Blue Fantasies



The story is written for and dedicated to BlueFoxLady, a very special friend who has helped with ideas, suggestions, comments and critique. She’s been a true friend with help and support. Also, RedHairedAndFriendly, another lovely lady who’s advice I’ve probably not followed closely enough. Sorry Red. Love and Kisses to you both.


Sat there, waiting for the train to arrive, I realised just how long I’d been hoping for this moment. The mobile buzzed in my pocket and I reached to look. Now, you were almost here, the text announcing that you had just passed the last junction before getting to mine. The nervous, edgy, wondering was starting to increase. A few more minutes passed and I decided to leave the car and wander down to the platform to wait for the train. I locked the car and walked over to the platform entrance before descending the stairs. Was I still early, or was it that the train was a little late? I glanced at my watch, four pm, any minute now, I thought, I hoped.

The announcement about the trains imminent arrival gurgled, intangibly over the tannoy, and seconds later I could see the approaching engine. My heart was starting to beat faster, the nervous feeling building even more. The train drew closer and slowed, the engine passing me and headed for the end of the platform. As the brakes brought the train to a grinding halt, the carriage doors started to open. Glancing left and right, looking, I wondered whether anyone would see how nervous I was, or the longing in my heart.

As it was, there were only a few dozen people getting off, most busy in their ways and heading straight for exits. There was only one who alighted, looking as nervous as I felt. You stood there, briefly looking around and straight away, I realised, you are lovelier in the flesh than I’d dreamt. I made a move to intercept you and at that instance you saw me. The smiles were mutual, and we walked to meet. My thoughts as we came face to face for the first time, was how lovely you looked. I was dumbfounded, all I could utter was “Hi.” We hugged, tightly, and then our lips met. A gentle, but deep kiss, provoking feelings like electricity, a shudder that ran past my heart, making it flutter, straight to my groin.

We drew back slightly, hands still entwined. “What was the journey like,” I asked. “It wasn’t bad, but it seemed to last an eternity.”

“What would you like to do, get a drink in town or would you prefer to get back to my place and relax.”

“After that train, I’d really rather get a shower first and relax a bit,” came your reply. The answer I was hoping for. I offered to carry your bag and we set off towards the car, my free hand holding your hand. All of a sudden, I realised that I felt like the cat who’d got the cream, with you at my side. Anyone watching would have wondered why I was grinning so much. We reached the car and I went to get the passenger door for you.

“It’s so long since anyone did that for me.” I smiled even more and then shut the door after you’d sat. As I went round the back of the car I put your bag into the boot, then went to get into the drivers seat. “You’d better give me the abbreviated tour on the way there, just in case I have to make an escape.” I glanced worriedly at you as I went to clip the seat belt in, your smile revealing that you were joking. The way your eyes glinted, hinted at a mixture of mischievous and playfulness. “Let’s just hope the traffic isn’t bad,” I said as the engine came to life. I put the car into gear and we set off. My hand slipped onto your leg, and as you responded with a faint murmur, I was so thankful I’d bought an automatic.

Traffic was thankfully light and we made reasonable progress, I pointed out the river as we crossed it, and as we turned towards the west, we were rewarded with a break in the clouds, the sun enhancing the beauty of the view towards the sea.

Fifteen minutes of small talk later, pointing out some of the features we passed, we rolled into the drive outside my house. As I stopped the engine and went to unclip the seatbelt, you reached across, placing a hand on my face, your lips coming lightly to meet mine. “I am so, so, going to enjoy this weekend,” you said. “Let’s get inside,” I replied.

As we got into the house, I pointed out where things were, the kitchen, the bathroom, where the clean towels are and lastly, the bedroom. Trying to be coy, but also looking for reassurance I said, “So, err, should I put your bag down here, or should I show you the spare room.” A giggle was your reply, and a smile as you turned to me and kissed me again. Dropping your bag, my arms went to your waist. The kiss was deeper than before, and longer, your tongue snaking into my mouth. Again the kiss provoked feelings in my heart and groin. “Mmmm, you smell good,” you said, “Now, why don’t you go and stick the kettle on please, whilst I go take a shower.”

