Clare Ch. 01


Brian looked from the stairway that he was standing on towards the door and wondered to himself, just what is she doing here? The girl that had been in his dreams for the last five years was looking in from the doorway. A little hesitantly she looked around the room, past the person who had opened the door, and her face lit up when her eyes fell on him. She said something to the man with his hand still on the door. He turned toward Brian, opening the door further, leading her in that direction. The rest of the men in the foyer, kitchen, and living room who could see the doorway looked or began to walk towards the beautiful woman. To Brian standing a little above the crowd on the stairway, it looked a lot like Koi drawn to the food sprinkled in their pool of calm water, a single focus of a mass movement.

“Hi Brian.” Clare said in her clear feminine voice. “How have you been?” Her smile almost made his knees buckle.

Clare had been two years ahead of him in high school, he had been in love since the first time he had seen her. As a freshmen Brian had joined the swim team. He was in the pool when the varsity team had just come out of a meeting. She was one of the last to leave and Brian thought he had died and gone to heaven. She was the stuff wet dreams were made of for anyone raised on Charlie’s Angels, with a groundwork laid by Marilyn Monroe. Blonde hair, blue eyes, smooth skin, high forehead and cheekbones, near perfect teeth, and a body that seemed to prove that swimming did have visible side effects, sculptured perfection.

That first year Clare’s friends all picked up on the fact that he was an awe struck freshman and teased her, and him, relentlessly. Clare had always been polite to him and even humored him a bit with her own light teasing sometime. The following year it was already a given that he was a helpless love-puppy and things actually got easier for Brian. It didn’t hurt that he was becoming a very good swimmer and ended up in varsity before the year was over.

To Clare competitive swimming, on the other hand, was obviously not going to be in her future. Toward the end of Clare’s senior year she began the body development that would soon turn her into a world class beauty. Having her breasts grow even larger than the nice sized pears she had her junior year did not add to her ability to move through the water. ‘God make me a water molecule!’ was a thought that Brian and most of his buddies had at one time or another when watching her swim laps that year. ‘Just anything to rub along the length of that body!’

And now, three years later, he finds himself standing on the next to last step of the stairway in his parents house, starring into those beautiful blue eyes. …oh, I should be answering! he realized suddenly.

“I..I..I’m just fine,” he managed to blurt out. Great, now she’ll think I’ve developed a stutter, or am just a complete idiot.

Surprising Brian, she reached up, and he automatically took her hand and stepped down a step while helping her up one. She leaned in close to him and he leaned toward her. “Can we go somewhere a little more private for a second?” she whispered to him. She glanced back at all the men who had suddenly filled the small entryway.

“Of course.” Brian thought her voice sounded a little husky and he looked around himself, surprised, yet somehow proud and happy at the same time. Nearly everyone at the party had managed to show their head and give him the What’s Up? look. Having the only woman in the house walk directly to you was ego stoking anyway, having Clare do it was….almost frightening.

“Come on upstairs,” he turned and automatically reached for her hand again, just as he normally did with his girlfriend. She grasped it and stayed right at his side, as if they had been a couple for years.

Brain’s antep escort mind was racing with questions, and his head filled with blood, he could feel the heat in his cheeks and on his neck. Oh yeah! He just remembered. Coach Dawson had said there would be a surprise. Was Clare it? He had invited the coach to the party and the invitation had been returned with a ‘sorry I can’t make it’ note, due to other previous plans. Scribbled at the bottom was line saying he might send along a surprise though. Brian had forgotten about it until now.

“So what’s going on with you Clare?” Brian inquired as they reached the hallway at the top of the stairs.

“I’m in town visiting my mom and sister for a couple of weeks. My mom and I were at the grocery store last week and I saw Coach Dawson. He told me there was going to be a party for the old swim team and so…” she trailed off, giving him a questioning look.

“Oh,” Brian began to smile, now it’s making sense. “He was right, there is a swim team party… the boys swim team- from my senior year, we won all state that year!” he finished proudly.

“Oh! Yeah, I heard that. Congratulations! I also heard you made team captain that year,” she was looking right into his eyes with a brilliant smile.

Now Brian knew he was red in the face. It was just so unreal. Standing here in his parents house talking to Clare! “Ahh, thanks.”

