Angelic Treasures – Welcome Home


My mind explodes with another body-shaking orgasm.

The constant deep, slow thrusts of his cock slamming into my stretched, wet pussy and the feeling of fullness I have never thought possible is almost too much. My hands are on his chest, my fingers digging into his hard pecks as I throw my head back in ecstasy—my red hair matted with sweat flinging droplets all down on the sheets. I open my eyes and see myself rocking back and forth, our perfectly contrasting complexions dancing on the ceiling mirror. My lips part as I let out a weak, breathy moan. I close my eyes as another orgasm threatens to overtake me. My breasts sway, rising and falling with increased tempo as he goes in for the kill.

I am his toy.

He runs his rough hands up my thighs and grasps my slender hips to push me down, impaling me on his cock over, and over, and over. I am not riding him, not any longer. He is dominating me, totally and utterly. My body is no longer my own and my mind is racing; not in thoughts but with feeling of pleasure and blissful impulse. An almost animal instinct of lust. I only catch a glimpse of his face staring at his cock which is a glistening sheen with all my wetness, as it slips with ease in and out of my tight, pink pussy.

He slows enough for me to have one thought: “How did this happen and how did I get so carried away?”

I bite down on my lip and press my chin into my chest as I look down into his hungry, beautiful brown eyes. He smiles and says, “Are you ready?”

I nod.

Then all my coherent thoughts cease for the rest of the night.


I am so excited.

Eric and I have been planning this vacation all semester, and with the heat of summer fast approaching it is all I can think about. I blew threw all my final tests with ease and got excellent grades, but it was hard to think about physics, biology and chemistry when I missed my lovely boyfriend.

I look at myself in the mirror with my greenish blue eyes and begin thinking back to how Eric and I first met. It was a classic high school romance, at least in my opinion. I thought he was cute, and he was very shy. He was kind of a loner in high school, always into video games, talking with his nerdy friends. I was on the cheerleading team and watched him play basketball when we would travel with the team. He was not very good, but he tried his best, and it was so cute how red in the face he got when he scored. He did not like the attention.

Eric was a short boy, but he grew a couple inches in his senior year. He had black hair, brown eyes, and was fit from playing sports. He was brown skinned, as he was a mix of Latino and Native American, and had a slight accent which I could not place. I loved how his muscles would sheen the light and glisten as they rippled when he played basketball.

The team and the cheerleading squad would hang out after the games, and I was so intrigued by Eric. He said very little at first, and what he did say was kind of exciting. He had dreams of starting his own travel business and real estate agency. It was kind of weird to talk to a 16-year-old with such goals and dreams of the future. He seemed so mature for his age. Me being the stupid freshman girl I was, I soon felt attracted to this tan, toned, shy boy. I thought about him often and was teased about it constantly by my friends.

“He is so nerdy and weird! EWWW! How can you like someone who barely talks? He does not seem to have many friends!”

The teasing went on and on throughout the year. I was a stubborn child, born into a conservative Christian home, and I think I picked up on my father’s headstrong oxen like demeanor when it came to something I wanted. I wanted Eric, and no one was going to stop me.

For my 15th birthday, Eric came up to me during lunch. He was red in the face as he reached into his locker (which was next to mine) and pulled out a cupcake. It had a little card on it which read, “Thank you for just being you. -Eric.”

I squealed and hugged him. He hesitantly put his arms around me and hugged me back. It was the first time I was in his arms and it felt right. He was strong, and I could feel his muscles holding me firm to his chest. I pulled back to beam at him.

He kissed me.

I must have looked shocked, as it was my first kiss in my life from a boy and I had not planned on doing anything like that at all. He opened his eyes to see my wide eyes, and slightly blushing cheeks. He quickly pulled away and stammered out an apology, which was even cuter than his red face, and quickly grabbed his backpack from his locker. He tripped over someone walking by and fell onto the floor in a sprawl. He scrambled to his feet and walked away briskly, shoulders sagging.