I turned to go, but before heading for the stairs, went into the bathroom, a last minute check that everything was neat aksaray escort and tidy. A quick glance satisfied my worries, and as I turned to leave, you appeared at the door. I couldn’t help my eyes and mind as they tried unconsciously removed the towel wrapped around you. I suddenly felt embarrassed, aware that I was staring at your lovely body. You must have realised my discomfort, your smile communicating that it wasn’t a problem. Then, you walked the few steps between us, and with a glint in your eye, put your arms around me. You held me tight for a second, looking me straight in the eye, then moving your right arm into the folds of the towel. Reappearing a second later, your eyes still locked to mine, you placed your fingers onto my lips. Immediately I could smell the distinct aroma of your sex. Opening my lips, you gently pushed your fingers into my mouth. “That’s the taste of anticipation.”

The look in your eyes, the hint of your body in the towel, the taste of you in my mouth and the heady aroma are enough to stir the longing feelings in my groin. “Mmmm, I guess that’s the feeling of anticipation,” you say. I grin, and a visual yes exchanges between our eyes.

“Go on, let me get in the shower.”

I headed down the stairs, my mind in turmoil, my groin on fire, leaving you to sort yourself out. As I went to fill the kettle I heard the shower burst into life. I stood there, looking at out of the kitchen window, my mind somewhere closer to the bathroom, imagining the view behind the shower curtain. I got some cups out of the cupboard and waited for the kettle to boil. Suddenly, I realised the shower had gone quiet and then I heard your call from the bathroom. “Can you come and help me,” you said. I abandoned the kitchen and making the drinks and headed up the stairs. Your face, surrounded by tousled, towel dried but still damp hair peered out of the bathroom. “I’ve just realised I’ve left my hair drier at home, have you got one.” I stared at your beauty again, the damp hair, your face, your naked arms and shoulders, the remainder still hidden by the towel wrapped around you. “It’ll take an age to dry if you haven’t,” you said.

“Oh, yes,” I replied, “It’s over in that drawer there.” You smiled then, just as I was about to turn away you said, “Do you like?”

“You are so lovely,” I replied. You blushed slightly, then mischievously allowed the towel to drop slightly, exposing your right breast. “Well, would you give me a little kiss then.”

“And where would you like that kiss,” I asked, my eyes drawn to your breast. “Here please,” you said pointing to your nipple. As I leaned forward to kiss your breast, your hand brushed the side of my head, gentle and soft. I smelt your skin, damp from the shower and fresh from the scent of the shower gel. I kissed your nipple, rewarded by a light moan from your lips. “That’s enough for now,” you said as you pulled the towel up again. “Tease,” I replied, a brief smile on my lips.

You smiled, the smile filling my whole being with a longing thought gone forever. “Go on you, go and finish my drink please, whilst I do my hair.”

I left you to go back down to the kitchen, more thoughts filling my head, that growing feeling again filling my groin.

A short while later you descend from the bedroom and join me in the living room. “Feel any better,” I ask. “Yes, much, I just felt grubby after spending four hours on that train.” You came and sat down and I pointed out the cup on the side. “Thank you,” you replied. You sat and sipped the drink, I could see you relax.

“Are you hungry, would you fancy something to eat,” I asked. “Food?” you replied, “Oh, let’s order a takeaway later, I’d much rather you weren’t cooking all night.” “Okay, good idea, but I’m going to cook for you tomorrow then.” I’d often thought of trying to impress you with a lovely home cooked meal, but at that moment, the idea of a takeaway was imminently better. “I think I might want a starter now though,” you said with a grin as you set the tea down on the side, instead turning and brushing your hand along my leg.

I turned slightly, looking longingly in to your eyes, their sparkle drawing me in, your hand stroking my leg and reawakening all the feelings I’d had for months. Our lips met as my hands went to caress you, my coffee long finished. This time the kiss was much more intense, my tongue searching and finding yours returning the favour, our lips hungry. Your hand brushed along my leg some more and then made progress upwards, along the fly of my jeans, settling on my belt buckle. The touch was light, but firm enough to be felt. Although our lips were still engaged I must have moaned unconsciously, causing you to stop kissing me. “Do you know how long I have wanted to taste your cock,” you whisper.

