Angel and Nicola

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(Author’s note: this story is more D/s than BDSM)

Something happened to Nicola the first time she saw the small group of new hires. Her attention was drawn to one of the women — not just drawn… captivated. She had no idea why. Was it the confident serenity of the woman’s face, framed by the soft waves of her brown hair, which seemed to be streaked with natural highlights? Was it her enthralling blue-gray eyes? Or perhaps her full lips, slightly curved into an expression of alert amusement? Nicola had heard of lips being described as ‘sensuous’ — now she was actually seeing them. Something clanged in her chest, and she knew that she’d made her decision about which of these people would become her personal aide.

She addressed the group. “Good morning, and welcome to the Landing Corporation. I’m Mrs. Nicola Burgess, your immediate supervisor. You’ve been through several interviews, I know, and have navigated those hurdles splendidly, as evidenced in the reports I’ve received. Currently, we have three openings, and you three have been selected to fill them.” She was now putting names from those reports to the faces before her, and soon learned that the woman that intrigued her was Angel Hunter. Giving the other two people their assignments, she informed Angel that she would be her personal assistant.

Angel thanked her quietly, mysteriously sounding almost as if her selection had been a foregone conclusion. Since the other two new hires had left Nicola’s office, starting their assignments, the two women were now alone. Up until this point, Nicola’s gaze at Angel had been locked at the level of her face. But now she took a moment to look the woman up and down. Angel was dressed professionally, in a crisp, spotless white blouse, and a plain black skirt that fell to just above her knees. Still it was clear that Angel had a figure that almost any woman would envy, with generous breasts, a narrow waist, well formed hips and bottom, and long, shapely legs.

During this scan of physical appraisal of the brunette, Nicola’s heart fluttered a little, and she had to swallow to try to wet her suddenly dry throat. “What is it about this woman?” Nicola mentally questioned. As she inhaled, a tantalizing scent teased her nostrils. “Is that some subtle, exotic perfume?” she wondered. “Or is it her?” Clearing her throat, she began explaining Angel’s immediate duties.

For her part, Angel felt mildly amused, well aware of the effect she was having on her new boss. It was easy for her to exude an air of confidence, since the vast wealth of her trust fund had been released to her on her recent twenty-first birthday. Unlike the other two applicants, she wasn’t desperate to get the job, but she thought it would be an interesting experience and a chance to increase her knowledge. Not being a person given to false modesty, she knew she was capable, beautiful, wealthy and smart — a powerful combination. Perhaps her body language conveyed some of this, and her boss was merely reacting to it.

In answer to a question, she replied, “Yes, Mrs. Burgess. I understand completely.” She was taking a careful look at her new boss. The woman was a little taller, with long, sandy blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes. She stood tall and proud, which displayed her breasts well — they were almost as good as Angel’s own. Angel learned later that her boss went running every morning to keep fit, which explained her trim figure and great legs.

Acting on an impulse, her boss said, “Call me Nicola, please. We’ll be working together closely, and such formality will just waste time.” Her heart thumped hard in her chest when she thought about what she’d just said, but she felt that she couldn’t take it back.

Angel smiled. “I understand, Nicola. I expect that soon we’ll be working so closely that people might think we’ve been joined at the hip,” she chuckled. She’d cemented the fact they were now on a first-name basis, and given a subtle example implying intimate closeness. For several years, Angel had been aware of her growing streak of dominance. Her boss might be dominant in a corporate sense, but there were subtle signs that Angel might be dominant to her physically, mentally and emotionally — time would tell. People in positions of power often subconsciously yearn to be allowed to cede control to someone else for periods of relief. Perhaps Nicola was such a person.

As the days passed, Angel turned out to be as efficient as she was enticing. In a few short weeks, she understood the flow of Nicola’s workday, and had things running like clockwork. She was also more fully aware that her boss was truly smitten with her. There were lots of small clues with this regard — things of which Nicola was probably not consciously aware, but Angel noted them all. Nicola liked standing in close proximity to her… often so close Angel could feel the heat radiating from her boss’s body. And when they were closely talking face to face, Nicola sometimes tilted her head slightly, the way a person does türkçe bahis when starting to kiss.

