Breeding my Sister’s Wife Ch. 10


I woke in my sister, Kate, and her wife, Alena’s bed, feeling surprisingly rested for everything we had gotten up to the night before. I felt around myself and was surprised to reach out and not feel a body next to me. I rolled over and blearily looked at my watch, and saw why. It was almost eleven o’clock in the morning!

Blessedly it was a Saturday, and I had no where to be and nothing to do. Well, except act as the breeding stud for my sister and her wife. It was the first time her ovulation fell on a weekend, and we had talked about taking advantage of it. I cleaned myself up, threw on a hoodie and some sweat pants, and headed downstairs.

“Wow, impeccable timing,” Kate chirped as I walked into the kitchen, to see a table laden with food. Kate was pouring cups of coffee, and Alena stood by the stove, putting the finishing touches on a large dish of scrambled eggs. “You never lost the knack for waking up just in time for a meal?”

“Thanks,” I said, ignoring her jibe but accepting the offered coffee, “this looks amazing.”

“She gets none of the credit!” Alena insisted, making a threatening gesture with her spatula as she brought her pan of eggs to the table. She was wearing an oversized hoodie that went almost down to her knees, but had bare legs. “I’ve been up for two hours doing all of this while you two had a lie in.”

“I’m so sorry,” Kate said sarcastically, “not all of us got to go to bed quite so early! Some of us had to actually work for the baby making!” She was in the same robe from the night before, fluffy white cotton that looked exceptionally comfortable.

“Oh, baby making, is that all that was?” Alena teased. “I’m pretty sure I woke up a bit on the couch, and saw you two doing things that seemed to have almost nothing to do with baby making.” Her tone was light, but I felt a tightness in my chest — I knew what I had gone for last night had been wrong. My cock had been inches from my sister’s unprotected pussy, and if she hadn’t stopped us I’m not sure I wouldn’t have gone through with it.

“Don’t be so mean!” Kate admonished, slapping her wife’s thigh. “You know how my brother can spiral!” She directed her next lines to me: “Listen, Alena and I talked about it first thing in the morning –“

” — and I’m just giving you a hard time to amuse myself,” Alena finished. “We all knew we could get slightly carried away with moments when we started doing this, and no boundaries were actually crossed. And… I’m not sure I’m against what almost happened happening at some point. But we should talk more about it, and probably table it this weekend.”

I felt the clench in my chest slowly release. “Yeah, that sounds reasonable,” I agreed. “Keep the eye on the prize this weekend. How’s everyone feeling, by the way?”

“Sore,” the two women said together, then looked at each other and Alena cracked an eyebrow. “What do you have to be sore about?” she demanded to Kate, “I’m the one who took a pounding all night!”

“Well, let’s just say you don’t know everything that happened last night,” Kate airily replied, “And, well, my brother has pretty big hands.”

There was a moment of silence as the two women contemplated my hands, but eventually the subject broke, and we moved on to talking about trivial things. There was laughter, and joshing, and all the usual fun that came with hanging out with two of my favourite people in the world. In the cold light of day, my sadness the night before seemed a little bit silly — here were two women who loved me, not like they loved each other, but loved me all the same. And I got to be part of a special time in their life. And, well, live out a sexual fantasy that would probably make the rest of my life seem dull in comparison.

As the meal was winding down, and I got up to clear the plates, toroslar escort Alena brought us back to the reason we had all gathered for the weekend.

“So what’s the plan for today? How you feeling, bud? Refractory period all settled? You think you’re able to knock me up some more today?”

“Yeah, but can things today be a bit… chill? You two aren’t the only ones who are a tad sore after last night’s exertions!” I replied, “And maybe we could space things out a bit? Build in some more recovery time?”

“Chill?” Alena demanded, gesturing to her ridiculous oversized hoodie, “what is chiller than this?” As she asked the question she raised her arms over her head and did a little comical twirl, causing the bottom of her hoodie to rise up, revealing the dark triangle V of her bush. “Chill and very easy access!”

We decided that we would try to aim for one or two more sessions throughout the day, and then maybe one before bed. The first thing we decided we would do is watch a movie, so we all piled onto their living room couch.

This couch was a work of art. It was probably the size of a double bed, deep, overstuffed, with these huge cushions and soft velvety texture. We piled under a blanket and Kate put on The Fellowship of the Ring, which we had all seen before but very much enjoyed.

