

Francine and I have been together for almost eight years, married for six. Like any couple, we had our rocky moments but, with patience and the occasional ‘walk away’, we had managed to hold things together. Francine’s life had not been easy. Her first husband had proven to be an abusive bastard who eventually landed himself in prison. Four years into a ten year sentence the guards found him dead with three inches of a ten-inch shiv sticking out of his eye. He obviously ran into someone who would fight back. Francine often told me that the only good thing he ever did for her was Becky, their daughter.

Before we met, Francine had stumbled through a garden of losers, most of whom were more interested in ‘Budweiser and booty’ than they were in creating a loving family. According to Francine, several of those characters thought that crystal meth was a food group.

It had worked for us, but it had taken over a year for my gun-shy Francine to consider letting herself love me. I loved her very much and was happy to provide for her and Becky. They seemed to bloom like flowers in an atmosphere of stability and security that neither had previously known.


Becky had graduated from high school a year ago and was studying cosmetology at a local trade school. Lately I had noticed a degree of friction between Becky and her mother, but it seemed to be ‘woman stuff’ so I happily stayed out of it. It was one such tiff earlier in the evening that had apparently sparked Francine to start a conversation as we lay in bed.

“Becky is driving me crazy.”

“What’s the matter dear?”

“She has this boyfriend, Keith, and apparently she likes him a lot.”

I was a bit surprised to hear that, but I also felt happy for her. Becky was a big girl and not particularly attractive. Throughout high school she had been one of those girls with ‘a great personality’, who had no steady boyfriend and did not get to go to the proms and other big dances. I felt bad for her, but there was little I could do other than to offer my support and encouragement. She was an intelligent girl with a great sense of humor, but few boys would take the time to really get to know her. Apparently she had finally met someone who could see past her size to the beautiful young woman beneath.

“That’s great, she’s finally met someone.”

Francine lay silent, obviously churning inside. I waited patiently for her to speak again.

“I don’t know how else to say this so I’m just gonna’ blurt it out. She wants to lose her virginity.”

I was a bit shocked that she was even telling me this. Typically that subject is purely ‘woman stuff’.

“Honey she’s nineteen years old, isn’t that about when it usually happens?”

Francine squirmed against me, still fumbling for words. “Yes…it is. I was fifteen but we won’t open that door.”

“Okay.” I still wondered why we were having this conversation.

“We had the ‘wait until you’re married’ talk, but she looked at me like I was some kind of dinosaur.” She started to cry and finally opened up to me more than she had in years.

“I guess the other girls talk about their boyfriends and the things that they do with them, you know, sexually. Becky feels left out, like she doesn’t belong. She really likes this Keith, but she frightened about taking their relationship to the next step.”

“I can understand that, but don’t young people usually fumble their way through that like we did when we were young?”

“That is the last thing I want for her. My first time was with some guy I hardly knew. It was ugly, it hurt, and I felt dirty and scarred for years after that. I want better for her.”

“It sounds like this Keith cares for her. She should be able to convince him to go slowly and be gentle. Did you give her the ‘birth control’ talk?”

“Oh hell yes, we did that back while she was in high school. As much as I want grandchildren, I don’t want her to go through that awful ‘single mother’ thing that I did for years. She understands that having a baby is a serious obligation.” Francine paused while collecting her thoughts, then she continued.

“I’ve met Keith. He’s a nice guy, but he’s not the brightest bulb in the box. Becky is afraid that if she goes into this depending upon him, something embarrassing will happen that will shatter their relationship. If they start a sexual relationship, she wants to have enough experience to know how to control things.”

Now I was confused. “And how does that happen?”

Francine seemed very uncomfortable. “You have no idea how difficult this is for me to ask.”

A thousand thoughts ran through my head, most involving the expenditure of money we did not have.

“Just say it sweetheart.”

“This is SO insane, but we talked it over and we both agreed.”

“Agreed to what?”

“She wants you to be her first.”

I could not believe my ears. It put me at a loss for words. Francine sat up in bed and continued.

“Look, she loves you and, what’s more important, she trusts you.”

“Francine, I’m her stepfather. şerifali escort Men get arrested for even thinking about something like that.”

“Becky is an adult. You are NOT a blood relative, and you won’t be making children. You have my consent so it’s not even adultery.” She could see the dubious expression on my face.

