Cynthia’s Submission Ch. 22

3D Porn

Thank you for reading my stories, and I am sorry if the wait between chapters is longer than you would like. I am doing my best, and promise to keep writing them as long as the response to them is positive. As always, rating and commenting on the stories are greatly appreciated, and if you would like to make suggestions as to possible scenarios you like to see my characters attempt, please fire them at me

Also, this story may not include quite the amount of sexual interaction as some of the previous stories in the series as it is hopefully more effectively set things up for spicier future chapters. This is meant to set up future crossover of characters from my Lesson Plan series and this one. If you have not read my Lesson Plan series, you may want to check them out, but it is necessary to continue enjoying this series. Also, those of you are faithful readers of all my stories, you may have notice that there is just a bit of crossover already with my Lesson Plan series, and the “Getting Caught Up” one off I wrote. Please enjoy.


After the coincidental witnessing of a fellow teacher getting a good ass fucking from an unknown black man a few weeks ago, the vivid image would not leave my memory bank. As it seemed, could Sage get the thought out of her head as she would consistently bring it up during our many meetings together since. I got the sense that she was trying to figure a way in which either she could get me and Miss Bell together, or have me be used in a similar fashion by a black man. To be honest, either scenario did a great job of getting me absolutely horny when thinking about them. However, for now it was all just fantasy, and I was very much still getting more than I could handle from Sage.

Over the last few weeks, our relationship had continued as it had; with me serving her in any manner she felt fit. I spent much of my time nude and in her service; getting fucked and used. More and more she was getting riskier with her tasks for me at school, and with each one I continued down my path of submission. She made sure to keep things fresh and never routine. Sometimes I was to be her puppy slut, and at other times she added back in piss play. The only constant was that I was hers to do with as she pleased. However, with the new knowledge of Miss Bell in her mind it became more and more evident that she was scheming something that involved her.

Often times when she would be fucking me with a strap on, it would be black and she would ask me if I felt like Miss Bell getting pounded by a thick black cock. I of course would moan back indicating that I did, and the image of Miss Bell bent over her desk would flood back to the forefront of my mind. Other times, she would ask me if I thought Miss Bell would like getting her pussy licked, often when I was licking hers. All of her questions and suggestions about Miss Bell only made me begin to desire something to happen, or for Sage to set some in motion with the other teacher. I wasn’t sure how or when she would, but I did know she was planning something.

It was on a Friday morning, just after Sage had finished fucking my ass with a huge strap on, that she finally initiated what would be step one of a plan for me and Miss Bell. I was getting dressed in a very minimal sundress she had provided me for the school day, when she almost nonchalantly indicated to me that I was to ask Miss Bell out for drinks that night. The order caught me somewhat off guard, and I asked her what I should give as for a reason for inviting her out to drinks. Sage told me I could manage to figure something out, but that I was to do my best to make sure Miss Bell accepted my invitation. I nodded my understanding, and upon receiving it, Sage exited my room.

Miss Bell, Addison, and I were friendly. We talked occasionally whenever we would pass in the halls or see each other in lounge. I wouldn’t say we were close, as we never talked outside of school, but we were certainly friendly. This of course meant it would be a bit strange for me to ask her out of the blue to meet up for drinks. I would have to give her some reason as to why, and hope she would take the bait. The best way I decided was to actively seek her out throughout the day, and initiate conversation all while dropping hints about going out. I started right away by heading over to her classroom before first period was to start. I figured I would come up with a simple excuse like needed paper or something to validate my impromptu popping in of her room. From there I would begin the subtle laying of hints for needing to get drinks after school. As I approached her class, I took a moment to collect my thoughts outside of her door before going in.

“Good morning Addison, I was hoping you could help me out. Oh don’t you look very sexy today?”

Miss Bell was wearing a very pretty wrap around dress, green in color that accented her red hair. She was also wearing a pair of matching green heels to compliment the dress. She was bahçeşehir escort facing away from me when I entered, writing on her white board, so I got a good view of her rear end which looked nearly perfect and if I was not mistaken very much panty line free. When I greeted her she turned to respond.

