Dorothy and Adult Son Eddie Ch. 01


The accounting of a son and his mother.

“Mom, some of the guys are going to that new bar in town tonight. I thought I’d go along and see how the wings are.” Eddie said, not sounding like he was asking permission, even though he was.

His mother put the magazine she was reading down on her lap. She was sitting on the couch, legs propped up on the foot stool. She paused, not looking at him until she spoke.

“I have a better idea. How about a foot rub. You can start down at my toes, and work your way up.”

As she spoke, she first wiggled her toes, then then bent her knees, and spread her legs slightly. The meaning was obvious. Eddie paused, looking for the right words, then spoke.

“We could do that after I got back.” he suggested.

“Do I need to remind you that when we started this unusual relationship, one that was your idea, we agreed to certain things. I had no interest in being your servant or sex slave, at your beck and call. We agreed that I would decide when we were intimate. I would be in control of my own body. Are we on the same page?”

He knew exactly what she was talking about. It just seemed like she had turned things around, and she had become in charge of his body. He really didn’t have any reason to complain. He had been enjoying the best sex of his life these last six months. Better than he had with his ex wife, or all of the girls he had dated at university. He still hadn’t had intercourse with his mother, but he was hopeful that would change, eventually.

It seemed any time he expressed independence, she would remind him that the two of them were linked together, by more than blood. He knew he had to reassure her that he respected her, as a woman as well as his mother.

His long pause caused her concern, so she wanted to make sure he understood the seriousness of the matter.

“If you want to end this part of our relationship that is fine with me. You can move your things out of my bedroom right now. You will be welcome to stay in the house, in your own room. No touchy-feely business. No afternoon hand jobs. My pussy will be off limits, to your hands, your mouth, your eyes, everything. No more mommy pussy for Edward. No more feeling my breasts just because you want to. You’ll have to find some other nipples to suck on. Do you understand?”

“I understand, you know I don’t want that.”

There was almost panic in his voice. He knew she wasn’t serious, but just the thought of ending their affair, arrangement, intimacy, whatever it was, all of a sudden, would be more than he could handle. Here he was, a grown man, acting like a teenager being scolded by his mother.

“I am very sorry. I can go out with the guys some other time. I want to stay in with you this evening.”

Glenn was remorseful, and it was obvious from his voice.

“You just need to face the facts and see how it is, and enjoy the good life you have. I like the feel of your cock. I like it when you come up behind me, and put your arms around me and start feeling my breasts, and tell me how happy I make you. It makes me want to feel your cock, and suck it. I want you to know that you have the best mother a son could ever wish for. I think you like pleasing me just as much as I enjoy pleasing you. You really do enjoy watching me walking around the house nude, or in just a T-shirt, with my furry patch peeking out.”

“You enjoy being on your knees, between my legs, washing my pussy with your mouth and tongue. You like it when I take your hands and move them up onto my breasts. You know how much I like it when you play with them while your mouth is doing things no cock or fingers could ever do.”

“I never realized how much you loved me, until that first time you spread my legs to put your face right up against my pussy. I closed my legs to resist, but as soon as your tongue split the outer lips of my pussy, and your lips kissed them, with so much love and tenderness, I knew your motives were pure.”

“I knew you did not just want sex from me. I wasn’t just someone who was convenient, I really was special to you.”

“And so I opened my legs for you, I spread them, just for you. Made myself available, to satisfy your sexual needs.”

“I believe you felt that same love the first time I took your cock into my mouth. I know I was a little drunk at the time, I probably would not have even tried such a thing otherwise. Still, once I started, I never regretted it.”

“I wanted you to know, despite our differences years ago, I cared about you, and your feelings, and your needs. All of your needs. The needs of a man. I was more than willing to provide them.”

His mom smiled. She knew he understood. She unbuttoned the top two buttons of her blouse, exposing her cleavage. Not like a tramp. She did enjoy playing the part of a loose woman from time to time, but not right now. She just wanted to be flirty. Ed liked it when she was flirty. It always started out innocent. Sometimes it stayed that way, and sometimes she started acting real sexy, and talking dirty, using bedroom language in the silivri escort living room. Exposing her pussy to him. Flirty was good, no matter how it ended.

This looked like it was headed towards make-up sex. Make-up sex with his mother was better than make-up sex had been with his ex wife. He never would have thought six months ago, when he considered moving in with his mother, that a mother with benefits, meant more than kitchen or laundry benefits.

Neither one of them imagined they would be so compatible in the bedroom. It just sort of happened. It didn’t take long. He had moved into her bedroom within a week.

Ed remembered fondly how it all happened.


Dorothy was nearly sixty. Her husband of nearly forty years had passed two years earlier. He had a large life insurance policy that should tide her over until she could get Social Security. They had bought a farm house and five acres out in the country. She decided to stay there. It was a lot of work keeping It up, but she was a hard worker and felt she could manage herself. Lately things had been getting ahead of her.

Eddie, their only child, lived several hours away. He and Dorothy had their rough spots when he was going through his rebellious teenage years. When he went away to university the break in their relationship helped smooth things over between them. After graduation he married a nice young girl he had been dating. It seemed like a good match, but after a few years they went through a divorce. That was just before his father had passed.

The divorce wasn’t Eddie’s idea. He took it hard. He was very reluctant to start any serious dating relationship.

Dorothy was in a similar situation, losing her childhood sweetheart to a sudden illness. She was not ready to start dating.

