the car. He gave one last brutal kick and yelled, “Get the fuck out of here you fucking slimeballs. Unless you want more.” “No, sir, no more. You win … we’re outa here.” They staggered to their feet, propped each other up and stumbled away down the street. Seth ran to Danny and knelt beside him. “Danny, can you hear me? Talk to me.” “I’m OK, sir. Just bruised I think. Thank god you came when you did … you saved me, sir. Can you help me up?” Seth picked Danny up gently from the ground and wrapped his arms round him. Danny’s adrenaline stopped racing, the shock hit him and he started to sob uncontrollably. “I’m sorry, sir. I shouldn’t do this but … I was so scared sir.” “That’s OK Escort Diyarbakır let it all out, kid. You’re safe now. You’re here with me and I’ll protect you. I’ll always protect you.” He opened the passenger door, scooped Danny into his arms and eased him gently into the passenger seat. He fished in Danny’s pocket for the car keys and said, “I’m gonna get you home now, kiddo.” “You’ll stay with me won’t you, sir?” Danny asked plaintively. “Damn straight I will, kid. I’ll be with you as long as you need me.” Danny managed a weak smile. “That might be a very long while, sir.” ******************************* From Now On … As Seth drove the Range Rover fast from Silver Lake up into the Hollywood Hills he murmured to himself. “It’s all my damn fault. I shouldn’t have let him leave the restaurant on his own.” Danny was leaning back on the headrest with his eyes closed but he opened one eye and said, “I heard that sir, and it’s not true. It was me suggested I go get the car not you. And from where I looked on the ground you protected me real good … you demolished those three thugs. You were magnificent, sir.” “Bottom line is, kid, I swore to protect you and I failed to do it, so let me blame myself. From now on I’m in charge, is that clear?” “Yes, sir,” Danny said meekly and closed his eyes with a smile. Twenty minutes later they were pulling up to the gates of the Grady House and Seth said, “What’s the code?” The gate code was a closely guarded secret given to few but Danny gave it to Seth and he punched it in. They drove in and the gates closed silently behind them. After the noise and excitement of the party last weekend the house and grounds were eerily quiet as Seth drove up to the front door. Grady, Mario and Brian were gone for the night and the big house was empty so Seth took the key from Danny, got out and unlocked the front door. He opened the passenger door and Danny stepped tentatively out but his legs buckled. Seth caught him and scooped him into his arms. He carried the boy inside, kicked the front door shut behind him and carried him up the grand curving staircase. Danny grinned, “I feel like Scarlett O’Hara, sir, and you’re Clark Gable.” Seth frowned and Danny clarified. Gone With The Wind, sir, a movie. I have it on disk, we’ll watch it one evening together.” “Yeah, well right now you’re going to bed, young man.” Seth carried him into Danny’s room and laid him gently on the bed. “Now let’s get you undressed so I can take a look at you.” Gently he pulled off Danny’s shoes and slacks that were coated in dirt. Then he slowly pulled his filthy polo shirt off over his head. He ran his hands over his body and pressed to check for serious injury but found only bruises. Seth had got to him soon enough to prevent major physical damage though the boy had been terrified. He was a gentle soul and had never faced a threat like that. As he checked him out Seth was amazed to see the boy’s cock stiffen and stand erect. “Jesus, kid, you can still get roused after all that?” “It’s from looking at you, sir. I’ve never seen you look sexier.” Reflexively Seth looked at himself in a full-length mirror. “Shit damn!” His shirt was in shreds and the ripped vest hung over his almost bare chest that was covered in dirt and several bruises. His face was streaked with dirt too and his disheveled hair completed the image of a rugged construction worker after a fight.” “Damn, Bob’s shirt is ruined. I’ll get him another one.” “I don’t think that will be necessary, sir, when he hears how you saved me.” Seth pulled off the tattered remains of his shirt and vest, used them to wipe the dirt from his chest and face knelt by the bed. He wiped the dirt from Danny’s face too, then bent down and kissed him. Now it was his turn to get hard. He pulled