All Grown Up


This story follows on from my previous effort “Catching Up”. You could probably read this one without having read the previous chapter, but people seemed to like it, so maybe check that one out first.


Luke watched the Kent countryside slide past outside the train window, the fields a lush green in the bright spring sunshine. For one of only a handful of times so far in the year, the weather was perfectly reflecting Luke’s feelings as the train raced away from London towards the coast. Towards Katie. He smiled as he pictured her face, pictured her excitement as she waited for him at the station. These early finishes on a Friday afternoon, leading up to a weekend alone with Katie, had become almost entirely what he had lived for through the working week. He squinted through the window up at the sun, basking in the warmth permeating through the glass.

Their relationship had progressed quicker and smoother than Luke could possibly have hoped for. Their twenty-year age difference aside, there was nothing that didn’t make them perfect for each other. She brought out of him the enthusiasm for life that had been missing from the last few years, and he gave her… What? He frowned, momentarily perturbed by the sudden pinprick in his confidence. It was true, she apparently adored being with him, really — really – enjoyed the sex; but beyond that, what exactly did he bring to her life? What could he offer this beautiful, intelligent, successful young woman?

Luke turned away from the window, somehow suddenly annoyed by the gorgeous scenery outside in all its youthful April glory. Seated across the aisle from him, a middle-aged couple, perhaps only a few years older than himself, sat holding hands while skimming through a seemingly endless stream of baby pictures on a phone. Their children? Or possibly even their grandchildren, he thought. Was that it? Was that what was missing from his relationship with Katie? Maybe not the children specifically — the subject hadn’t even come up, he suddenly thought with some surprise – but the stability, the permanence, of family life.

Was it time to move back from the city to the coast? His job at the Ministry paid well, although it was hardly fulfilling, and what else could he do? Could he go back to teaching? He stifled a chuckle. No, things had moved on too much since he had taught — the modern classroom might as well be another planet as far as he was concerned. Besides, even if he did find a position, how would his new employers take it when they found out — as they inevitably would — that he was dating a former pupil? One that was the best part of two decades younger than him? Oof, he thought, let’s not go there.

The train rattled through a short tunnel, and when it emerged out the other side, it was running along an embankment looking down on a pebble beach and the sparkling sea beyond it. Out of nowhere, Luke found himself thinking of his teenage years as a volunteer lifeguard. He pictured himself, tall, lean and tanned; not the most handsome of the young men that kept watch over the tourists during his school holidays, but not the least either. He shifted in his seat, suddenly more aware of the touch of middle-age spread that had crept up on him. Perhaps I could go for a swim sometime this weekend, he wondered. His thoughts shifted back to Katie, and with a smile to himself he questioned whether she would leave him with the energy for any such exercise outside the bedroom.

As Luke stepped down from the train, he scanned the platform for his lover. Katie always met him from the train on Friday night; she jokingly said that that was what any good little housewife would do. As ever, his heart skipped a beat when he saw her. She stood out from the crowd like no-one he had ever known; the long, dark hair swept down over the front of one shoulder, her dark eyes scanning the opening train doors for a sight of him, a slight flush of excitement clearly visible on her tanned skin. As she finally laid eyes on him, she let out a little squeal of joy. They raced into each other’s arms, and he peppered her joyous face with kisses. The throng of tired commuters broke around them, an island paradise in a sea of grey.

‘Oh, I’m so glad that you’re home,’ Katie whispered into his ear. ‘I’ve missed you so much.’

“Home” he thought. That’s new. An invitation?

‘I missed you too,’ he replied, holding her face in his hands and gazing down into her sparkling eyes. In the warm spring afternoon she was wearing a yellow sundress, barely long enough to reach halfway down her thigh. Luke could feel it hitch up as she threw her arms around his neck. He dropped his hands down her back, his fingertips brushing her smooth skin before alighting on the soft material covering her bum. He pulled her to him, pressed his lips to hers. She sighed into his mouth, her arms crossing behind his neck. Out of the corner of his eye, Luke saw Katie lift one foot up behind her; an endearing caricature of a chaste Sahabet movie kiss. Chaste? Like hell, he thought.

Two giggling schoolgirls brushed past them, half-muttering suggestions to get a room.

‘Sounds like a plan,’ Luke said, taking Katie’s hand and gently pulling her along the platform towards the exit.

