Aunt Laura Ch. 01

Big Tits

All the characters depicted in this story are 18 years old or older.

The summer of his eighteenth birthday was a memorable one for Brad Winston. That was the summer that his aunt Laura came to visit.

Laura was two years older than his mother Amanda. But despite their age difference they could have passed for twins. They were both blonde and attractive. In fact Brad’s friends had told him more than once that they thought his mother was ‘hot’. It wasn’t the sort of thing Brad paid much attention to. He had laughed though the time his father remarked to his mother that he wished she had her sister’s boobs. Laura and Amanda were the only two children in their family and so they were close in many ways. But they were also very different.

Amanda, being the baby of the family, probably got more attention as the two sisters were growing up. Laura was always the free spirit, the adventurous one, the one who was always getting into trouble.

Amanda was the model student, the focused one, the one who went to college and planned to work in a doctor’s office. The only hiccough came when she got pregnant in her final year, married her college sweetheart and became a ‘stay at home’ mom. Bradley came along eight months later.

By contrast, Laura had a seemingly endless stream of boyfriends. Typically she’d get into a serious relationship that lasted about a year and a half or two and then she’d dump the guy and move on to someone new.

During all the years that Amanda was bringing up Bradley, Laura was bringing home one boyfriend after another until her father finally gave up even trying to remember their names.

Finally, when Brad was fifteen, Laura found Lance, someone who she decided was ‘Mister Right’. After a very short engagement she married him.

It was a very quiet wedding, just the immediate family of the bride and groom at Brad’s parents’ home. A couple of weeks later there was a big party, a kind of reception for extended family and friends. It was a hot summer night and Brad could still vaguely remember there were a lot of naked bodies whooping around in the swimming pool in the wee small hours of the morning.

Now it was three years later and all of a sudden Laura had come to stay at her sister’s for an unspecified length of time. Something was not right between her and Lance. They had agreed on a sort of a trial separation.

Brad wasn’t really all that interested in his aunt’s marital problems. The thing that did bother him was that he had to give up his room and move to the basement for the ‘as yet to be determined’ length of her stay.

When he protested about this unfair dislocation, his mother looked disappointed in him and asked him if he wasn’t willing to make even this tiny sacrifice for his poor aunt in this difficult time for her.

Brad realized that he couldn’t win this one so he grudgingly moved his necessities down into the basement and prayed that Laura and Lance would soon get back together.

When Laura arrived everything seemed fine. She had always been Brad’s favourite, if only, aunt. There were no obvious signs that she was upset although she and his mother did tend to linger over the dishes after dinner.

Brad would come and go and his mother and Laura would be at the sink or at the kitchen table, talking and talking. There seemed to be no end to it. What he didn’t know was that, though Laura was talking about her marital woes, Amanda was expressing her concerns that Brad wasn’t seeing anyone, had never had a real girl friend and to the best of her knowledge was still a virgin. She didn’t think this was healthy.

Brad would have been mortified if he knew his mother was talking about him like that to his aunt. But Amanda was careful not to say anything in front of him.

When Brad asked his father what the problem with aunt Laura was, his father would only say that someone apparently had been cheating on someone. When Brad asked who was cheating on who, his father said that that depended on who you talked to. According to Laura it was Lance. According to Lance, it was Laura. When Brad asked his father who he believed, his father said he really didn’t know but that he could tell some stories about his sister-in-law. This remark was accompanied by a tilt of the head and a knowing wink that suggested to Brad that his aunt might somehow be the author of her own marital demise.

Regardless of what was going on Brad had his own life to lead. He was pleasant to his aunt and she always asked him what was going on with him when she saw him. But for the most part they didn’t spend a lot of time in each other’s company.

The second weekend of Laura’s unexpected visit, Brad’s parents were away. They had planned a weekend visit to the wine country with some friends that they couldn’t get out of. Laura and Brad were home alone but each had their own plans for Saturday night.

Brad was going out with his buddy Glen to a ‘country and western’ bar that was bringing in a popular local band. Apparently a lot of the really bursa eskort hot girls at school were into this band and would probably be there.

Laura was going out with some friends from the insurance company where she worked. He really didn’t pay much attention to what she said they were doing.

