College life spring semester 20


College life spring semester 20*******************Between the sun, sand, water and being on the go all day, it wasn’t thatlong at Noah’s beach house before I was more than ready to call it a night.There wasn’t as much beer or alcohol as I actually expected but there wasplenty for us to drink. It was not only us but a few other party crashersthat had joined the fray but what would three or four hurt things?Naturally, we heard a few lewd comments when Corey and I headed for thedoor to walk back. By now, we were used to the comments and laughed themoff heading out the door. Corey had a few beers in him while I took in alittle smoke that Scott had on hand.Once in the room, the bed looked so inviting to me. My shirt and shortswent off into my suitcase while my boxer briefs stayed on.”Matt, are we not sleeping nude as we always do?” Corey asked.”Corey, I don’t think so tonight. It’ll be strange for me but we do oweGarrett that courtesy.””I guess we do,” Corey stated. Once in bed, we kissed passionately buteven that didn’t rev me up. ?”Matt, you are tired.””I told you I was. Something about the sun and being on the go constantlyhas slap wore me out tonight. No sense in overdoing it the first night weare here.””Tell that to the rest of our friends,” Corey laughed.Corey held me close while we faded off to a peaceful sleep. With the dooropening at 2 something, my eyes opened to see Scott and Garrett coming intothe room together. They quietly shut the door and undressed in the dark.Now I was awake after being asleep for an hour and half. It was easy tohear the two giggling like little k**s.”Scott, I really want you,” Garrett said quietly and must have thought Iwas asleep.”Dude, I have a fucking boyfriend,” Scott said.”I don’t care. I told you I’m gay and you’re the reason I wanted to roomwith here. Don’t you want my big dick?””I told your stoned ass I have a fucking boyfriend.””Just say the word. I’m dying to suck your dick and worse to fuck your hotass,” Garrett said quietly with my eyes wide open.”Garrett, I’ll scream my lungs out. We can’t go at it here.””Then let’s give each other hand jobs. Matt and Corey won’t know a thing,”Garrett said, doing his best to keep quiet.”Okay, I guess I could stand to blow my load,” Scott said.It was so hard to stay still and not move during their conversation. Coreydid move and clutched his arms around me. I continued to lie there andsoon heard heavy breathing. A few moments later, the undeniable sound ofejaculation was heard twice within a matter of a few seconds. My cock washard hearing the sounds and knew the feeling the two were experiencing.Garrett got up and headed to the bathroom while I lay there in my thoughts.Now, so many things began to make sense to me. I could now see the signsof Garrett wanting to tell me but never could do it. I hated judgingothers and accusing them of being gay. Finally with Corey holding meclose, I was able to drift back off to sleep.The next morning, Sunday, I was up before the rest and saw it was justafter nine. Quietly, I moved around, dressed a little and exited the roomto walk around the motel. I found something to drink and moved to sit bythe nice pool. There wasn’t much activity to start the bright sunnymorning. It was quiet and gave me time alone.Probably thirty minutes later, Garrett came walking up in his shorts andspotted me in a lounge chair.”Boy, last night was great, huh?” Garrett stated.”It was about what I had expected,” I said. “How was Scott last night?””He was high as kite.””Garrett, I heard you come in last night,” I said. His red face becamewhite. His hands went over his face.”Matt… it’s not what you think at all,” Garrett said.”Garrett, of all people here, I understand…””You don’t understand a damn thing!””Garrett, I know you are gay and should have seen the signs…””Matt, please don’t tell Bryson… please don’t. I’m begging you. He’llhate me forever!”I stood and moved next to him. “Remember what we’ve been saying here…””I know what everyone has been saying but Bryson is the very last personthat needs to know I’m gay,” Garrett said.”Even your parents?” I asked.”I think they are figuring it out,” Garrett replied. “My mom asked me theother night on the phone if I had anyone special instead of asking me if Ihad a girlfriend. I really don’t want the others to know. I shouldn’thave ever told Scott but he’s so damn hot.””And taken,” I said.”I know. That’s what sucks,” Garrett said. “I’ve fallen for a guy I can’thave.””Actually between us, I was shocked he didn’t take you up on your offer.He told us on the way down here that Hayden was his college boyfriend andnot his spring break lover.””I just knew last night I was losing my V-card to Scott but you knowthere’s no way we could have done it with you and Corey there in the room.Do I sound desperate or what?”I patted his bare shoulder, “No Garrett you don’t. You sound like the restof us just exploring life and sexuality. Being out on own for the firsttime does bring out a lot of things…””Matt, I’ve known I was gay for a while now but have never acted on it.You know how homophobic Bryson is.””I saw it at first but his views have changed. He might…””No might to it, Matt. I’m not telling him or any of the others. I letone