‘No, no, no. Wait; I have something to tell you first,’ Katie implored, an apologetic look spreading across her features.

Aw, no, he inwardly groaned. Was it that time already? Katie giggled, guessing Luke’s thoughts from the sudden look of despair on his face.

‘Don’t panic — it’s not that,’ she reassured him. ‘We have a houseguest for the weekend. I’d forgotten I had invited her. You remember Sara, from my class at school?’

Luke didn’t have to try to remember Sara. It seemed like there had been someone like Sara in every new year while he had been a teacher; that one young woman who had developed just that little bit faster than her contemporaries. That said, even among that select group, Sara stood out; the mane of curly blonde hair, the eyes cool and blue like a mountain stream. Luke had known her when she was just too young to realise the effect she was starting to have on the boys around her — not to mention the full-grown men — but Luke had little doubt that she would have grown up to be the kind of woman that leaves broken hearts scattered behind her like a trail of breadcrumbs.

‘Babe?’ Katie whispered.

‘Hmm? Oh, yes – Sara — I think I remember her.’

‘Well, she certainly remembers you.’

‘Not another one who’s supposed to have had a crush on me?’ Luke asked.

Katie laughed. ‘And then some! Maybe you can ask her about it when we get home.’

Luke’s heart sank. ‘She’s there already? I’d hoped we’d have a little time together — just the two of us — first.’

Katie couldn’t fail to read Luke’s mind. She reached up to stroke his cheek. ‘I’ll bet you did. Don’t worry; I’ve got it all planned out.’


Sara was everything Luke had expected her to grow up to be, at least in appearance. Those blonde curls, those clear blue eyes, that creamy skin — they were all still there. And now her beautiful face was supplemented by the kind of body that made Luke scared to look at her in the presence of his girlfriend. As she greeted them at the front door of Katie’s house, she was dressed in skin-tight blue jeans and a pale pink t-shirt that clung to every inch of her fabulous chest — a chest that was now pressed hard against his body as she clung to him in an embrace that was far too enthusiastic for Luke’s comfort.

‘Mr Stanhope!’ she cried. ‘I really can’t believe it’s you! When Katie told me who she was seeing, I honestly thought she was pulling my leg, but my god, here you are!’

‘Give the poor guy a chance, Sara. I think you’re cutting off his circulation,’ said Katie, squeezing past the two of them in the corridor.

Sara relaxed her grip just enough to be able to look down Luke’s body. ‘Well, something’s definitely getting blood to it,’ she smirked.

The two women hooted with laughter as they wandered off into the house, leaving Luke alone with his blushes.


Takeaway Chinese was ordered and consumed with two bottles of wine in the garden. Luke watched the two women as they sat side by side and happily reminisced about their teenage years. As they shared stories, Sara’s hand reached up behind Katie’s back and idly toyed with a lock of her hair, absent-mindedly twirling it around her fingers. Luke envied the obvious easiness of their friendship; there was none of the competitiveness — the one-upmanship — of his own relationships with male friends. His mind drifted, once more considering the possibility of breaking away from the city and moving back here, where everything just seemed so much more relaxed.

Luke became aware of a break in the conversation across from him and turned his head to find both women waiting expectantly.

‘Hmm?’ he mumbled.

Katie rolled her eyes. ‘I said, shall we go inside and watch a movie? It’s starting to get a bit chilly out here.’

‘Sure.’ Luke stood up, gathering the plates and empty takeaway food containers.

‘You’ll have to forgive Luke his little lapses in concentration,’ Katie loudly whispered to her friend. ‘It’s his age, you see.’

Luke tossed a balled-up up napkin at his girlfriend, which she deftly caught and tossed back at him with a giggle.

‘Hey, if you don’t want him, I’ll gladly take him off your hands,’ Sara said with a smile in Luke’s direction. She ran a hand down his arm, causing the hairs on his skin to stand up on end.

‘Uh, excuse me!’ Katie replied with mock outrage, gently guiding Luke away from her friend. ‘Get your own fella — this one is very much off the market.’

‘I am?’ Luke asked, carrying the plates through to the kitchen. Katie followed close behind, her hand now firmly planted on one his arse cheeks.

‘Most Sahabet Giriş definitely,’ she replied, leaning in a kissing him sweetly on the cheek.

‘You know, when we were girls, you used to share everything with me,’ said Sara.

