Bait and Switch Ch. 03


Author’s note: This story consists of multiple chapters. Some chapters will contain subjects that some may find objectionable, such as incest. While this chapter doesn’t contain this, you are here forewarned not to get into this series if this subject bothers/offends you. All characters are over eighteen, as I can’t abide kiddy-porn. If all this is suitable to your tastes, please enjoy my series, Bait and Switch.

Blue lights flashing across my closed eyes woke me immediately.

“He’s awake,” a harsh whisper sounded in my room, “quick, silence him!”

A thick hand covered my mouth, and it was only then that I decided to try making noises. More hands grabbed me, and held me down, as the one with the flashlight came closer to me, and turned the light so I could see his face.

It was Robbie.

“Looks like it’s payback time, nerd,” His eyes were cold in the beam coming off of his flashlight, and in a panic I reached for his switches. His fist was faster, as it connected with my jaw, and I saw stars.

* * *

My jaw was the first thing I felt as I woke up. An odd moan sounded from somewhere, and it took me a few moments to realize it was me. My mouth didn’t feel right, and I soon realized there was a gag between my teeth. Keeping my eyes closed, I hoped to fool them into thinking I was still out, but my muffled moan had already given away the ruse.

“Looks like our little nerd has come back to us,” I heard Robbie’s taunting voice come closer to me at the same time I felt his switches approaching. “Looks like he needs a little encouragement to WAKE UP!” Robbie punctuated his words with a fist to my gut, a split second before I could move his switches. My eyes bulged, as all the air in me was forcefully expelled, and my stomach writhed in pain. With my eyes now open, I could see that I was in someone’s unfinished basement, tied to a support beam, my arms behind me. “Good. I’m glad to see you’re back with us,” Robbie’s voice had become menacingly cold. “We want to have a little talk with you.”

My eyes were still watering, and I was trying to gather enough wits together so I could start to weaken him, when his next blow hit the side of my ribs.

“Enough Robbie,” I heard a sweet familiar voice, but it only sent a chill down my spine. What was Gina doing here?

“Enough? Enough!?” Robbie blustered. “It will be ‘enough’ when he has paid for what he did to you.”

I used the distraction to focus my thoughts, and flipped his ‘bladder’ switch, and started pushing on his ‘weak’ switch. I had to get out of here.

Robbie turned his attention back to me, and there was no mistaking the malice in his eyes. “That won’t work this time, freak.” His punch this time struck the other side of my ribcage. Thankfully it was weaker, though it still hurt, and even brought an embarrassing sob out of me.

Had my switches failed me? I wondered through the pain that was wracking my body. No, I saw, I could still feel the switches, and they HAD moved. Looking through my pain filled eyes, I could see that his pants were still dry, but something seemed odd about them.

“Hit ‘im again, Robbie. Make the lil freak pay.” For the first time I realized that there were others around. John Malcom, Brent Ratner, Philip Carson, Tony Hansen, and Derek Peterson (the one who had just spoken), were also witnessing my humiliation; all of them on the football team, and all friends of Robbie.

“I want to hear him confess,” one of them said, and the others agreed.

Robbie yanked the gag out of my mouth, and I worked my mouth painfully, my jaw throbbing. “Tell everyone what you did to my girlfriend. Tell them how you raped her, and MAYBE I’ll go easy on you.”

Rape? I hadn’t RAPED her! I thought. Looking to Gina, I saw that she was looking at the floor, refusing to look at me. What had she told them? “I didn’t–“

Robbie’s right hook caught my jaw, but it was too weak to do my than move my head, though it still hurt where he’d struck me originally.

“Don’t lie to us, freak. Gina, come tell him what you told us.” Robbie looked to his girlfriend, but she just continued to look at the floor. “Gina?”

“Gina, tell them I didn’t do it!” I pleaded, and I felt a switch move as I spoke, but I couldn’t tell what or where. I remembered her switches and I started moving the ‘guilt’ and ‘concern’ switches I’d made that first night, and was relieved to feel them move in the opposite direction I’d done then.