“Well, as much as I’d like to stay, that was some welcoming group you had down there, I don’t think it would be right for me to crash your boys-only event. If I could use a phone for a moment, my sister and her husband had invited me for dinner and I think I just have time to catch them. Is there one I can use privately?” she asked.

Brian couldn’t help but feel disappointment at hearing this, but understood what she met. “Sure, you can use the one in my folks room, it’s right down this way.” he said turning and walking down the hall.

Clare followed him through the doorway into a spacious bedroom with a king-sized bed in the middle. “The phone is on the table next to the right side of the bed. Go ahead and talk as long as you need, it’s on a separate line from the downstairs phones and you won’t be bothered.” Brian advised.

“Thanks Bri, I won’t be a moment. Could just wait for me a sec? I’m going to leave, but I’d like to catch up a bit before I jet off for dinner. I promise not to take you away from your party for too long.” she said as she maneuvered around to the right side of the bed.

Brian stood in the hallway outside his parents bedroom with his head swimming. Just seeing Clare had always got his pulse going, but having her here in his childhood home and being away from everyone else, just the two of them, wow! Even his ears were feeling hot. God! I must look the idiot! he was thinking.

“OK BRI!” he heard her call from the bedroom.

As Brian walked back in Clare was just coming around the side of the bed and her eyes locked on his. “So Bri, how has the last couple of years been treating you? I mean what sort of things have you gotten interested in and what are you doing with yourself, I can see your physical self is OK, you sure did fill out just fine.” With that she gave him one of her dazzling smiles, and touched his biceps, trailing her hand lightly across the front of his shirt as she brought it back to her side.

Brian had always liked the directness of Clare’s look, but it still made his pulse race and made havoc with his thought processes. “I-I-I, that is, we-we, well, we,” he managed to get out.

Clare smiled knowingly at Brian, placing her hands on his shoulders and still looking right into his eyes. “You’ve always been so sweet. When I think of the times I have spent with some men.” she slightly rolled her eyes. “I’ve kissed more than my share of frogs in the last few years. Hmmm…” She looked away as if thinking to herself. She turned and walked away to the door. As she closed it she stated, more than asked, “You have a few minutes don’t you?”

Confused, nervous, but smiling, Brian said “Ahh…well, sure.”

“Good!” Clare said dropping to her knees right in front of Brian. “When I think of all the things I have done for unappreciative men over the years, and then all the nice things you did for me in the past without hardly a thank you. And right now, after walking through that group downstairs…” she seemed to be talking to herself as she reached up and began unbuckling Brian’s pants. “It just doesn’t seem fair, and a girl always likes to be appreciated.” She looked up at him with a bawdy grin as she unzipped and then pulled down his pants.

Brian stood stunned looking down at Clare as she worked on his clothing. What the….? His pants ran down his legs to the floor.

“I want to do something for you Brian… in appreciation for how nice you have always been to me. Unless you don’t think I should.” Clare gave him a hurt, pleading little girl look as she rubbed his now hardening cock through his boxers. “It seems only right, since I crashed your party and took you away from your friends.” She raised her eyebrows in question, a pleading look still on her face as she reached into the fly of his shorts.

Brian said nothing, staring in shock at the vision of beauty at his waist.

“Ohhh, you have a nice one,” she said taking his hardening cock out and wrapping her hand around it, beginning to tug in a gentle motion. All her attention was now on the member in front of her face. “Looks good enough to eat!” She smiled up at him as she opened her mouth and engulfed his now hard-as-a-rock penis 3/4 of the way down its length.

Brian looked away for a moment and exhaled deeply. “Whooooa!” is all he could get out. He quickly looked back down at the woman he had admired for so long.

Clare smiled at his reaction and began to work in earnest on giving him one of her world-class blow jobs.

In less than a minute Brian came back to his senses enough to warn the beauty kneeling at his feet. “I..I..I”m going to come!”

“Oh, Yes!” said Clare taking her mouth off him and jacking him wildly in front of her face. “Do it baby, Do It!”

Brian’s eyes closed for a second and all he could see was white. His hips were jerking on their own, not a conscious movement made by him, he didn’t seem to be in the room. When he finally ‘came back’ and looked down, he saw a sight that would give him jerk-off material for the rest of his life.