Katie looked up at the ceiling, her index finger tapping thoughtfully at her chin. ‘That’s true,’ she admitted. She turned towards Luke, who was busy loading crockery into the dishwasher. ‘What do you think, babe? Would you mind if I loaned you to Sara for a bit? I’ll make her promise not to break you. Much.’

Luke continued loading the dishwasher. ‘This is a trap, and I am far too old and wise to fall for it,’ he replied.

Katie turned to her friend. ‘Well, there you go. Maybe we’ll need to work on this plan a little more before we try again. In the meantime, I’m going to put my pyjamas on while we think about what movie to watch. Coming?’

Luke stood up and turned to answer, before realising that Katie had addressed her question to Sara. He watched the blonde following his girlfriend out of the room and, moments later, heard them climb the stairs together. He closed the door of the dishwasher, then turned to gaze out of the window. A thick strip of dazzling orange marked the setting of the sun behind the horizon, beneath the rich purple blanket of the evening sky. Luke saw none of this, of course; his mind was entirely wrapped up in confusing thoughts of his girlfriend loaning him out to her gorgeous childhood friend.


‘Come on, Luke. It’s pyjama time!’ Katie called from the bedroom. Disturbed from his reverie, Luke left the kitchen and started up the stairs. He could see that the door to the guest bedroom, directly opposite the top of the staircase, was open. Inside, Sara was standing with her back to him, perfectly framed by the door frame and with the setting sun showing through the window beyond her. As more and more of her was revealed by his progress up the stairs, Luke realised with a start that she was no longer wearing her jeans, and at the very moment that he arrived on the top step, she took hold of the hem of her t-shirt and lifted it clear over her head. Her golden curls tumbled around her shoulders and down her tanned back. Luke’s breath caught in his throat as he stared at the gorgeous figure in front of him, now wearing only a tiny pair of white cotton panties. Sara looked over her shoulder at him and winked.

Luke tore his eyes from Sara’s body, turning away and hastening towards Katie’s bedroom at the far end of the corridor. His girlfriend was leaning against the doorframe, watching him with a wry smile on her face. Luke held his hands out to his sides in a gesture of “what did I do?”.

‘Caught you,’ Katie silently mouthed as Luke walked past her into the bedroom. She pushed the door closed and they turned to face each other.

‘Why do I get the feeling that you knew she was going to do that?’ he asked. As he spoke, he looked around Katie’s bedroom. Something was different. Christ, not more cushions, surely?

Katie ignored the question. ‘She’s incredible, don’t you think?’ she asked quietly.

Luke knew better than to answer that. Instead, he pulled Katie close and kissed her, hard. She wrapped her arms around his neck and for a few moments they stayed like that, their mouths locked together. When their lips finally broke from the kiss, Katie slowly drew arm back from his neck and brushed her fingers against his chest.

‘I know what you did there,’ she whispered. ‘But it’s okay; I have other ways of finding out what I want to know.’

Her hand descended past his belt, coming to rest on the bulge in the front of his trousers. She squeezed his cock through the material, cooing appreciatively.

‘Do I need to remind you who this belongs to?’ she purred.

‘No, but hopefully that won’t stop you,’ he replied.

Katie smiled. Slowly, she squatted in front of him, spreading her legs so that the insides of her thighs rubbed against his calves. She undid his belt and fly, before pulling his trousers and boxer shorts down to his ankles. Luke’s hard dick stuck straight out from his body; a thick, veiny protrusion aimed directly at Katie’s face.

Katie stuck out her tongue, tracing it along the length of Luke’s cock and around the tip, leaving behind a thin trail of saliva. Luke sighed at the incredible sight of his girlfriend taking the purple knob between her lips, at the wondrous feeling of her warm, wet mouth closing around it. He placed his hands either side of her head, gently guiding her head backwards and forwards.

‘Fuck. You’re the only woman I could ever need, Katie,’ he breathed.

Katie groaned, the bobbing motion of her head picking up speed. She cupped his balls in one hand, while the other reached down between her legs. The yellow sundress had ridden up around her waist, revealing a pair of red lace panties. Luke tipped his head to one side to get a better view, as Katie slipped her hand Sahabet Güncel Giriş inside her panties. She groaned louder, but not loud enough to discuss the slick sounds of her fingers pumping in and out of her pussy.