“Come on, Gina. Confront your rapist. Spit in his face, and show him you’re not afraid of him.” Gina looked up at me then, but dropped her gaze back down again.

“I-I…” Gina trailed off.

Two hands grabbed my head from behind, and turned my face towards her. Their fingers dug into my cheeks and temples as the hands held my head firmly. For a moment I debated on using my switches to stop this whole farce, but stopped myself. I had to clear my name first. I was no rapist, not now, not ever!

“Look, Gina, the nerd is helpless. He can’t hurt you,” Derek’s voice said right behind me, as I pushed harder on Gina’s ‘guilt’ switch.

“I can’t,” she finally blurted.

“Man, you must’ve done a number on her, nerd,” Derek said. “That’s okay… We’ll do you even worse, I promise.”

“No!” Gina yelled, and every eye in the room turned to her. Robbie went over to console her, but she shook him off. “I lied,” she confessed, tears streaming down her face. “He didn’t rape me.” Her voice had gone tremulous, and she buried her face in her hands as she sobbed.

“What are you saying?” Robbie asked; confusion painted across his face.

Gina looked at him then, and I could see anger in her red rimmed, tear stained eyes. “I’m saying I fucked him, and enjoyed every minute of it.” Everybody’s jaws dropped but mine and Gina’s. Robbie just had a pained look on his face. “I seduced him, but felt guilty about it, so I lied to you. But I can’t… I can’t let you do this to him, when he’s innocent.”

“Like hell he’s innocent!” Surprisingly it was Derek who made the exclamation, and not Robbie. “He still screwed with your girlfriend, Robbie. I say we teach him a lesson, and make sure he never touches another man’s girl again.” I felt the man’s fist hit my right kidney hard a moment after he released my head, wracking my body with pain all over again. I’d like to say I took it like a man, but it HURT!

“No, Derek.” Robbie’s voice was barely a whisper, and I wasn’t sure if I’d heard him right, through my agony fogged brain. “Untie him.” He turned his back on Gina, and faced the rest of the room. “It’s one thing to beat up a rapist, but I won’t hurt a man whose only crime is being seduced by this slut.”

“Robbie, I…” Gina reached for Robbie’s shoulder, but he yanked it away from her.

The large man walked up to me, and stared me in the face. I could see that he hated me still, but I had to give him some respect for his actions. He helped untie me, and I turned to face the room. I knew it was wrong, but I felt like I needed to get revenge. I quickly made two new switches in each man, and Gina.

I flipped the first, and watched as their eyes grew large, and their bodies became completely paralyzed. I walked up to Derek first, and had to look up at him, as Gina was the only one in the room shorter than me. I reached up with my right hand, and pinched the base of his neck where it met with his should. Simultaneously, I flipped the second switch, and smiled as he fell asleep. To everyone else, it would look like I’d given him the Vulcan Nerve Pinch. A truly geeky revenge.

I looked to Robbie’s other four friends, and couldn’t bring myself to do anything to them. Sure they had helped kidnap me, but none of them had struck me, only watched. I released their ‘paralyze’ switch, and told them to go. To a man, they fled that small basement, beating each other out of their way, in their haste to get away from me.

Turning back to Robbie, I felt my anger flare up again, until I saw his eyes. They say the eyes are the windows to the soul, and if that were true, Robbie was in hell. There was no fear in his eyes, only pain, and hurt, and betrayal. “Go,” I said quietly (I felt that phantom switch move again), before I could change my mind, and released him too. As he ran up the stairs after his friends, I noticed that his pants seemed a little bulky around the waist, and thought he must be wearing a diaper. No wonder his pants had stayed dry.

Finally it was just me, Gina, and a softly snoring Derek in the dim basement. I debated on giving Derek a few kicks, to pay him back for the kidney punch, but realized that the fight was out of me, after seeing how broken Robbie had become.

Turning to Gina, I released her, and watched as she crumpled to the floor, crying. “I’m so sorry,” she sobbed, her face once again buried in her hands. “I didn’t know they would take it this far.”

