Becoming Big Brother’s Favorite


My sister Emma always seemed to have everything I didn’t, so when our older brother Henry started sneaking into her room at night, my jealousy hit an all time high. Henry was sort of the pride and joy of our family. All three of us females in the house favored him for different reasons.

Ever since dad left us mom had sort of looked to Henry for help with us girls and things around the house. Since he was two years above her in college Emma looked up to him as a role model. To me, a nerdy 18-year-old who everyone seemed to ignore and forget – even at home – he was like a star. Even just a bit of attention from him would put me on cloud nine for a week, and that was partly because he never seemed to have time for me.

He was always busy with classes, homework, friends, girlfriends, helping mom with stuff that needed to be done. He made more time for Emma than he did me, which mom said was not because she was his favorite or anything, but because they were so close in age. Henry was 21 and Emma was 20. Even so, he still wasn’t the type to exactly hang out with Emma, so when I caught him going into her room in the middle of the night it struck me as strange.

I’d been awakened around 2:30 AM with the pressing need to go to the bathroom, so I left my room shuffling along in a drowsy stupor. The hall lights were out and it was dark, and I didn’t have on my glasses, but I clearly saw Henry dart out of Emma’s room and down the hall into his own room, shutting the door behind himself. He’d been wearing a white t-shirt and blue boxers. I cocked my head to the side, confused. What was he doing in her room? Were they doing something secret? Something…dirty?

Nahh, it couldn’t be.

I went to the bathroom and did my thing, then headed back to my room. But I was still puzzled and a little troubled by what I had seen. Why was Henry in Emma’s room at 2:30 AM?

The next day everything went as it normally did. Mom, Henry, Emma and I all had breakfast, went off to work or school, then straggled home at varying times during the afternoon and evening, only to meet for dinner then go our separate ways again until bed. All day long I kept an eye on Henry and Emma though. I wondered ‘are they up to something?’ Whenever they were in the same room they seemed perfectly normal. They joked around a bit here and there but went about their own business, the same as always. Maybe nothing was going on?

Late that night I lay in bed, unable to sleep. It was 2:00 AM and I’d been laying there for hours, my mind racing with questions and suspicions. Was he in there with her again? What were they doing? Should I go listen at Emma’s door? Or peek in? Just to see if she was alone? I told myself it wasn’t my business and I didn’t really want to know anyway. I told myself I should just go to sleep, but curiosity got the better of me. I knew that if I caught him in her room again tonight I would know something was up. And maybe if I was lucky I would hear something that let me know what was going on. I wrestled with my conscience a bit over spying, but eventually I decided it had to be done, so I got up and snuck into the hall, careful to put on my glasses for maximum snoop action.

I went down to Emma’s room and listened at the door. Nothing. Silent. I then went down to Henry’s. I could hear the TV on. Well, there it was. He was in his room asleep like he should be. A certain curiosity slipped over me, so I turned the knob and pushed. It was unlocked. None of us really locked our doors at night anyway. I poked my head in to see…no one. Henry wasn’t there.

Was he in Emma’s room again?

I turned around and went back to Emma’s room. I put my ear to the door and I heard what sounded like an erotic moan. It sounded like Henry, too! My hand went to my mouth. Oh god! What was that? What were they doing in there? I had to find somewhere to hide myself so I could see if Henry came out. Then I would know for sure that my siblings were having sex with each other.

I went into the linen closet and closed it, peeking out through the slits. A few moments later the door opened and Henry peeked his head out with a sneaky look on his face. He looked left, then right, then tiptoed out of the room. This time he was only wearing boxers.


It couldn’t be, could it? Once Henry was down the hall and back in his room I exited the linen closet and went to Emma’s door. I gently turned the handle and peeked inside.

My older sister was always afraid of the dark even if she wouldn’t admit it, and she never turned off all the lights. A dim stream of light from the closet illuminated her as she lay in her bed, naked as the day she was born. She was passed out, sleeping deeply. She was on her back, with her legs splayed open, the left one bent at the knee a bit. It was because of that position that I could clearly see a stream of pearly white goo dripping out of her pussy and making a generous puddle on the bed.