I ran after him and jumped on his back. He fell forward and took me along with him. I was laughing and telling him to stop. People were staring, but I did not care. He turned around to face me and I said, “Thank you for being so sweet. Thank you for the cupcake. But Antep Escort Bayan ask first before you kiss me again.” I added the last part with a stern look which only lasted 2 seconds before I giggled and beamed through my blushing. I leaned in, gave him a kiss on his cheek, and then stood and walked out the school doors—only stealing a single glance back at him to see him staring at me with wide eyes.

I was full of butterflies when I was walking home. I must have been glowing because my mother watched me glide across the kitchen floor and head towards the refrigerator to grab a snack. I sat down at the table and she said, “It looks like you already have eaten.”

I looked at her curiously until she pulled a wet napkin out and wiped my upper lip. It was coated with chocolate.

“Oh… Yes… Someone gave me a cupcake for my birthday at school!” I say excitedly.

“Who was it?” She said. Her face suddenly concerned.

“Oh, it was Eric. You know, the quiet boy you sometimes see me talking with at the games. You met him.”

Her face did not change. “I just want you to be careful Ashley, some kids can put things in there. Are you feeling different? High?”

“NO MOM! I am just excited about my birthday and it was awful sweet of him to bake me a cupcake.” I blushed harder than I wanted to.

She rolled her eyes, “Well just be careful. You are a beautiful young lady and there are men out there that would love to take advantage of you.”

“I will mom. It is just Eric, and it is not like he wanted something from me.” I said with a smirk. “Besides, his father would kill him if he did drugs. His father is a big man!”

I met Eric’s father after his first basketball game. The man was huge! I do not mean weight, but he was tall, dark, and he definitely worked out. I jokingly told Eric that his father’s bicep was bigger than my waist! He was an intimidating man, and when he looked at me I felt very small and very exposed. Those feelings went away after he spoke to me and I got to know him better. He was very nice to me and I enjoyed talking to him. He was intimidating on the outside, but on the inside sat a man who had a heart of gold.

He was nothing like the shy Eric.

Thus, began our ‘courtship’ as I called it. Yes, I watched too many romantic movies. My parents were very protective of me, and always made sure Eric was not up to something that would violate the purity of their daughter. I did not mind my parents, but it was fun to see Eric be so flustered every time he visited. He was so nervous about coming over and was always looking to impress my parents. It was very endearing.

We never got farther than kissing and light touching. It was always hidden and very quick, since my parents were always supervising us and had spoken to Eric’s father about keeping an eye on their daughter. Eric’s father was always sure to be supervising us and would plan outings which turned out to be very fun and enjoyable.

I love Eric’s father.

High school came and went for my lovely boyfriend. Eric left for college well ahead of me and was going into a business undergraduate and wanted to pursue a masters in the same field. I missed him terribly but was very nervous about my own future. I wanted to become a psychiatrist, and thus would have to go into medical school. I was very good at math and science and was told I was very smart, “for a girl.” Yes, some boys think teasing a girl is flirting, but my heart was always with my Eric.

There were many boys who tried to go on dates with me. I always turned them down. They just were not my type. It was weird to think of myself as beautiful, but many boys and grown men alike told me I was ‘hot.”

Oh, how I hate that word.

I wrote letters to Eric, on top of texting and phone calls, and made sure to kiss each letter with my pink lipstick. I would spray it lightly with perfume, so it smelled like me. I drew many hearts on the outline of the letter. I also tried to write poems, but I was so bad at it.


He said he liked them anyway.

The summer before college started, and as I was about to turn 18, Eric came back and we spent all summer growing closer. We went on dates, went on walks, watched the stars in our respective parents’ back yard. I even had the chance to swim in the new pool Eric’s father got a few months before Eric came home!

It was a magical time. I cherished every moment we were together. I did not want it to end.

But it did.

College was different than I expected. It was huge, as the campus I chose was one of the largest schools in the country. I worked hard to be accepted here, and it was a couple states away from my home in the USA. The class sizes were huge and the people diverse. I had not seen so many people with so many different backgrounds. I fell in love.

I also fell in love with the freedom I was experiencing. I tried alcohol once, but never will I touch a drink again. After five shots, I was hammered. I then spent an hour singing and dancing and taking more shots with my girlfriends, which was replaced with five hours of vomiting and crying. I woke up with a hangover to end all hangovers and vowed never to touch the stuff again. I never did drink again in college. I made friends, most of them women since almost all the men who talked to me just wanted one thing: to take my virginity.