When Nicola sat on the other side of her desk, talking, she subconsciously twirled her hair with her fingers. If they were on the same side of a table, looking at a diagram, or a report, Nicola’s hip often brushed against Angel’s. And her boss might bend down, staring intently at what was on the table’s surface… so low that strands of her hair would brush against Angel’s bare arm. There were times that her boss would touch her hand in emphasis as they leaned over the table… indeed, one time she even leaned against her personal aide, pointing at something at the far end of the table. Angel was acutely aware of Nicola’s tit pressing against her own, during that.

All of these actions were subconscious on Nicola’s part. She’d never experimented sexually with women as she grew up, and had no such experiences. Devoutly religious, she’d been programmed that women should be wives, and raise children with their husband. Her conscience strongly censored such ‘immoral’ thoughts of alternate lifestyles. Her ‘vanilla’ marriage, raising her kids, was the ‘right’ way to live, of course. Regardless of all that, Angel was reading clear signs that Nicola, conscious of her actions or not, was sending her signals of seduction.

One day, Angel was at her computer, entering data, but wincing every time she turned her head to look at the data sheet. Nicola noticed, asking, “Is your neck stiff, Angel?”

Angel sighed, “Yes, it sure is, Nicola. Maybe I slept wrong or something.”

In the twinkling of an eye, Nicola was behind her chair, using her warm, soft hands to knead Angel’s neck muscles. She was thrilled to have an excuse to actually lay her hands on her assistant. Angel’s neck muscles were indeed a little sore, but not to the extent she’d been exhibiting. This was more like a test — a reason to let her boss do something to serve her for the first time. It was part of the growing evidence that Nicola was getting even closer to submitting. A lot of emotion can be conveyed by such hand contact, and Nicola’s desire for her was very tangibly expressed during the next ten minutes.

Again, Nicola was able to lie to herself about this interaction. In her mind, this contact was platonic — medicinal in nature. She was trying hard not to notice how wonderful it was to feel Angel’s hair against her hands and wrists. If she was inhaling a little more deeply than usual, it was due to her muscular exertions, of course, and had nothing to do with the tantalizing scent being given off in Angel’s proximity. If she stopped to analyze things, she’d still be very confused as to why she was so attracted to Angel — a physical attraction that was getting more and more difficult to discount. These contacts with her wonderful assistant were both exciting and confusing.

Angel had been a Dominant long enough that she was aware that submissives somehow sensed another person’s dominance. In response, they sought to be noticed and to somehow please and serve that person. She was in no hurry — she was curious to discover if and when Nicola might finally become cognizant of her submissive streak.

One day, something quite interesting occurred. Angel was sorting some files while Nicola was apparently entering data on her computer. Rita raced in and told Nicola there was an emergency and she was needed urgently. Startled, Nicola bolted from her chair to rush out after the panicked woman. Angel hadn’t been told to stop or assist, so she completed her sorting, and went over to place the files next to Nicola’s computer, as usual. What was on the screen caught her eye though. It was a spreadsheet, and the information it divulged was an eye-opener! Angel’s quick mind soaked up the information, and then she returned to her desk to begin her next task. When Nicola returned, Angel made no reference to what she’d seen. She just asked what the emergency had entailed, and how Nicola had handled it. Thereafter, work went on as usual.

Things between the two women continued relatively unchanged until one fateful night. Both Nicola and Angel had to work until the wee hours of the morning on some complicated paperwork that had to be filed the next day. Nicola had called her husband to explain the situation, and asked him to give the kids goodnight kisses from her. The cleaning crew had come and gone. The security guard was down at his desk, dutifully watching the monitors showing the building’s entrances. The two women were quite alone, and able to concentrate on finishing their work.

“Oh my god… that does it,” Nicola finally announced. “I can’t believe how long this took. I swear that they try to make it more and more complicated each time!” She stretched. “Thank you so much for staying and working so hard on this, Angel.” Gratefully, she placed the paperwork in the ‘out’ box so it’d be sent in a timely fashion where it was needed when the office opened in the morning.

Angel iddaa siteleri herself was stretching, with her glorious tits straining at her blouse as she did so. “I’m glad I could help, Nicola. It feels good to get it accomplished.” Her facial expression was one of sensual pleasure at stretching out the kinks from their intense work.

Nicola took one look at Angel doing this, and her heart began hammering in her chest. An urge to kiss Angel became overpowering. It was so bad that Nicola felt she might die if she didn’t act on this impulse. She wasn’t thinking — she was feeling! Licking her lips, she moved closer to Angel, again tilting her head in a prelude to a kiss motion.

