Ashley’s Walk Home

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Ashley was pissed. She hadn’t even wanted to go to a club; she hated the club scene; but of course as usual her older sister Rebecca had insisted upon it. Begged her to go. And now as if things weren’t bad enough; she had left her there at the club all alone. Well not entirely alone she guessed. Rebecca’s asshole boyfriend Dwayne was there with her cursing and kicking the parking lot. As if that was going to solve anything.

It was all Dwayne’s fault anyway. Ever since he had shown up in their lives he brought nothing but trouble with him. Ashley and Rebecca’s parents hated him. With good reason. He was a bit of a drunk and often reeked of marijuana. He also mooched off her sister and never seemed to have any money despite having a decent job. But if Ashley were to be honest; the main reason for their disliking him was because he was black. Ashley herself had never warmed to him for the same reasons. But Rebecca always liked bad boys; so of course she was head over heels for Dwayne.

That is of course until tonight. Tonight her sister had run into a friend of hers who saw Dwayne and his buddy Sam leave a party with some slut in their arms. Dwayne of course denied it; but Rebecca believed the girl. He had cheated on her before after all. And this was her breaking point. She smacked and cursed at Dwayne. Cried and screamed how he was a no good piece of shit to anyone who would listen. Practically the whole club did. Ashley had only tried to calm her down. She wasn’t really defending Dwayne. Why would she? But the end result was the same. Rebecca had gotten pissed at her too and left them both there with no way to get home. Even Ashley’s cellphone had been in her sister’s purse. Not to mention her money. And Dwayne certainly wasn’t going to be any help on that account.

The club’s bouncer was yelling at Dwayne saying they were going to call the cops. This last word got Ashley’s attention quick and she grabbed her sister’s ex telling him to calm down. He got a little rough with her; but soon relented. Once he had settled down Ashley asked Dwayne if he had any money and he confirmed her suspicion. They were broke. She had one last spark of hope and asked the bouncer to loan her a couple dollars for a cab. He dashed those hopes; telling her to get lost.

Ashley was still a little drunk, but figured that they only lived a little over two miles away. Her sister had hardly stranded them in the middle of nowhere. She was a little wobbly on her feet but figured she could walk that far. Not that she particularly wanted to. And she did have Dwayne to protect her after all. Which was a good thing she thought. There was a lot worse than him out there.

Taking Dwayne by the hand she proposed they walk home together. acıbadem escort She was sure that once her sister got over the initial shock she’d forgive Dwayne anyway. Again. She always did. The first thing Ashley realized as they set off was that it was cold. She was only wearing a short dress and heels; her dirty blonde hair held up high in a bun. She sort of wished she had drank more. Would’ve warmed her up. She told Dwayne she was cold, hoping he’d be a gentleman and offer her his jacket. No such luck.

The second thing she noticed as they continued on was that her feet hurt. Heels weren’t made for walking two miles on concrete. Soon she took them off and carried them as they walked. The road hurt her bare feet and at one point she hobbled a bit. She would’ve fallen; but luckily Dwayne caught her. She looked up into his big brown eyes as he asked her if she was okay. She was.

But he wasn’t. It was the last thing she noticed about their trip there in his arms. Dwayne hadn’t just been unusually quiet. He was crying. She asked him if he was alright and he startled her as he dropped sitting on the floor. He told her he was far from alright. That he really loved her sister Rebecca and had fucked everything up. That night he and Sam had met some slut. They gangbanged her. Dwayne couldn’t even remember her name.

This admission disgusted Ashley. Dwayne really would stick his dick in anyone; anywhere she thought. She told him it wasn’t the first time he had hurt her sister. That he deserved it if Rebecca stuck to her guns and dumped his ass flat. His only response was to sob harder; which made Ashley feel like shit. She hadn’t wanted to hurt him. But he really did bring these things on himself.

Her feet hurt a little so she sat down beside Dwayne on the road. She tended to the scrape on her foot she received in her stumble. He was still crying and told her he was sorry. Hesitantly she reached out and put her arm around him while he trembled. She told him to calm down. Rebecca would likely forgive him. And that whatever happens happens. Ashley’s body tensed a bit when he hugged her back. But he only thanked her and cried on her shoulder.

Trying to calm him down Ashley put her hand to his head and ran her hand over his short nappy hair. That’s when she felt his hands tighten on her back. For the first time she realized how vulnerable she was out here with him. He was 6’3″ and probably 300 lbs while she was about 5’4″ and almost 120 lbs. He could do anything he wanted to her if he wanted. The thought momentarily excited her; but she suppressed it. She looked at him and told him to let go. But he continued to look helplessly into her green eyes.