I gasped and slipped out of her room, quietly closing the door. I stood there for a moment heart beating wildly escort bayan as I came to a shocking conclusion: Henry just fucked our sister. No, it couldn’t be. But how did she end up like that? Maybe she masturbated? No, I’d masturbated tons of times before but there was never quite that much cum. Besides, it was never white, it was clear. She couldn’t have done that by herself. There was only one place that cum could have come from. Henry.

God, Emma was such a slut!

That fact did not really surprise me, since everyone in town knew that Emma was a complete whore. She had fucked so many guys — basically all of the hottest guys at our school before she graduated and moved on to the college boys — but she’d also done some homely ones too if it had suited her purposes. Like for example she’d slept with one of my friends just so he would do an important paper for her. He’d bragged for weeks even though I told him I didn’t want to hear that kind of stuff about my sister.

I didn’t understand why she was such a slut, she was very pretty and could get any guy to go out with her without dropping her panties. She was 5’2 and had long shiny hair, D cup breasts, shapely legs and a round firm ass. Everyone in our family had dark hair and blue eyes, but her shade of blue seemed to have a unique brightness. She was often compared to Megan Fox.

Who was I compared to? No one. See, you have to be actually noticed by people to get compared to anyone. I wasn’t an ugly girl but I was no Megan Fox. I was 5’9 which I thought was a little too tall for a girl. The big boob gene passed me by and I had waited for years to develop more only to realize all I’d ever have is a full B cup. My legs were long and slender as opposed to Emma’s petite ones with the muscular calves. And my butt…well, I guessed it was alright. It wasn’t fat or anything so I was grateful for at least that much. All in all, I was just average. I guessed that was why Henry never snuck into my room at night.

As I left Emma’s room I was pretty grossed out at first, thinking “ewww, how could they do THAT?” But the biggest question weighing on my mind was how could Emma be so pretty that even Henry wanted to fuck her? Mom was wrong, Emma was Henry’s favorite, and it pissed me off. I couldn’t believe she got all the guys at school worth having and she got Henry, too. He barely registered my presence half the time but he would sneak into her room at night and fuck her and leave her pussy full of his cum?

I tried to imagine how that went down — how they would probably roll around on the bed and hump each other while moaning and groaning. They must be two horny pigs, that was for sure, but it still burned me up to know that they were probably having a lot of dirty fun together while nobody knew about it. It made me feel…well, insanely jealous.

As I went back to my room and climbed into bed, I kept trying to figure out how they started sleeping together. Who went after who? It had to have been slutty Emma. My imagination went to work, showing me that she probably started hitting on him — she started touching him here and there and then she showed him her boobs making it look like an accident.

She probably dropped her towel in front of him one morning before school. She must have seen on his face how he was excited by the sight of her naked body. So she probably started trapping him in the kitchen and feeling him up. He’d protest and try to move her hands, but she’d just keep on touching him. And after all, he was a horny boy with only so much restraint. Finally he just reached a point where he couldn’t resist anymore and he told her “look, I’ll give you what you want, but nobody can know.” They had been meeting at night ever since.

Yes, that must have been it.

I lay there in my bed, trying to figure it out. How could Emma have developed a thing for Henry? Was she really that horny that even our own brother wasn’t safe? I was still a virgin but I was horribly horny lately. I felt like I wanted to lose my v-card but I didn’t have much prospects for getting laid since I didn’t have a boyfriend and I refused to sleep with some random boy at school who only wanted to get some. Still even in my horniest moments I had never imagined getting it on with Henry. So why had Emma? He wasn’t even cute!

Well, I supposed he kinda was cute. After all, he was tall and I liked that. Henry was 6’1. He wasn’t muscular but he had a nice body. Kind of on the thin side, but solid and well-shaped, not lanky. He had a nice butt, too. Small but cute and firm, it always filled his pants well. His face was pretty nice. He had light blue eyes, nice skin and some good sized lips. Floppy dark hair framed his face well. Okay so maybe he was hot…Maybe even hot enough that a sister could notice it.

Sleep started to overtake me while I continued to think about it, and it was no surprise that my dreams were…interesting that night. I dreamt that instead of Emma’s room, Henry came into mine one night.

“Henry? What are you doing?” I asked.

His eyes traveled escort ankara over me, filled with lust. “I…I can’t help it, you’re so beautiful,” he said.

“What? What do you want?” I asked, sitting up in bed.