I am very aware of my sexuality and have masturbated before, usually with Eric and I exchanging dirty texts or whispering quietly to each other over the phone about all the naughty things we wanted to do to each other. I have found I have a very high sex drive. For my eighteenth birthday, my new roommates threw me a party and roared with laughter as I opened my present from them. It was a vibrator. I blushed harder than I have ever before and threw it across the room. At first, my college roommates, all of them girls, thought I was a prude when I would reject rather attractive boys’ advances at school, and they hatched a rather elaborate plan to ‘get me laid.’ Of course, they knew I had a serious relationship, but they often told me, “What he doesn’t know will not hurt him.” I just rolled my eyes and focused on my classes. Then one day, they put the plan into action.

We went to the beach and a rather gorgeous college guy named Tony, who I had met briefly before, joined us. He brought some of his friends with and soon my roommates were beside themselves as they all flirted back and forth with the men. I was just there for the beach and relaxation. I enjoyed the beach and the moments away from my studies. I was rather flattered when this guy, Tony, gave me his constant, undivided attention. He had flowing blonde hair, suntanned skin, and was slender with a toned body. I am only 5’5, and he towered over me since he was 6’4. He was confident, maybe a little too confident. We laid next to each other, on separate towels, as I basked in the sun; feeling the water dry on my pale skin. He talked to me, showering me with compliments, and asking me questions which I would tell him honestly. One of the questions he asked is if I had a boyfriend. I beamed when I said “Yes.”

I soon found myself rolling my eyes as I playfully laughed and blushed when he flirted shamelessly with me. I never responded in kind, but I never told him to stop. Let him talk if he wants. Besides, other than his flirting he was enjoyable to be around. He must have seen this as an opening. A couple times he put his arm around me, pulling my petite body firmly against his toned flesh, but I would always find an excuse to move away from him. He was never creepy about it, but over the course of the day his advances grew bolder. My roommates would giggle and exchange knowing glances as they watched Tony repeatedly wrapped his arms around my waist from behind at a beach bar patio and pull my body against his. My face reddened as I looked back and would loudly tell him to stop in a giggling playful tone. I was having fun dancing and singing, my pale body reflecting the sun as my hips rhythmically swung to the beat. His arms would linger longer and longer before they let go. One time, he did not let go until he noticed I had stopped rocking back and forth and my eyes flashed with anger. He looked kind of surprised and taken aback and let go immediately.

Soon it was dark, most of my roommates were drunk and I was the only one who was sober. Most of our group left early, one by one and soon it was just Tony, one of my roommates, Carissa, a boy she was taking back with her, and I. Carissa was tipsy, and so was the guy, and I stayed behind to make sure she got home safe. It was dark and the stars were the stars were beautiful as the moon glinted off the calm sea. The waves softly rolling over the beach pierced the night air as I sat on my towel. The soft bass and music from the beach bar, still open, almost made this a perfect night. It was a little too chilly for my taste, but I could bear it. It was peaceful.

Tony came over to where I was and sat next to me in the sand. I had a large summer shirt on, blue with white frilly daisies, slightly damp from my wet bikini, and we talked for a while. I giggled and pointed at my roommate, wrapped in the arms of the guy she picked up at the beach and I could hear wet smacking sounds as they kissed. Tony looked over and then turned to face me and grinned.

“Jealous?” He teasingly asked. I felt my face warm and my thoughts immediately turned to Eric. I thought of our arms around each other, this night so perfect, our lips embracing and the warmth of our bodies chasing away the chill I felt. My eyes lost in thought I sighed as I said, “Yeah… Kinda…” I had my head towards Tony, but my eyes were looking at the sand between us. So lost was I in my own world, my loneliness, my feelings of wanting Eric here right now I did not notice Tony shift closer to me and put his arm around me. I brought my face up, lips starting to part to tell him to take his arm off me and suddenly I felt his lips press against mine.