Your voice, words and actions are like silk, brushing over my soul, my very being swamped with mixed emotions of desire, anticipation and carnal lust. Your hand starts to tug at my belt and I move slightly to allow better access. Our lips continue, fatih escort locked together, hungry and hot, our tongues probing, tasting, touching. I feel my zipper descending and the warmth of your hand over me. Aided by a shift in weight and position, you succeed in pulling down both my jeans and briefs, allowing you unrestricted access. Your hand touches my cock for the first time, skin on skin, the feeling almost tearing my senses apart.

Your lips leave mine and you sink lower on the settee, I feel your breath lightly descend on me. The anticipation is exquisite. My hands fall naturally onto your shoulder and head, my fingers start to run throughout your hair. Your tongue gently licks the tip, then starts to trace the sensitive underside, down towards my balls. Small electric shocks, shooting away from the pleasure of your touch, the mixture of feeling your tongue and your breath as you continue to trace lines around my cock and balls. Your hand adds to the sensation, and starts to run up and down, gently squeezing.

I moan gently with contentment, which seems to give you encouragement to move to the next step. You switch tactics and move to engulf the glans with your lips. You then slide your lips down, so warm and gentle and your hand drops to cup my balls. As the head of my cock reaches the back of your throat, the feeling is so intense, so incredible, it is something I wish I could capture forever. You then start to stroke up and down on me, your tongue adding to the pressure, increasing and decreasing suction as you move. The feeling of your lips, your tongue, your mouth is luxurious. Although my senses are reeling already, the gentle smell of you, the taste of you on my lips, the sight of your head as it moves up and down on my cock, and the feeling, the feeling of your movements are driving me to heights of incredible ecstasy.

Your hand starts to tease and gently squeeze my balls, adding to the pleasure, then you start to increase the intensity of the movements, alternating between fast and slow, your lips and tongue increasing and decreasing pressure driving me ever closer to the edge. The touch of my hands on your shoulder and hair aiding you with feedback, you start to bring me to a climax. I utter a strained warning that I’m about to cum, and instead of withdrawing, your mouth takes me even deeper into your throat. I can feel my seed about to explode and I groan, “I’m gonna cum.” Your hand squeezes my balls tighter and I release, my spasms sending my cum deep into your throat. Your hand relaxes and you use your lips and tongue to drain every drop from me, cleaning me as I soften. As my orgasm subsides, tension leaves my body almost as fast as the cum had left. You slow the sucking and stroking, becoming gentle and very sensual. I wonder, if there is a heaven, would it feel like this?

As you lift your head from my lap, your voice brings me back to reality, “I didn’t want you getting uncomfortable,” you say, “And I’d wanted to do that for so long.” Your head drew level with mine, your face flushed, warm, and we kissed, me tasting the hint of my cum on your saliva. The kiss was even more intense than before, and I realised you were really turned on as well. Minutes passed as we just held each other, caressing and kissing, my hands roaming your body. “I want to return that,” I said quietly. “Not yet, if I let you start on me, I’ll not want you to finish, so let’s get the food ordered and pour a glass of wine.” I relaxed, realising you were probably right. I glanced at my watch, wondering what the time was, hoping that the takeaways would still be reasonably quiet and that the wait shouldn’t be too long.

“Well, lets order something and either I’ll go pick it up or we can go together, that way we won’t be sat here for an hour or more wondering when it’ll get here.”

“Okay, what are we going to go for, I quite fancy something Chinese?” came your reply. “Know what you want or should I find some menu’s?” I said as I went to get up, at that moment realising I still needed to pull up my jeans.

We chose from a menu from one of the local shops and I then phoned through the order. “It’ll be ten minutes,” I said. “Do you want to come or would you rather stay here.”

“Oh, you go and I’ll wait here,” you replied.

“I’d better go get cleaned up a little then,” I said, smiling as the words came out. I headed for the bathroom and splashed some water on my face, realising that you weren’t the only one who was flushed. A quick check of my clothing, just making sure I was decent, and I descended the stairs pausing a second to put the light on. Dusk was drawing in and the light inside the house was fading. I asked you if there was anything else you wanted and you replied there wasn’t. I grabbed the car keys and headed out the door.

