Betty Ch. 02


What happened the other day at my sister’s garden pool had changed my life quite a lot. I found new life goal. I started the hunt for another chance to stay alone with Paul and have him do nice things to me again, to my abbreviated body and especially to its sensitive and erogenous parts. But for very long time I had not been lucky enough to achieve that.

All I had managed to arrange was having him adjust my clothes here and there and carry me occasionally from one place to another. Despite the fact that it was always accompanied with light, although obviously intended, brushes and touches on my breasts and bottom, he never really seemed to seek those occasions himself. The intention had invariably come from my side.

That made me desperate. His caressing touches made me long for more, but it had never get further than that. So at the end it didn’t help me a bit. Quite contrary, I felt even more sexually starved than before and couldn’t do anything about it which made me even more desperate and extremely frustrated.

Then one day I got lucky eventually.

I was sitting on the couch in the living room, propped up comfortably by soft pillows and watched a dumb TV show, not really paying much attention to it. Then I glimpsed Paul through the window as he was going to the garage and pulled out the old truck of his father. I put it together with what I had heard just few minutes ago from the kitchen and understood he was about to go to a shop to buy something. ‘This could be my chance,’ I thought to myself and waited what would happen.

Couple of minutes later Paul entered the living room on his way back to the kitchen.

“Paul,” I stopped him, trying to sound casual. “Are you going to the town?”

“Yes, aunt,” he replied simply.

“Do you think you could take me with you? I’m feeling totally bored here, I would surely appreciate a small trip. Wherever it would be, honestly.”

“Sure, aunt, you can go with me. No problem,” Paul said eagerly.

“Well, I don’t want to burden you though…” I offered him a possibility to escape as I didn’t want him to think he had to do me any favor.

“That’s not a problem, aunt,” he assured me. “I will gladly take you with me. It doesn’t disturb me at all.”

“Is your Mum in the kitchen?” I asked.


“Would you mind to put me in the wheelchair and push me to the kitchen then?”

“Not at all,” he said without hesitation and turned towards the manual wheelchair that was parked beside the couch.

He brought the chair in front of me and applied brakes skillfully. Then he leaned over and grabbed me by the waist. His boyish hands were strong and gentle at the same time. He picked me up easily although I noticed his biceps tense from the effort.

He transferred me into the wheelchair in one smooth movement. Then his hands slipped down onto my hips and pushed my pelvis expertly back, towards the backrest. He already knew very well what needed to be done to get me seated properly. Then he fastened a safety belt around my waist to hold me in place.

The back of his hand brushed across the bottom of my somewhat sagging breasts in the process and I was pretty sure he did it deliberately. Well, at least I hoped it wasn’t just my imagination, but it indeed seemed to me that Paul used to touch me more frequently than anybody else who had happened to help me with something. His hands always tended to touch unnecessary parts of my maimed body or just stay longer in contact with it.

Paul released the wheelchair brakes and went behind me where he grabbed the pair of handles. He spun me around and started to push toward the kitchen.

“Mary, I will go with Paul to the town,” I said to my sister when we entered the room.

“Ok, Betty,” she replied. “You must be bored to death, I know. Sorry, I’m over-busy here and cannot make a company to you,” my dear sister added apologetically.

“Yeah, I know you’ve got enough to do,” I assured her. “I will just grab the opportunity to get out for a while. Paul was so kind to accept my self-invitation.”

We all three laughed at that shortly, then Mary wiped her hands to the kitchen towel and came to me.

“Ok, let me dress you up,” she said. “Paul, wait here and watch the pot until I get Betty ready.”

With that Mary replaced her son behind handles of the wheelchair and wheeled me to my room. Once there, she stripped me down and helped me to the toilet. After that, she changed me into dark blue denims that were tailored to accommodate my plump, legless bottom. Basically they just formed sort of a big, round pocket where my bum would fit snuggly.

Then Mary put a simple white cotton T-shirt on me and tucked its bottom behind the waist of jeans. She finished my dress with a thin, although warm, woolen vest that covered my trunk almost all the way down below hips. Empty sleeves of the T-shirt remained trapped under the vest, so nothing protruded from arm holes. I bet only white silken fabric could be seen through them samsun seks hikayeleri which gave my crippled body very discreet and modest look.