Acıbadem Escort head overrule the other last night. Now, I sincerely regret it likeyou wouldn’t believe,” Garrett lamented, shaking his head and bouncing hisleg in nerves.”Garrett, I won’t say a word, especially to Kris and I’m pretty sure Coreywon’t either. We’re pretty good at keeping secrets. Last semester, Coreyand I knew the reason Hayden broke up with Scott before we went on our skitrip. I never told him since it wasn’t my place to tell something someoneasked me to keep a secret. I’m sure you and Bryson have secrets that youdon’t share with all of us.”Garrett turned and smiled at me, “A few but they aren’t anything comparedto this.””Garrett, here’s your chance to be who you really are within the confinesof this motel. Either enjoy it while you can or act like nothing everhappened. If you wanna act like nothing ever happened, tell Scott you madea mistake and shouldn’t have gone there.”Garrett sat there in his thoughts. I felt a hand on my shoulder and turnedto see Corey standing there in his board shorts.”What are y’all doing?” Corey asked us.”Just talking…” I said.”Bet last night got really crazy after we left,” Corey stated.”Corey, you should know this right now but it has to stay here. I’m likeyou and Matt…””Wow! There’s a shocker, Garrett!” Corey exclaimed while leaning back.”Welcome to the club!”The three of us sat and talked poolside until leaving to find something toeat. We returned to find Scott rolling out of bed, naked and not caringwhat we saw.”We’re meeting in the same spot as yesterday in thirty minutes,” Scottstated.”Scott, they know what happened last night,” Garrett said. “We woke Matt upcoming into the room.””So your secret is out?” Scott asked.”Yeah but it better stay here at this motel,” Garrett said. “I’m not readyto deal with the drama just yet or ready to find a new roommate either.”We dressed for the beach. I looked over and saw Scott donning his Speedo.”What? I’m wearing this because I like how I look,” Scott said with nowthe three of us noticing him and his arms extended. He did look great, Ihave to admit and just wish I had the balls to don mine.”Just paint on your chest you are gay,” Corey laughed.”Seriously Corey, I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks. I saw a few guyswearing these yesterday…””And you heard the comments too,” Corey said.”Scott can be our tester and see how things go in our group. Other thanour friends, what do we care what people have to say?” I asked.”Yeah, we know eight other people here so what does it matter whatstrangers think?” Scott stated.”Let’s go. We can discuss this all we want but Scott has it in his headhe’s wearing a Speedo,” Corey stated.We grabbed all of our things and headed back to the same spot as the daybefore. We were first and staked our claim before the parade of ourfriends came down. Scott endured the comments of the others but laughedthem off like only Scott could.We lay on the sand. After a while, I stood and needed to stretch my legsalong with exploring the beach and seeing the sights. Corey stood as welland joined me. We were a few steps away and heard Kris calling our name.”This place is so awesome, Matt. What was up with last night?” Krisasked. “Why did you leave so soon or do I have to even ask?””I was tired was all, Kris. I didn’t wanna overdo it the first nighthere,” I replied. “For your info, we didn’t do a thing.””Okay then but I was wondering if someone said something to you,” Krisstated.”No, they were cool for the most part,” Corey said. “Anything excitinghappen after we left?””Not really,” Kris said. “I think we’re heading to the beach club done thestreet tonight and checking it out for a while. I know two guys that arecoming with us.””We will,” Corey said. “It sounds like fun and part of the experience.””What’s up with Garrett today? He hasn’t said a word,” Kris commented.”I guess he’s tired,” I replied as we walked.”The dude really needs to come out of the fucking closet if you want myopinion,” Kris said.I stopped dead in my tracks, “What?””Matt, seriously? We know he is gay…””No you don’t, Kris,” I said.”Are you sure?” Corey asked.”Bryson knows and wishes Garrett would admit it. He’s seen the gay shit onGarrett’s computer,” Kris said. “He knows Garrett has been living a liefor at least a year. He wishes Garrett would come out and be happy with itlike you two are. We had a long discussion about it last night aftereveryone left. Matt, I told them what I had done.””Oh my God!””What did they say?” Corey asked.”After the laughing and joking stopped, no one was surprised. We agreedthat we were curious but that was it, just curious. One or two gay sexmoments doesn’t qualify anyone as gay. That being said we didn’t get crazyor any shit like that,” Kris said. “We said things happen in the momentlike our time. You experience it and move on.””See what we missed, Matt.”We continued walking in the sand with sun shining brightly overhead. Itwas great seeing all the various people, mostly college and high schoolk**s gathered. Corey was ever fascinated with the waves and the water. Hecontinually commented how idealistic everything was and almost exactly whathe had Acıbadem Escort Bayan pictured.After a nice long walk, we returned to our group with a few more gatheredin our midst. We enjoyed