Brad went over to Glen’s before they went out. They had a couple of beers and played ‘Call of Duty’. By the time they got to the club about 10:00 things were really hopping. It took them ten minutes just to get up to the bar and get a beer. Forget about getting a seat.

But a quick look around suggested that the intel about the babes had been accurate. There were a lot of hot chicks hanging around in groups of threes and fours. Most of the available guys seemed to have been dragged out on the dance floor where they were enthusiastically, if not expertly, stomping and two stepping, trying not to embarrass themselves in front of their more competent girl friends.

Brad and Glen picked out a couple of guys who were really struggling to keep up and started a running dialogue making fun of them. This kept them entertained for quite a while.

Eventually though they both noticed a couple of truly gorgeous girls who were dancing, surrounded by a knot of hungrily circling men. One of them was very tall with straight black hair that was hanging down below her shoulders. Brad thought she looked like she was just about his age. She was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans that she must have spray painted on. In stiletto heels it looked like her legs went up to her shoulders. She had the most amazing melon shaped breasts that were threatening to jiggle free at any moment from the tight white tank top she was wearing.

The other girl was blonde. Her shapely legs were bare above her cowboy boots and beneath the little denim skirt she had on. She was also wearing a cream coloured satin shirt that had a bucking bronco embroidered on it in red. She had a little bandana tied around her neck below which three or four buttons of her blouse were undone. Although she wasn’t as statuesque as her friend, there was no shortage of men who weren’t enjoying the generous display of cleavage that she had on display.

The girls had on cowboy hats that they had ‘borrowed’ from a couple of the men. They were both getting a lot of attention as they strutted and spun in time to the music. It was impossible to tell which of the men surrounding them might have been their partners or if in fact they were with anyone. Brad told Glen they should take a closer look.

As they approached the gyrating group of dancers, Brad couldn’t take his eyes off the dark haired girl in the tight jeans. She danced with her whole body, arms in the air, hips moving fluidly and her eyes moving from man to man, pouting her lips and winking at them as if she wanted every one of them. Brad thought she was probably the sexiest woman he had ever seen.

Eventually the music stopped and the knot of men grew tighter around the two women like they were some kind of rock stars. Brad lost sight of them for a few moments and then they were knifing their way through the crowd, laughing and trading jibes over their shoulders with the hooting men as they made their way past Brad and Glen.

Brad was so mesmerized by the tall jeans girl that at first he didn’t hear it when the blonde said…”Brad?…”

“Brad?…What a surprise!…What are you doing here?…”

Brad turned to the blonde and was startled to realize that it was his aunt Laura.

“Aunt Laura!…I…I…I thought you were out with some friends from work…” Brad stammered, trying to keep his gaze from wandering to the smiling beauty standing just behind his aunt.

“I am. This is Beth. She works in the claims department. She just started with us… Beth…this is my nephew Brad who I was talking about and his friend…I’m sorry…I don’t think we’ve been introduced…”

Glen waited a second but Brad’s mind seemed to have turned to mush as he reached out to shake hands with Beth.

“I’m Glen…” he said…”Nice to meet you Laura, Beth…”

“And there’s two more of us Ryan and Neil. They’re around here somewhere. I think they went for more beer. So are you two boys enjoying yourselves?…”

Glen started to say something in reply but then the band started up again with a real loud, heel stomping quick step. Beth’s eyes lit up and she yelled to Laura…” I really like this one!…” and before the boys knew it they were being dragged out onto the dance floor, Brad pairing up with Beth and Glen with Laura.

Brad couldn’t believe his luck. He was dancing with the most stunning woman in the room. There wasn’t a guy standing there that didn’t wish he was in Brad’s shoes.

At first he was terrified. He wasn’t much of a dancer. But Beth seemed to sense his misgivings. She turned her back to him and took his hands with hers.

“Just do what I do…” she yelled and began to move her body to the music, moving his hands with hers and inviting bursa escort bayan him to mimic her movements.

That’s what he did and in no time he found himself shadow dancing with this stunning young woman.

Now whether Beth was a good teacher or Brad had more latent talent than he knew, he did really well and was able to keep up with what were becoming ever more complicated steps and twists as the song rambled on.