“What are her choices? Go fumble around in the back seat of a car like most kids…like we did? Is that what you would have her do?”

“Well no…I…but…”

“You love her like your own, don’t you want her first time to be a loving experience?”

“Of course I do, but she’s your daughter…”

“And I love her too. Don’t you think I’ve thought long and hard about this? I’m not talking about you two developing a long term sexual relationship, just a few times until she gets comfortable so she can relax and enjoy her experiences with a man. You are gentle, loving, and patient, Becky and I couldn’t think of anyone better. Becky’s words were, “I wish I could find someone like Daddy Bill to teach me.” As I thought about it, I could not deny her logic.”

“Francine, honey, this is SO out there. Where would you be, on the bed with us?”

“I will be wherever she wants me. In the room, on the bed, outside in the car, I don’t give a damn, I just want my daughter to have the nice experience that I didn’t have. I will tell you this, nothing EVER happens without my knowledge, understood?”

When did I agree to this? “No, of course not.” My head was spinning. “When would this happen?”

“I have to talk to Becky, I’ll let you know.” She kissed my cheek and settled in, pulling the covers up to her neck. Suddenly the room was silent.

Not knowing what else to do, I settled in also. In the quiet my mind was filled with arguments, pro and con, over what Francine had proposed. I really did not want Becky struggling with some inexperienced young buck, but yet the concept she had presented just seemed wrong. Now I was struggling also. It seemed so logical, even parental, when Francine discussed it, but I needed time to consider the repercussions.


The next day came and went with the best regularity a work schedule could offer. I was home at my usual time to find Francine in the kitchen and Becky studying in her room. I kissed Francine and we had the usual small talk. I did not have to wait long for Francine to return to last night’s topic.

“I talked to Becky when she got home. She’s glad that you agreed to be her first.”

Did I agree to that? I don’t remember saying anything. It appears that the issue has been decided and my cooperation secured. Francine appeared to be in a good mood and I had no wish to change that.

“Are you certain that Becky wants to do this?”

Francine whirled to face me.

“I just spoke with her. As you would expect, she’s nervous, but she’s looking forward to it.”

“When do you want to do this?”

“Any reason it couldn’t be this evening?”

I was startled. She sounded so ‘matter of fact’.

“No, I suppose not. Is there anything you want me to do?”

“Do you have condoms upstairs?”

“Yes, the ones we use.”

“That should be all we need.”

Francine was so nonchalant, so casual. My stomach was churning like it was MY virginity to be taken. I guess it’s best for me to shut up.


It was the call to dinner that united us around the table. Other than the usual ‘how was your day’ discussion, there was little conversation. I felt like there was an elephant in the room that no one mentioned. I wanted to rush over to hug Becky and ask her if she was certain, but apparently her mother had already done so. I resigned myself to my assigned role. My stomach continued to churn leaving me with little appetite.

After dinner Becky vanished to her room while I helped Francine load dishes into the dishwasher. My nervousness was palpable. As we finished and walked toward the living room, Francine put her hand on my shoulder.

“Please relax, you’re so nervous that it might affect Becky. Trust me, you are very good at sex stuff and this will go fine.”

Her words made me feel better.

“Thank you sweetheart. How do you want to do this?”

“You just relax for a couple of hours. Have a drink or two, just don’t get bombed. I’ll let you know when she’s ready.” She kissed me and walked away.

Good idea that drink. I put ice into a glass, poured in some bourbon, and topped it up with water. Something to sip slowly rather than slam down. I settled into my chair in front of the television and picked up the remote.


It was around nine when Francine came to me and touched my shoulder. She nodded and I turned off the television.

“You should go back to our room and put on a robe. Make sure the condoms are handy.”

“Will you be with us?”

“No, Becky says it would be too creepy to have me sitting there.”

“Okay.” I got up from my chair and Francine hugged me.

“Be gentle with my girl.” Francine seyhan escort was a hardened woman. She had been through so much that she rarely became emotional, but I could hear her voice crack and see the tears in her eyes.