“Oh hey, thank you; a girl can try right? What can a help you with?”

“I just realized I am out of paper, and I need to print some things out for my first period class. I was hoping you may have some I could use.”

“Of course, let me get it for you.”

I watched as she moved over to her desk and retrieved the paper. While she was doing so I started the small chat in which I hoped would lay the groundwork for her accepting my offer to get drinks later.

“It has just been that kind of week I guess. You know the kind that when it is over you could use a good stiff drink or two?”

“Don’t I know it? I feel like most weeks are a stiff drink kind of week. The life of a teacher, am I right?”

“Yeah I guess so, but I think this week may be deserving more than any other. Anyway, thank you for the paper; I must get those documents printed. See you later Miss Bell.”

“No problem and just remember it is Friday. You have the whole weekend to recover from the week.”

I laughed a friendly laughed and waved as I exited her room. The interaction was casual, but was all part of my plan. If I was going to get her out for drinks, I would have to play it just right. Back in my own room, I set the paper I borrowed from Miss Bell on my desk, and then got things ready for class. The bell rang and I was soon wrapped up in teaching to worry too much about Miss Bell or Sage. However, once I was able to get my students started on their assignment, I retreated to my desk and initiated the next step in my plan. I pulled open the school email program on my computer and set to sending Addison an email thanking her again for her kindness earlier. What I sent off went as follows:

“Hey, I just wanted to thank you again for lending me that paper this morning; you really saved my butt. It really has been quite the demanding week, but like you said TGIF. TGIF? Hey doesn’t that place have a bar? There’s a thought. Anyways, thanks again. If you ever need anything in return, I would happily oblige.”

Again, I was hoping for the subtleness of it to have the impact of getting her to start thinking about drinks after a long day at school. It was a slow build up, but one I felt would be very effective.

Between second and third periods, I made my way to the teacher’s lounge, knowing I would have to pass by Miss Bell’s room to do so. I wanted to add water to the seed I planted in her head about getting drinks, and I figured a quick fly by comment or conversation would do just that. She was standing by her door greeting her students as they came into class when I approached her.

“There is my morning savior. Again, I must thank you.”

“No problem, I know how it is sometimes. Some days things get crazy.”

“Yeah, but like you said, at least it is Friday. Not for nothing, I am really thinking about treating myself to some drinks after school. If you’re interested, I could always use some company.”

“Oh I don’t know, it does sound fun. I will have to see how the rest of my day goes.”

“Okay, no big deal; I’ll check back with you later then.”

I proceeded to the lounge after my brief conversation with Miss Bell, and felt pretty confident that she would be joining me for drinks after school; Sage will be proud of me. Speaking of which, my next classes went off without a hitch, and soon it was time for Sage’s class. After only moments into the class she texted me to ask about Miss Bell. I indicated that I believed things seemed likely for her joining me for drinks. Sage seemed pleased to hear so, and then transitioned into more intimate texting.

“I want you to slip your arms out of the shoulder straps of your dress right now slut. It shouldn’t slip down as you are sitting and it is tight enough on top.”

“Yes Mistress.”

Considering my mind had been on Miss Bell most of the morning, I hadn’t taken the appropriate time to mentally prepare for Sage’s possible lunchtime activities. I glanced around the room at my engaged and working students before I slowly began to slip my arms out of the thin straps of the dress. It felt so daring to be doing so during school, and I wondered how much further she would have me go before the period ended. She was right of course about the dress no slipping down. Because I was sitting and the top portion of the dress was tighter, it didn’t fall down. However, I figured it was just preparation to allow for it to come off quicker and easier. I remained in my seat behind my desk, just waiting for the next set of instructions. Ten minutes later, my phone lit up, and I no longer had to wait.

“Okay slut, class is nearly done so why don’t bakırköy escort you go ahead and pull your dress down some? Pull it just to the edge of your nipples; really show off what little cleavage you have.”

“Yes Mistress.”