Few touches of make-up to my face and quick combing procedure and I was ready to go. The whole time I’d been wondering what was going to happen. My imagination fed me with some very wild scenarios and I felt excited and turned on by them. But my mind kept trying to hold me to the ground as it was very unlikely that anything would happen at all. Eventually Mary pushed me back to the kitchen where Paul was waiting patiently.

“Paul,” started Mary towards her son. “If you have enough time you may take Betty on a small walk in the park or around the lake, what do you think?”

“There’s no need…” I started to protest, embarrassed a bit.

“It’s ok,” Paul interrupted me quickly. “I will appreciate a small walk myself in this nice weather. What do you think, aunt? Are you up to getting some fresh air?”

“Sure I am,” I nodded, knowing this might offer more possibilities for SOMETHING to happen.

With this we said good bye to my sister and Paul wheeled me out of the house and to the waiting pick-up truck. Our adventure was about to start…

* * * * *

Paul parked my wheelchair close to the passenger door of the truck. He applied brakes, went around and opened the door wide. He leaned to me, unfastened the wheelchair belt and grabbed me by the waist. He easily lifted me up and brought me onto his chest. I hooked my chin over his shoulder as I used to do when somebody held me close enough to them. That was just about all I could offer to help them carry my own weight around.

This time I was aware of my breasts crushing onto Paul’s chest more than other times. Usually I just don’t care or at least try to not care, but with Paul it was different. I could not help myself and simply sensed it. Every square inch of my body that was in contact with him was sending electric impulses to my brain keeping me aware of how beautiful and erotic feeling it actually was.

Paul raised me onto the seat bench that ran across the truck cabin and allowed three people to sit there. He held me gently while I wriggled my limbless trunk in the comfortable position on the seat. Then he reached over and fastened the seatbelt around me. He closed the door and I watched him fold the wheelchair in the side mirror. Then he stacked it onto the car bed and got lost from my sight as he walked around the vehicle. Soon after, he jumped into driver’s seat and off we went.

The journey to the town was quiet at the beginning. I wasn’t sure what to talk about. My head was full of erotic visions in which Paul was hugging me, caressing me, stroking me, kissing… but I understood it was probably not the right topic to speak about. And I could hardly think of anything else.

Paul was also silent, perhaps lost in his own thoughts. I would have given a hand to know what he was thinking about but I haven’t got any to offer, I smiled to myself on my own joke.

I tried hard to focus on the country behind the window and enjoy the sunny weather. Eventually we parked in front of the hardware shop.

“Do you want to go with me?” Paul asked. These were first words he spoke since we left the house.

“Will you be long?” I asked him back. I didn’t really want to be stared at in such a male-oriented shop, full of men and man’s stuff.

“No, I’ll just grab a thing or two and I’m back,” Paul said.

“Ok, then I would prefer to stay and wait for you here,” I suggested.

“Alright,” Paul answered. Then he smiled and looked in my face in such a way that I almost melted. His gaze was full of joy and… was it really a desire what I had noticed there?

He pressed the button and let the window on my side slide half way down to provide me with enough of fresh air while he’d be away. Oh, how I loved this thoughtful boy! Then he jumped out and got lost inside the shop.

After 7 or 8 minutes later he appeared again, carrying something in his hands and stacked it in the car bed before I could even realize what it was. Then he jumped back in the cabin and smiled at me again.

“The park or the lake now?” he asked still looking at my face with joyful interest.

“The lake, perhaps,” I said after a short hesitation. “But I don’t need a walk, to be honest,” I added sheepishly, feeling a big embarrassment growing inside me.

“No?” Paul asked and his surprise seemed to be pretended. “So what is it what you need?”

That was a straight question that had pushed me into the corner, so to say.

“I think I would appreciate…” I started, then hesitated. “I think I would prefer a small massage instead.”

“A massage?” he asked, this time really caught by surprise.

I didn’t answer, just kept looking into his face hoping my eyes would tell the rest. We kept looking at each other for quite some time, then Paul turned away eventually and started the engine. He backed off the parking lot and we headed toward the small lake at the outskirts of the town.

