Big Cock Fantasy – Part 5


When I woke, the sun’s bright light was streaming into my bedroom courtesy of the open balcony door. I was still on top of the rumpled sheets and on my back, legs and arms spread wide. I was a starfish! I lay, peacefully, reflecting for a few moments on the events of yesterday. And last night! As I replayed various scenes in my mind, my right hand automatically drifted between my thighs. Would my pussy still be gaping open from Justin’s amazing girth? No, my lips were tight, if somewhat tender, and when I poked a finger along the slit and into my entrance, the walls closed around it. I breathed a sigh of relief. My pussy was perfectly normal and Tony would have no idea that I’d fulfilled my fantasy of being fucked by a mammoth cock. I turned on to my left side and reached for my phone, which was on the nightstand. I pressed the button to wake the instrument and saw it was approaching eight o clock. Tony would surely be up and so I made the call. In three rings, he answered. “Morning darling, how are you?” “I’ve just woken up and my first thought was to call you and hear your voice,” I said. “Oooh, that’s nice, sweetie. I missed you last night. It’s not often we’ve gone to bed without each other, is it?” “No, not many times. I missed you, too, honey.” “How did the party go? Was it a late one?” “The party was fine. I’ll tell you all about it tonight. And no, I wasn’t that late coming to bed. Just after midnight, I think.” “Lot later than me. I worked on the car rental figures to give Geoff today, had a brandy or two and that was it.” “What, no porn watching?” Tony chuckled, “You know me too well, Jen. Yes, I came to bed and watched a film but it wasn’t the same without you.” “No, course not, you’d have to masturbate yourself without my hands being there.” His laugh sounded in my ear again. “This time you’re wrong. I saved myself for you, for tonight…” “Oh no you didn’t,” I interrupted. “If you didn’t masturbate it was only because you were being a super athlete and saving yourself for today’s big golf match.” “Wrong, Jen,” he said lightly. “I admit that I got a little excited as usual watching the porn but I thought of you and decided to save myself for tonight. But, then again, talking like this is making me horny and I might have to do something about it, after all.” I laughed. “Well, whatever you do or don’t do right now, I’m sure we’ll have fun tonight. But, don’t forget, you’re taking me out to dinner, I’m not cooking.” “All taken care of,” he said. “We’ve got a table booked at Mario’s for eight.” “Eight? Who else is coming?” “No, silly, not eight people, eight o’clock.” “I know that,” I said quickly. “Just fooling.” “Hum,” he said, doubtfully, “whatever.” After a short pause, I said, “Okay darling, I’m off to have a shower now and then see what’s on the breakfast menu.” “I’ve had scrambled eggs and toast.” “Well, done, Master Chef.” “Burnt the toast.” “Lovely, gives the bread extra taste.” Tony laughed. “Alright my love, I’ll see you later. Drive carefully.” “I will, always do,” I said. “And good luck this afternoon, beat the bastards.” “I’ll try. Bye, love you.” And he broke the connection. I sat in the middle of the bed, legs crossed at the ankles, elbows resting on my knees and stared aimlessly down at the phone held in my hands. Tony sounded so cheerful, so upbeat. And why not? There was the possibility of a very welcome car hire deal and he was in contention for the golf club’s championship. And I would be home with him in a few hours. What about me? I’d been unfaithful. Simple as that. I’d succumbed to my fantasy, my curiosity, my lust for a big cock. A big black cock, no less, that had filled me, excited me, satiated me and delivered even more thrills and mind-blowing orgasms than I had imagined or thought possible. My pussy tingled and began to moisten as flashbacks crossed my mind. Good grief, Jen, you really are a sex addict! C’mon, snap out of it and get into the shower. I swung my legs off the bed and replaced the phone on the nightstand. gaziantep escort I stood, raised up on my toes and reached for the ceiling with both arms. I felt my leg and back muscles stretch, my breasts lift and the cheeks of my bum tense. I held the position while I counted to five and then slowly exhaled and relaxed my body, feet flat to the floor and hands down by my side. Four more repetitions and I felt good, alive and ready to face the world. I walked out on to the balcony, the sun warmly kissing my naked body in greeting. I leaned on the wall and upturned my face to the sun, eyes closed, and shook my head gently, setting my hair wafting in the gentle breeze. At one with nature, how wonderful and exhilarating! I held that pose for quite a while, enjoying the peace, the warmth of the sun and the sounds of rustling trees and bushes, and birds chirping and singing. And, gradually, I became aware of distant splashing water. I opened my eyes and looked down at the pool. Justin was swimming lengths, his long arms pulling through the water and his paddling feet splashing the surface. The water swilled over his back and his firm buttocks rocked side to side with the freestyle stroke. And Gaynor was there, floating on her back, her gorgeous huge tits raised to the sun. Her legs were slightly open and the water lapped in the V of her thighs, swishing over her curly bush and flat tummy. I