Dex and the Twins at College Ch. 15

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Dex and the Twins at College


It was Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Our guests, Sylvia, Reece and Ginger had stayed the night because none of them was fit to drive after consuming three pitchers of Mom’s secret vodka concoction. No one slept much as bodies slinked from room to room all night. The guests left after breakfast and we all went back to our bedrooms to take naps.

I woke to the unmistakable sound of a headboard banging against the wall. I listened for several seconds and concluded that it was coming from the twin’s room. I smiled to myself. Those two were never satisfied. I envisioned one of them with a strap-on dildo, on her knees fucking the other one, doggy style. I hadn’t seen or heard them use the strap-on since early last summer before our first time together. They had me to satisfy them and I did my best to do so.

The sounds and my imagination were having the usual effect on my cock as it lifted my bedcovers up to a tent. I put my hands behind my head and looked down at the tent snap up to a peak and then slightly drop down again only to repeat the sequence.

I was certain that I could join them if I wanted. In fact, I was surprised that they hadn’t come and got me. My cock was certainly willing. I knew that if I looked in to confirm the vision in my mind, that I’d be hooked. I had plans for today and I was already behind schedule. That plan had included stopping by to see Ginger at work like she requested, to do the coffee thing, but she got that already this morning before she left. Then, I had a little drive to take after, to go visit Issabella at her office, like she asked. I planned to take Reece out to a nice restaurant and renew our friendship without a roomful of family around and finish the day with her. I was contemplating asking Reece to move into our spare bedroom when she starts the next spring semester. June and Julie had suggested it and my initial reaction was negative. It had been in the back of my mind ever since. With some ground-rules, I thought it could work. I was still wrestling with it.

I pulled back my covers and my unrestrained cock slapped down on my stomach and bobbed back up again. I swung my feet to the floor and headed for the bathroom with my erection pointing the way. It swayed from side to side as I walked. I was about to go into the bathroom when a low-pitched moan came from the twin’s room. The door was closed but not latched. I gently pushed the door open and peered around the corner of the closet and discovered that my vision was all wrong.

Julie was on her knees with her hands up on the headboard, but it was Dad who was on his knees behind her gripping her hips as he pounded his cock into her pussy. It could have been her ass; I couldn’t tell from my position. June was to Julie’s right, in the same position as close to Julie as she could get. Their hips touched. Dad was giving it his all and then he stopped and pulled out of Julie and moved to his right and drove his cock into June’s pussy as she moaned.

I had my cock in my hand furiously jerking myself off as I watched them. I could have easily cum in my hand but I didn’t see the justice in that. There was a gorgeous ass right there in front of me just begging for a cock. I slowed my pace and walked quietly around the bed by the windows with my cock in my hand. Dad was really pummeling June’s pussy and she was loving every thrust. Julie was looking to her right at June as I came in on her left. The bed gave away my presence as I climbed on and guided my knob to Julie’s sex. She groaned hard when I pushed in to her sopping wet pussy.

Dad just grinned at me and didn’t modify his pace at all. He just said, “Well, it’s about time. I’ve been trying to hold down the fort waiting for reinforcements.”

I picked up on Dad’s pace and our hips were in sync, driving our cocks in and out. This action really increased the banging of the headboard on the wall. So, I modified my thrusts to be opposite of his, which immediately stopped the banging noise. Dad grinned over at me as we see-sawed back and forth. I leaned forward and cupped Julie’s big tits in my hand and she moaned from the sensation. She joined the action by pushing back away from the headboard as I pushed forward. We were all gasping for oxygen and that became to loudest sound in the room. Even louder than the unmistakable sounds of bodies slapping together.

June was the first one to groan her way into her orgasm. She let go of the headboard and her face collapsed down into a pillow. Dad had her hips in a vice-grip as he slammed his cock into her. She groaned with each penetration and from the look on Dad’s face, he was only moments away from his climax. His eyes were pinched shut and he was gritting his teeth as he furiously plowed June’s depths. Then his mouth opened and a long groan erupted from his throat, “UUUNNNGGGGG.” He screwed his cock in as deep as he could on the first pulse of cum and pulled back to reload and then he made the same sound again and escort bayan bursa again as he threw his hips at her. She moaned with each penetration. Both Dad’s and June’s mouths hung open as Dad purged his balls.