Tentatively, I tugged down on my dress to reveal more of my chest. I don’t have large breasts, but with my dress pulled down so low, I was threatening to spill out of it. I was living dangerously, but none of my students other than Sage seemed to take notice. My only hope was that with only ten minutes left in class, Sage would not have me proceed to take it any lower until after the dismissal bell. However, with just a minute left in class, and all my students packed up and ready to go, Sage texted me once more.

“When the bell rings you are to stand up, but your dress will ‘accidentally’ get pulled down. If you don’t make a big scene, I’m sure no one will notice your tits flopping out.”

I didn’t respond, but instead looked to Sage who of course was not even paying attention to me. Pulling my dress down while my class was still present, even if they would be leaving, was a very risky play. However, I knew it wouldn’t be so risky that I wouldn’t do it and upset my Mistress. I quickly prepared myself for the accident by bunch up a length of the dress under the heels of my shoes. That way when I would go to stand the dress would only go with me so far, and then be restricted and pulled down. Because I was rushed to get prepared before the bell rang, I wasn’t able to figure a good amount to tuck under my heels. I had to just guess at an appropriate amount.

The bell rang, and as it finished I began to stand just like my students. Just as I planned I was only able to stand up so far before the dress became taut with resistance. I was only halfway standing when the slack of my dress was pulled tight, and I knew standing all the way up would lead to becoming exposed. This of course was Sage’s order, so I continued to stand straight and the dress pulled down my body exposing my chest in a flash. What I wasn’t prepared for though was that my dress continued to get pulled down and over my ass which meant once I was standing upright the dress had no other option but to fall to the floor. In an instant I was standing naked in my classroom. I of course recoiled at the exposure, and sunk back down to cover myself. A few of my students noticed my predicament, but because it happened so fast, they didn’t seem to know what to do or say. They just stood staring blankly at me for a moment.

One of them broke the silence by asking if I was okay, and I meekly replied that I was fine and that it seemed my dress got snagged. They seemed to buy it, but didn’t make a move to leave so I indicated that it would be best if they left so I could correct mishap. This urging kicked their minds in gear, and they each apologized before leaving me to attend to myself in the room. Once alone, I instinctively reached to pull on my dress, but then stopped as I realized Sage never mentioned that I was to redress. So, I sat back and waited to see if Sage would return. Fortunately, it wasn’t more than two minutes later that Sage came back into my room.

“Very well done slut; it looked like a total accident that you got completely nude in class. I’m sure that nobody will believe the students who saw you, but that won’t keep them from telling everyone. Now come over here and stand by your door.”

I quickly rose to my feet and scampered over to Sage to stand where indicated. She turned me so I was facing my door, and then began to slip her fingers into my nearly always aroused pussy. She started with one finger at first while she asked me questions.

“So, do you really think Miss Bell wants to join you for drinks?”

“Yes Mistress, I think she does, but she may need a bit more convincing.”

“If she goes out with you, do you think you can get her to talk about her black fuck partner?”

She inserted a second finger as I began to respond, “Ungh, I might be able to Mistress. Do you want me too?”

“Yes, I think that would be great if she opened up to you. If it helps, I want you to be open and honest with her as well. You can explain how you have been naughty at school too. Just maybe leave out the bit about me being a student. What do you think slut? Can you do that?”

“Yes Mistress.”

As she asked her next question, she also slipped in another finger into my dripping box. “Well you tell her about how you love being naked at school?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“How about how you just love perform naughty tasks for your mistress at school?”

“Yes Mistress, I’ll tell her that.”

“Tell who slut?”

“I’ll tell Miss Bell how I love performing naughty tasks for you at school Mistress.”

Another finger and another question. “What if Miss Bell asks what type of tasks you perform, what will you tell her then?”

Almost in a pant I reply, “I’ll tell Miss Bell how başakşehir escort I enjoy going down on you in my classroom.”

“That’s good slut. What if she then becomes interested to the point that she wants you to go down on her, would you do that slut?”

“Oh yes Mistress.”

Pumping her hand faster she asks, “So you want to go down on Miss Bell and taste her little pussy?”