back and smiled, “Feeling better now, kid?” “I feel safe with you here, sir. You will stay with me won’t you? I don’t wanna sleep in this big house all alone after … after …” His eyes brimmed with tears again as his mind flashed back and the full horror returned. “Hey, hey, I told you I’m in charge now, Danny, so here’s what’s gonna happen. I’m gonna stay here with you tonight and all day tomorrow. Brian will be back tomorrow and he can take care of the house. And when Grady and Mario get back tomorrow evening I’m gonna have a talk with them. I want to apologize to them for not taking better care of you and to reassure them that I’ll be protecting you in the future. Then we’ll take it from there. “Now you gotta get your rest in case there’s delayed shock. Gotta get those fucking morons out of your mind. Here, drink plenty of water.” He gave him the bottle from the night stand. “Do you want to call Tommy?” “I don’t think so, sir. He’s probably still busy with Steve’s dinner party and I would only worry him to death.” Danny gulped down some water, then hesitated. “Sir, there is one other thing I would like. It would make forget all the bad stuff. “Just name it kid. What is it?” “I want you to make love to me, sir.” ***************************** Closing the deal “Are you sure, Danny? You feel up to that?” “I’ve wanted it all evening sir. Couldn’t wait to get home.” “Me too, kid, I had it all planned out � chill out over a glass of brandy, talk some more, kiss …” “So revive the plans, sir � minus the brandy and the talk.” “Cut straight to the chase, eh? I can do that,” Seth smiled. He stood up, kicked off his boots and dropped his jeans. He stood at the foot of the bed buck naked and stroked his massive dick. “Damn you look gorgeous, kid. I gotta tell you, when you were explaining the menu I only heard part of it. I was fantasizing about this, you on the bed naked waiting for me to make love to you.” “And what happened next in your fantasy, sir?” “You know I ain’t so great with words, kid. Better I show you.” He fell forward on the bed, bracing his arms on either side of Danny’s head, then teased him by doing pushups over him, their chests touching at each downward move. Danny was mesmerized by the muscular body flexing over him. Seth smiled, “See, still fit, no permanent damage. Takes more than three assholes to take me out.” “Maybe you should check out the rest of the equipment too, sir. Make sure it still works.” “All in good time, boy.” At last Seth lowered himself onto Danny, their chests and cocks pressing together. They smiled into each other’s eyes and Seth slowly bent his head, lower and lower … until they kissed. It was a passionate embrace, fueled by the emotion of the evening � the fun of the dinner and the fear-filled intensity of the attack and rescue. All of it now melted together bringing them closer together through their experience of love and pain. They were safe, they were together and � it was now clear to them both � they were in love. Seth finally pulled off Dany’s mouth and smiled down at him. “And now I suppose you want my dick in your ass, right? Let me hear you ask for it. I love it when you ask me to fuck you.” “I want it more than anything, sir. I’ve wanted it all evening. When I saw you dressed up you looked so hot I almost suggested we skip dinner and spend the evening right here.” “What stopped you?” “Well, I had to show you which fork to use at dinner, didn’t I?” “And I passed with flying colors, eh? Chablis and all … `excellent choice’ the man said. So what reward do I get for acing the test? Maybe it feels a bit like this?” Seth eased back, spat on his palm, stroked his cock, then pushed the head inside the boy’s ass. “Yeah, a bit like that, sir.” Seth eased in a bit further. “That’s even more like it, sir.” “Man, that test was real hard, and I aced it, so don’t you think I deserve the grand prize.” “I certainly do, sir.” “And that would feel more like this …” Seth drove the rest of the way into Danny ass and over the inner sphincter, coming to rest in the warmest depths. Danny’s eyes opened wide and everything suddenly felt right. He stared at Seth’s pale blue eyes, felt his huge cock filling his ass, and he sighed, “I love you, sir. I love you.” “That’s the magic words, kiddo. Now you get the prize.” He pulled all the way back and slid his cock in deep again, slowly, then paused teasingly, driving Danny