Eventually it did come to a roaring, floor stomping ending. Beth’s eyes were sparkling as she twirled around twice on the end of Brad’s arms and finished with her hands in the air. The band immediately segued into a slow tune. Without missing a beat, Beth stepped up against Brad, draping her arms around his shoulders and molding her curvaceous body against his. In her high heels she was just as tall as he was.

‘Oh my God!…’ Brad gasped to himself at the feel of Beth’s yielding curves pressing against him. She was wearing a wonderfully exotic perfume that enveloped him and made him almost faint with excitement. He hesitantly put his hands on her waist and started moving with the music.

“That was…you are… incredible!…” he said with real enthusiasm.

“Well thank you kind sir. I enjoyed it too….” Beth said squirming contently against Brad.

“Oh oh!…’ Brad groaned as he felt himself starting to stiffen up against Beth’s gently shifting loins. It was bound to happen. She was so sexy and he was so excited to be dancing with her. But he didn’t think she would be too impressed by his obvious arousal. He kind of tightened his hands on her waist and bent forward a little to keep her from pressing up against him. His cock was pointed down his leg and was getting pretty uncomfortable as more and more blood rushed into it.

“Is something wrong?…” Beth asked with the tiniest of grins.

“Ahhh!…Nothing serious. I might just have to go make a slight technical adjustment…” Brad stammered in embarrassment.

“Oh not now. Just when we were having so much fun…” Beth said with a little moue, at the same time pulling Brad back more tightly against her.

“Oh shit!…” Brad gasped quietly. He was sure that Beth must be able to feel him now, bulging against her.

“Oh. Is that your problem? I seem to have that effect on a lot of boys…” Beth murmured into Brad’s ear.

“I’m so sorry Beth!…It’s just a little hard to control sometimes…” Brad groaned miserably.

“I can help you with that…Do you want me to?…” she asked in a honeyed purr.

“You can’t really…It’ll be alright….”

“Don’t be silly. You look so uncomfortable. It will just take a second…”

And with that Beth turned in Brad’s arms so that she was facing away from him once more. She pulled his arms around her so that he was holding her close. Still swaying to the music she moved both her hands behind her so that they were against Brad’s stomach.

Before he even realized what it was she had in mind, Beth pulled the front of his pants out with one hand and snaked her other hand deep down into his shorts.

Brad let out a stifled yelp of amazement as Beth closed her hand around the length of his meat. She gently but firmly pulled his cock to one side then turned it so that it was straining upwards towards his chin. She held him like that for a couple of seconds longer than was absolutely necessary. Then she calmly took her hand out of his pants and turned to face him once again.

Brad looked into her dancing eyes in complete astonishment. He could still feel the warmth of her hand imprinted on his steely shaft. He wondered if he’d ever go soft again.

Still smiling into his eyes Beth pressed herself against him once more and said…

“Oh yess!…That’s much better isn’t it?…” as she thrust her gently rounded mons into the barrel of his cock.

“Jesus Beth. I can’t believe you just did that…” Brad gushed as if she’d just resolved the middle east crisis.

This girl was amazing. He had to find out more about her, where she lived, was she seeing anybody. Oh God! Maybe she was married. There were a thousand things he wanted to ask her. But before he got a chance to say anything more, Laura was at Beth’s shoulder.

She came up beside them and said to Beth…

“Come on honey. We’ve got to get back. The boys are getting kind of antsy. Especially Neil. I think you’ve really got under his skin.”

“Oh what a shame…” Beth said, stepping back from Brad.

“Your nephew and I were just getting a few things straightened out between us. And besides I don’t think Neil and I are a fit. Now Brad on the other hand I think might fit me just fine …”

“Well that’s sweet of you darlin’ but as they say in country talk…’you leaves with the one that ‘brung ya’. So let’s go soothe the savage beasts. Glen’s over there too Brad. Why don’t you come meet the boys.”

Brad was trying to figure out a way to kidnap Beth but Laura was taking charge for the moment and he görükle escort had no choice but to follow in the girls’ wake.

Dejectedly Brad followed the girls from the dance floor back to some sprawling booths where he finally saw Glen sitting with two other guys. When they got over there Laura made the introductions.

“Brad this is Ryan, my boss, and Neil. Boys this is my nephew Brad.”