Angel saw that body language, immediately analyzing it. She forestalled her boss by saying, “Nicola, it looks like you want to say or ask something. What is it?” Her voice was soft, but with an air of command that made the blonde stop.

Over the weeks, the pressure of this need had become almost too much for Nicola. Yes, at dinner parties she’d given the requisite ‘air kisses’ to other women. But this was different. Overwhelming her at this moment was a hunger to press her lips firmly, passionately against Angel’s. Therefore, before she could censor her words, she blurted out, “I want to kiss you, Angel! I need to kiss you so badly right now!” The breathless tone of her voice confirmed the urgency of her desire.

Hearing that declaration — that of a submissive asking for permission, Angel smiled. She replied quietly and with control, “That would be wonderful Nicola, and I’d like that very much. But you haven’t earned that right yet.”

Confused, Nicola’s eyes widened as she asked, “Earned? Earned how?”

“With a grin that melted Nicola’s heart, Angel pointed at her skirt covered pussy and said, “You haven’t kissed me here, yet.”

Nicola was floored — almost rocked back onto her heels as she realized what Angel was saying. Her throat went so dry that her voice cracked as she sputtered, “What? Kiss you… there?”

Angel nodded, her eyes glimmering seductively. “And not on my clothing, of course.”

To Nicola, it felt like the room spun a little. As previously stated, she’d never been like that with a woman. Completely inexperienced, her vanilla lifestyle consisted of a heterosexual marriage, and raising two kids. But now her mind was yammering, “This gorgeous, seductive woman is inviting me to place my lips on her pussy?” Her religious conscience stepped right in, voting ‘no’ loudly. Whereas another voice, perhaps her up until now stifled ‘feminine divine’ was stating ‘yes’ and ‘we need this’ and ‘we want this’ in an effort to be heard.

Nicola was now torn… indecisive… still standing there with moistened lips and her head tilted with desire. If she was completely honest with herself, she’d realize she’d always been bi-curious, but had never acted on it. Her eyes traveled down to where Angel had pointed. In her heart, she now wanted to kiss Angel in both locations, heretofore never imagining herself having the opportunity to do anything like that with another woman. But there seemed to be too many things currently stacked against such behavior. Her frustrated feminine divine was moaning and pleading. Flashing through her mind was a clarifying, bargaining thought, “I want to do this, but I fear the possible guilt. If only there was an excuse… something that might coerce me.. thereby removing any guilt I might feel for doing such an act!”

Angel’s seductive grin never faded. It was almost as if she was reading Nicola’s mind, and understanding the warring factions inside her boss. She saw clearly that Nicola was just looking for an excuse to sink to her knees and obey. She purred, “I see from your body language that you really want to kiss me down there, but something is holding you back, Nicola.”

Startled, Nicola nodded, licking her lips again… her eyes pleading for help.

Angel placed an index finger curved against her lips, as if pondering the problem. Nicola’s heart seemed to be climbing up into her throat as she watched Angel trying to resolve this difficulty for her. Then Angel hummed as she said, “Hmmm… would it help any if I told you I saw that file on your computer the day you left to handle the office emergency?”

Nicola looked confused for only a moment, then gasped, paling. “That… file?” she choked out. Thinking back to the day in question, she felt her stomach form into knots when she realized she had indeed left that file open as she’d rushed out.

“Yes.. the one where you’ve been keeping careful notes about the money you’ve been skimming from the corporation.” Angel held up a hand to prevent Nicola from protesting or explaining. “I know that as a moral person, you’re keeping track of the money in hopes of paying it all back someday,” she stated quietly.

“Oh my god… you know,” Nicola murmured.

“Yes.” With that simple word from her assistant, Nicola understood her situation. She deneme bonusu veren siteler could easily imagine that Angel could blackmail her, or threaten to tell the board of directors, or worse.” Of course, both women had a very close friendship now, and knew each other well enough to be sure that Angel would never do anything like that. But Nicola now had the excuse she needed to obey Angel. In her mind, it acted as a tiny ‘push’ to do what she wanted to do anyway. Her inner feminine divine was doing a dance of happiness, and Nicola’s mouth began watering. Her heart was beating harder, but now that increase was one of thrilled anticipation.