“Yes Mistress, oh god yes.”

Without warning Sage pulled her hand away from my sex, and left me quivering on the verge of an orgasm. She then moved over to my desk and picked up my dress before speaking to me again.

“Well slut, I hope for your sake Miss Bell does agree to go out with you tonight, and that it leads to more, because that will be the only way you get to orgasm this weekend. Go ahead and get redressed, and make sure to text me once you know for sure if she is in or out. I am going to go home and won’t be back for any afterschool fun. Hopefully, you will get your fill with Miss Bell.”

Sage left while I pulled my dress back on, and I already had my gears churning as to how to make sure Miss Bell came out with me. Looking to the clock, I saw that there was still ten minutes left for lunch so I decided to head back to the teacher’s lounge to hopefully bump into Miss Bell again. I wanted it to be a fly by meeting, and not look as if I was pestering her. Popping into the lounge, I scanned the room but did not see her sitting and eating with any of the other teachers. I decided to freshen myself up in the ladies room, and just so happened to nearly run into Miss Bell as she was coming out. We both laughed at our almost crash, and then exchanged pleasantries as we passed. I quickly used the facilities and washed up some before leaving to head back to my room. On my way back I passed Miss Bell once again in the hall, and she surprised me with the conversation she started up.

“Hey Ms. Watts, I have been thinking about your suggestion earlier, and was wondering if it was still on the table?”

“Oh you mean about drinks. Yeah, I’m always up for some good company while out. So does that mean you are in?”

“Yes, I’m in. I just had to clear my schedule is all, but I think it would be fun. Where do you want to meet?”

“How about we meet at that new wine bar on main, at let’s say 7?”

“Okay that sounds perfect, I will see you there.”

“Great, I’ll be looking forward to it. See you later.”

Ending our conversation, I hurried back to my room to text Sage the good news. As I typed my message, I could feel my damp pussy become even slicker from the mere idea of going out with Miss Bell. Sage replied promptly telling me that was great news, and that she would call me later with further instructions. She also stated that I was to go straight home after school. I was as giddy as a schoolgirl with the wonderful thoughts and ideas of what the night held flowing through my head. I only wished I could make the clock move faster so I wouldn’t have to wait so long.

My last classes of the day seemed to drag by as things often do when you are eagerly waiting to do something else. I kept checking the clock as if it would just miraculously start spinning faster and I could at least end my school day. It was almost more than I could bear, having to wait so long for my day to be done. Thankfully, the final dismissal bell rang out, and I was at long last able to at least take my waiting to the comforts of my own home; where at which I could be naked and think about the endless possibilities of my night. When I did arrive home, I wasted no time stripping off the sundress I was wearing, and was very soon nude in my bedroom. It was at that point in which I realized I still had quite a bit of a wait on my hands. Delightedly however, Sage called me just after my arrival and had some interesting instructions for me and my evening.

“I assume you’re home now slut.”

“Yes Mistress, I am home.”

“Good, because you have just about five hours until your evening out with Miss Bell, and I want you to get yourself put together just right. The first thing you are to do is order in some food so that you won’t have to worry about eating while out. Of course you will receive the food from the delivery person while naked. Once you have finished eating, you are to take a nice hot shower; making sure to shave all hair from the neck down. You will then prepare your ass for the night. I want you to insert your pink plug once you are out of the shower; it will be a constant reminder of what a submissive slut you are while you are out with a colleague. As for what I want you to wear, it will be a dress. In fact it will be a very nice dress, and very sexy. In your closet you have a pink fit and flare dress that I bought for you awhile back; I think it would be perfect for tonight. You will pair the dress with a pair of your black stiletto heels, the higher the better. Of course I do not want you wearing any kind of underwear at all tonight so your wardrobe will be just the dress and heels. Also, you will only bring a small black clutch with you to hold your I.D., credit card, and phone. You will not need your keys, as you will request an UBER car to and from the bar. As for makeup, just do a simple job; nothing too whorish. Is this all understood my slut?”

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