He moved in and kissed her. She gasped atalar escort in surprise and his tongue shot into her mouth searching for hers. She didn’t know what to do. His hands were everywhere at once. Her back, her ass, her breasts. He felt so warm out here in the cold. But it was wrong. Pulling back she told him to stop. But when he began kissing her again she didn’t protest. She felt a chill and realized he had exposed her perky breasts. Moving her hands to cover them, she only found Dwayne’s head as he kissed and licked them. He was suckling on her nipples as she let out her first moan of pleasure. Dwayne smiled to himself knowing she was his.

Right there on the road he laid her back on the sidewalk and grass. He wished they were closer to her house. He’d laugh his ass off if her parents saw them together. He raised his head away; but Ashley moved up and kissed him. He had fun playing with her tits. Thought on their similarities and differences with her sisters. He took them into his mouth again as another moan escaped her. Reaching up under her dress he groped Ashley’s ass moments before he took hold of her panties and tore them off on one side.

Ashley yet out a yelp as her panties pulled against her flesh and tore. Dwayne was reaching down to his belt buckle. She felt his hard cock slap against her thigh. She tried to tell Dwayne they should stop; but he was kissing her again and positioning himself. Soon her eyes were opened wide as he thrust inside of her. He was a little bigger than her boyfriend Alex; but not as big as she had expected. She was glad. She hadn’t had much experience and from what some girls said; most black guys would tear her little body in half. Dwayne was licking and suckling her ear. She was looking at her bracelet from the club; the one her sister had snuck onto her wrist; as Dwayne thrust his cock deeper inside of her. She wrapped her pale legs around his dark body as he began pumping in and out of her.

Ashley couldn’t believe what she was doing. Who she was doing. She didn’t even like Dwayne. And fucking her sister’s boyfriend? Whatever she did after this. This. Screwing her sister’s boyfriend made her a slut. She closed her eyes as some tears escaped. She began meeting Dwayne’s thrusts. No matter what she was she decided; this here and now felt good. The cold air on her skin as Dwayne heated her body from within. She grabbed Dwayne’s ass as she began to shake and moan. She had had orgasms before; but none of them were like this.

Feeling Ashley’s wet teen pussy tighten and spasm around his cock was too much for Dwayne. He had known her for years and she had just graduated from High School earlier that year. He had always thought she was cute. But she was his aydınlı escort girlfriend’s little sister. And yet here she was grinding on his cock outside. He loved this. Grinned to himself triumphantly as he came inside of her. Pictured her racist parents. Wondered how much they’d like Rebecca’s dumb black boyfriend if they knew he’d fucked both their slut daughters. Rebecca had turned down a threesome; but would Ashley? He thought about nailing both girls at the same time. Put it down as wishful thinking as he thrust deeper, harder into Ashley as his spent cock shot the last of it’s load.

Ashley felt a bit empty as Dwayne pulled off her and rolled onto his back. She watched his still hard cock as it pointed bobbing in the sky. He wanted her to suck him clean; but Ashley refused. She rarely even did that for Alex. “Oh God Alex” she thought. What would she tell her boyfriend? She wouldn’t she decided then and there. Sitting up Ashley pushed her tits back into their top and got to her feet.

She watched as Dwayne sat on the sidewalk zipping up his fly. He looked so relaxed as if he’d done this before. He probably had she thought as she tried to pull up her torn panties. Pig. Realizing her panties were beyond salvageable; she simply removed them and threw them on the floor. Dwayne took them and placed them in his pocket. He laughed and told Ashley she might get mistaken for a slut if she keeps walking around without panties. Ashley tells him he’s an asshole and that she’d better head home alone. It’s late and he’s the last thing her parents would want to see. Dwayne doesn’t seem to care and tells her goodbye.

As she walks down the road the cool air freezing her pantiless ass; Ashley can feel Dwayne’s lecherous eyes on her. She realizes he wasn’t really upset. He had set her up. He really was an asshole and she had fallen for it. She cried a bit but quickly wiped her tears away. She was at her house and didn’t want Rebecca to think something was up. She’d be furious if she ever found out. She hoped Dwayne would keep his filthy mouth shut.

Inside she found Rebecca still awake in their room. She was crying into her pillow. This made Ashley angry. She told Rebecca to stop wasting her tears on that piece of shit Dwayne. How he was no good and never would be. How Rebecca deserved better than that loser. To Ashley’s surprise Rebecca agreed with her. She wasn’t crying over leaving Dwayne. She was crying because before she found out about him again tonight; she discovered she was pregnant. Tonight she was taking them both out to tell them. To celebrate. Ashley grabbed her big sister and held her tight as she cried. She told her how having a kid wasn’t the end of the world. But if she wants an abortion that’s okay too. She’d go with her. Rebecca was deadset on keeping it and Ashley lied telling her she thinks that while Dwayne is a shit boyfriend; he would probably be a good father. What Ashley didn’t know then; was that in nine months she’d be finding that out for herself.

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