During the movie there was a lot of cuddling and light touching, and a lot of position changes as people got up to get a drink, or use the washroom. Maybe more cuddling than before we started doing this whole impregnation thing, but probably not a lot more.

Now, I always love a little nap during a movie I’ve seen before, so at one point I drifted off to sleep, laying along the back of the couch. When I drifted back awake, Alena’s back was to me, her head resting on Kate’s lap. I adjusted, stretching my legs out to give her a bit more room on the couch in front of me, and propped myself on some pillows on my side to see over Alena more easily. As I shifted, Alena scooted back towards me. Then scooted back some more. I reached around her to rest my hand on her side under the blanket, and found that her hoodie had been hiked up almost to her belly button.

The feeling of her bare skin, knowing she was completely exposed under this blanket, started getting me excited. I tentatively shifted my hand to her hip, and when she didn’t react, moved to trace a little circle on the outside of her ass. Here she definitely shifted backwards, pressing her ass against me. My cock was trapped, pointing downwards in my sweat pants, and I could feel the warmth of her pussy through the material on the top of my dick.

Here, Alena surprised me, maybe even more than the night before. She surreptitiously reached behind herself, grasped my cock, then worked her way up to the waistband of my sweat pants, and pulled those up and over to liberate me.

At this point I was paying zero attention to the movie. All I was aware of was my bare cock, erect, not even an inch from Alena’s pussy. She leaned up to kiss Kate on the cheek, and used the motion of re-positioning herself to guide her pussy right onto the tip of my cock. And then she stopped. I could feel her moistness on the very tip of my penis, but she seemed unwilling to go further. I gently pulled on her hip, and she shifted back onto me, taking in maybe a third of my head. She was going to make me work for this. I shifted, thrusting forward and felt myself smoothly slide into her. She clamped her legs together and squeezed me. Her eyes never left the screen. I thrust, slowly again, until I was completely inside of her. I glanced down and noticed Kate’s robe had fallen open a little bit — I could barely see the outside curve of her light areola.

From this point forward my eyes were almost tosya escort never open, and if they were, they were looking at Kate’s breast, daring myself to reach out and move her robe even more to the side. I started rocking my hips and saw a smile spread on Alena’s face, almost cocky, as she gripped down on me with her muscles. She knew she was going to get my cum soon. My breathing became a bit more ragged, and I closed my eyes. Doing this stealthily was turning me on so much, and I had absolutely no idea why, but I was teetering over the edge. I took her by the hip and pulled her tightly to me as I erupted, feeling my cock twitch and twitch against her insides, seeing the smile widen as she continued to stare at the screen.

Kate cleared her throat. “Of all the perverted things we’ve done this weekend,” she solemnly intoned, “I think fucking during the Council of Elrond might be the most perverted.”

I looked up and saw that the video was paused. I have no idea when Kate had paused it and just started watching us. Of course she knew this entire time. “Was it the hobbits?” she demanded, the grin clear in her voice, “those little hairy feet, they really get you off? Or Alena, are you just completely leaning into this whole maybe-guys-are-okay thing and getting off to Dwarves with their big burly beards.”

I grabbed a pillow and lightly swung at her head. “Shut it! Or maybe next time I will make you put hair on your feet before you start fluffing us!”

We dissolved into a puddle of laughter, and Alena shifted to her back, pulling a pillow under her hips to keep the cum in. Kate offered to get her off – you know, cumming on the cum is supposed to work – but Alena declined.

“I’m worried about getting too sore and oversensitive. I think this cunt is off limits except for strict, strict breeding purposes.”

We finished watching the movie, and talked about our next steps for the day. I said my muscles felt sore from all the work out, and that maybe I’d enjoy a dip in their hot tub. Kate agreed, but Alena demured, saying she didn’t want to interact with the harsh chemicals that could mess up her pH.

“Also,” she added with an imperious eye, “I don’t even want to think of all the fluids that are caked onto your skin right now. Kate, go clean your brother and yourself off before you think of messing with dipping yourself in my pristine hot tub.”

“What about you,” Kate shot back with a smile, “you’re probably far from the height of cleanliness right now. And I feel bad you don’t get to enjoy the unwinding in the hot tub. Can I draw you a bath?”

