Brandi and Kelly Ch. 03


A pet is trained. (If you are into BDSM you will be pleased to know the intensity increases with each chapter. So, keep reading!)


“It’s time we all went home Kevin. I want out of this. No more games. Just get my clothes and take me home.” Brandi said. She tried to look and sound determined but there was an edge of fear to her voice. With hands on hips and legs slightly apart the stance might have been dominant if she hadn’t been naked.

“You agreed to play along with my experiment. Now things are getting a little tough you want to back out,” Kevin complained.

“A little tough?” she couldn’t bring herself to mention she had sucked him off last night. He had caught her off guard; an emotional roller coaster of a day left her feeling vulnerable and too tired to resist. Most of all she didn’t want to admit she had feelings for him. Once away from here maybe those feelings could be analysed properly.

“Whatever! I’m worried about Kelly. She’s already vulnerable and susceptible to all this. Damn it, she’s being brain washed Kevin so I need to get her home.” Brandi said, trying to appeal to him, to get him to see reason.

“Are you sure you’re not talking about yourself. It’s not brainwashing, it’s all to do with discovering what’s already inside you.”

She hesitated while thinking about what might be inside of her and what had already been revealed. It had to be admitted the excitement from being treated this way was having an affect upon her.

“If I get Kelly a day off will you stay?” he asked.

Perhaps he was right, she was afraid for herself too. Could one more day of this emotional turmoil be put up with to save her friend? She owed it after tricking her into being dressed up like that. The plan of revenge had been to just get her dressed up as a pony but it had gone too far. These experienced men had taken advantage of her submissive side to train her into becoming a fully fledged Pony-Girl.

After only just a day Kelly had begun to submit to the training saying she enjoyed it. What would she be like after a whole weekend of their intensive training? There was no way she was going to submit so easily. Besides, it was only Kevin trying out his games on her and he was a novice too.

“OK! No more training for Kelly, you promise?” Brandi demanded.

“Sure! John will understand. They have plenty to do with the other slaves here.”

“I’m not one of the slaves. Let’s get that right from the start.” Brandi corrected him.

“Whew! You got out of bed the wrong side this morning pet.”

She was about to tell him not to call her pet and remind him he had spanked her so of course she was angry. She had a right to be peeved. She wanted to put that behind her; with her sore ass.

Mentioning the bed brought with it a feeling of inner warmth. She looked away from him feeling embarrassed. He had looked after her this morning. When he washed her and pampered her it left a feeling of dependency; wanting him to cuddle her for ever.

She shook her head not wanting to think about that. “Let’s get started then. No funny stuff.”

He looked around the walls lined with cupboards full of gags, whips, dildos and unidentifiable equipment. He smirked and shrugged his shoulders.

She determined not to repeat the mistakes of yesterday. She would let him order her about playing at being a slave but there was no way she was going to get excited.

“Crawl over to the wall, pet,” he commanded.

“Yes, master,” she answered with a sarcasm laden voice.

“Now go through the poses while I speak to John,” he said and strode out of the dungeon.

“Yes, master,” she sighed. At least this was almost like yoga which she practised occasionally at home. It was harmless enough so carried on without him. Each pose was rather lewd for it meant pushing out her breasts or sex at whoever stood before her. One of them meant showing off her breasts, open mouth, exposed pussy and asshole.

Holding it for awhile like a yoga position it suddenly slammed into her mind what she was doing. With her mouth open she remembered having Kevin’s cock in her mouth and the lewdness of the position clicked into place. Here she was presenting herself as a set of holes for a master to fuck.

Last night she had been so exhausted it had been easy to thoughtlessly follow the other slaves while they practised a set of positions. “Damn! I’m not one of the slaves. Stop thinking like that,” she told herself.

If he was going to think of her like that he would lose the finer feelings that were developing, for sure. On hearing the door opening she quickly adopted the nasty pose. She decided to taunt him with it as a matter of defiance. Let him try something now she was awake and alert; she would kick him where it hurt.

“Very good, Pet. Assume number three,” he commanded. Kevin was practising the authoritative voice John used so naturally.