There was the girl he had always dreamed about being with before tonight, hand still on his cock, milking the last of his cum from him like a cow’s teat. Milking is the right term, because she was licking the end as each drop came out and obviously relishing it like chocolate cream. Her smile was wide, she was still only looking at his penis. Cum covered much of her beautiful face. A few thick ropes had hit her in the lip, going partially up her nose and continuing on up her high forehead to the hairline. A couple had splashed onto her cheeks, and due to her high cheekbones, was now starting to run down her cheeks to her jaw. He stared amazed as she began to wipe it off with one finger and eat it before any dropped off onto the carpet, each breath she took sperm going in and out of her nostril like a snotty nosed kid. As she looked off into nothing he heard her murmur, “all those men, so close…” and continued to clean her face and lick her fingers.

Brian shuffled back slightly, felt the bed on the back of his calves, and sat down. This brought Clare back from her revere. Looking directly at Brian she leaned back, opening her legs giving him a great view of her light pink panty covered crotch. She locked her eyes on his as she scooped a trail of cum from the edge of her nose with a finger, pulled her panty crotch aside with the other hand, and put the finger inside of herself, whispering huskily “And some for kitty.”

Brian’s brain whirled. What planet have I been taken too? he thought. Here is the most beautiful, exciting girl I have ever known, and she’s acting like the biggest fucking slut I can imagine. Even more than I can imagine. Just what is going on here?

“Excuse me Brian.” Clare stated softly, as if she were just passing him by. “I’ve got to clean up a little.” she giggled lightly as she got to her feet.

As soon as Clare closed the door to his parents connecting bathroom Brian got to his feet and pulled up his pants. Like all things Clare does, he noted mentally with a wry smile, she did a great job. Cleaned me up completely, not a drop left. He stood in the room nervously looking around, not sure what to say when she returned. After what seemed like forever, hearing the toilet flush twice, the door opened and she came back into the room looking as perfect as when she had arrived. You’d never know just minutes before she was on the floor eating my cum like a fucking slut. How do women do that?

“Well Brian, I guess I’d better get going to my sisters.’ You have a party to continue with. I’d like to stay, but I don’t think it would be appropriate since I wasn’t even going to school there when you won all state. Visit with your friends and maybe we can catch up later on before I go back to LA.”

“It would be OK for you to stay.” he hoped the pleading in his voice didn’t sound as bad as it seemed to him, “Most of us see each other pretty regularly anyway.” And how about explaining that incredible blowjob? he wondered.

“No, my sister is waiting for me already. Maybe if the party goes a little late I could come back by after we eat? I can’t promise anything, but it could be fun.” Her eyes got that little far off look in them again. “Let’s go downstairs.”

As they walked downstairs Brian noted a couple of men quickly leaning into other rooms and then back out, soon followed by more men from those rooms. His best friend, Jim, was at the bottom not quite staring at Clare, but not really looking anywhere else either. When he caught his eye for a second, curiosity was the only thing he saw. When he got to the bottom of the stairs he noticed Jim looked a little jealous too. If he only knew. Brian thought.

As they walked to the door there were more than a couple of men who voiced the opinions, “You don’t have to leave yet! Hey, it’s still early! You didn’t even have a beer! Don’t go! We’ll be good!” this last one brought a couple of snickers from a few.

“Hey, she didn’t realize that this a party for the boys swim team, coach didn’t tell her that. And she’s got dinner plans with her sister.” Brain said loud enough for everyone to hear.

“You mean there’s more like her?” came a crack from the back. Everyone laughed. As they did Brian looked at Clare to see her reaction and was horrified to see a large, now drying, drop of cum on her neck slightly behind her ear. Glancing either way to see if anyone else noticed, he saw Jim looking him right in the eye, to her neck, and back. Oh Shit!

“Well gentlemen!” Clare said loud enough to get their attention. “I told Brian I might be back if this goes a little later than my sisters dinner, but I can’t promise anything.”

Shouts of “Bring her too! We’ll wait up!” and murmurs of, “Yeah, right. Typical chick bullshit, promises promises, maybe maybe,” greeted this announcement.

At the open door Clare turned to Brian, kissed her finger and pressed it to his cheek. “See you later Bri. I’ll really try to make it later. Stay up for me?” She didn’t wait for an answer, just turned and strode quickly down the walk to the street.

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