“So I need to kiss you… down there… to earn the right to really kiss you?” Nicola whispered. Angel nodded invitingly. “What… what should I do?” Nicola asked.

“Kneel down in front of me. I’ll raise my skirt, and you can pull down my panties,” Angel instructed. “Pull my panties off completely.”

As she descended to her knees in front of Angel, Nicola’s mental turmoil manifested itself in rambling thoughts. “Oh lord, I’m actually kneeling in front of her. She’s lifting her skirt. Oh my — look at those legs. Can I do this? Oh! She’s showing me her panties now. *GASP* They’re so sheer… I can… I can see her pussy through them! And her tantalizing scent — stronger now! Does the scent come from her pussy? Have I been attracted to her pussy scent all this time? She’s looking down at me. She’s waiting… expecting something. *OH* I’m supposed to pull her panties down… and off! I want to do this, right? I need to do this. Must move my arms. Yes, like that… reaching up. Oh, her skin is so hot where my fingers are touching… hooking into waistband… pulling down. There’s her pussy! I can’t bear to look right at it, exposed like that — I might faint! Breathe, Nicola! There, she’s stepping out of the panties. What do I do with them? What do I do with them?!”

Angel solved that last problem by saying, “Set my panties on the table, Nicola. And then kiss my pussy.” Her voice, though soft, had such command in it that Nicola actually shivered.

Setting the panties down, Nicola leaned forward. She couldn’t avoid looking at Angel’s pussy, since she didn’t want to bump against it harshly. The mound area displayed a neatly trimmed triangle of soft pubic hair, but the labia themselves were smooth, nude flesh. As Nicola prepared to press her lips to this ‘forbidden place’ she noticed the scent that so mesmerized her was getting more intense, the closer she got. She’d planned to place a cursory kiss on Angel’s pussy and then hastily withdraw. But once her lips pressed that aromatic, smooth flesh, she completely discarded that plan.

She kissed once, twice, and more — each time her kisses were more passionate, and lingering. She wasn’t actually agonizing over the fact, “I’m kissing a woman’s pussy.” She was thinking, “Oh my god, I’m kissing Angel’s pussy! Why did I wait so long to do this? I want to worship this part of her!” She was giddy. She was besotted.

She might’ve continued kissing there for a long time, but Angel’s hand stroked her hair. Her assistant murmured, “That’s lovely, Nicola. Now stand and kiss me.”

Overcome with emotion, Nicola wobbled to her feet. Her moment had come. She stepped into Angel’s embrace, and the two women kissed for the first time. Each could feel the thumping of the other’s heart as their chests pressed together. A barrier had melted… a threshold had been crossed. Tears of joy formed in Nicola’s closed eyes and leaked down her cheeks. The kiss lasted an eternity, and it was over way, way too soon. Somehow, the kiss ended and Angel was stroking Nicola’s cheeks, looking deep into her eyes as she opened them.

“One more thing tonight, Nicola. Remove your skirt, and take off your panties and hand them to me.” Angel said those words matter-of-factually, as if it was something people said to each other all the time. She even held out her hand expectantly.

Nicola began blushing as she started to comply. The reason for the blush was that she was embarrassed that she didn’t groom her pussy as well as Angel did. Her pubic hair was a rather lush bush that displayed a mass of tangles. But Angel had said ‘tonight’ and Nicola’s mind inferred that she felt there were other nights to come which could include more kissing. She fervently hoped so. Removing her skirt, she gathered her courage and kept facing Angel as she lowered her panties, and stepped free from them. Angel didn’t laugh or make fun about what Nicola was revealing, which would have been mortifying. She just smiled serenely as Nicola placed the still warm panties in her hand.

Nicola’s eyes felt like they wanted to pop free from their sockets when they saw what Angel did next. First, she brought Nicola’s panties to her nose and inhaled her boss’s pussy scent with evident appreciation. Second, she stepped into those panties and pulled them up to her crotch. Seeing Nicola just standing there, Angel asked, “Well? Aren’t you going to put mine on?”

“Put… yours… ahhh… errr…” Nicola uttered, suddenly acutely aware of how her body had reacted to the kisses. Her cheeks turned crimson. “I’m… if I do… errr… I’ll get them all wet,” she moaned with a voice tinged with humiliation.

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