Sitting on her bottom she spread her legs out with arms behind the head. The look of defiance had no effect upon urfa escort him so just sat there in a huff. When he walked over with a spreader bar she tried to draw away only it was impossible while up against the wall. The clip snapped over an ankle before she could rise of her ass. It was impossible to roll over or get up with him holding the other ankle so, it too was fastened.

It happened so quickly she hadn’t a chance to do anything but complain. She sat there with her back to the wall, legs spread out, fuming in silence. So used to being naked it didn’t occur to her to even think of it.

Watching him walk over with a shaving kit was too much to endure despite agreeing to co-operate. “You can put that back right now. I need it to grow back,” she glowered at him. “You caught me by surprise yesterday but not now, no way!” she told him.

“I suggest you hold still, very still,” he warned. Pulling the bar dragged her away from the wall for her head to flop onto the floor.

“Ouch! You pig! Stop it!” she yelped. A hand lathering right between the legs was pleasant but there was no way it would work her up again.

He kept dipping the blade in ice cold water making the contrast with warm flesh more obvious. Feeling the razor scratch the crotch kept her very still. All she could think about was the sensation of cold steel working its way over her mons down to her lips.

“Owww!” she yelped when he pinched a lip too hard. He was being a lot more thorough this time with a less delicate stroke. She decided to give in rather than irk him while in such an indelicate position.

He lifted her hips to place a cushion underneath. On feeling the blade at her crotch toward the asshole she realised he was being very thorough. This time everything was being removed.

The defiant anger was being replaced with a feeling of helplessness bringing with it the expected tingling sensations. It was as though Kevin were stripping her dignity away.

He sat back looking at the exposed sex and asshole. She looked away with arms crossed supporting both breasts with a look of defiance. The fight was slowly being eroded by feeling so very naked. It occurred to her if someone had suggested this just a couple of days ago she would have slapped them, hard.

“If you talk out of turn again or forget to call me master you will be gagged. Understood?” When she merely nodded he pulled on an over exposed lip.

“Yes, Master,” she quickly responded.

‘Damn! He thinks he’s tough today. Just because last night I,’ she clamped her eyes together trying to clear the image of sucking him off out of her mind.

He grabbed a wrist and she hit out not saying a word. It was no good though. A clamp was fastened round each wrist catching her in another spreader bar. He came back from the racks with a ball gag.

“Please, Master. I didn’t speak, Master,” she said, trying to keep a respectful tone to her voice.

“That’s true,” he said thoughtfully. He shrugged and walked away again.

She struggled between the two spreader bars without achieving anything. She lay back breathing heavily watching him cup a breast in both hands. She wanted to bite and scratch him, to hurt him, but dare not even speak.

He pinched a nipple, pulling on it forcing it to extend, watching it grow plump. She watched him toying with her trying to hold back the words of anger. A gadget appeared over it and she recognised what it was from seeing one at the club. Brandi struggled throwing her body from side to side.

“Please, Master! No, Master. Anything but that! I’ll do anything you want, please, Master,” she didn’t use the word lightly now.

“Anything? Will you give me this?” he said, with a palm over her sex.

He was teasing of course but she couldn’t ever say yes to that. She lay very still on feeling a finger prod her asshole.

“Will you give me this instead?” he asked, with a smirk on his face that she wanted to smack.

Brandi turned her face away from him as it went bright red with embarrassment. She had actually considered it! How low was it possible to sink in this damn place! “Please, Master, don’t.” Her voice sounded pathetic and her mouth dried up. She wondered what the hell to do or say. She felt so vulnerable from this terrible taunting.

He took the engorged nipple to push the dreaded tool over it. A simple click elicited a yelp of pain. He started on the other nipple. She looked at herself unable to see the damage to her lovely young body through a misty cloud of tears. What he had pierced her nipple with she couldn’t see.

She just hoped it wasn’t another damn lock or something large. If she took it out once home the wound would seal itself up and hopefully wouldn’t show. Besides, who was going to see her nipples? So why was she aroused? Was it the pain or the very idea of being pierced? The thought that he was piercing her body, piercing her sex, being violated against her will, was exciting.

In deep thought balıkesir escort while aroused, was enough to keep her quiet for the moment. She yelped again but didn’t buck her hips trying to throw him off. It was too late, the deed had been done.