Alena said that sounded lovely, and the two of them headed upstairs. I heard the water running in the master bath, and when it was over headed upstairs to shower myself. I got in their guest shower, a little cube of glass, and closed my eyes, enjoying the warm water running over me. I was reaching for the soap when Kate came in – completely naked, carrying two fluffy towels.

“What are you doing, my impatient boy?” she demanded, “I was told to clean you, remember?”

I had thought her drawing a bath for Alena had superseded that command, but my explanation was barely started before she cut me off, pulling the glass door open and pushing me so my back touched the cold tile behind me. I gasped.

There was barely room for the two of us in this small shower stall. My cock was still soft at the moment, but if it had gotten hard it would have pressed directly into her belly. Kate turned me around, got some soap, and started rubbing down my back, fingers working into the muscles under the warm, soapy water. She raised my arms, washing all of me down, and I felt kind of comical, she was acting as if I didn’t know how to wash myself. I started appreciating her trabzon escort thoroughness, however, when she got to my lower back. She knelt behind me, and with her hands pushed my legs slightly apart. She rubbed her soapy hands across my ass, then between my cheeks, her finger’s pressure on my ass hole bringing my dick, which had been slowly swelling, to full attention. Wedged against a cold tile wall.

She pressed on, cleaning my taint before reaching my balls, still kneeling behind me, softly massaging them. She paused to get more soap on her hands, then reached around from behind to take my cock in both hands, stroking it with a professional intensity, pulling back my foreskin to clean all the crevices. When she moved on to my legs, I moaned at her not to stop.

“Uh-uh, this is purely functional. If I start rubbing that, you’ll start leaking, and we’ll never get out of here. Also, you’ll have to shower again after the hot tub, we can’t have your cock messing up the balance in Alena’s vagina while you’re trying to get your sperm to actually do their job.”

She finished washing me, turning me around to do my front with the same level of detail and efficiency as my back. I washed my hair as she was doing that, but couldn’t help but press my cock to her cheek as she knelt to wash my legs and feet. She pretended to ignore it.

She then stood aside to let me out, saying she had to wash herself off now.

“Uh-uh,” I said, mimicking her tone, “Fair play demands I clean you.” Before she could disagree, I grabbed her wrist, kind of surprised by my own force, and took the soap from her hand. We stood like that for a second, a rising energy between us, and I could see the switch click as she said, “of course.”

I moved her past me so she was standing against the wall. I gently moved her hair out of the way of her shoulders, and started rubbing her down. Massaging her muscles like she did mine. My hands felt so powerful on her back. My cock was pressed between us, and each movement felt so good. I mimicked her, and washed under her arms, then knelt myself, her beautiful round ass in front of my face. I took the soaped her up, gently spreading her cheeks to soap in her crevice. I lingered on her ass hole a little bit, the soapy water between us. I know soap doesn’t make the best anal lube… but I couldn’t help myself. I pushed gently against her, and felt her relax, my finger pushing in to the second knuckle.

“You get a very thoroughly cleaning,” I told her, gently rocking my finger back and forth inside of her. I pressed her against the cold tile, making her gasp and squirm. I let my thumb trace up the wet slit of her pussy, and then a thought occurred to me. “You complained about your poor little pussy getting overworked by my fist last night. I think maybe you only get anal play today.” She made a pouting sound but didn’t say a word. “I’m sure Alena will agree.” The soap had gone from my finger at this point, so I gently pulled it out of her. Spread her cheeks, and, I couldn’t help it, I started tonguing her ass. The moans she made were like nothing I had heard her make before, and I felt the warmth of her pussy on my chin and neck as I licked faster. I broke my rule for just a moment, pushing a finger in her supping pussy to lube it up before pulling my tongue back and gently but firmly pressing this new finger into her.

I spun her around, keeping my finger in her ass, pulling my hand away so it was hovering above her pussy but not touching anything. She tried to grind herself into it, but my hand lowered as she did. She let out a grunt of frustration. I put a hand on her chest to keep her from collapsing, and kept fingering. Her wetness was much more useful than soap. She slipped down, and my hand found her throat. She moaned harder. I squeezed a bit. I stood, bringing her face close to mine, still pinning her to the wall with my finger in her ass and my hand on her throat – and I kissed her. Passionately.

And then I withdrew. She let herself slide to the floor. I finished rinsing myself off, and stepped out. “I’ll see you in the hot tub.”

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