

Darkness coursed around me as a flowing stream, and I tried to swim against it. Wind, as rapids, fought my body, pushing it backward, even as it flowed around me—making way for me, yet stopping all progress. My muscles strained in achieving my goal, which was as unknown to myself as to those, who, at a distance, looked upon me, as through telescopes. Sweat dripped from my forehead in desperation, as I reached—reached for what? There is a goal, but what is it? My motivation is as dark as the space around me, as my hand before my eyes. My achievement was so close, so close, but this infernal wind—millions of tiny hands keeping me still as my outstretched arms groped for….

The courses move me without my consent. I am pushing forward, swimming, finding friction, but it manipulates me in mysterious ways. My legs are lifted up, my arms pushed down. I am spun in myriad directions. Each microscopic hand caresses me, stirring me, and I am dizzy from the air’s invasions, as if each organ of my body were open to its persistent touch. I fight against my mind’s surrender to nothingness, but I am giving way.

Suddenly, I am floating on top of the wind, as it had pushed me up to the surface. The molecules of chaos still course below canlı bahis me, but I am floating on top of it, and the air is still on my front. I float on the water— is it water? Or is it coursing winds? Or a soft pillow that I rest upon? I know not, except that I rest on the solidity of that which could break at any time, and fall into the abyss. I float upon the soft, chaotic stillness, and above me is nothingness, openness, empty upon my senses, immeasurable.

My clothes dissolve, and I am naked with the void above me and the chaos that threatens to suffocate me below me. She says, “Relax now, breathe,” and she is beside me, not penetrated by either chaos or void. She is smiling at me, only here for me, not concerned or even giving the least consideration to anything but me. Strangely, she caresses my penis, shrunken from the cold darkness and fearful trembling. Her hand is wrapped about the soft stub, stroking with her thumb, and her fingers softly explore my scrotum. “Relax, it’s okay.”

Naked, she softly straddles me and places my insecurity into her comforting wetness. “Come, grow, fill me.” She opens her sheer blouse slowly, and places her nipples upon my chest, giving me full view of her upper breasts. I cannot bahis siteleri relax, nor even move but she moves upon me, stroking me, pressing upon my flesh until I cannot help but remain hard under her gentle proddings. Her body moves upon me and I float with her and we do not fall, we do not descend into chaos, but we float into the void. Fear tenses me, and I gasp deeply. But she is there, patently smiling at me, fervently pulsing her vagina around me, stroking me, caressing me with her body. “Relax. It is just a dream. Come to me. Come with me.”

Is it just a dream? The chaos vanishes, and becomes solid. Around me is not a void, but her upon me. I can rest, I am secure. I need not struggle, for she does not struggle, except in her desire to grant me pleasure. I feel her movements upon me—the deep pulses upon my member, her strokes upon my pelvis, her weight upon my chest, breathing, breathing, steady and rhythmic. She can be my world, my release, if only I would respond to her pulse.

I breathe deeply… there. I am released. The wind about me ceases, for I have pulled it all into my lungs. The chaos dissipates. It was air I needed all along. Why did I struggle to achieve that which I had all around me?

As canlı bahis siteleri air passes through my nostrils, I smell salty, animal musk. I open my eyes, and her vagina is before me, with the padded globes of her buttocks above. I am inside her, for her mouth surrounds my penis and she is slowly, slowly drawing me up, drawing me out. Her tongue wettens me, her inner cheeks grant me comfort as she sucks me. “Give in,” I hear her almost desperately speak, around my dripping organ, “Surrender to me. Let it go.” I moan loudly, releasing myself to the pleasure she grants me, place my hands upon her buttocks and delve my face into her glistening folds and curves. I taste and breathe in deeply her sex, surrounded by her fullness, as she touches her fingers on my thighs and I spend myself inside her mouth.

As the pleasure washes over me, I am dizzy, and I float on nothing. I am comforted, for I am surrounded by her. She is my ground, my cloud upon which I rest.

In the aftermath, as she rests her head upon my shoulder, with her body fused against mine, she whispers, “You were struggling in your sleep. It was almost as if you were fighting against something, but I wasn’t sure. I tried to wake you up, but you were dreaming too intensely. So I decided you needed to relax. Was that all right?” I smiled, turned toward her and kissed her lips in deep gratitude, then placed my nose upon her hair and breathed her into my lungs as if my life depended on her.

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