He wiped the tears from her eyes and gently massaged both nipples with a soothing cream. Without thinking she said. “Thank you, Master.” The words angered her. Why the hell should she be thanking him for such an outrage?

“Shit! What have you done to me? You didn’t even ask. You’ve violated me,” she said and wished that particular word hadn’t been used for it gave a clue as to how she was feeling. “It hurt,” she said lamely, trying to cover up the revelation he was sure to pick up on.

She felt a hand between the legs cupping her sex. Only a couple of days ago this would have been outrageous. Now it was humiliating for it brought home how wet it was. It felt so shameful lying there with legs spread out lewdly displaying her sex for him to see and do with as he wished. She told herself not to think about it as it was stoking her up. It was impossible to fight him and her body at the same time.

“This tells a different story,” he said.

The matter of fact tone was maddening. He had her sex in his hand and was so damnably casual about it she felt small and rejected. Her nipples had been pierced with little loops so the damage wasn’t too bad. It was affecting her though, as it all added up to meaning her body was becoming his plaything; decorated for him like a toy.

“I had better get you dressed to take you out to see Kelly,” he told her.

Even this casual remark irked her. She was twenty-one, not his little girly pet to be dressed as it pleased him. At least it would be better than being spread out naked on the floor.


He looked her over turning and examining her body. She had at least been allowed to pull some of the clothes on, if the outrageous outfit could be called clothing.

The tight shiny red bustier supported her breasts pushing them up into a small cleavage. Attached to it suspender belts pulled tight on a pair of sheer stockings. Matching red shoulder length gloves were locked by the wrists to the waist of the bustier.

A ball gag hung round her neck reminding her to watch what she said. She looked down at her nipples seeing that they were less bloated now yet still larger than she had ever seen them. He dabbed them with ointment cooling them which was a nice gesture except it was his fault they were in this state.

The little locks still dangled from her ears but after so much more intensive ill treatment they had been forgotten. He took up the leash for her to totter after him on high heel boots. The shiny black leather boots were thigh length, almost up to the stocking tops. The heels were chained together meaning she could only take small steps.

It would have been an impressive Halloween costume except she wore no panties and her breasts were pushed out on show. She almost giggled out loud at a naughty thought. It would take an age tiptoeing out along the farm dirt track to the road, though dressed like this she was sure to get a ride; in both senses of the word.


Concentrating on not falling over she followed him out of the dungeon grateful it wasn’t in a basement. The walkway connecting the house to the stable seemed so much longer hobbling along like a toddler.

She watched him tie the leash to a hitching post feeling so very helpless. With her wrists attached to her waist it was impossible to reach to get free so had to wait for his return. Out here in the open under the bright sky it seemed so much more shameful.

“If you behave yourself I’ll get you a chair,” he said pleasantly.

She was about to tell him to go fuck himself until dipping on one heel reminded her how vulnerable the position was. “Thank you, Master,” she replied, sounding deferential for once.

Thinking she had tried to curtsy he smiled and slapped a bare cheek before strutting off to find John.

Brandi looked up at the leash tied to the post. It would be so easy to unhitch it and try to escape only it was out of reach. If she tried she might fall off the heels and hang herself or at least choke and bruise her neck. Looking into the stable she saw movement and hoped the men weren’t coming out to her while so helpless and exposed.

She wished Master would return for it felt so defenceless without him. ‘Damn! I can’t start thinking of Kevin as my Master,’ she worried nervously.

From the darkness of the stable Kelly appeared. Brandi breathed a sigh of relief. She was again dressed from head to toe in the tight fitting leather suit. It caressed her body revealing every curve of her luscious body. The pony hoof-boots shaped her posture so her breasts were thrust out with every step.

Kelly’s breasts seemed to be exaggeratedly plumped up large with swollen nipples extending outward, as though she were deeply trabzon escort aroused. The nipple rings had done that to her. Dangling from them were little bells that tinkled as she pranced out to Brandi.

“Hi Brandi,” she beamed brightly.

“So Kevin kept his promise then,” Brandi observed.

“What do you mean?”

“I told him I would play his stupid games in the dungeon if they left you alone.”

“What! Is that why I’m not out there being trained?” Kelly squealed with displeasure.

“Yea, they dressed you up but at least you’re not wearing that bit in your mouth,” Brandi added.