the sun and talking with the new ones to see howthings were different at their colleges.Without say a word, Garrett stood, gathered his things and headed off aboutthirty minutes or so after we returned.”What’s his problem today like I don’t already know?” Bryson commented tous.”Who cares?” Colt said. “We came here to have fun and not let anyone spoilit.”I waited a few minutes and grabbed Corey up. “You know I think I’ll rungrab something to eat.””Bring us back something,” Kendall said.”Dude, there’s no way he and Corey could do that. We’ll go grab somethinghere in a little while,” Jess said.Corey and I headed off the beach. We were just off the beach when I heardKris call my name. We turned and saw Kris and Bryson coming our way.”Nice excuse, Matt,” Bryson said.”I am hungry,” I said.”No you’re not. You’re going to talk to Garrett. You can’t fool me.We’re all going to talk to him,” Kris said.”Bryson, you are the last one he wants to know,” Corey said.”I’m ready to get this over and done with. I’ll be honest with you. If Ihadn’t moved to the floor and seen you two there’s no way in hell I’d becool with this but I am. You can be gay and have a normal life,” Brysonsaid. “I think he heard Colt and I talking about last night. Garrett wasreally flirting with Scott. Wasn’t he, Kris?””Oh a little but I honestly don’t know if Scott started it,” Kris replied.We headed to our hotel and straight to our room. I opened the door anddidn’t see Garrett but saw his suitcase sitting in the floor by the door.He came out of the bathroom dressed.”Where are you going?” Bryson asked.”I’m going home. I’ve called Mom. I’m taking a taxi to the airport andgetting the first flight out of here…””Like hell you are,” Bryson said.”I heard you back there talking and laughing it up about me, Bryson. Youdon’t have to worry about me any longer. I’ll probably withdraw…””Garrett, I know… we all know that you’re gay…” Bryson said.”Fuck you!” Garrett screamed in Bryson’s face. He started crying and ranback into the bathroom.I walked to the door and pleaded with him to come out. He opened the doorand walked out with his head hanging low and his eyes blood shot. “My mindis made up. I’m leaving here so I don’t have to endure this shit.””Garrett, if it matters to you, I don’t care that you are gay…” Brysonsaid.”Give me a break. You are the biggest gay basher I know on the planet!””I’ll admit I was until we meet these guys. I can tell this has been aburden on you even before we came to college. Last year, you were eithervery happy or very sad. I knew something was up but couldn’t put my fingeron it. A few weeks ago I found gay porn on your laptop and last night justconfirmed that you were gay. I don’t care as long as you are happy.Please stay! Don’t go just yet!””Garrett, what will going home solve? We all know now and really don’tcare one bit,” Kris said. “Stay here and have the time of your life.”I could see Garrett really thinking this dilemma over. “I appreciateeverything you’ve said but my mind is made up. I fucked up and have tosuffer the penalty. It was fun while it lasted,” he said.”Garrett, you can leave but you’ll still be the same person when this isall over with. Maybe you can learn from Matt and Corey over there. Theymake it just fine in this world,” Kris stated.”Yeah, you can hang with us. We can scope out all the hotties and maybefind you one you can call your own for the week,” Corey said.”Garrett, you told me earlier that your parents know or have an idea youare gay, right?” I asked.”Yeah,” he replied.”That’s one of the hardest parts in coming out. You said too Bryson wasthe last person you wanted to know as well. He knows too and is cool withit. He and Kris talked a lot last night…” I said.”We did, Garrett. Kris gave me the low down on what to expect. It’ll be aslight adjustment but I can handle it. I know I can. We’ve been friendsway too long to have you run off and leave everything you worked so hard toachieve,” Bryson said.”Let me call Mom and see what she says,” Garrett stated. He reached in hispocket and stepped out the door. We sat in the room while he stood outsideand talking on his phone.”This really puts a big damper on things,” Bryson said. “Why did this shithave to come to the surface here?””Now is as good time as any. The way I see it he can hang with Corey andMatt and take notes,” Kris said.”I think he’s slightly embarrassed how strong he came on to Scott lastnight too when he thought we were asleep,” I stated with the door opening.”I’m gonna stay but I need to be out of here Friday,” Garrett said.”Why Friday?” Corey asked.”Mom wants me home to tell the family. Hell, I might as well get all thisshit over and done with so I can live life,” Garrett said, cracking asmile. “This is officially the worst day of my life.””You may think so but no one has died or hurt,” I said. “It may seem thatway right now but you may look back and say this was the best day of yourlife. You can now be real and enjoy life.””Garrett, I felt the same Escort Acıbadem way about a year ago. It hurts like hell to comeout. My friends left me and mom to this day still doesn’t accept that I’mgay,” Corey said. “In a way, it felt so good and get that gorilla off yourback.””We’ll see,” Garrett said. “Right now, it doesn’t feel