I hadn’t forgotten about Julie. June’s climax had an effect on her and she was slamming herself back at me as hard as I was slamming my cock into her. The headboard was banging on the wall again, driven my Julie’s forehead, which she had rested there. Her head was turned slightly toward June, so I could see her face screw into a contortion that was much like Dad’s had been as he fired his first salvo. She was close and I resolved my conflict of cumming now or save it for later. When Julie’s body tightened and then released, I was right there.

Julie’s spastic clenching on my cock was amazing and she milked me of what seemed like an endless series of body wracking cum shots. She screeched with each thrust of my hips and muffled the screeches with her hand. Her pussy clenching continued after I was done and I dropped back on my heels. My cock pulled free and cum poured from her. She reached her hand down between her thighs to catch the flow. Her head dropped down to the pillow and she pushed her hips back at me so she could lay flat on her stomach with her hand trapped under her. She was chanting, “Oh my gawd. Oh my gawd.”

June giggled at Julie’s chanting and said, “Amen.” That got Julie laughing and more cum oozed out into her hand.

Dad was wiping his softening cock on June’s ass and she reached back and took control of it and started jerking him off. My cock was still hard, but I was done for the moment. I had plans for it later. I got off the bed and stood at the foot for a moment watching June drag Dad’s semi-erection on her ass. It didn’t look like Dad was going to get it up again any time soon.

I jumped in the shower and did my bathroom stuff and went back to my room to dress. I dressed nicely in anticipation of dinner with Reece and I even pulled out a sport jacket.

Downstairs, all was quiet. I checked my watch and decided that I would skip the coffee-klatch with Ginger. I grabbed my car keys and quietly exited the front door. I didn’t want to wake Mom because then I’d have to totally abandon my plans.

I had not informed Issabella that I was coming. I knew her Friday patient schedule was light and I wanted to surprise her. She may have a patient when I arrived, but I’d wait. Her receptionist, Meaghan, may or may not be there and she liked to flirt when business was slow. I’d met her once while I waited for Mom’s session with the Doctor. She had beautiful coffee-brown skin. She was pretty but not gorgeous. Her body wasn’t spectacular but she dressed to accent her positives, which were large breasts, and detract from her negatives, which were her wide hips and large ass. Her hair was black and was pulled back in a pony-tail when I met her. Her eyes were golden, which was a striking contrast with her black hair and brown skin. She had worn bright red lipstick which accented her ultra-white teeth when she smiled, and she did that a lot. She obviously had Latina ancestry. She spoke perfect English with no accent. What was notable, was her perfect enunciation of her words. Overall, she was attractive and I loved the energy that she exuded. I had enjoyed our flirting session while I had waited for Mom.

I fought off my erection while I drove the hour-long trip. My latest vision of Issabella was from the facetime call when she came to the house to work with Dad on his sexual hang-ups with hypnotherapy. At thirty-five, she’s very attractive and at the peak of her sexuality, or so I’d read. The vision in my mind of her sucking my Dad’s cock was the major contributor in my battle with my little head. I went with it and rubbed my cock through my pants as I tried to concentrate on the road. The closer I got to my destination the harder my erection became. Anticipation was taking over. I could feel the heat in my face. I could have grabbed my cum-towel from under my seat and jerked myself off, but I was within a few blocks of destination and I had plans for every ejaculation.

I pulled into the parking lot of the medical building where Dr. Jaffrey’s was one of many medical practitioners. I couldn’t walk into the reception area with an obvious hard-on, so I waited in the car for ten minutes thinking about anything other than what I was here for. By then, my erection was manageable. I pulled it up under my zipper and trapped the head under my belt to keep it there. That’s where it wanted to go anyway. If I had a full erection, it would have extended past my belt and I’d have to tuck my shirt in over it.

I got out of the car and stood up straight. I looked down to see and made a small adjustment by tugging on my pants. My cock bulged my pants out a bit, but I decided that it was okay, unless it got hard again. I went in the front door and half way down the hall, on the left, was Issabella’s office. I made one last check and opened the door. There were no patients bursa sinirsiz eskort in the waiting room. I was disappointed that Meaghan wasn’t at her desk. The lighted sign by the Doctor’s office was lit and read, ‘Session in Process’. I fumbled through the stack of magazines and found one of interest and I sat down to wait.

