Bulls Pt. 01


Author notes: Content Warning: This piece contains explicit and taboo themes, including elements of incest, dominance, non-consensual behavior, bullying, blackmail, hypnosis, and graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised. Please be aware of the content and choose to proceed only if you are 18 years or older and comfortable with such themes. Please note that I am not a professional writer, and this piece is a work of fiction. It may contain grammatical errors and stylistic imperfections.

*Some characters in this story are featured in Stags Pt. 1 and Nymphs Pt. 1.

Bulls: Part One

Glenn didn’t like the “vibe” of the office. Sure, it was fancy as all get out, but he felt a weight in the air, setting his teeth on edge. Noah, his son, paced around the back of the office, pretending to look over the bookshelves. Glenn was aware. He knew his son was avoiding having a conversation with him. Signing up for counseling with Dr. Harrington felt like Glenn’s last hope for finding acceptance and forgiveness from Noah. However, the goat-devil statue in the corner of the office had Glenn questioning his decision.

He swallowed down his uncertainty and leaned back against the leather sofa. His long and narrow face tried to relax. Glenn’s features were gentle. His large, sad eyes and lips naturally frowned at their corners. He looked young for his age, but his investment in over thirty years of farmwork had left more than one deep line along his forehead and at the edges of his mouth. He wiggled a finger into one of his wide-set ears, trying to alleviate a thin humming bugging him since he walked into the strange office. The mistakes from the past week swam around his anxious mind, and he surveyed the room for the hundredth time to distract himself.

Near the back of the office, Noah observed the variety of book titles on the shelves, absentmindedly rubbing his fingers over a small metal cross hanging from his neck on a gold chain. Some titles stood out from the expected texts on psychiatry and therapy, odd ones like Echoes in the Labyrinth: Manipulation of the Unconscious, Silent Vanguard: Unmasking Masculine Allegiances, Chronicles of Arcane Lore: Unearthing Hidden Mythos and Arcane, Endosymbiosis: Ancestral Threads of Unity and Transcendent Metamorphosis. Noah, who considered himself somewhat bookish, would have liked to have cracked a few open, but to do so in this office felt wrong. He rubbed at his temples. Stress had caused a tiny ringing in his ears. Noah’s face was rounder than his father’s, and his eyes were farther apart; he had the same natural look of innocence. Noah’s big, brown eyes fell upon an ornate display case, and he walked towards it, curiosity dulling the ringing in his ears.

The glass box stood atop an ornate mahogany pillar and housed a pillow of red velvet. Atop the small pillow was what appeared to be a ram’s head carved from a dark black stone. Noah bent lower for a closer look, but the sound of footsteps announced the entrance of Dr. Harrington. Noah turned and saw his father stand briskly from the chair and hold out a hand for Harrington to shake. He sighed, unprepared to discuss what had transpired over the last few weeks.

Glenn shook Harrington’s hand and admired the handsome set of the doctor’s stern face. The affirmation came with a heap of guilt, given the subject of Glenn’s sexuality being one of the reasons for this meeting in the first place. Noah joined the two men and shook Harrington’s hand as well. Harrington pulled a chair from behind his desk and placed it in front of a leather couch with accompanying sofas on each side.

“Let’s all have a seat and get started,” Harrington offered, sliding down into his office chair. Glenn sat on the couch, but Noah sat on one of the sofas. Glenn sighed.

“Mr. Beaufort,” Harrington began. “I know we have had a few correspondences to set this up, and I am happy to see this meeting manifested finally.” His plump lips parted, revealing a white smile framed by a full but well-maintained trimmed beard. “I’ve not had the pleasure of meeting you just yet,” he turned toward Noah. “I appreciate your attendance.”

Noah nodded and pulled his lips together into a smile of acknowledgment.

“I hope we can make things a little less tense,” Glenn fumbled after awkward silence between Harrington and his son. “There has just been so much miscommunication.”

Harrington nodded and turned back towards Noah. “Your father has given me a bit of a summary of the events that have brought you two here today, but I’d like to begin with your side of the story if you don’t mind.”

Noah inhaled through his nose. “Honestly, I’m not thrilled to talk about it, but I guess that’s the point of me being here.”

Harrington nodded in agreement. Glenn became suddenly aware that he was clenching his jaw.

“Well, not to be too blunt, but I walked in on my father in a sexual situation that, well, made me sick.”

