A Wedding Celebration


There are social occasions one looks forward to, others undertaken reluctantly. This wedding, thinks Adam looking around the room, is without doubt firmly in the latter category. Vows exchanged, an excruciating best man’s speech endured, the guests now seated in a hotel function roomAdam is seated at a large rectangular table on the outer fringes, possibly reflecting its occupants’ low rank in the social pecking order. Everyone else appears well acquainted, chatting animatedly – house prices, school ratings, celebrity gossip. All unremittingly tedious, either completely self-absorbed or deliberately excluding him and the brown-skinned woman sat opposite. Who looks up and favours Adam with a bright smile. She is, it belatedly dawns upon him, strikingly attractive.  “My name’s Billie. Do you know any of these people?””Adam, pleased to meet you. A surprise invitation from the groom, haven’t seen him since university. Thought I’d attend and renew some old connections. Looking at this lot,” he gestures at the throng, “I’ve changed my mind. How about you?””Similar story, I knew the Manisa Escort bride vaguely at college. Christ, they’ve spent the GDP of a small African country on this bash and still managed to avoid any hint of good taste. So bored, I nearly lost the will to live during the speeches. What happens next?””At a guess, an unwise intake of alcohol and some of the worst dancing you’ll ever witness. If we’re particularly unlucky the groom will sing Mustang Sally.””Please God no,” responds Billie fervently, “such a cliche. Want anything at the bar?” She continues, “This wine is only fit for stripping paint. I’m getting a G&T.””No, I’m fine,” replies Adam, enjoying the sight of her delicious derriere sashaying sexily across the floor. Returning to the table, Billie solicitously refills his water glass, leaning over to reveal an enticing cleavage. Almost as if it were a deliberate come on… A conclusion unambiguously confirmed shortly afterwards when, kicking off a shoe, Billie slowly and sensuously slides a foot up his leg, painted toenails nestling against the Manisa Escort Bayan straining bulge in his trousers. Tempting and teasing, the salacious look in her eyes is unambiguous. At which point the band takes to the stage, joined by the drunk and fearsomely off-key groom, unwisely attempting a rendition of, you guessed, Mustang Sally.”No, please, I can’t endure this,” whispers Billie urgently, “let’s escape to my room.” She slides across a napkin with the number scrawled on it in lipstick. “Give it a couple of minutes then follow.”Adam waits a scant few seconds, then heads towards the hotel lobby. Their erstwhile dining companions, shouting and singing along, don’t even notice the pair depart. Taking a lift to the sixth floor, resisting the urge to run down the corridor, he eagerly enters the room to discover Billie draped decorously across the bed, displaying a come-hither expression and a large amount of leg and bosom. The wicked minx tosses something in his direction and Adam instinctively ducks, bending to retrieve a crumpled pair of Escort Manisa panties.”Thought it’d save time,” Billie declares boldly, rising to wind her lithe form sensuously around him. They kiss passionately, hands avidly exploring each other’s bodies, mutual arousal unleashed.”Christ, I want you,” she declares urgently.”All in good time,” responds Adam, calmly.”Playing hard to get?” Billie looks at him archly. “Perhaps you can’t cope with a sexually assertive female?””A woman who knows what she wants is a wonderful thing,” replies Adam, “however it seems I’m being tested. It’s not self-determination but provocation I need to deal with.””And how do you propose to do that?” Billie challenges.”Like this,” answers Adam, sitting on the bed and flipping Billie face down across his knee.”Oooh, I like a man who takes charge. I suppose you think you’re going to spank me?””I’m absolutely bloody certain I’m going to spank you,” he confirms, raising her dress to reveal the perfect peach of a posterior he’s spent the last hour anticipating.”I know I’m a lot to deal with,” concedes Billie. “Headstrong and naughty. Maybe I do deserve to get my bottom smacked?””Your bare bottom,” points out Adam, “and I wasn’t seeking permission.” He proceeds to hand spank Billie’s firm globes, disregarding her token yelps of protest as she squirms, buttocks burning, across his lap.

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