In that moment, for Luke there was no Sara. There was only Katie — beautiful, wonderful Katie. The woman who had breathed new life into him. He looked down at her face; her eyelashes fluttered as she struggled to maintain a rhythm on his cock while fingering her cunt. Suddenly, she pulled her mouth from Luke’s dick and threw her head back, caught up in the overwhelming sensations of the orgasm tearing through her body.

‘Fuuuuuuuuck!’ she cried, her fingers pounding into her pussy. Her body convulsed, and Luke pulled her face against his crotch to stop her from falling. His cock pressed against her cheek as a series of broken sobs escaped her lips.

Finally spent, Katie pulled her head back and looked up at her boyfriend. Maintaining eye contact, she pulled his dick back towards her mouth, just taking the tip of it between her lips. Once more, she cupped his balls, gently running her fingers around them while her other hand, sticky with her own juices, closed around his shaft.

‘I’ve been thinking about this all week,’ she sighed, her hand now pumping his dick faster and faster. ‘I’m going to swallow it, baby. Every single fucking drop you give me.’

Luke thrust his hips in time with Katie’s stroking of his dick. Faster and faster. His hand held the back of her head, his fingers in her long dark hair.

Faster and faster, her fingers almost a blur on his tool.

‘Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,’ he cried, as the first jet of cum shot from his dick into Katie’s throat. She clenched her lips around his tool as he gave her the second shot. Almost choking, she pulled back to be rewarded with a final blast of cum on her lips.

Luke’s knees buckled slightly, and Katie grabbed his arse to hold him still while she wanked the last few drops of cum onto her tongue.

‘Mmmmmm,’ Katie purred, licking the stray blobs of Luke’s jizz from her lips.

Luke sank to the floor and he clasped Katie in an embrace, their heartbeats thundering in their chests.


‘It’s supposed to be very good,’ promised Katie as she scrolled through the available options to find the film she and Sara had settled on. Satisfied that she had found it, she pressed play and snuggled up against Luke on the couch. Across from them, Sara curled up on her own in an armchair. Both women had changed into nightwear; for Katie, a matching set of ivory-coloured cotton pyjamas, while her friend wore a powder-blue silk thigh-length nightdress beneath a matching dressing gown.

Luke leaned in and kissed the top of Katie’s head; much as he was enjoying Sara’s company, there was nothing he wanted more than to just take Katie to bed and stay there all weekend.

Less than half an hour into the movie, Luke wondered for the fifth or sixth time why on earth the two women had chosen it. It just seemed to be like some low budget thriller, but minus the thrills. It was only when the terrible plot and even worse acting was replaced by a softcore, candle-lit sex scene that he managed to find anything of interest in it. As the statuesque blonde on the screen humped her co-star to an awful jazz soundtrack, Luke felt Katie’s fingers urgently tapping his chest. He looked down, in time to see her pointing at the chair across from them, and the side view of their houseguest.

At first, Luke couldn’t quite make out in the semi-darkness what he was supposed to be looking at. Had Sara fallen asleep? Her gown had fallen open, and she had pulled her legs up in front of her, so that she appeared to be watching the movie over the tops of her knees. It was only when a steady, subtle movement caught his eye that he suddenly realised what had attracted his girlfriend’s attention. Sara’s nightdress had ridden up and her hand was now between her legs. As she stared intently at the softcore action on the screen, she was clearly fingering her pussy.

As Luke wondered if he should look away, he suddenly felt a gentle pressure on his groin. He glanced down, to see Katie’s hand slowly rubbing at his cock through his pyjama trousers. Luke turned his head to look at his girlfriend, but even in the dim light he could see that her attention was entirely focused on Sara. Katie’s mouth hung open, and she was almost holding her breath.

Luke turned his head back towards Sara. The movie’s sex scene was reaching its climax (so to speak), and it was clear that she had all but given up any attempt to disguise what she was doing, barely a few feet away from Luke and Katie. Her spare hand was now groping her breast through the soft material of her nightdress, rubbing and pinching her nipple just as she had when undressing in front of Luke earlier that evening. The movement between her legs was now almost frantic, and Luke was sure that he could hear the sound of her wet pussy being invaded.

And then, in an instant, it was over. The buxom actress on screen threw herself into one final contortion, and the scene ended. The room was suddenly lit up with the dazzling daylight of the next scene, to an immediate groan of frustration from Sara.

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