Backyard Champagne


Always snag a bottle of champagne on your way out of the party, he thought, as he eased his fingers beneath the elastic.

They’d been talking about having a drink forever, and her seeing his new place, so when they ran into each other that night, they made it pretty simple for each other. Each had some fun with the maneuvering, and it came down to him just staring at her, as she reclined in his crappy chaise lounge lawnchair. Stretching and arching her back, as her empty glass dangled from her hand.

She had commented earlier on how free it must feel to have your own secluded little corner of the town, with a sturdy privacy fence between you and the world, when you needed to just get away and see the stars. He’d been thinking of that as he stepped over to take her glass, and that had been some of the reason he had simply knelt and kissed her instead.

The kiss didn’t break for quite a while, and her hand moved to stroke his hair as they stretched it as long as they could. His hands busied themselves caressing her side, her hip… her breasts… and when the kiss finally ended, she didn’t have to say “let’s fuck.”

He took her glass and set it aside, and turned back to find her smiling, and peeling out of her top. Her nipples stiffened in the cooling night air as he resumed his kisses, and migrated them down her body. Her fingers again tangled in his hair, guiding his mouth to first one nipple, then the other. His hands moving on to unbutton and unzip her jeans, still nuzzling against her tits, as she began to wriggle out of her pants.

He stood and walked to the foot of the chaise, drawing her pants gently down her legs, dropping them atop her discarded sandals. Traced his fingertips across the soles of her feet and lightly up her calves, earning a slight giggle from her as she pulled her legs back, spreading them open.

Back to the top, for another kiss as he petted her pussy through her panties. Reaching underneath to squeeze her ass, with the heel of his thumb grinding against her crotch, and hearing the first low moan from her. With a thought about champagne, he hooked his fingers under the elastic around one leg, and grazed the lips of her cunt with a suddenly-soaking fingertip.

And then the finger slid out the elastic of the other leg, and then he tugged down. She raised up just an inch or two to allow the panties to come off, and settled back down as he tossed them on the heap of clothes they were accumulating.

He settled back for a moment, crouched beside her, thankful that the night held just enough light to see her. Rubbed his hands lightly across her thighs, her abdomen, the lower curve of her breasts. Thumbed across a nipple that was standing to say hello, as she stretched and closed her eyes, shivering very slightly.

He grasped the arms of the chaise, and adjusted the chair so that she was laying slightly more than flat, head actually the lowest part of her. Her eyes opened to watch as his shirt, pants, and shorts quickly joined the pile of clothes they might or might not need again someday.

Those eyes never left his cock as he walked around behind her, though she had to lean her head back. Shifting canlı bahis her weight to the point of almost upsetting her chair and taking the one-foot fall to the ground. He took the strain off her by planting a knee to either side of her behind her head, and bending forward and grasping the arms of the chaise.

Can’t let a lady fall, after all, even if it did bring his dick to within inches of her face. And it did rebalance the chair nicely.

He stared at her legs as they spread beneath him, listened to her sigh. Felt the evening breeze cross between them, and her hand dragging nails down his belly. He leaned forward and rested his no-longer-quite-shaven cheek against the inside of her left thigh, and tightened his grip on the arms of the chair as her hand encirled his cock. His turn to moan a bit, as her tongue came out to trace his balls, tight against the base of his shaft.

His head went forward, to serve as another balance point on the wooden slats of the chair. She shifted to rub her pussy against his face. Her grip on his cock tightened as he parted his lips to taste her. He found, somehow, a way to breathe, as his lips sought and found her clit.

She gasped, and froze in place for a moment as he kissed her, sucking ever so slightly. Her back arched, pressing her breasts to his belly, and her hands pulled his cock across her cheek and popped the tip in her mouth.

As her tongue swirled around his head, his own tongue flicked out, its underside rasping along her clit as it dipped into her. Her arms came up along his sides, and her hands grasped his buttocks. They settled into serious concentration, champagne haze burning away as they reveled in the feel and smell and taste of each other.

She shifted, little by little, to improve the angle she had at both ends. Taking more and more of his shaft down her throat, as she drew her knees up and apart to rest against his arms, exposing her cunt further to his driving tongue. He licked along her clit and into her, over and over and over, as deep as he could manage. He shifted his weight slightly as he did, to rock her body against his. The sensations were incredible – but he found himself becoming more and more concerned about how long his arms (and his furniture!) could hold up.

He didn’t quite find out – at that moment she dropped away from him, breathing deep and cutting loose with a moan that was almost a growl. He had to raise his head from the chair to save his neck as she bucked against him, and her taste dampened and sweetened as she came.

He thrust his torso upward with his arms as, untouched, he spasmed into orgasm himself. He spurted across her breasts and down the front of her, leaving cum trickling down her sides and pooling in her navel, as her own shivers subsided.

He had barely enough strength left to shift to his right and swing his leg back over her, to half-sit, half-collapse on his ass on the cold rough concrete aggregate of his porch. Almost capsized the chair, but not quite.

His eyes met hers as they opened again, as they both panted themselves back to some kind of sanity. She smiled and continued to watch his face, as her fingers idly began to bahis siteleri play in the juices he’d left all over her.