“I’m really horny,” he said as he walked over to me, his hand fondling his hard-on through his boxers as his eyes roamed up and down my body.

I knew that it was wrong, that I should say no, but my pussy was starting to get so hot and I was practically squirming on the bed by the time he walked up to me and pulled his shorts down, showing me his cock. I watched his hand stroke it up and down and my pussy creamed into my panties.

“Would you suck it for me, sis? Please?” he asked. “I’ll let you be my favorite sister.”

All resistance crumbled at those words. I reached out and wrapped my hand around his hard shaft and leaned toward his cock, opening my mouth. I felt him slide it into my mouth, eagerly. It was hard and warm and I moaned, sucking on it.

“Oh Lizzy,” he said, stroking my hair. “Yes, suck me.”

In my dream world I sucked Henry’s cock for hours while he told me that I was amazing and beautiful and he loved me way more than Emma. Then he came all over my face and I exploded in orgasm.

When I woke up that morning I felt really disturbed at first, I mean I had had sex dreams about my brother all night. But then I thought it must not be that weird. I mean I was just dreaming about it but Emma was actually doing it. Sure that dream must mean I had some desire on some level to do those things but it probably wasn’t as strange as I would have thought a week ago. Since finding out about Henry and Emma’s nighttime “play dates,” I was starting to think there were probably many more sisters out there who slept with their brothers, they just kept it a secret like Emma.

It made a lot of sense when I thought about it. Why sleep with jerks at school, who only wanted to use you and dump you, if you had a brother at home — someone cute, nice and easily available, who already loved you?

My alarm clock went off and I shut it off, then headed downstairs to breakfast. Mom was already gone for work but she had left breakfast as usual. I went and fixed myself a plate then sat down across from Emma, who was eating and listening to her iPod, bobbing her head. She noticed me looking at her and raised a french manicured middle finger at me, effectively flipping me off.

I rolled my eyes and kept eating. Why was she always such a bitch?

The sound of footsteps bounding down the stairs caught my attention and I turned my head to see Henry walk into the kitchen. I perked up, about to say good morning and hoping for maybe some attention from him, but then he just walked past me and I knew I didn’t stand a chance. I sighed, continuing to eat. Figures he wouldn’t notice me. He headed to the counter to get some food, but on his way Emma stuck out her foot and tripped him, smirking to herself. He caught himself before falling though. He turned back to Emma and poked her in the neck.

“Ow!” she said, and pouted, grabbing her neck.

He laughed and kissed her on the top of her head.

Hmph. When was the last time he kissed me? I couldn’t even remember when!

When he’d fixed his breakfast he sat down next to Emma and they talked about their college courses syllabus midterms and other things I knew nothing about nor did I care. I just sat there eating and stewing. Then Henry finally spoke to me.

“Hey, you got lunch money and a ride to school?” he asked.

“Yeah I’m fine,” I mumbled. Mom gave me money last night and I always rode to school with my friend Kimmy.

“Good. See ya later!” he said, flashing me a smile then getting up and leaving his dishes on the table, just like a lazy boy.

And guess who had to clear them away and put them in the dish washer? Yep. Me. Cause Emma said she had to do her makeup and was running late.

Being the youngest sucks.

School went by that day slowly and painfully as my hormones were worse that day than usual. I was going to have to masturbate when I got home. I sat there in my last class after lunch thinking that I wished Henry liked me instead of Emma. Maybe I could get him to like me? Emma wouldn’t be happy that she had to share, that was for sure. But it would serve her right. Who was she anyway to think that she could keep him all to herself? I deserved some time with him, too!

Between classes I text him, which I usually never did.

“Hey, big bro, what are you up to?” I asked.

“Not much. Hanging in the student union. About to head to class. You?”

“Pretty much the same. Just wanted to say hi and I love you,” I said, wondering how he would react. Would he ignore it? Wait for hours before responding? Tell me to stop being lame?

“That’s sweet,” he text.


Is that all he has to say?!

“I love you too,” he text a few seconds later.


I grinned to myself, practically skipping to my next class.