“Get up,” I demanded, my voice as cold as the storm had been earlier today. She looked up at me, and I felt my anger rising again. This woman had told them that I’d raped her. Sure I had used my switches to turn her on, and make her horny, but I couldn’t control her mind! I didn’t force her to do anything. And for that, I had been kidnapped, tied up, and beaten. etiler escort Thankfully my name was clear now, though I wondered what the others would say of the aftermath. “I said, get up!” As I spoke, I finally found the phantom switch that kept moving without any effort from me. It was a switch in Gina; the one I had used to make her wet every time I spoke, but now it was working on its own, without my control.

Slowly Gina stood, and I tried to be patient, but I was still seething inside.

“Nick, I’m so sorry–“

“I don’t want to hear it,” I cut her off. “Right now, I am in a lot of pain, and have no idea where I’m at. I need you to take me home.” Oh, how it galled to tell her that, but I really had no clue where I was, and didn’t feel like trying to walk through the snow, till I found out. I was just glad that I’d fallen asleep in my work clothes, shoes and all.

“O-Okay…” Gina stammered, and followed me up the stairs. “I’ll take you home. It’s the least I can do.”

Damn straight, it’s the least you can do, I thought, but didn’t say.

The night air was frigid as I stepped outside, and followed her to her car. Every step hurt, and every breath was a chore, but none of it compared to the pain I’d suffered from overusing my ability.

The drive home was short, and Gina continued to prattle on about how sorry she was, and how she would make it up to me. I just closed my eyes, and let her talk, wishing I could use switches on myself, so that I could block the pain.

When she pulled up to my apartment, I got out, and was surprised when she did too.

“What are you doing?” I demanded.

“You’re hurt. I want to make sure you make it alright.” I was in too much pain, and too tired to argue, and truth be told, it helped to lean on her a little bit, as we walked up to my apartment.

I dug the keys out of my pocket, expecting that she would leave then, but she followed me in.

“Oh,” I heard an exclamation as I walked into the lit dining room to find Dennis awake, “what happened?”

“A little misunderstanding,” I said, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

“I tried to stop them,” Dennis said earnestly, “but Derek held me down as they carried you out. He told me not to call the police, or they’d come for me next.”

“And where were you?” I turned and asked Gina.

“I was brought into the basement after…” She replied quietly. “Robbie said he had a surprise for me, and had me blindfolded. When he removed the blindfold, they had you tied up.”

I just nodded, too exhausted to care anymore. Gina followed me to my room, and I wondered if she was going to help me do everything from now on.

“Go home, Gina. Your mom is probably worried about you. I can take care of myself.” I could still feel that switch moving every time I spoke, making her pussy wetter, and then turn back off when I stopped. I wondered briefly if I had accidently trained her like one of Pavlov’s dogs.

“My mom will be fine. Let me help you, and then I’ll go.” Once again, all I could do was nod, as Gina helped me out of my shirt and pants. Part of me wondered what tale she might spin from this night, but I hoped she had learned her lesson. She gasped as my shirt came off, and lightly touched the two forming bruises that were already dark on my ribs. Her touch was light, but still made me flinch. My pants were next, and they hit the floor, revealing my ‘Armitage’ (one of my favorite anime’s) boxers. For a second I wondered if she was going to follow me to the bathroom as well, but thankfully she let me do that in peace.

When I returned to my room, she had me lie on my stomach.

“Just relax,” she told me. “Let me give you a massage. It will help you sleep.”

Help with sleeping was the last thing I needed, I was so weary, but a free massage wasn’t something to pass up either. A small part of me still didn’t trust her, but I could feel her ‘guilt’ and ‘concern’ switches still fully on. Also, knowing that Dennis was in the apartment helped.

Her fingers worked wonders on my back and shoulders, and thankfully she avoided my right kidney, and the sides of my ribs. As her fingers dug deeper, I could feel my muscles (such as they were), start to relax. Just as I was about to fall asleep, she moved off me, and told me to roll over. Obligingly, I did as I was told, and gave a low moan, as she started to rub my feet. Her thumbs dug into the underside, tops, and even between my toes, as she worked my feet, and a small feeling of euphoria spread across my body.