“Of course.” We smiled at each other and she released me. I walked back to our bedroom, shed my clothes and headed for the shower. It felt strange to be in the shower in the evening, but I wanted to freshen myself and shave off the day’s beard. After drying, I combed my hair and splashed on some cologne. Wrapped up in my robe, I went in, turned down the lights, and sat propped up on the bed. Francine had put a towel at the bottom of the bed and put the condoms and our bottle of ‘personal lubricant’ within easy reach. Now I only had to wait.

It seemed just a few minutes before I heard a soft voice.

“Daddy Bill.” It was Becky standing in the doorway, the light from the hall silhouetting her body.

“Yes sweetheart, please come sit with me.”

She closed the door behind her and came toward me. I could see that she was wearing her nightgown. I motioned for her to sit on Francine’s side of the bed. She fluffed up several pillows and sat beside me on the bed.

“Honey, you know that this is your time and you have control. If you get scared or change your mind for any reason, everything stops and that is perfectly all right. Do you understand?”

“Yes Daddy Bill.”

“I love you very much and your mother loves you very much. This is an unusual thing we are doing, and it is happening only because we love you. It is important to me that you know that.”

“I know Daddy Bill.”

“Have you ever been naked with a man?”

She seemed embarrassed but responded, “Not completely. Sometimes Keith and I touch each other, but we don’t get naked.”

“Are you ready to be naked with me?”

“Yes.” Despite the nervous tone of her voice, she slid from the bed and lifted the nightgown over her head.

I peeled off the robe and joined her on the bed. I was odd to see Becky’s face atop the woman’s abundant body. Her full breasts hung down over several rolls of flesh. I moved over so that our bodies touched.

“Does it feel strange? Being naked with me?”

She laughed, “Yes, very.”

“Are you all right?”

“Yes, I like it. I feel nervous and tingly inside.”

“That is completely natural. Have you seen a man’s cock before?”

“Yes, I touch Keith’s cock sometimes. It feels soft, even after it swells up and gets hard. I never looked at it very much.”

“Go ahead, look at mine. And the balls too. Those are all part of a man, and they are very sensitive. The balls are sensitive to impact.”

She laughed and it seemed to relieve some of her nervousness.

“Go ahead, touch me. Men like to be touched there. The head of the cock is the most sensitive area.” I lifted up my arm and put it around her shoulders so we could be closer.

She reached across and touched me, tentatively at first, then with more confidence.

“I’ve never touched one before it swelled up. It’s all soft and wrinkly.”

“You just touch and stroke it, it won’t be soft for long.” I could feel myself starting to harden.

She brought her other hand and began to rub my balls. She could see me stiffening.

“I think is so cool how it swells up and gets big.” She seemed comfortable with me and her curiosity was coming into play.

Her cool, soft hands and unfamiliar touch excited me greatly. I struggled to remember the situation to keep myself from simply pushing her down and thrusting into her.

“That’s nice Becky. Stroke me gently.”

“It’s getting big, no wonder I hear mom moaning through the walls.”

“Honey don’t go there. If your mother knew you could hear us she would be very embarrassed.”

“It’s hard not to hear. Mom is moaning and the bed is banging against the wall. It sounds really hot.”

Note to self, move bed back from wall. “I’m sorry sweetheart, we’ll try to be quieter.”

“No, I like it. Sometimes I rub myself and imagine that I’m there with you.”

Becky was WAY ahead of where I thought she was.

“Do you cum? Have an orgasm?”

She became shy again. “Yes, sometimes.”

“That is perfectly normal sweetheart. An orgasm is a beautiful thing, I hope you’ll have one while you are with me.”

“Keith rubs me sometimes and he makes me cum. Oh God, that feels so good. I’d love to do that with you.”

“We are going to go slowly and hopefully make it happen.” I could feel her hand squeezing my now-tight cock. Her stroking skill was starting to impress me.

“I’d like to touch you now dear, would you sit up for me with your legs off the bed.” Without a word she sat up and turned away from me. I slid in behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

“Remember sweetheart, if I do anything that you don’t like, or that scares you, let me know and we’ll stop.”

Her hand rubbed my arm.

“So far, so good Daddy Bill.” Her laugh let me know that stopping was unlikely to happen.

I side escort started with her hair, working my fingers into the strands and pulling gently. Occasionally my fingers teased her ears. I moved down from her hair to her cheeks and to her neck. My lips nuzzled her neck, making her laugh and squirm. I began to hear those ‘woman noises’ that I did not expect from Becky.

