

 9,000 miles away.Still, I feel you in every minute of every day. In every heartbeat one heart, incomplete. You are seared on my skin, indelibly. So nestle in my wanting soulYour absence exacts a torturous toll.  I stand alone at ocean’s edge, in buffeted gossamer Trailing threadsThe ache for you Bolu Escort is reconditeOn soiled knees I beg your sight. I scan the horizon, the distant skiesThe shimmering stars, your pale blue eyesThe cool sand under kneeIs the same earth beneath your feet,9,000 miles away. Over clamorous Bolu Escort Bayan waves and rustling fronds, I strain to divineThe evanescent whispers of your distant voice.Among the wind-borne fragrancesI seek desperately to find your scented trace. 9,000 miles. One heartbeat. Escort Bolu One heart, incomplete. I close my eyesAs the cool night breeze carries your touch,ethereally caressing my sex, flurrying my breast.Enter me, Divine Breeze, sow your essence, tenant my soul with your presence.Come to me, complete me.Enveloped in momentary embrace before dissipating into spaceEverything you are beckons my spirit.  “Your essence mine!” I bleed, 9000 miles away.Come to me. A daring girl’s heart yearns.9000 miles do not existwhen you Cum to me, my darling Miss.

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