“I’ve been told I give the best massages,” she whispered, as she worked up to my calves.

If she did this every night for a month, I thought, she might actually begin to make it up to me.

Her hands began to work my thighs, and the feeling of contentment continued through my body. It wasn’t until she was working on the tops of my thighs, near my groin, that I realized I had gotten hard at some point, and was now poking out of the top of my boxers. Gina just ignored it, though I knew she couldn’t miss it.

As she finished with my thighs, she straddled my legs, and started working on my stomach and sides. The middle of my stomach was still tender from Robbie’s first blow in the basement, but Gina’s fingers seemed to work magic. As her hands slowly worked up to my chest, I noticed that her body slid up too, till she was sitting right on top of my rock-hard rod, while she was working my shoulders. Her whole body was moving on top of me, and it was only making me horny, instead of relaxing me.

“What are you doing?” I asked, feeling that switch inside her move again as I spoke. Her hips were now moving with their own rhythm, sliding up and down my partially covered penis, as her hands worked my neck. I could sense that her ‘horny’ switch was fully tilted now.

“Making recompense,” she whispered.

Horny as I now was, I was even more wary. “Uh-huh… And have it end like last time?”

Gina sat fully upright, and ground her denim covered crotch down on me. “Dennis, are you still listening at the door?” She asked, turning her head towards the closed door. I could see his shadow underneath it, and almost had to laugh to myself. The big jock who could usually get any girl, was listening outside MY door. Thinking about the fact that he was a jock, I thought about how happy I was that he played basketball, and not football, else he would have likely been in that basement too. Dennis didn’t respond to Gina’s question, but she continued as if he had. “I want to make it clear that everything I do in here tonight, I do of my own free will.” She turned back to look at me, and I could see hunger in her hazel eyes now. “There, now you have a witness.” Her hand snaked down, and started gently rubbing the head of my cock. “You don’t really want me to stop, do you? Goodness knows, THIS big fellah doesn’t want me to stop.” Her fingers wrapped as far as they could around my manhood, and gave it a squeeze.

Deciding quickly, I yelled towards Dennis’s shadow, “I hope you heard her, ’cause I’m gonna make her moan!” Hey, I might still be mad at her, but I wasn’t about to pass up a free screw.

Gina giggled, as she grabbed the hem of her shirt, and lifted it up over her head. Underneath, she was wearing a white frilly bra that brought her ample bosom together to emphasize her cleavage.

“You just lie there and relax,” she told me, “I don’t want you hurting yourself. Let me do all the work.” She bent over, and lightly pecked my lips, before moving her mouth gently across my left cheek, to just behind my ear. I reached behind her, and easily unsnapped her bra, as I felt her breath tickle the hairs at the nape of my neck. Gina softly nibbled her way down my neck, along my pecks, till she could bring my right nipple into her mouth. I rather enjoyed the sensation, as her tongue swirled around the areola, making it stand up tall and proud.

I let out a small moan, and noted that even that made the switch move that controlled the wetness of her pussy. I let out a louder moan, as a test, and felt the switch move even more. Gina also gave a slight shudder as I did, and I wondered just how much she was enjoying this. Part of me didn’t want her to get any pleasure from it, but I have never been a selfish man.

As her lips travelled down my abdomen, I noticed that my door had opened slightly, and Dennis was peeking through the small crack. That’s right, I thought, watch as I get a piece of action from one of the hottest babes on campus. I really was going to have a witness to her willingness.

I forgot all about Dennis watching when Gina’s lips stretched around the head of my rod, and her tongue started to swirl around the ever sensitive rim. Another moan escaped me, and Gina began to bob up and down, slowly taking more and more of me into her mouth. I was too big to fit down her throat, but she gave it a valiant effort, often gagging in her attempt. Soon my moans were nonstop, until she started to really shudder, and I knew she was cumming.