I sat their frozen for a moment. My eyes wide, shocked at his brazen behavior. Then I felt a rage boil up from my stomach and soon the fury enveloped my entire being. I pulled away forcefully and saw his surprise, again, and his body shrink a little under my furious gaze. As I stared at him, open mouthed and wide eyed still frozen in disbelief, he smiled and leaned in again.

I kicked sand over his feet as I stood up, and soon more sand flew when I used my whole body to wind up and slap him across his face- The sound of flesh meeting flesh snapped through the air. “Who! the FUCK! do you think you are?! I have a boyfriend! I TOLD YOU THIS!”.

My hand stung from the slap and I was faintly aware the sounds of kissing having stopped emitting from where Carissa and her lover-for-the-night were. I heard a “Hey!” come from the beach bar, as two college guys run over at the sound of a girl screaming.

Tony’s left side cheek is covered by his hand and I can see the start of welts protruding from behind his hand; the shape of my fingers. I do not feel guilt, but rather a sense of triumph when he looks up at me and says in an angry tone, “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Before I can respond, the two guys from the bar are asking if I am alright. I say, “I’m fine, but he isn’t”. They look at him accusingly and ask what he did.

“He chose the wrong woman to mess with, that’s what.” I angrily say and then pick up my towel and my beach bag and storm off towards my roommate. I tell her we are leaving, and after a sound of protest from the guy I point my finger at him and tell him, “You either come with me and her RIGHT NOW,” my eyes shine with the fury of the suns, “Or you will have to find someone else to grope all night.” I grab Carissa’s hand, pulling her along and the guy sheepishly follows. When I get back, alone besides the horny pair behind me, my roommates all drunkenly asked, “Where is Tony?” I gave them an angry stare and I walked into my room without answering. I heard Carissa tell the story in a hushed tone as I picked up my phone with shaking hands and called Eric. I cry on the phone with Eric, his voice reassuring, as I relive the whole day to him.

“Ash, it is ok! It will be ok. Nothing happened and I am glad you are home safe. That guy is a jerk, and I wish I was with you when you smacked the shit out of him.” He says and I find myself softly giggling. “I love you Ashley. I cannot wait to see you this summer. I miss you.” I feel tears flood into my eyes and a renewed sense of loneliness descends upon me. “I love you too.” I say as my voice cracks a little. I fall asleep while still on the phone with him, my pillow wrapped in my arms and between my legs as I pretend it is his body next to mine.

I awoke, hair a mess, eyes crusted from tears, and a patch of drool coating my phone. I sleepily got up and opened my door and heard clatter of dishes being set into the sink. Carissa noticed me and sheepishly smiled. “Hey… I am sorry about last night Ashley. I don’t know what we were thinking… I didn’t think he would try anything.” I smiled as I walked over to her and took her hands into my own. She looked into my face in relief as I lean in, letting my morning breath wash over her. “Yes you did.” I said in a frosty tone. I took a step back and winked at her in a sarcastic motion as she stood frozen with her mouth open and shocked wide eyes. Feeling pride and relief at boundaries being set with my slut roommates, I started to get ready for the day.

That experience aside, I was having a blast! I was nervous about classes and how I would be able to compete with the other top student premed prospects in my class, but I was doing very well. The professors all remarked on how I was on a path of success academically and the field of psychology needed women like me. Before my first semester was over, I already had six letters of recommendation! In my exhilaration, there was one thing missing:


Oh how I missed Eric. I would have traded it all to be in his arms again. To kiss him again. To see his smile, to hear his voice not over a computer or phone, but to have him next to me as he whispers into my ear his love for me.

I began to go to the gym religiously after one of my friends told me it was a healthy outlet. I was always in shape, due to my time as a cheerleader, but I was starting to feel overwhelmed. I am happy with the results when I look in the mirror: My slender stomach now has some shape to it, and I am happy with having my ‘girl abs’ back. The tip of my long, red hair touches my rapidly forming round ass and I love the way my sweatpants hug my hips. My breasts, which were small in high school, now are shapely and soft- still slightly on the smaller side but big enough. My sports bra I have on highlights my breasts perfectly. I call my boobies ‘my chest cushions’. My pale skin is a downer to me though. It reminds me I have not really had much sun due to always studying and working out indoors. The only time I have had free time was in the evenings.

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