“Don’t worry about rudeness or crude language,” kaman escort Harrington guided. “Speak what’s on your mind so we can bring it all to light.”

Noah blinked in pain as the ringing in his ears intensified briefly before fading completely. “Okay, I caught my dad taking it up the ass, and that’s something I can’t seem to square away.”

“Moral opposition towards homosexual activities?” Harrington asked.

“Not entirely, I mean, sure, a little, but it’s less that and more the lie of it,” Noah’s pulse increased as he stumbled into his words. “But, worst of all, it was who I caught him with.”

Glenn covered his face in his hands.

“And, who would that have been?” the doctor asked.

“The captain of my wrestling team. An asshole who does nothing but harass me.”

“You’ve had an antagonistic relationship with this man for a while?”

“Pretty much since I joined the team.”

“And his involvement in the act that you caught your father in only complicated your feelings further?”

Glenn signed between his hands.

“I wouldn’t consider my feelings complicated, actually.” Noah challenged.

Harrington raised one of his sharp brows and nodded respectfully. “Please, tell me what you feel then?”

“Lied to, betrayed, embarrassed, foolish…”

Glenn rose back up. “Noah, bub, I didn’t intend it to get so out of hand.”

“Please, Mr. Beaufort, you’ll have the floor shortly. Noah, can you prioritize which of these factors have hurt you more? Discovering the true nature of your father’s sexuality or seeing your father pleasured by someone who has caused so much grievance in your life?”

There is no need to prioritize. Both matter in different ways.”

Harrington nodded again. He was beginning to respect the boy’s indomitable assertions. “If you could, would you recall the last irritating experience with this guy?”

“His name is Cooper,” Noah added. “I can, but it’s graphic,” he warned. “With him, it often is.”

“Again, that’s absolutely fine.”

“Well, two weeks ago was the match against West Arclay University…”


Noah’s face pressed against the mat as his opponent straddled him. Winded and his muscles aching from hard-fought matches, Noah’s confidence in breaking this pin faded.

“Come on, Bub!” his father called from the stands, twisting his tattered baseball cap backward in frustration. A few rows behind his dad, Noah’s kind of girlfriend watched with obvious concern.

“You got this,” Cooper hooted from the sidelines. His tall, lanky body leaned against the back of a bleacher. He wore his usual cocky smile, and wrapped his long, fit arms around the shoulders of his friends; a skinny guy with longer, curly hair named Ethan Reynolds and a broader-chested guy named Zeke Holdings.

Noah knew the encouragement was veiled sarcasm, but it inspired him nonetheless; he pushed his legs underneath him and could flip onto his back on top of his opponent, a muscular WAU junior. His opponent grunted from the reversal, and Glenn whooped triumphantly from the bleachers. Cooper’s smile closed into a smirk.

Noah attempted to flip himself on top of his opponent, but the dude was fast, and his powerful leg wrapped around Noah’s left arm and leg, grappling half his body. The WAU fighter took the opportunity and gripped Noah’s right leg between his arms. Noah bent into a hold that spread his legs wide open. His thighs ached when he struggled, so he risked relaxing his legs slightly, and they stretched further apart.

A tearing sound filled his ears, and momentarily, Noah was worried that one of his muscles had given way, but a coolness on his ass confirmed his fear. Pulled onto his back and with his legs pried wide open and pointing to the ceiling, his singlet had split between his cheeks, exposing his spread round ass and puckered, pink hole. There was an audible murmur and a fit of laughter from Cooper and his companions. A WAU photographer lowered her camera after a few clicks.

The ref held a palm, ending the match, and Noah’s opponent released him. Noah scrambled to his feet and walked briskly towards the bench, eyes on the ground. He grabbed his water bottle and darted for the locker room.

Noah threw his water bottle against the wall and tore off the singlet, pulling it down over his thick but toned body and bubbly round ass. His plump cut cock, hanging four inches over a tight round sack and crowned by a bush of dark-trimmed pubes, dangled freely. He walked into the shower room, an open tile setup with multiple heads along the wall, and headed to a corner. He palmed a handle and released a cool water jet over his head. He slowly cranked the heat up.

His mind raced with agitation, sure that in some way Cooper was responsible for the wardrobe malfunction. He boiled under the jet of water, trying to let go of the embarrassment of what had happened. He told himself he wasn’t the first wrestling wardrobe malfunction and wouldn’t be the last. Voices echoing around the shower room kapaklı escort brought his attention back.

Some other team members strolled in, and Cooper and his duo beelined right for Noah.