Her head lifted, and she looked me in the eyes with a piercing look. “What is it about your cock that makes me cum so easily?” I could only shrug; glad she thought it was my cock, and not me manipulating her through my switches. Gina rolled çapa escort onto her back, unsnapped her pants, and almost ripped them off, before rolling back onto me. Licking my shaft from balls to tip, she kept going until her tongue was in my mouth.

I could feel her vagina start to press against the tip of my penis, and moaned into her mouth as her pussy swallowed the first couple inches inside of her. “Oh, Gawd! I forgot how big that thing is,” she told me, flipping her head back. At the same time, I notice Dennis slip quietly into the room. He already has his cock out, and is gently stroking it, as he watched this hot blonde woman slip further and further down my rod. Despite myself, I couldn’t help but notice that he was well endowed, if not quite so well as I am.

My mind is taken from Dennis’s presence as I hit bottom in her. Gina looked down between us, then back up to me, with a slightly pouting expression. “One day, I am going to get all of you in me,” she promised, before sliding back up, and then slamming back down till I hit bottom again. I moan as she does this, and can feel her inner muscles tighten as I do so.

I decided to give Dennis a bit of a show, and grabbed an ass cheek in each hand, spreading them, and giving my roommate a great view of my cock sliding in and out of her cunt. Gina’s tits were bouncing just inches above my face, and I lifted my head up a bit, grunting at the slight pain in my abs as I did so, and suckled one of them between my lips. I let out a really loud moan as I did so, and suddenly Gina was cumming hard on top of me. I started to thrust my hips, pounding in and out of her, when an idea occurred to me.

Slipping two of my fingers on my right hand down to where we were one, I could feel her juices sloughing around my cock as I made her orgasm last. I tried to shove the fingers in also, but she was too tight around the girth of my penis. I contented myself with just rubbing my fingers around that area, till they were nice and slick from the juices that were leaking out. By this point Gina had come down from her orgasm, but she was still moaning loudly.

I brought my two slick fingers up to her puckered asshole, and started rubbing against her sphincter. She tensed immediately, and stopped all her movements.

“No! I’m not into that,” she protested, but I gave my loudest moan yet, while simultaneously mashing on her ‘horny’ switch, as I slipped one finger in to the first knuckle. It was enough to make her cum again. She still remained still, other than her orgasmic shudders, while I continued pounding her from underneath. “Damn, that felt good, but no more,” she said, but I switched nipples, slipped my second finger in, moaned, and mashed the switch again, bringing her to yet another orgasm.

I started to move my fingers in and out, as I moved my hips up and down, and this time when her orgasm subsided, she was matching my pace. When I slipped a third finger into her colon, she grabbed my face away from her teat, and mashed her lips to mine as she came again, this time with no additional help from me.

“My Gawd, what is it you do to me? I’ve never cum so much, so quickly, and with your fingers in my ass too…” She looked hard at me for a moment, and then seemed to come to a decision. “If I let you back there, will I be forgiven? No one has ever been in my ass.”

I considered for a moment, but decided to be honest with her. “It will be a start, but it will take more than that, to repair the damage you caused.”

She nodded to me, gently lifted off of me, and I pulled my fingers from her bum. As she pulled away, I noticed for the first time, just how soaked I was down there from her juices. We wouldn’t need any lube.

She reached down between us, gripped me at my base, and started to rub the tip between her cheeks. I moaned in anticipation of the feeling of sliding into her rectum, and watched as she shuddered to the sound. I felt her gently press down, and felt the pressure build against my cock, until suddenly there was a release, and I was in her ass.

“Hold on,” she told me breathlessly, “let me get used to it. You feel even bigger back there.” Her chin was resting on her chest, and her hand still held my cock. After a few seconds I felt her start to move carefully, taking me inside her colon, bit by bit. I could feel every centimeter, as her sphincter at a snail’s pace allowed me to enter.