wild. He reached up and ran his hands over Seth’s wiry chest hair and felt his pecs flex hard underneath. “Harder, sir. Please, I want to feel you fucking me, loving me … please!” Seth’s eyes gleamed. “You asked for it, boy.” And he showed Danny what domination really meant. He fucked him, ploughed him, then pulled out, flipped him over on his belly and fucked him from behind. Danny felt himself being enveloped in the strong arms, flipped over, fucked, kissed, then dragged off the bed onto the floor. He was helpless against the strength of the rugged construction worker as he was rolled over the floor then pinned beneath him, feeling the iron shaft piston inside him. He was in a daze of lust and love, feeling, smelling and tasting the essence of this wild savage. Seth was all over him, fucking, kissing, biting, whispering on his ear, totally enveloping him in his raw manhood. Danny abandoned himself to Seth body and soul. He was unsure if Seth was inside him or not, it all blurred together in a homoerotic fantasy of churning limbs, hungry lips and a merciless penetrating shaft. He felt himself picked up off the floor and thrown bodily on the bed, to be immediately impaled again on the relentlessly pounding cock. It seemed to last forever … and then abruptly it stopped. Danny was on his back, his eyes closed, and in the sudden stillness he opened them and stared up at a pair of smiling blue eyes set in swarthy, stubbled features with a shock of tangled hair falling over his brow. Sweat dripped on him from Seth’s heaving body as he panted, “You OK, Danny? Did I hurt you?” “No, sir … I mean yes, sir, I’m OK and no you didn’t hurt me. It was … it was … tears filled his eyes and all he could think of to say was, “I love you, sir.” Seth grinned, “Yeah that’s the feeling I got too … love you too, kiddo. The other feeling I got was, I wanna fill your ass with my juice. You go for that?” “Absolutely, sir. You’re the boss.” “Damn right I am.” Seth leaned forward and pinned Danny’s wrists to the bed. “And you, young man, are gonna shoot a big pool of jizz on yourself without touching your cock. That’s an order.” “I can do that, sir. I can do anything for you.” Seth smiled and his cock moved slowly inside Danny. It was as much an eye-fuck as a butt-fuck and, after all the crazy action, that was really all it took. Seth stopped moving, there was a breathless silence and they smiled at their own reflection in each other’s eyes. Making love with their eyes they felt the juice rising and their hearts beat stronger. Seth said softly, “Right there with you kiddo.” Their bodies tensed, they inhaled sharply … and semen poured out of them � Seth’s filling Danny’s ass and Danny’s splashing down in a pool on his chest … just as his man had ordered.” They stared at each other and as their heavy breathing subsided they suddenly realized how exhausted they were. Seth pulled gently out of Danny and fell on his back beside him. He curled his arm round Danny’s neck and pulled him toward him, his face resting on Seth’s chest. After a long silence Seth said, “I guess we did it, kiddo. We both passed the test. And I’m not talking Chablis here. Like the waiter said, we made an excellent choice.” Another silence, then Danny said, “Sir, after you beat up those thugs you yelled at them, “You hurt my boy … nobody hurts my boy. Did you mean that, sir? I mean, am I your boy?” “How did it sound to you, kid?” It sounded wonderful, sir. Just right.” “Sounds good to me too, Danny,” Seth grinned. “So there you go then. That’s it.” Danny smiled, snuggled closer and was soon fast asleep on his master’s chest. Which is where he stayed all night. ************************************** TO BE CONTINUED in “A Trial Of Strength” � Chapter 448 Hey guys, this is Rob Williams. I hope that chapter got you off, and I welcome your comments and suggestions, which can be very helpful in planning future chapters. E-mail me in confidence at rw6789@aol. ALSO, I invite you to visit my own Web-site gth. You can read the whole story, with extras including pictures and biographies of all the characters. AND DON’T FORGET � IF YOU ENJOY THESE STORIES, PLEASE DONATE to this site. Nifty needs your donations to provide these thousands of wonderful stories. So please go to fty/donate.html and donate what you can. All the other writers and I thank you.

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