I travelled down her shoulders, rubbing her arms and across her belly. Moving slowly upward, I avoided her breasts to trail my fingers across her chest. Her breathing became heavy while I slowly slid downward. Brushing her breasts with fingertip touches, I felt a shiver pass through her. Finally my hands opened to hold and lift her breasts, fingertips teasing at her nipples. Hardened by my touch, I gently pinched and rolled both nipples between my fingers and thumbs. Her body stiffened and pushed back against mine. A long moan escaped her mouth.

“You have lovely breasts, so full and so soft. And your nipples are so nice, I love how they harden. You will enjoy when I suck on them.”

Her body stiffened and twisted, rubbing my hard cock against her soft ass. Her enthusiastic response made it difficult for me to continue at a slow pace in favor of rushing to join with her. Releasing one arm to move downward, I alternated my breast massage to rub downward across her belly. Her legs eagerly opened as my hand approached. Intense warmth and dampness greeted my hand while my fingers trailed through the thick hair. Each touch brought a gasp, a moan, or a twist of her body. Her head fell back against my shoulder and her mouth fell open. It took little effort to slide a finger into her wet opening, eliciting a cry. Her moans became continuous as my finger became two, vigorously exploring. A brush of her hardened bud sent a shock wave through her, making her body squirm to the point that I feared she might slide from the bed. I felt pride in my own skill as her breathing became more rapid and I read the urgency in her movements. I knew that it was time to take things to the next level.

She was almost panting when I took my hands from her. I sensed disappointment when her head lifted up and turned toward me as if to ask why. I smiled and whispered into her ear.

“You’ll like what happens next.”

Sliding out from behind her, I positioned a pillow on the bed and gently laid her down. I smiled at her before my lips found a spongy nipple.

“Oh GOD Daddy Bill, that feels so good.”

I did not answer, instead I moved to her other nipple. My hand moved down between her open legs. It felt odd to touch a thick mat of curly pubic hair. Francine had been shaved for as long as I had known her, and I thought that most young girls would shave also. Her hips squirmed as my hand approached its target. Before I ever touched her, I could feel the warmth radiating from her swollen labia. She stiffened and cried out when my fingers brushed her, lightly teasing. Her hips raised to press against my hand while her hands clutched the bed covers. Each touch of my fingertips brought her body more to life. I simply had to follow the trail of seeping moisture to her opening. Becky’s woman’s body welcomed my finger as it slid gently into her.

She grabbed my head and pushed it tightly to her breast. In response, I sucked even harder. Her cries excited me and I had to concentrate to prevent myself from rushing. Her hips writhed as my finger probed within her. Her wetness was extraordinary. Francine rarely became this excited so it was an unaccustomed experience. I liked the ‘squishing’ sound that happened as I explored. What had been a ‘pleasant task’ was rapidly becoming a dream come true. I started to imagine what it would be like to push my hard cock into Becky’s soft, warm, and extremely wet treasure.

I got off of the bed and positioned myself between her legs. Raising up, I picked up her legs with my hands and rolled her back. Becky giggled in a nervous reaction. With my face between her thighs, my tongue quickly found a home in the warmth and wetness. Becky cried out, surely loud enough for her mother to hear. Her hips thrust into my face. I turned my head to push my tongue as deeply into her as it could reach, curling and touching each accessible surface. Twisting slightly, I could drag the edge of my tongue against her tender bud while I withdrew. Her reaction was immediate and intense, her hips thrusting accompanied by a high pitched wail. I could only imagine what Francine might think was happening if she was nearby, and I suspected that she was probably just outside the door, keyed to every sound.

Becky briefly lay quiet until my flicking tongue found its target. Her legs crashed down against my shoulders as her body stiffened. I heard a series of staccato ‘oh’s’ that increased in pitch as I continued. Finally her hand grabbed the back of my head while her body alternately stiffened and relaxed. The sound that she made caught in her throat in a choking gasp. After several last shivers passed through her body, she lay on the bed panting.

I held her legs with my arms and stood up. That left me with my aching hard cock at dead level with its life goal. I wanted so badly to push into her right then and there. To drive deep into the young, wet, and open pussy that lay before me. It took much self control to deny myself that pleasure.

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