Cooper held his tall, fit body with pride, confidently striding forward. Noah hated how big Coop’s swinging, cut cock was. It had to be at least six inches soft, and his big, low-hanging balls were almost past the tip of it. Cooper ran as hand down his flat stomach as he walked, running it past a slightly wild bush of light pubes and gripping his cock, tugging it a little. His cock head was big but proportional and slightly more pink than the rest of his shaft.

Ethan walked beside Cooper, skinner and shorter but with a cock that more than competed with Coop’s. Ethan’s flaccid cock also boasted an insanely impressive length and girth. Noah would have guessed it to be around seven inches soft. Ethan had put on significant muscle mass over the last month. His time at the gym has increased to an almost fanatical.

Zeke was broader than his friends, boasting a wide chest, thighs, and biceps. His cock was about four inches soft, with a round heart-like head, and he had shaved his pubes off. Zeke’s ass made up for the lack of length in the front. His round, bubble cheeks dwarfed Ethan’s tiny perky ass and was more prominent than Cooper’s ass which, itself, was full and round.

The trio stopped beside Noah, and Cooper leaned against the tile walls with one hand. He gripped his cock and lifted it. It bent slightly under its weight, aiming towards one of the drains. He let out a stream of piss.

“Crazy what happened out there,” he said, watching his piss splash and swirl around the drain. “Don’t worry though, man. I don’t think anyone but us on the bleachers and the ref got all that good of a look.”

Noah ignored him and let the hot water run down his body.

“I see you’re not working with much,” Cooper continued, his eyes scanning Noah’s crotch. “At least not in the front. Damn, though, you could give Zeke a run for his money in the ass department.”

Noah met Cooper’s eyes, having to look up at him some. “I’m just trying to shower, man. I don’t really feel like listening to your usual perving out about your naked teammates. Can’t we just fucking rinse off in peace from time to time?”

Cooper held up his hands innocently. “Woah, sorry, man,” he said performatively. “Just wanted to joke around with you a little after your whole ass was spread open out there. I was afraid you were embarrassed or something. Lighten up a little.”

“Mhm,” Noah muttered. He broke his gaze with Cooper and turned his head back under the water


“Ethan and I thought making a little hole in your singlet would be a good idea. Thought the joke might dislodge whatever stick is up your ass.”

Noah turned towards Cooper, his body tensing. “So it was your fucking fault.” He took two steps forward and stood nearly chest to chest with Cooper, having to look up to meet his eyes.

“Bro,” Cooper held his hands up again. “We thought they’d tear in here before the match. We weren’t trying to expose your hole out there. We wanted to laugh with you but forgot about the prank once the match started.”

“Bullshit,” Noah clenched his fists.

“Okay, guys,” Zeke stepped beside the two. “Let’s worry about this when we’re not all butt-ass naked. Maybe we can all get a burger or something.”

“Yeah,” Cooper flashed a smile. “I think that’d be a nice idea.”

Noah felt hot splashing at his feet and looked down to see Cooper’s cock fountaining piss across his toes.

Noah shoved him back.

“Dude, you stepped into my stream,” Cooper protested. He stepped back in Noah’s face. “Shove me again, though, bro.” Cooper’s eyes had an icy glint. Ethan and Zeke had taken a step back.

“Hey, Coop,” a voice from the shower entrance called. They all turned to find Hunter walking in their direction. His pecs glistened from the steam, his top surgery scars barely visible under the definition of his muscles. His pussy was tight between his muscular thighs, his clit slightly longer from hormones, and his pubes were dark but manscaped. “Your dad showed up looking for you.”

“Fuck,” Cooper growled.

“Don’t keep daddy waiting,” Noah antagonized.

Cooper balled his fists and flashed Noah a final icy glance. He turned and strolled past Hunter, slapping him on the ass before disappearing from the showers. Zeke and Ethan turned on a shower head and began to rinse off. Noah’s heart still pounded in his chest. Hunter gathered under a showerhead beside him and met his gaze, giving him a knowing wink.


“Sounds as though tensions were high,” Harrington observed.

“They always are with that asshole. Cooper either does something to make you angry or something to make you uncomfortable.” Noah moved the small necklace cross between his thumb and forefinger during his retelling.

On the sofa, Glenn shifted on the cushion. The story about the shower, karabağlar escort imagining Cooper’s body glistening with sweat and steam, had given him a shameful erection. His seven-inch cock pushed against his pants leg.