so well. I feellike that gorilla is beating my chest and head.””Garrett, I’ll do whatever it takes here and beyond. I know you’re a greatguy and always have been since the day we met. Nothing changes other thanthe fact I know now. Slap me if I fuck up,” Bryson said.Garrett smiled, “I will.””So are we ready to head back to the beach?” Kris asked.”Seriously, I’m about to starve,” Corey said.”You aren’t the only one. I haven’t eaten a thing all day,” Garrettstated. “I just hope no one treats me differently now.”We left the room and walked around until finding something to fill ourgrowling stomachs. The four of us did everything we could to make Garrettfeel better and let him know it wasn’t the end of the world. We finishedeating and made our way back. Garrett was extremely hesitant about facingthe others. We delicately explained the situation. I witnessed what truefriends we had. Each one walked up to Garrett and told him personallynothing had changed as far as they saw things.”Now that the drama is out of the way. Are there three guys wanna walkwith me down the beach? I hear there is a gay section with some reallycute guys down there,” Scott asked.”I will to see what it’s about,” Corey said.”I’ll go for a while,” I said. “Come on, Garrett, it’ll be fun.””I don’t know, guys,” Garrett said.”Go on, Garrett. Enjoy it while you can,” Kris said.Garrett stood, “Alright, I guess I’ll go.””We’ll watch your stuff,” Jess said. “Have fun.”We headed out with Scott leading the way in his Speedo.”This guy just walked up to me and told me there was this section where thegay guys and gals hang. He said they patrol it pretty heavily to keep theharassment down and lewd behavior,” Scott commented.We walked what seemed like forever until seeing the classic rainbow flagflying in the soft Gulf breeze. We walked up and took a seat.A guy walked up to us as soon as we were seated. “I hope you’re not hereto cause trouble,” he stated.”Nope, we’re gay and came here to enjoy it,” Scott stated.”That’s great then. Have fun,” he said and walked away.We sat to enjoy the sun and sand while taking in all that was around us.”Feel better now?” Corey asked Garrett.”A little,” he replied. “You know there are some really cute guys here.The only problem is what do I say to them?””Just be yourself,” I said and felt Corey’s arm go around my waist. Heleaned over and kissed me. It felt great to be in a place where we couldshow affection and not be stared at or called names.We sat and continued to enjoy this freedom.”You care if we join you?” I heard a voice near Scott.”Of course not, grab some sand,” Scott replied.I turned and saw two really cute guys taking a seat. Scott promptlyintroduced us to them. They introduced themselves as Gage and Austin.Gage was thin and reminded me of how I looked back in September. He hadshort blond hair and the cutest smile ever. Austin wasn’t thin nor was hefat either. He had short brown hair and was already rather dark. The bestpart was both were extremely friendly and sophomores in college. We sataround and enjoyed their company.Soon, three more guys came walking up and sat near us. After a while, theystarted talking with us. They were seniors in high school. One was namedAiden. Hot doesn’t come close to describing him and his body. Hisfriends, Mike and Jay, were cute too. This wasn’t so bad after all. Wedid see a few that came to be a nuisance but the patrol officer ran themoff when they wanted to start trouble.We were sitting having the best time when Scott got a call. Our group waspacking things up for the day and were heading off with instructions tomeet later to go eat somewhere that could hold about fifteen people. Wehated to say goodbye but we did.We walked away with Garrett having a spring back in his step.”I’ll just say it. Fuck Aiden was hot as fuck!” Scott said. “That boycould be a fucking model!””I know,” Garrett said. “Gage and Austin were hot, too.””Yeah but not in Aiden’s league at all,” Corey said.”Please guys. I bet they are saying the same thing about us. Scott, theywere giving you the eye, especially Mike and Jay,” I stated. “I wasbeginning to get a little jealous of Gage and Austin the way they just wenton and on about how built Corey is.””Matt, Aiden said straight up you were hot as fuck and didn’t even get tosee your ass naked,” Scott said. “He’d really said you were hot. You andGarrett both for that matter. Garrett, if there was a nude beach aroundhere, you’d have to fight em off to get at your big fuck stick.”Garrett laughed, “I could only be so lucky. I wish I had to fight you off,Scott.””Garrett, I think you’re hot and all but it just wouldn’t work. I’m sorrybut think of the shit back at school,” Scott said as we walked back.”I guess you’re right now that I think about it. I’ll just have to find myown little hottie,” Garrett said. “Did I just say that?””Yeah you did and doesn’t it feel so good, Garrett?” I asked.”Yeah, it really does. No more living with the hangers and moth balls. Ididn’t creep out of the closet; the fucking door was ripped off,” Garrettlaughed.”It sure was,” Corey laughed. “How does it feel now?””Way better than it did about three or four hours ago,” Garrett replied andsmiled.TO BE CONTINUED…

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