As I drove there, the thoughts in my mind were totally uncontrolled and random, a cars headlights, your body, the time of night, what we’d ordered, your lips, thoughts about everything in no particular order. I nişantaşı escort felt like a million dollars, and I couldn’t wait to get back to your side. I arrived, collected and paid for the food, jumping back into the car i inserted the key into the ignition. I stopped briefly, trying to collect my thoughts, had I got everything I needed, everything we needed? I decided it was too late if we didn’t have everything, and put the car into drive.

I pulled up at the house, stopped and locked the car, heading for the door. As I got in, I realised there was a gentle glow from within, you’d obviously found the candles. Your voice came from the living room, “I put some plates in the oven, and I’ve got everything else in here.” I went into the kitchen, unpacked the food and put it and the plates onto a tray. I took the tray through and asked, “What would you like to drink.”

“Already sorted”, you replied, “I found the wine, so opened a bottle to let it breathe.” I noted you’d got the glasses and the utensils, so put the tray down and went to remove my jacket. Returning to the living room, I was happy that you were making yourself at home, having sorted everything out, found the items needed and turned on the sound and the television. “Stop worrying,” you said, “Just sit down and relax.”

We sat and ate, glancing at each other, the television, the food, offering each other tastes and titbits of the different courses. Our conversation comprised of general chit chat, discussing the news, friends, current affairs and the world in general. The food was nice and we ate our fill. I then cleared the plates and all the waste to the kitchen, putting the plates, knives and forks into the dishwasher.

Time for a quick check upstairs I thought, as I made my way out of the kitchen. “Back in a min,” I said, then headed up to check the bedroom. A quick look around and a bit of strategic placement and I was done. I turned the bedroom lights on low and smiled, my mind imagining the forthcoming hours.

“I’ve had a nosey through your video collection, can we watch this, I’ve always wanted to see it?.”

“Yes, I’ll stick it on if you’d like,” came my reply. I took the case from you, threw the switch on the DVD player and minutes later the opening credits rolled onto the screen. I sat back down and you cuddled into my side. We watched the film for a while, just cuddling gently, holding hands, sipping the wine.

“My glass is getting low and I need to use the bathroom,” you comment as you shift to get up. You get up to go up to the bathroom and whilst you’re gone, I refill the glasses and shift position a little. When you return, you accept the newly refilled glass, setting it on the side and sit again, this time, between my legs, leaning onto my chest. We carry on watching the film, leaving time to move on.

I can smell your hair, in this position I have both arms around you, my left near the top of your hip, my right curling around your waist. The smell of your hair arouses me and reminds me of earlier. My eyes leave the screen and instead focus on your neck. I lower my head and try to kiss your neck, through your hair, you respond, turning gently so I can now reach the side of your neck. You press back, your whole body trying to get closer, my lips wandering to your ear lobes, tracing a faint line. You sigh, gentle sounds of contentment.

My hands are now moving, gently caressing you, my right has found it’s way under the bottom of your blouse and is now caressing your soft skin. It moves up slightly, lightly grazing the underside of your right breast. My left hand is more trapped, and moves tightly between your thigh and the side of the settee. Your hands are now caressing my legs.

You twist round slightly, leaning your head back so our lips can meet. We kiss deeply again, your tongue invading my mouth. I return the gesture and our tongues entwine. My right hand moves up, searching for your breast, but it’s passage is slowed. I cannot move enough because of your blouse. You realise and unbutton it for me. I can now freely access your breast, my fingers lightly searching for your nipple through the lace of your bra. Your left hand has now reached my neck and you pull my lips deeper to yours.

My hands are roaming now, your twist has freed my left, allowing it to slip inside the back of your jeans, inside your panties. I caress the top of your ass cheeks, gently circling over your thong and the tender skin, all the while stretching to try to slip between and reach your wetness, completely impossible in this position. My right strays from the erect nipple it had found and wanders over your stomach, down towards your thighs. I brush gently over your pubic mound and you moan. Words become irrelevant, we start to lose ourselves in each other.

You stop the kissing and twist even more, sliding away from me and down, down till your head is looking at my groin again. Your hands reach to undo my belt again and release my fly. The zipper is lowered again and you decide the jeans and briefs are coming off completely this time. You move back to accomplish the task and as you move, I feel your hot breath on me again, reminding me of earlier. My cock hardens, already trying to reach the warmth of your body. You lick gingerly and a shiver runs through me.

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