“Hello!…Hi!…Nice to meet you!…” the men said to each other. Beth sat down next to Neil and Brad sat down on the outside edge of the booth next to her. Glen got up so that Laura could sit down next to Ryan and he sat down next to her.

Laura’s boss Ryan was a good looking guy, youngish compared to Laura but still the same generation. Neil was younger still. He looked to be about Brad’s age. In fact Brad realized with a start that he knew this guy.

“Brad yeah! We played ball together!…” Neil said at that moment, echoing Brad’s thoughts.

“That’s right. For the last two years of high school. We did alright…” Brad said.

“Well isn’t that interesting…” Beth said laying her hand high up on the inside of Brad’s thigh under the table and giving him a warm squeeze.

Brad jumped a little when she did that. The edge of her little hand was actually pressing into his balls. He could feel himself stiffening up again in response to her intimate touch.

He had never liked Neil. Neil had been their closing pitcher. Brad had played third base. Neil was good but he had always been too full of himself as far as Brad was concerned. He hadn’t changed, based on the way that he was draping himself all over Beth in the booth. And then Brad noticed that Glen was looking at his aunt like she was an ice cream cone and it was the hottest day of the year.

Brad could see that things weren’t likely to progress very well for either Glen or himself at that point. So he got up and started making excuses why they had to leave. Meeting some friends at another bar, their lift was leaving, blah, blah, blah.

Glen wasn’t very enthusiastic about leaving but in the end he didn’t have much choice. Brad was driving.

“Jeez man. Your aunt is really hot! I think I might have had a shot with her…” he complained.

“Don’t be ridiculous…” Brad answered more brusquely than he meant to.

“She’s there with her boss, her marriage is on the rocks and besides all that, she’s old enough to be your mother. Give your head a shake!”

Glen didn’t see it that way. But what was really irritating Brad was that he had to leave Beth there with that slime ball Neil. Sometimes life seemed so unfair.

He went back to Glen’s, had a couple of more beers while they carried on their endless campaign of ‘Call of Duty’. But Brad’s heart really wasn’t in it and he headed home a little after one.

When he got there all he could think about was that moment in the bar when Beth had her hand down his pants groping his cock. He wasn’t paying any attention at all as he walked down the hall to his room.

But as he approached the door to his bedroom, which was open about a foot, he could hear muted voices rising and falling from within.

‘Oh shit…’ he thought as he remembered that aunt Laura had taken his room. But who was in there with her. He had to look. He stepped up quietly, keeping to the shadows and looked around the open door. What he saw there completely blew his mind.

The door from the hall entered the room from one side at the foot of the bed. On the wall beside the door to his bathroom was a tall skinny mirror he used to when he was getting dressed.

From where he was standing he could see his aunt on her knees on the bed, straddling a prone figure who, he figured, must be her boss. She still had on her cowboy boots and her satin shirt but her little skirt was gone. Her bare creamy ass was rising and falling rhythmically as she bobbed up and down on the upright shaft that was jutting between her legs.

The guy was squirming with excitement but Laura seemed to be in complete control.

Looking up into the mirror he could see that his aunt’s breasts were out and she was hefting them, one in each hand, offering them to the man who was lying there beneath her. Those generous globes with their rigid crimson nipples looked awfully good to Brad. He was surprised that the man she was fucking wasn’t mauling her tits. Then he noticed that his wrists and ankles were tied to the corner posts of the bed with slender satin ropes. Wow! He didn’t know insurance guys were so kinky!

Brad felt himself getting hard as he viewed this erotic scene. Then he immediately blushed with embarrassment. This was his aunt Laura he was looking at

“Gawdd Laura!…Easy!…You’re gonna’ make me…Nahh!… come if you keep doing that …Ahhh!…” the guy gasped in a hoarse cry as Laura banged herself down on him hard. She did that twice more and then went back to the steady, easy pace she was using when Brad first saw them.

“You like that baby? You like fucking that cowgirl pussy? I could fuck you like this all night long. Think you can take it?..” Brad could see in the mirror the smile turning the corners of his aunt’s mouth as she said this. Then she banged herself up and down on the guy she was straddling, hard, three times to emphasize exactly what it was could do to him.

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