“Shit! Why did you have to interfere? I could have been awarded a lovely head dress plume by now. I was trying so hard to be a perfect little pony,” Kelly said, with a petulant pout.

“Don’t let them get to you Kelly! Try to be strong and not give in to the training.”

“Like you I suppose!” she countered. Taking a hold of the leash she pulled it tight. “You spoilt my day, now you’re telling me how to think! Bugger you Brandi, or has he already?” she smirked.

“I want to be John’s Pony-Girl as much as you want to be Kevin’s little pet,” she assured her.

“No way! I’m no ones pet,” Brandi protested.

Looking Brandi over with an exaggerated knowing look she said, “I think the lady does protest too much!”

“Doth.” Brandi corrected her.

“Whatever. I’m going over right now to John and get him to put me in the corral for a work out. I want to be awarded a plume on my head. See over there, that pony has such a pretty plume of feathers in the head gear. Look how they flutter with every high step. She has such good posture too. Look at how high her knees are when she trots.” Kelly mused.

“Damn, what have they done to you Kelly? This isn’t you talking shit.” Brandi said, with concern.

“Look at yourself. You’re hitched to a post with all your bits hanging out. What is Kevin trying to train you to be? A slut I suppose. That would suit you! He’s no good you need a real master like John.”

“He’s OK! Leave him outa this. He’s training me to be his pet and doing a good job of it.” Brandi frowned, wondering why in hell she was defending him. She had only agreed to it to protect Kelly but it looked as though she might be too late. The fool had taken on the role of Pony-Girl with enthusiasm.

They glowered at each other but the long term friendship won through.

“Tomorrow I’m going to be hitched to a buggy.” Kelly announced. “What happened to you last night? I woke up in the cage and you were gone. I missed you!” Kelly said, accusing her friend of abandonment.

“I slept with Kevin.” The words slipped from her mouth without thinking. She felt guilty about leaving her friend in the cage so tried to justify it trying to make it sound uncomfortable. “I had to sleep at his feet between his legs.” She said, only making it sound worse.

Kelly’s eyes looked her up and down with a broad smile. “So you really are his little pet then,” she laughed. “Did he make you a woman at last?”


“So you still haven’t had a cock then!” Kelly laughed with her head thrown back ringing her little bells as her breasts jiggled.

“I sucked him off if you must know!” Brandi grimaced.

“Well good for you,” she chuckled. “Wrong hole though, little virgin pet gyrl,” she teased.

Brandi felt her anger rising, becoming as hot as her face. Why in hell hadn’t she kept her mouth shut? Last night and right now! This place was doing something to her. She felt aroused all the time from displaying her body so blatantly and having to endure such awful humiliation. Her body was on fire and the terrible thing was, anyone could tell at a glance while she was dressed like this.

Kelly took a hold of a nipple and Brandi yelped. “These look fresh. Kevin ringing his little pet then? He pierced your mouth last night now your tits. What’s next, your pussy?” Kelly laughed.

Brandi looked at her in horror. “No! I won’t let him. I’m taking these damn things out as soon as I get home.”

“Not these you won’t. These are sealed rings so you’ll need a special tool,” Kelley informed her.

“Wow! You really are stoked up. Your pussy is so swollen, dripping wet. Does the little pet gyrl need her master?” Kelly taunted. “Oh! I just realised he’s shaved you, hasn’t he!” she again rocked her head back to laugh with a tinkling of bells.

“Stop it!” Brandi couldn’t think what to say in defence. It was all so terribly true.

“So you had the cheek to tell me not to get carried away,” Kelly slapped bare cheek and trotted away showing off with knees brought high with every step.

“Fuck you all!” Brandi shouted after her. Perhaps that wasn’t the best of phrases around here especially with her sex out on show.

Brandi was so on fire it was difficult to think straight. It was as though she had been struck dumb when Kevin led her around the stable showing off his new pet. She timidly walked on the end of the leash with head down trying to hide the embarrassment in long black hair.

The men were used to seeing a hot naked slave but could see Kevin’s pride in the achievement so took time to examine the newly trained slave. They commented on its luscious bottom and good manners. They examined its pierced nipples and made suggestions as to what to do next.

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