That night Henry didn’t come home for ankara escort bayan dinner. He was out with his friends. Emma was out with hers, too. The only one who didn’t have plans was me. I stayed up for hours reading some new teen vampire love series until around ten o’clock when I heard giggling in the hall that let me know Emma was home. I kept reading and eventually I fell asleep on my desk. When I woke up it was 12:45 AM. I gasped and shot up in my chair. I didn’t miss my snooping time, did I? No, it seemed a bit early. Maybe he hadn’t gone to her room yet? Maybe I could catch him before he did? If I could catch him, maybe I could somehow convince him to spend tonight with me instead?

I snuck into the hall and padded down to Henry’s room, hoping to find him there. I knocked quietly and he didn’t answer. So I went back to Emma’s. I put my ear to the door and heard rustling. I went and hid in the linen closet, watching. Emma’s door opened and I saw Henry peek out, one hand still hastily shoving his shirt down into his pants. I could only imagine all the fun they must have already had. My jealousy grew to a ridiculous level and I just wanted to confront him. I just wanted to know why he was doing this with Emma when he never so much as looked at me. Was I really that inferior? Was I not pretty at all?

Seeing that the coast was clear, he came out and started toward his room and that was when I came out of the closet.

“Henry,” I said.

He froze. He turned around slowly and looked at me with a deer in headlights expression.

I crossed my arms over my chest. “I know your little secret,” I whispered. “I’ve been watching the past three nights. Just how long have you been doing this?”

He blanched. A look of horror came over his face and then he suddenly grabbed me, dragging me into the nearby bathroom.

“Hey! What — Let go!” I yelped, flailing.

He shut the door and pushed me against the wall, placing one hand by my head as he loomed over me with a frighteningly serious face.

“What do you want?” he asked sharply.

“What?” I asked, lost. His closeness was throwing me off. Looking at him this close up I was definitely seeing a lot to appreciate and all I could think about was how I wanted him to be touching and kissing me like he probably just did to Emma. But instead he just looked mad.

“What will it take for you not to tell?” he asked, slowly. “You can’t ever tell, Lizzy.”

My brow furrowed. He thought this was a blackmail thing? “I’m not gonna tell anyone. I just want to know why,” I said.

He sighed. “Look, I know it’s wrong. But I am a guy, I have needs,” he said.

“But you have girlfriends all the time!”

“Yeah, but they don’t always take care of me,” he said, looking like it was embarrassing to be talking about this.

“Well…but…but how come you never asked me?” I asked, shyly.

He looked confused. “Asked you what?”

Oh God, was he really going to make me say it?!

He stood there waiting, still incredibly close to me. He obviously was not going to help me out here. Fine. If I wanted to have any chance I was going to have to say it.

“How come you never wanted to do that stuff with me? I mean, I know I’m no Emma, but am I really not pretty at all?”

Henry blinked at me.

“Uh….No, you’re very pretty,” he said. “You’re just as hot as Emma in your own way. Probably hotter since you don’t go around showing off everything you have.”

“Okay, you don’t have to lie, I know I’m not all that,” I said, rolling my eyes. “I’m too tall and my boobs are all small, and ugh…”

His eyes widened and he looked at me in shock. “You really don’t know you’re pretty?”

Wait, he really thought I was? He wasn’t just saying that? My heart rate picked up as I shifted my weight to the other foot.

“Well, if I’m supposedly so pretty how come you don’t sneak into my room in the middle of the night, huh?” I asked, looking down at my feet.

“You mean you want me to?!” he whispered, sounding utterly amazed and totally excited.

“Kinda…” I said, pushing my hair behind my ear as I felt my cheeks heat up.

“Well…Well…But I never thought you saw me like that! I thought you were too young to even be thinking about things like that, let alone with me. How long have you felt like this about me?”

“Henry, just forget it,” I said, starting to get uncomfortable.

I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back.

“No, wait. Wait. Tell me, please?”

“Just forget it, I don’t wanna talk about it,” I whined. “Just forget I ever said anything.”

“But I don’t wanna forget,” he said, now cuddling me against him. “C’mon, talk to me. What kind of things do you wanna do with me?”

I didn’t say anything but I was enjoying the cuddling. He was hugging me to his chest and running his hands up and down my back. I slowly wrapped my arms around him and hugged him back. It wasn’t like our usual hugs, short and chaste, it was the slow lingering hugging I saw on TV and in movies. It was so exciting! I never thought we’d be doing something like this. As I ventured to run my hands over his body I felt something hard against my tummy, and I was pretty sure it was his cock. I started to get damp between my legs.

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