watched Justin complete four lengths and then he stopped, put his hands on the pool side and boosted himself up and sat, feet dangling in the water. He placed his hands slightly behind him and leaned back, face upturned towards the sun. His cock, that giant tube which had given me so much pleasure only a few hours ago, flopped delightfully between his lean thighs. Apparently, even cold water didn’t affect Justin’s tool: no shriveling or shrinking! Gaynor allowed her feet to sink to the pool bottom and then stood up, the water swilling over her chest. She glided towards Justin, her arms making an arrow in front of her, and he reached to grasp her hands. Again she stood, the water depth now only waist high. Justin released her hands which she promptly placed high up on his thighs. I could hear her husky voice, but not discern the words, and Justin laughed, his head rocking back. It was then he saw me looking down at them. Justin raised his left arm and waved, at the same time talking to Gaynor. She turned, also waved and her husky tones boomed, “Morning, Jen. Sleep well?” I waved back, aware that my right tit jiggled, and shouted, “Great, thanks.” Gaynor gave me a thumbs up and turned back to face Justin, who was still looking in my direction. I fluttered my fingers at him as a final wave, and headed for the bathroom. I was in urgent need of a cold shower! Actually, I set the shower temperature to warm not cold. The pulsating, powerful jets refreshed me as I soaped and lathered my body. But, washing gently and lightly between my legs, I thought of Justin and, surprisingly, Gaynor. Last night’s initiation with Justin’s gargantuan cock was, obviously, still prominent in my mind. But Gaynor was something else and I had to admit to myself that she had opened up a whole new sexual world for me. On holiday, when she and Charlie had been our neighbours, she had captivated me and expertly seduced me into my first same-sex experience. And she had been there again last night, encouraging, preparing and helping me to take Justin’s huge black snake. More than that, before the intrusion of Justin’s mammoth member, Gaynor had, to my surprise and delight, licked and sucked and finger-poked my pussy. I loved it, all of it. Whether that meant I was bi-sexual like her, I didn’t really know. But I was attracted to Gaynor and I had been happy to have her close by as Justin provided physical solutions to my big cock curiosity. In truth, I couldn’t believe that I was bi-sexual? Let’s face it, no other women provoked the same passion in me as Gaynor did. I simply wasn’t attracted to other women. And I knew I wouldn’t have allowed any other woman to be present when Justin fucked me. Yet, I welcomed Gaynor’s presence at one of the most important, decisive, secretive and wonderful moments of my thirty-five year life. Face it, Jen, I told myself, you are beguiled by the woman. You are bewitched, under her spell, and happy to be enchanted and enriched by her charms. By now, deep in thought, I had dried myself and was using the hair-dryer, staring at my reflection in the mirror over the hand basin. I looked good: clear eyed, tanned and with luxuriant fair hair framing my face nicely. All dry, I applied lipstick and perfume, brushed my hair and decided to slip on the kimono before seeking out some food. Descending the stairs, I could hear Gaynor singing along to Billy Joel’s My Life. I headed for the kitchen and found her at the stove, waving a spatula in her right hand and swaying her hips to the music. I entered silently but she turned and said, “Oh, good morning again, Jen. I’m fixing omelette and bacon, that okay?” “Sure,” I said, and sniffed to absorb the pleasant smell of the cooking eggs. “That’s great, thanks.” “Coffee’s in the pot over there.” She pointed the spatula. “Help yourself. Mugs and cups in the cupboard above the pot.” She turned back to her cooking and added quite loudly, “And take off that kimono. Your body’s too delicious to hide.” I obediently slipped off the robe and tossed it on to the breakfast bar. I got a mug of coffee, adding a little milk. It was strong, hot and hit the spot. “Where’s Justin?” “He’s upstairs dressing,” said Gaynor without turning around. “A job’s come up for him and it’s a fair distance away. He’s gotta pick up his date at noon and then head for some garden party or something. Charity-raiser, I think.” “Oh,” was all I could think to say. A minute or so later, Gaynor broke the silence when she declared, “Okay, grub’s up,” and turned with a plate in either hand and walked towards the breakfast bar where she had prepared two place settings. I watched, fascinated, at Gaynor’s progress across the kitchen. Her firm boobs wobbled ever-so slightly and her hips and rear-end swayed delightfully. Plates deposited on the counter, she perched her bottom on a high stool, placed her feet on the low rung and swiveled. It was all so lithe and graceful. I put one heel on the bottom rung of my stool, hitched up on to the seat and spun round, rapidly grabbing the counter edge to stop me spinning too far. Definitely not elegant or suave. As I was chewing my food, Justin appeared at my side. “Been lovely to meet you, Jen,” he said, offering his hand. It seemed incongruous, after all the sexual activity we’d shared, to be shaking hands. I guessed the professional escort mode was in operation. I swallowed, wiped my lips