When we got there, Paul turned into a large parking area surrounded by pine trees. Through tree trunks the silver surface of the calm lake could be seen. My anticipation grew when I noticed Paul was pulling the truck to the very far and secluded corner of the parking place. He parked the car and turned off the engine. Then he unfastened the seatbelt and moved across the bench towards me. He unfastened my belt too and put his arm around my armless shoulders.

“Ok, so what is it what you need to get massaged?” he asked me innocently.

“My… my breast is itching,” I said sheepishly, looking at him.

He took my right breast into his free hand and squeezed it very gently through three layers of fabric as if just considering its shape and size.

“Is it this one?” he asked slowly.

I let him cup and squeeze a few more times, then said: “No, the other one.”

He moved his hand to my left breast and started to knead it. I moaned quietly, enjoying his touch and attention tremendously.

“I think it’s the previous one now,” I said after a while.

Paul choked with smile.

“Perhaps they are itching both,” he suggested and I felt his arm slide from my shoulder down to the waist on the right side. The other hand slid from the breast to the left side of my waist and the next second I felt myself being lifted off.

Paul hoisted me up and settled on his lap, with my back to him. He gently pulled on me to let me know I could lean on him. I sort of let myself fall back onto his muscular chest with my head resting on his shoulder. Paul’s hands went around me from either side and each took hold of one of my tits.

I felt like being in heaven. I was comfortably laying on his young body, secured between two strong arms, my breasts being tenderly played with his eager fingers. And on top of that, in the lower back of my truncated body, somewhere in the crack between my butt cheeks, I could feel a strange pressure that COULD ONLY BE his growing hard on.

I groaned from ultimate joy, pleasure and happiness. And then Paul did something that disintegrated me, as a rational person, completely. He leaned over and kissed me onto the side of my forehead. As I turned my head to him in surprise he planted another soft kiss right on my eyebrow.

I have never had felt so content, so at peace with my body than at that moment. I let myself drift away by the magic of it. I just closed my eyes and enjoyed the beautiful feeling of being caressed and treated with such tenderness and love. I have never felt anything like that before and enjoyed every second of it.

Paul’s hands were squeezing and playing with my breasts, I could feel his wet lips touching my forehead and closed eyelids and then there was that constant pressure under my butt that was filling me with pride and satisfaction. I was the happiest woman in the world then. But the feel of content and happiness was soon about to change into sheer sexual excitement.

Paul’s fingers discovered the nipple on my left breast that had grown so hard and erect that he could feel it through all three layers of my clothes – the bra, the T-shirt and the vest. He started to circle around the little trapped buddy, which made me gasp with pleasure.

Then he let the right hand slip down from my other breast and moved it along my side to the legless hip and underneath of it. He cupped my rounded bottom and squeezed the soft pad of muscles I had there. His fingers traced the unique contours of my legless butt just an inch or two from my most private parts. That was arousing me beyond believe.

By that time I’d been moaning constantly, already. When he suddenly shifted his hand and placed it right onto my crotch, pressing through the thick denim and cupping my fleshy pubic mound tightly, I groaned deeply and uncontrollably, overwhelmed with excitement. But then a small red light started to flash somewhere inside my mind and an alarm went off. Suddenly I was aware of my own female juices that were rushing through me down to my crotch.

“Paul, Paul, Paul!” I begged for Paul’s attention. “We have to stop, please stop immediately!”

Paul stopped stimulating me and looked at me puzzled.

“What’s wrong, dear, have I done something wrong?”

“No, no, quite opposite,” I assured him. “I’m getting very damp down there and I surely don’t want your Mum to notice. It was so nice, but we have to stop,” I explained and smiled at him.

He’d been looking at me for quite some time then I felt him grab my waist again and lift me off his lap. He placed me onto the seat beside him, then slid off the seat himself and dropped down to the floor in front of me.

He looked into my face and said seriously: “I think that’s a problem that can be sorted out easily. Let us lay you down on the seat here.”

With that he gently pushed me to the side and twisted, causing me fall onto his outstretched arm. Then he ever so carefully laid me down on my back, across the seat bench. Paul then pulled the bottom of my vest up, revealing the front of jeans. He unbuttoned and unzipped them and pulled open. I’d been looking into his face while he did that and was pleased with the love and obvious anticipation I could see there.

