Caroline’s Mom Ch. 11


Morning came and Allan woke slowly. He had not slept all night and was wondering whether or not he should have listened to Rachel. Last night they had told his parents that both the Caroline and her beautiful mother Rachel were going to be his brides. He and Caroline had been together since childhood. And his parents had always hoped they would marry. Rachel was Caroline’s mother and his teenage wet dream. His parents liked her but thought of her as the mother of one of his playmates. Now they had to start thinking about her as their daughter in law. In fact more as one of his two wives.

Just then the doorbell chimed, Allan put on his robe, and went to answer the front doorbell. The messenger handed him an envelope addressed in his mother’s handwriting. It was addressed to Rachel. He did not open it, if Rachel wanted him to know what was in it she would tell him. He went into the kitchen to make coffee knowing his women would be down shortly to see what the messenger had brought.

The women took their time, they showered and put on their makeup before coming to breakfast.

He could not resist.

“Rachel, are you going to open it?”

“Soon, there is no need for us to ruin our breakfast if its bad news. If its not we have to clean up and get ready to entertain your parents.”

They ate a good breakfast. Each one stared at the envelope, and wondered what it contained. They all helped clean the kitchen and wash the dishes. Then they sat at the table and watched Rachel as she bursa escort read the letter. She then passed it to Allan.


Dear Rachel,

I have always loved and respected you as a friend and neighbor. Last night was the most shocking thing that has ever occurred in my life. You have betrayed my love and trust, by seducing my son.

We have decided that we will not come to your house, or speak to you until this immoral act of seduction is concluded. Caroline would be welcome as a daughter in law, and you as her mother. But we will never condone the taking of 2 wives by my son even if one isn’t you.

We are leaving today without seeing you. Tell Allan he need not take us to the airport. Also you might tell him we will no longer support him or pay his tuition unless he ends this immoral nonsense immediately.


Lily & Bill

All of us sat, and looked at the letter in stunned silence. Rachel stood up and went to call them at the hotel. She came back saying they had already checked out.

“Allan, Caroline, go get the car we are going to the airport now.”

As we entered the car Rachel’s face was set in stone. She seemed determined to talk to my parents. I drove as fast as traffic would allow, but id didn’t seem to be fast enough. The plane was not due to leave for 2 hours, and my parents had apparently checked out early to prevent a confrontation. Rachel had no intention of allowing them to just leave.

We arrived at the airport and went to bursa escort bayan the lounge. We were not to be allowed into the boarding gate areas. Rachel spoke to the security guard and could not get them to relent. Then she talked them into bringing my parents into the office so that Caroline and I could announce the impending birth of their grandchild.

“But Rachel how do we know Caroline is pregnant?”

“Don’t worry about it you’ll just have to make sure she is.”

“What about you Rachel? How are you going to explain getting pregnant?”

“I’m going to tell them I’m pregnant too. You had better get busy if we both aren’t pregnant yet. But I’m pretty sure I am pregnant. I’ve thrown up for the last 3 mornings.”

Caroline laughed.

“Mom, I thought it was your cooking I’ve been throwing up every morning for a week.”

“C’mon daddy lets tell the grandparents.”

The guard led us into the room and my parents were sitting there and got up to leave. Rachel asked them to hear what we had to say before they left. Rachel went first.

“Lily…. Bill… I know you find this shocking but let me tell you about Allan and I started this. Neither of us expected this, nor did we plan it.” She explained about our date, leaving out things about the frat party like the game of chicken and the hand job in the car. The she explained how we fell in love shocking her and me more then Caroline. Breaking up with her boyfriend and dating me, even though I was in love with Rachel. She escort bursa even told of praying that Caroline and I would fall in love and end the affair between Rachel and I. Instead both of them were in love with me and me, with both women. She told of enrolling as a student under her maiden name. Now she acted as Caroline’s best friend. No one but me knew that they were mother and daughter.

Then I spoke. “Mom, dad I love these women I have since I was 15. Please don’t deny me this happiness. Rachel and Caroline are both pregnant. Don’t you want to see your grandchildren?”

Caroline spoke. “We both love him and want nothing more that to share our lives with him. We are asking your blessing and your love because you mean a lot to us. But we do love him and won’t give him up. Pleas come home with us and see what a nice loving home we have.”

My mother and father both sat there silently. Neither moved or said anything. The guard said we must leave. All of us stood and left. My parents had said nothing. We left for our home the drive was in total silence.

Both women took me into the bedroom and undressed me. They both began to kiss me and caress me. I reached up and fondled a breast on each woman. They then began to undress each other. Rachel saw my eyes widen.

“Forget it I’m not getting it on with my own daughter.”

Caroline laughed, and said. “Maybe we should bring Sheila, I promised her, if she let you take her, that I would get it on with her. We might even let you join in or maybe she would like to make it with mom.”

The sex that night was loving and desperate but nothing to rave about. We were all depressed about the seemingly insurmountable gap between us and my parents.

To be continued.

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