A short while later, the Doctor’s office door opened and Meaghan appeared. She was a little disheveled and was fidgeting with her top. Her hair was more disheveled, with wisps of hair free from her pony-tail. Her bright red lipstick was smeared around her mouth. She didn’t see me until she came around her desk tugging on her bra and tank-top. She wore a loose fitting, blousy skirt that hid her hips and ass. Her legs were nicely shaped with slender ankles. I hadn’t seen her legs before. She was reaching for the door to the hallway when she saw me and she stopped short with a hand to her chest. Her face, which was flushed when she exited the Doctor’s office, went redder on her coffee brown skin.

Meaghan tried to stuff her loose hair over her ears as she said, “I’m sorry. We don’t have anyone else scheduled for today. Can I help you?” She subconsciously realigned her skirt and pulled it higher on her surprisingly slender waist.

I smiled at her thinking about what sexual activity she had just been engaged in with either a patient or the Doctor or both. That thought went straight to the little-head and it reacted accordingly. I saw her eyes drop to my lap before I could cover the growing bulge with my magazine. I was about to tell her that I was just visiting the Doctor, when her eyes registered her recognition. She said, “You’ve been here before. I remember. You were with a middle-aged woman with a sleepwalking disorder. I remember her. She was gorgeous. How have things worked out for her? She nonchalantly pulled her arms in tight to her side to make another boob adjustment. I could easily imagine that boobs as big as hers would present some management difficulties.

I nodded to indicate that her memory was spot-on. She displayed those blazing-white teeth with a smile. I told her that I was just here to visit with Dr. Jaffrey and thank her personally for the amazing help that she provided to my mother and father. The look on her face told me that she knew nothing about the Doctor’s work with my father, which wasn’t a surprise.

Meaghan smiled those teeth again and said, “I’ll let her know that you’re here.” She hesitated and then came over and sat in the chair beside me and said, “What magazine are you reading?” She reached for it to see for herself. She got to it before I could and she pulled it off my lap. She had no interest in the magazine, only what she had got a fleeting glance at before I dropped it in my lap. She looked up from the bulge in my pants and said, “How long has that been like that?”

I looked at her and smiled as I realized that those golden eyes had gone from embarrassment to recognition and now were sultry as she looked down at the bulge in my pants. Her right arm seemed to coil in preparation to reach out and touch that bulge. I knew from a picture on the wall of her college diploma in Psychology, that she was planning on applying some of her education on me. I decided to fuck with her a little and said, “A few days I guess.” Her eyes flew up to my face with astonishment in her eyes.

Her eyes dropped down to my crotch again and I flexed my cock. She sucked her lower lip to her teeth and said, “Did you take an ED drug or something? You’re pretty young for that.” I shook my head. “Is that why you’re here to see the Doctor?” I gave her a fake look of embarrassment and nodded my head. She said, “That’s called Priapism. It can be dangerous. I’ll let the Doctor know right away. I’ll be right back.” Her nipples had hardened and were plainly evident through her bra and tank-top. She disappeared in the Doctor’s office. She left the door open and after a minute or so, I saw Issabella come to her door. I hadn’t given Meaghan my name so Issabella had to come out to see who her new patient was. She grinned at me and shoved her tongue into her cheek many times on the opposite side of Meaghan who stood beside her. Issabella turned to her assistant and said something and then she went back in to her office as Meaghan came toward me. She said, “That Doctor can see you now.” I smiled at her and stood up. She stared down at my crotch and muttered the word, “Fuck,” as I gingerly stepped past her as though I was in terrible pain. I stepped into the Doctor’s office and closed the door.

Issabella grinned at me and came around her desk to hug and kiss me. She said, “I’m so glad you came to visit me. I know it’s a drive.” She kissed me again and ran her hand down over my zipper to feel how hard I was. She looked up at me and said, “Wow. Meaghan wasn’t kidding. She said you have had this erection for a few days?”

I laughed and said, “I was just fucking with her. When she came out of your office looking like she had escort bayan hastily got dressed after having sex, I got an erection wondering if she was having sex with you or a patient or both. She saw the bulge before I could hide it with a magazine.”