Finally Paul slipped my shortened and sewn up denims from wide hips and pulled them from under me. Then he stopped and plainly looked at my knickers and the strange flesh protruding from their openings instead of legs.

I kept watching his face and searched for a hint of repulsion or disgust, but could not find any. I’m not gonna lie, it surely made me utterly happy. All I could see was a humble amazement and curiosity, but also love and – no doubt about it – lust and desire. Then Paul started to cares my legless hips. I could feel his trembling fingers on the naked skin as he explored my uniqueness. And when he accidentally brushed across my pussy I felt the rush of excitement rising inside me again.

“Paul,” I addressed him softly. “Please, panties too.”

He understood and hooked his fingers under the rubber band of my undergarment and easily peeled them off my blunt misshapen bottom. I uttered a sigh of fear, anticipation, embarrassment and ultimate excitement – all feelings mixing up inside me – not knowing what to expect. This was the first time he saw me naked down there, my most intimate parts fully on display in front of him. I shivered.

“You are beautiful,” he said simply after having inspected the anatomy of my bottom and my love nest thoroughly.

That was more than a woman, so heavily crippled like me, could have ever dreamed of. These three simple words sounded like the most romantic poem to me because I could see that he really meant them.

He started to kiss my lower abdomen lovingly while caressing the disfigured legless sides of me. He kneaded, squeezed and massaged soft, supple muscles and I moaned with pleasure I’d been getting from it. He dug his fingers into my buttocks and I gasped with sudden pain which was surprisingly not unpleasant though. Paul’s mouth eventually found the center of my bottom, surrounded with thick pubic hair and he planted a kiss right onto my opening hidden there. I groaned and let the ultimate pleasure sweep over me.

I could not reciprocate, I could not return the favor in any way. All I could do was to succumb to the feeling. I couldn’t reinforce it as well as I couldn’t escape from it. And this realization just added to the overall excitement that had been cumulating in me. When I finally felt Paul’s tongue slip in between my pussy lips and enter my hole, I just screamed. I could no more hold it inside me.

Paul started to lick eagerly. His right hand was still on my bottom, squeezing me there, enjoying the softness of muscles that had never had much to do in my whole life. His left hand was placed on the hairy area above my vulva, two fingers inserted between its inner lips, holding them spread open for his easier access to my love tunnel.

He knelt on the floor of the truck by my right and thus he was approaching me from the side. His tongue entered my hole at 90 degree angle and that’s why somewhat sharper edges of his tongue were stimulating upper and bottom parts of my moist vagina. I must say I liked it very much and my arousal was growing with every breath, every single licking movement of Paul’s tongue.

Then something happened. Paul had exchanged fingers on his left hand that were inside my slit and suddenly there was a third one, right between the two that held the lips open. The third finger bent, searched a bit higher and found what it was seeking. I uttered another scream of pleasure as the finger hit my hardened clit. All the sexual pressure that had accumulated in me during those long weeks of starving just broke through. Something inside me exploded with a great power and flooded me with unbearable pleasure as the huge orgasm had taken the absolute control over me.

I couldn’t do anything about it. My limbless body, reduced only to a pitiful trunk and head, shook, tensed, arched and thrashed around. I could not keep myself on the seat by any mean. I hadn’t got a single limb that I could use to hold onto something. Through a daze of sheer excitement I could feel Paul holding me securely in place by my naked bottom and the arm that he had managed to wrap around my shoulders when it all started.

Finally my orgasm subdued and I realized I was laying with the ass in a small puddle of my own love fluids. I looked thankfully at Paul and he caressed my hair soothingly.

“Everything’s ok?” He asked.

“Sure,” I nodded. “These were the best moments of my otherwise pointless life.”

He giggled.

“You will have to wipe me, big boy, and clean me up. Would you, please?”

“With great pleasure,” he exclaimed and turning around in a tight place he opened the glove box and took out a pocket of paper towels. He pulled one out and very carefully wiped my pussy and the seat. Then he cleaned up the rest of me thoroughly, obviously enjoying the task, which made me shiver again.

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