After almost two whole minutes had passed, I couldn’t hold back anymore, and moaned loudly. Gina’s eyes flew open, and suddenly she was fully seated in my lap. For the first time ever, I was fully sheathed inside a woman. The fact that it was her ass, and that she was one of the hottest woman in school wasn’t lost to me, and I started shooting my seed deep into her bowels.

For what seemed like an eternity, I was lost in my own bliss, as wave after wave of pure ecstasy crashed over my body, washing away all the pain and hurt I had suffered that night.

When I finally started to come back to myself, I groaned as my ribs, abs, and jaw also brought their pain back to my attention. The second thing I noticed was that Gina was actually shaking and shuddering atop me, her mouth mashed to mine, and her pussy making a puddle on my pelvis.

Gina rolled off of me about the same time I noticed Dennis slip from my room. I had completely forgotten about my roommate.

“If I had known it would feel that good, I would have done that YEARS ago!”

I rolled over, and immediately fell asleep, ignoring her.

* * *

I woke to the soft sounds of Aeris’s Theme playing on my phone. What few hours of sleep I’d had, had been peaceful and dreamless, but too short.

“Mmm, ten more minutes,” a voice mumbled next to me, and I looked over to find Gina, still naked, lying next to me. I more fell than stumbled out of bed, as the memories of all that had happened last night washed through my brain. Had I really been kidnapped, beaten, and then afterwards fucked Gina?

Looking down at my own naked form, I could easily see the bruises on both sides of my ribs and my stomach. Gina moaned again, and as quietly as I could, I slipped from my room. Images of Gina on top of me, my cock fully sank into her ass haunted my thoughts as I poured my cereal.

“Some night, huh?” Dennis asked me as he walked out of his room, and I realized I still wasn’t wearing any clothes. He looked as tired as I felt.

“Umm, yeah,” I replied stupidly.

“So tell me,” the jock said solicitously, “can you still call yourself a geek if you fuck a chic like Gina in the ass?”

For a few seconds I can only stare at Dennis after he asked me that. Then the memory of him slipping out of my room slipped into my mind, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Got any coffee?” A tousled and very sleepy Gina asked as she left my room. She had at least taken the time to get dressed first, and despite how I felt about what she’d put me through, and being all disheveled, I couldn’t deny she was beautiful.

“Yeah, I’ll make some real quick,” Dennis jumped up to do just that.

Gina sat down next to me, while she waited for her coffee, and gave me a small smirk when she noticed I was still naked. “I hope you don’t want me to make it up to you anymore this morning. I don’t think I’ll be walking right for a week.”

Embarrassed despite everything, and not wanting to talk and start turning her on, I quickly ate my breakfast, then escaped to my room while Gina and Dennis talked. I thought about taking a shower, but didn’t want Gina to try joining me, so I just grabbed some wet wipes, and scrubbed myself clean that way.

Gina offered me a ride to campus, but a quick look outside showed that, while overcast, it wasn’t snowing, and I told her I wanted to walk, so I could think. She nodded, though she had a sad look in her eyes as I turned her down.

The crisp cold air seemed to cleanse the fog from my mind as I walked, and I really began to wonder what was happening around me. Somehow some of Gina’s switches had gone on autopilot, and I wasn’t sure how to explain that, other than some sort of mental conditioning. I also wondered just where my new abilities had come from, and even why me? Based on what Dennis had been telling me, I wasn’t the only one with new abilities, but the others seemed to have very different abilities.

The walk was too short for me to sort everything out in my mind, and it didn’t help that I ran into Brent Ratner, one of the guys in the basement last night, as soon as I walked into one of the buildings.

“Hey, Nick,” he hailed me, “Got a second? I wanted to talk to you real quick.”

“Sure,” I told him, wishing he’d just leave me alone.

“First of all, I really want to apologize about last night. We thought we were going to beat up a rapist, not someone who was innocent.” I only nodded, wondering if he was going somewhere, or if he was just rattling on. “Robbie is pretty torn up about it, but he wanted me to apologize for him too, if I saw you.” We walked in silence for a bit before he started talking again. “Listen, there is a party this weekend at my place, and I want you to know you’re invited. Should be pretty happening, and I know there will be lots of women there. Can I count merter escort you in?”