“Of course, the incident with your singlet was a potent catalyst of events.” Harrington pressed.

“Yeah, you try having your whole ass out for the world to see.”

“It’s a shame how society villainizes the human body,” the doctor countered. “As though the natural form of us should be hidden away. A dirty secret.”

“Well, you can philosophize all you want about it, but it was my ass on display.”

“Your cross around your neck there.”

“What about it?”

“Genesis. Nudity was the image of God, no?”

“Yeah, but look around. We’re not in the garden anymore.” Noah rubbed his wide button nose with the back of his hand. A sharp ringing had buzzed in his ears and echoed in his sinuses.

“Thank you for sharing,” Harrington kept Noah under his sharp gaze for a few moments before he turned to Glenn. “I suppose now we come to a part of the story that involves you?”

“Right,” Glenn said with a gruff clearing of his throat. “But first, Noah, bub, I just want to say I didn’t know that you and Cooper were always like that. I mean, I knew you didn’t like him and all that, but-“

“We’ll mediate this soon enough,” Harrington interrupted. “Right now, you need to set the narrative of what transpired between you and this Cooper character.”

“Right, I’m not proud of it, but…”


Glenn tried his best to comfort Noah. He had hoped that people would ignore it. Still, as they gathered in the parking lot after the match, some acquaintances had come to offer their apologies. Glenn was unsure why they felt the need to say they were sorry. Mrs. Holding, Zeke’s mother, invited Noah to her house if he needed to talk about what had happened.

A week had passed, and Noah seemed to be recovering from the incident. It was never brought up, and life continued normally. Around the second week, the Beaufort household received a large, blank manilla envelope; inside it was a glossy, HD photo of Noah caught in the hold, his singlet split across his round ass cheeks stretched so wide that his pink hole puckered in the open. The photo’s detail was so precise that they could see the fuzzy, thin patch of hair that ran along his asscrack.

Glenn took the photo from Noah and slid it back in the envelope.

“I’ll burn this and find a way to get every copy of it,” Glenn tried desperately to comfort his son.

“You know there’s no way that’s possible. This just lives with me now, Dad,” Noah swallowed hard. “Maybe I should just fucking run away from this place like mom did.”

Glenn shook his head. “You know that ain’t the answer. Besides, your momma wasn’t happy anywhere she landed.”

“I know, Dad. I’m just fed up right now. I’m sure that asshole is behind this too, somehow,” Noah tapped the envelope and sighed. “I think I am going to spend a few days with Hunter. Just breathe some different air.”

An idea was beginning to form in Glenn’s mind. “Yeah, that’s a fine idea, Bub.” He patted Noah on the back. “When you return home, we’ll get the greasiest food and have some beers.”

“Sounds like a plan. Not trying to bail on you, but Hunter understands what it’s like to have to coexist on a team with that dickhead.”

“I get it, Bub.”

Noah left that afternoon. Glenn sat at the kitchen table scripting what he wanted to say to Cooper and how he would stand firm for his son. Glenn thumbed at the corner of the envelope and picked it back up. He opened the flap and let the sizeable glossy photo slide out. Being alone in his house, looking at his son’s round ass and pink boy pussy sent an electric thrill through his groin, and his cock stiffened. Glenn felt immediate shame, having stifled this sort of attraction for years. He blinked, shook his head, flipped the photo over, and slid it back into the envelope.

Glenn popped open a beer and lounged on the couch; his sweatpants and boxers were at his ankles. His free hand, dripping with lube, slid up and down his glistening wet cock. His seven inches were rock hard, curved towards his stomach, and tipped with a cock head that tapered slightly. On the TV, two jocks in partially disrobed singlets fucked after a heated match. His phone vibrated, and he looked at his messaging app.


Goddamn it. Glen pulled his pants up and wiped the lube from his hands. He turned off the TV and texted back.


A couple of hours ago, Glenn had texted Cooper about meeting up. He hadn’t expected Cooper’s reply so soon or with such short notice. He had a duty to protect his son, though.

Headlights illuminated the living room, and Cooper’s jeep crunched up the gravel drive. Moments later, the door opened. Didn’t even fucking knock, Gleen thought. Cooper strolled into the living room and waved at Glenn, sitting on the couch. Cooper was wearing joggers and a tank top. His lithe, muscular arms swelled with an after-gym pump. His joggers left nothing to the imagination, their thin fabric draped over his massive bulge.

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