She laughed and said, “You’re a bad boy for messing with her like that, but you were correct. She was having sex with a patient. She loves sex. That’s why she came to me for her job. Without revealing any patient confidentiality, the patient, in his mid-forties, has Erectile Disfunction and his wife has threatened to divorce him if he doesn’t solve the problem. He tried all kinds of medical doctors with no resolution. It seems that his problem is that his wife doesn’t engage in any sex except the missionary position and after twenty years of that, he’s totally bored with his sex life and the result is his ED. The source of most ED cases is right up here,” she pointed to her head, “and not down here,” she ran her fingers along the contours of my erection as she stretched up to kiss me again.

“Anyway, he didn’t believe my assessment, so I had Meaghan come in and remove her top and jerk him off and in seconds he had a raging hard-on. Meaghan being Meaghan, she pushed the hand job to a blow job and he didn’t last very long before he blew. He is bringing his wife to our next appointment to see if I can convince her to broaden her sexual horizons.” She grinned at me and continued, “If you were available, I bet you could help convince her to try new things, but I’d be afraid that she would feel that she’d been gypped all these years and divorce him anyway.” I chuckled.

She turned to our business and said, “Now let’s see what we can do about your problem down there.” She reached down and unzipped my pants and my hard-on leaped out into her hand. She giggled and said, “Well, that’s a good start.” She looked up at me with an impish look on her face and said, “Are you up for fucking with Meaghan some more?” I grinned and nodded. “When she came in to tell me about you out in the waiting room, she couldn’t stop mentioning how huge the bulge in your pants was. She was seriously concerned about it. Since you have Priapism, the solution is to get you to cum, and since I have an emergency phone call with another client, I’ll ask her to take care of you.” I readily nodded my agreement.

She motioned to the couch and told me to take off my pants. When they came down, I got a sense that Issabella was having second thoughts. She went to the door and talked to Meaghan and asked her to deal with my problem while she resolved an emergency. She went back to her desk and got out her cell phone and held it to her face and started talking like there was a distraught patient on the other end.

Meaghan came in and saw me sitting back on the sofa with my cock pointing at the ceiling and pulsing up and down. I flexed my cock as fast as I could to help sell the situation for Meaghan. She muttered the same word as she had when I walked past her in the waiting room, “Fuck”. She looked at Dr. Jaffrey for any directions and Issabella pulled the cellphone down to her boob and said. He’s all yours. I shouldn’t be too long. We have to make him cum as many times as we can.”

Meaghan looked at me and then at my bobbing cock. She gave me a smile and moved in and dropped to her knees in front of me. She was sympathetic and asked if it hurt bad. I nodded, but I felt a little guilty for messing with her like this.

She threw her head around to toss her long black hair to her back. She reached forward and gripped the knob and immediately snatched her hand back like she’d been bitten by a snake. She giggled nervously and without a word she pulled her tank-top over her head and reached behind her to unhook her bra. Her huge tits forced their way out of their previous confinement. She cupped them in her hands as she lifted one up to kiss her erect nipple and then the other. They were incredible and my cock must have thought so too as it hardened even more. She saw the movement and giggled as she gripped my shaft near my balls with her left hand and about half way up with her right. She pulled down with her left to tighten the skin on my knob. She held her left hand in place and started slowly stroking my shaft with her right. I groaned from the sensation.

Meaghan increased her pace and I stole a glance at Issabella, who had one hand holding the phone loosely by her face and the other fondling her tits inside her blouse. Her viewing angle was perfect. She caught me looking at her and she grinned.

Meaghan leaned forward and added her lips to the action as she stretched them around the knob. With the skin pulled tight, that was an awesome sensation. Meaghan had some skills. To enhance the view, Meaghan placed her huge boobs on my thighs and inched in closer as her lips pushed down my shaft. Her golden eyes were fixed on mine which added to the erotic scene. She tried to deep-throat my cock a few times but she gagged hard each time. When she pulled back, a thick coating of her saliva covered my shaft and long silvery threads draped from my knob to her lips. She quickly ran her free hand up and down the shaft to distribute the saliva and broke the threads with her little finger. She drove her lips back on again and started an incredible blow job. She was mindful of her gag-point.

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