“Sure,” I told him again, hoping he would leave me alone if I agreed.

“Good! I’ll email you the address. Bring a date if you want, just not Gina. I’d better get to class… Oh, and one more thing…” He hesitated, but I already knew what was coming next. “Please don’t tell anyone about last night, okay? It could get us all kicked off the football team.”

I was right. But truth be told, I didn’t want them talking about it either. I had used my switches on everyone there, and I didn’t want word to get out about that either.

Every class was a torment, as it hurt to just breathe, or even sit there. Bending over my books and taking notes was even a chore. I got quite a few odd looks from the massive bruise on my jaw, but no one said a word about it.

At lunch I was surprised to have everyone but Robbie and Gina appear next to me, as I sat and ate. I did notice Gina walk in, see me sitting with everybody else, and even at that distance, I could see the sad look on her face. I got even more stares from people walking by, as it was odd for so many from the football team to be sitting next to a self-avowed geek. Brent kept going on about the party this weekend, and everybody else offered me their apologies. I just nodded when it seemed appropriate, and spoke as little as possible. I still wasn’t feeling too sociable.

That is until I got into Prof. Frankens’s class, and noticed the low-cut blouse, and knee length skirt she was wearing. Normally I sat towards the back, but when I saw her, I chose to sit closer to the front. Okay, I sat in the front row. I told myself that it was only because I wanted to see if my switches had affected her the same way they had Gina.

Prof. Frankens eyed me as I sat down, and I could have sworn she even gave me a small smile. I almost felt giddy, as I felt for her switches, and sensed them still there. I wondered how long the switches could stay in someone, and if they could be removed. Based on the last time I had been in her class, I knew I could modify any switch I made, but I haven’t tried removing any yet.

As an experiment, I made a switch that would make the side of her right breast itch, and then flipped it while she was lecturing today’s lesson. I felt the switch move, and I held it on for a bit. I could see that she was getting a little frustrated, though she made no move to scratch it. After a few minutes, she excused herself to her office, and I could feel the switch shudder, and realized she must be scratching it. I flipped it to off, and she came out of her office shortly afterwards.

I watched her for a few more minutes, and noticed that she kept glancing at me too. I couldn’t be sure if it was just because she was lecturing though, and tried to ignore it. I concentrated instead on removing the ‘itch’ switch I’d just made, but it didn’t move. I spent all class trying to get rid of it, but the only thing I could do was change where she itched when I flipped it. Apparently once a switch is made, it’s permanent.

The bell rang, announcing the end of class, and I stood up, both elated at my new discovery, and disappointed by my failure.

“Oh, Mr. Xavier, if you’ve got a moment, I’d like to talk to you about your last assignment.” Prof. Frankens’s voice halted me just before I walked out the door, and I turned to look at her. Her cheeks seemed slightly flushed, and her eyes seemed to be fighting indecision, but she waved me back to her office.

“What’s up?” I asked, and was gratified to feel her ‘wet pussy’ switch move as I spoke. Prof. Frankens was conditioned as well, it seemed.

The older woman walked to her desk, rifled through some paperwork, and pulled out last week’s assignment. She indicated a chair for me to sit in, while she sat on the edge of her desk. I was able to get a good look at her legs, and noticed how smooth and unblemished they looked. I wondered if she worked out to keep them well toned.

The professor cleared her throat, and I realized I’d been staring at her legs for too long. Guiltily I looked up at her, but she only smiled as she handed me the assignment.

“It is pretty rare that anyone does so well in my class,” she told me. “The math I teach isn’t easy for most students to grasp, but you seem to handle it with ease.” Her eyes scrutinized me, and I felt like an experiment in a Petri dish under a microscope. “In fact, you seemed to pay very little attention in my class, until today.”

I gulped, and knew she was right. Normally I show up to class just for attendance, and to turn in assignments, but otherwise let my mind wonder. I tend to study the book a week in advance, and rarely have any questions.