with the back of my left hand, turned slightly on the stool and took his hand. Thankfully, before I could speak, he leaned his head and kissed my lips, still lightly greased by omelette and bacon. “Hope I see you another time,” he said, his brown eyes boring into my face. “Yes, me too,” I managed, holding on to his hand. Then, with more composure, I added, “It’s been a pleasure and I’ll never forget it, or you. Take care, Justin.” He smiled at me, looked down at our locked hands, and I belatedly released my grip. “I’ll see you to the door,” said Gaynor, dismounting elegantly from her stool and slipping an arm through his. I watched them go and then forked up my last bit of bacon, chewed it and helped it down with a swallow of lukewarm coffee. Ugh! I got off my stool as Gaynor strode back into the kitchen, heading straight for me with arms held out. We embraced, our cool bodies squashed together, breasts, stomachs and thighs melting into one form. “It’s been lovely,” I said looking up into Gaynor’s face. She smiled, displaying all those white teeth without a trace of omelet or bacon. How does she do it? “Yes, it has,” she nodded. “I’m so glad it went well with Justin. I knew it would.” “Mmm,” I said, my pussy starting to moisten yet again. Was I out of control or what? A nymph maybe? “It was all I dreamed of and more. God, Gaynor, I’m wetting up just thinking about it.” She chortled, huskily. “I’m sure you’ll have many wet dreams in the days to come. An experience like that is hard to forget.” “Oh, I don’t want to forget it,” I said, releasing my hold on her waist and leaning back against the breakfast bar. “I’ll treasure it forever and go to my grave knowing that I was once blessed by having a giant cock give me so much pleasure.” “Just once, eh? Is that really it, Jen? Never again?” I shook my head. “No, that’s it. I told myself it was a once-in-a-lifetime experience and I can live with that. Tony will never know and I am happy in our marriage. I’ve satisfied my curiosity, that’s it.” Gaynor laughed. “What? You don’t believe me?” She shook her head slowly, bent and kissed my lips, her hands on my cheeks. “If that’s what you say. But,” and she looked steadily into my eyes, “you might find it a struggle. At the moment, this soon after the event, you’re satisfied. But, in a few days, or weeks or maybe even months, you could find there is an itch you want to scratch again.” “Hmmm,” I said, staring into Gaynor’s chocolate-drop eyes and feeling my heart thump-thump-thumping. “You mean like the itch I have for you right now?” “Oooh you lovely, naughty girl,” she said, pulling me into another hug. “Come here and make my day.” That evening, when Tony arrived home from the golf club, I was naked in the bedroom considering what outfit to wear. I’d showered, titivated my hair and was trying to chose between a figure-hugging little black number or a more summery salmon frock. The fitted bodice was strapless and the billowy skirt flowed to just above knee-height. I heard the front door being opened and closed, followed by, “Hello Jen, where are you?” “Upstairs, in the bedroom, honey.” Tony bounded up the stairs and I half-turned to look over my right shoulder as he entered the room. “Hi,” I said and draped the salmon frock alongside the black dress on top of the bed. “Wow, you look ravishing.” He put his arms around me, hands gently squeezing my breasts and nuzzling into my neck with little kisses. “I see, I have one night away and you’re ready to jump all over me. Sex maniac!” “Guilty as charged.” I turned and, linking my hands at the back of his neck, drew him in for an urgent kiss that involved tongue explorations. His eager hands smoothed over my buttocks. I stopped the kiss and said, “You’ve been drinking.” “Just the one, Jen, after I’d finished playing.” “Oh yes, and how did it go? Did you win?” “No, I was fourth.” “Well, fourth’s good, isn’t it?” He kissed the tip of my nose. “It’s not bad but I would like to win the damn championship one day.” “Never mind, you’re my champion,” I said patting his left cheek and smiling. Tony turned his head to kiss my palm as I withdrew it from his face. “That’s all I could ever hope for, darling,” he said, adding, “Other than a quickie before we go out.” He pushed me back onto the bed. I landed on the black dress and Tony rapidly unbuckled his belt, dropped his trousers and boxers and positioned himself between my open thighs. His cock was rising nicely and I reached down my body to part my pussy lips. I was already moist and Tony’s stiffening tool slipped pleasantly into my eager hole. I could feel him grow and harden as he pumped with quickening strokes. “Oh yes, Tony, that’s good, very good.” And it was, his familiar member gliding smoothly up and down my passage until he forged deeper, his heavy balls slapping against me as he released his cum in sharp spurts. Tony collapsed on me, panting onto my right cheek. I ran fingers up and down his back, feeling his cock diminishing within my tunnel. I hadn’t had an orgasm but, after all, it was a quickie and I wasn’t exactly deprived after all the experiences of the previous 24-hours. I tapped on his back. “C’mon, lover boy, get off me. It’s time you were getting ready to take me out.” Tony pushed up on his arms, lightly kissed my lips and stood, his limp wet cock glistening.

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