Champagne is definitely a good idea, he thought, as he snagged the last of the bottle and tipped it out. Over her hand and body, to help her clean up the mess that they’d made, because they weren’t nearly finished yet.

– * – * – * – * –

He watched, fascinated, as the champagne poured across her breasts and mingled with the semen she’d coaxed from his body just moments before. Without even a touch at the last – just touching her, having his face against her as she came, was enough to send him over the edge.

She giggled as the champagne and cum drizzled off her, staining his lawnchair and his porch. It must have tickled her – bubbles, you know. She scooped some of the mix off her stomach with one hand, and practically purred as she let it drip slowly back onto herself. Having stirred the pot, she dipped into her navel and brought two fingers full to her mouth.

Her eyes closed as she licked and swallowed, but quickly opened again to catch him watching. She smiled to see his eyes upon her – being seen by just the man she wanted, out under the open sky, made her feel as sexual as she had felt in some time. She stretched and turned slightly in the chair to give him a full view of how his wine and his cock had spattered her body.

She closed her eyes and felt the heat build within her again at the thought of how captivating she could be – how captivating she was being – by simply turning her body into erotic art out in the open, for the viewing pleasure of a brand new man. She drew a quicker breath as it occurred to her that another man could be silently at a window somewhere, blood pounding at the sight of her, without her even knowing. This was the first she’d known of why girls strip – as she felt her nipples stand prouder in the night breeze, she realized this would not be the last night she would feel a man’s eyes upon her.

She could feel the connection between her and her man build as he watched her hand trace her body. Impulsively, she dipped those fingers into her still-sopping cunt, then caught some of the last of the mix still pooled between her breasts, and held it out to the man sitting bareassed on the porch beside her.

He hesitated only a moment before bending at the waist to take her fingers in his mouth. He met her eye as he tasted the night’s special champagne cocktail, and smiled an I-can’t-believe-you smile as he slipped his tongue between her fingers to finish the last of it. He watched her draw in a quick breath at the sight and the feel of it, and dropped backwards, catching himself on his hands before he fell flat on his back.

Her gaze traveled the length of him, and she traced her cleaned fingers down his long torso. Her hand moved to cup his balls, still damp from her tongue. She held him for a moment, watching his cock gain strength and begin to pulse slightly. Looking up, she caught his eyes traveling her body (she’d been shifting her legs open, without noticing) and decided it was time to get up.

She dismounted the chair (tougher than you’d think, the way he’d adjusted it) and bahis firmaları stood beside it, behind him at its foot. Placed her hand on his shoulder – his turn to swivel his head to watch. She walked around the back of him, tracing her fingertips across his shoulder, and across the base of his neck. A little shiver from him as her nails lightly scratched his spine, as the breeze kicked up slightly. He sat still, except to bring his eyes to her torso as she walked around to his left, fingers trailing down his shoulder to dangle loosely at her side.

She posed for him, there, a half a step away, watching his penis react. Hips cocked, one foot pointing toes to spread her legs a bit. Shoulders back, spine straight, breathing deeply. Dampness on breasts, belly, thighs. For him, and perhaps in the back of her mind, for some man at a darkened window.

Eyes never rising from her pussy, he reached out his left hand, cupped it gently around her ass, and gathered her in. He kissed her on the mound above her cunt, his own breathing growing rapid.

She simply stepped across him, pausing while his eyes caught up. Glistening, inches from his face.

And then she stepped back, and knelt, and brought her body within an inch of his, shifting for position. His hand went back to brace himself for what was coming next…

A grab of his cock, a shift of weight, and she sat her slickened pussy on his dick, all the way, all in one motion. Grinding down, up off her knees, spreading her thighs wide to accomodate him.

And there they both stayed for a moment, realizing they’d grunted together as it happened, listening to small echoes fade away over his neighborhood.

He bucked her toward him, and her weight fell against his body as her arms went forward to balance her. Her breasts were sticky and slick against the hair on his chest as they began to move with short, quick strokes.

She pressed her whole body against him as they fucked, and raised her head to see his eyes, through her disarranged hair that no one had a hand to brush back. He bit his lower lip slightly as they moved to longer strokes – he could have done without the concrete aggregate’s pebbles digging into his ass, but under the circumstances, he was willing to ignore it.

He tried to watch her face, to take in her fully abandoned expression, but could only take that for a few moments before his eyes rolled back and his neck let his head loll onto his left shoulder.

She felt him beginning to spurt, deep within her, and raised her arms to hold him tight. Shifted her weight to drive him in. And shook with a powerful orgasm of her own, starting from deep inside her, with extra shocks of pleasure as her clit ground into his groin.

The next thing either noticed is when he let his arms slowly give way and dropped them both flat, barely avoiding trapping her arms. He raised his head to look at her once more, but dropped it back in exhaustion – with a quietly audible thump on the concrete. They both laughed as they regained their breath, a sympathetic “awww” and a kiss on the neck from her as she stretched her body to cover his. His arm went around her to hold her close, as his cock slipped from her, followed by a minor flood of juices.

Both of them soaked from nipples to knees, they simply laid there together, letting the breezes dry them, letting each other keep each other warm.

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