But today I had given her my whole attention, or so it would seem to her. I didn’t know what I could say, but it probably shouldn’t have been what I said.

“You look good today.” As I paid her the compliment, I noted that her ‘wet pussy’ switch flipped on, and actually took a few seconds before it switched back off.

“Ahem, yes… Well… Thank you, Mr. Xavier.” She tried to put on a grave expression, but her eyes were sparkling as she talked. “The reason I asked you to stay was to ask if you’d ever thought about joining the math team. You’re easily smart enough, and I think you would be an excellent addition. I coach it every Wednesday night, and we would be spending a lot of time together. I mean, with the team of course.”

I could sense that she was growing more and more flustered the longer I was in her office, and a quick check on her ‘horny’ switch proved informative. I wondered if I could push her over the edge. I flipped her ‘nipple’ switch, and also made her ‘itch’ switch affect her pussy, and flipped it. Immediately I felt another switch move, and knew her crotch was getting wetter, and her ‘horny’ switch was slowly moving on its own.

I stood, looking her in the eye, daring her to make a move. “I think that is a great idea,” I told her, using my voice to stimulate her further. She started to fidget on the edge of her desk, and I watched as she sucked her bottom lip between her teeth. I’ve almost got her, I think to myself.

Prof. Frankens stood up, and I thought, here it comes… “Thank you Mr. Xavier. That will be all for now. Please lock the door on your way out.”

My mind mentally stumbled, unable to change gears quickly enough. I had failed… Again… I did as she asked, and wondered where I had gone wrong. As I walked away, I felt her ‘itch’ switch shudder, and smiled inwardly as she scratched it.

The snow was falling lightly as I walked home.

Dennis was gone, but I found a note from Gina on my pillow, and noted that my room had been completely cleaned up. Even all my figurines on their shelves had been straightened, and looked good.

I know that I don’t deserve your forgiveness, and I’m sorry I can’t seem to say these words in front of you. Somehow when I am with you, I lose all track of everything else. Please know that I truly regret what I’ve put you through, and will do WHATEVER it takes to make it up to you. Even if it takes a lifetime. I know I have no right to ask anything of you, but I must ask one small thing. Please, whatever you do, don’t shove me away.

I re-read the letter two more times, just to make sure I’d read it right, and then wondered what I had created. Gina had gone from a woman that barely knew I existed, to almost being willing to be my slave, overnight. It also dawned on me that I hadn’t seen Gina in class.

Checking my email, I saw one from Shanna, explaining her absence as well. Apparently she had been too sore when she’d got up in the morning, and decided to just get some rest.

Glancing at the clock, I saw I was going to be late for work if I didn’t hurry. I wondered if Shanna was working tonight, and as horny as I was after Prof. Frankens’s class, I was looking forward to another crack at the brunette, hopefully this time in the light.

I was disappointed though, when I saw we didn’t work together again until next week. I saw she had Saturday off though, and thought about inviting her to Brent’s party. I still wasn’t sure if I really wanted to go, but figured why not? With my ability, it could be rather fun.

I called Shanna up on my next break, and she sounded pretty excited to go.

That night when I got home, Dennis told me that Gina had stopped by to see me, but I’d been at work. I was still horny, but didn’t feel up to the drama that might come with the beautiful blonde, so decided to just go to bed instead.

As I lay trying to sleep, I realized that every time I’d used the switches today, I had done so headache free. Had I become stronger, gotten used to them, or what?

Lights woke me again that night, and I began to think I was cursed to never get a good night’s sleep again.

I rolled onto my side and opened my eyes, expecting to see Gina standing there, or maybe even Robbie, deciding to get revenge after all.

Instead, silhouetted against my window was a tall lithe form, with skinny arms, and eyes that were too large for its head. Its pink skin seemed to glisten in the light, and a hand lifted, beckoning me to it. I noted two small breasts topped with small nipples on its chest, and thought that it must be a female.

All other thoughts fled, though, as she spoke and beckoned me.

“You are the one. Come with me.”

A flash of light later, I was no longer in my room.

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