The company Eddie worked for made some changes. His job had been eliminated, but they gave him the opportunity to be a contractor for them. He could work from home on his computer. The pay was good, he could set his own hours. It allowed him more freedom.

When his father passed he stayed with his mother a few days to help with things. They got along surprisingly well. He could see that there were a lot of projects around the house. His mother told him she could manage.

Now, with the change in his job, he called his mom to offer his services. He could find a place near her, and be close by to help out. She objected at first, not understanding it did not interfere with his job. Once she realized he wasn’t doing it out of a sense of obligation, and that his job would not be at risk, she started to considered it. They had several more phone calls to discuss things.

They decided that the best plan was for him to move into her spare bedroom. He could take his time finding a suitable place, and who knows, it could work out with him living with her. She had felt lonely lately. She had some women friends she met with occasionally, but it sometimes went weeks or months between visits.

So the day came when Eddie arrived with his suitcases and worldly possessions. His first day moving in was busy. The spare room was used by Dorothy’s widowed women friends when they visited overnight. They moved out some of the lace and girly things. He squeezed his things into the dresser and closet, after cleaning behind and under all of the furniture. It was actually fall, but Dorothy had missed spring cleaning that year, so this was as good of a time as any to get caught up.

Before they knew it It was late evening. They hardly had any time at all to visit, but they were both tired. They would have a lot of time in the days ahead, so they each retired to their own bedrooms.

Eddie was very happy with how the first day went. He actually enjoyed being around his mother. He had noticed that she was starting to age. A few more wrinkles. A little sagging here and there. Her breasts always did sag a little, under their own weight, as they say. It wasn’t like he made a point of looking at her breasts. They were hard to miss. Not too large, so they looked unnatural. Just nice, and they jiggled when she walked. She may be aging, but she was still very attractive.

Dorothy was about 5′ 5″ slightly overweight, but just a few pounds. The extra pounds went to her breasts and rear. She had a nice ass. Nice breasts, nice shape, very attractive face, the total package. She had allowed her hair to go prematurely gray, and was wearing it short, like Jamie Lee Curtis. It allowed her to look mature, but not old. She had a few more curves than Jamie Lee, and still caught the eye of men much younger than herself.

Why was he even thinking about his mother as a package, he wondered. He had been too long without female companionship.

Maybe it was time to jerk off. He was too tired tonight, that could wait. That night, he awoke from his dreams, with an erection. He couldn’t remember the dream, but he told himself it was about Jamie Lee Curtis.

Day two was much more relaxed.

They had morning coffee şirinevler escort together at the kitchen table.

Dorothy had gotten up first.

She was still wearing the shirt she wore as pajamas. It was one of Earl’s, her husband. The long tails came down halfway to her knees. She only buttoned the middle few buttons. No bra. It was comfortable, and allowed for a lot of cleavage. Her breasts didn’t just jiggle, they swayed. Depending on how she moved or sat, her black panties would peek through the shirt tails. When she was by herself it was very comfortable.

With her son there, she realized she might be showing too much of herself. As soon as she poured his coffee she went into the bedroom to change. When she came out she was wearing a bra, pink blouse, and tan shorts.

Eddie slept in the nude, so he had put on underwear and cotton sport shorts, and a T-shirt. That was his lounging around the house outfit.

Over morning coffee they talked about some long range plans. They decided there was no need to jump right into things. They would start slow, do little things around the house, renew their relationship, easy does it, so as to not put too much stress on either one of them.

Eddie showered, got dressed, looked around the house, made a list of some materials he would need for the minor repairs.

He knew he might have to try hard to get along with his mother, but things were going very well in that area. She was pleasant to be around. She was cheerful and easy going. She thought the same things about him.

He took more notice of her on day two. He noticed how good she smelled, how feminine. No perfume, she seldom wore any. Just shampoo, body cream, scented deodorant, and later in the day, light perspiration. She just smelled, good.

She looked good too. He didn’t meant to watch her breasts jiggle, but he did.

He didn’t mean to stare at her cute ass when she bent over, but he did.

He found himself making excuses to be near her. If there was any reaching or lifting to do, he was there. Occasionally they would rub arms, or touch. He felt, not excited really, but it gave him a good feeling.

Once, he got goose bumps. They were both lifting a heavy flower pot. Her hair was right by his nose. Their bare arms were rubbing against each other. He happened to look down right at her cleavage, the mounds of soft flesh that her bra contained. Her skin no longer smooth, but showing the wrinkles of a mature woman. He not only got goose bumps, he felt a chub in his pants.

He decided to go into town for the items on his list. Paint, glue, nails, odds and ends, nothing serious. He also decided to get some wine. He remembered his mother liked white wine. He picked up two bottles. When he got back to the house he put them on the bottom shelf of the fridge.

Dorothy was wearing her ‘comfy outfit’. A large men’s red flannel shirt, loosely fitting over her bra, and khaki shorts. She liked Ed’s idea of sharing a bottle of wine and watching a movie. A nice quiet, relaxing evening, now that he was settled in.

They sat on the couch together and talked. They paused the movie because they were having such fun talking about old times. They finished one bottle and started the second. They were sitting very close to each other. Dorothy would often hold his arm as they laughed together. By the time they finished the second bottle, they decided to actually watch the movie. Dorothy snuggled in against her son, and soon feel asleep.

Eddie was still very much awake, and enjoying the feel of a woman next to him. It had been a long time since he had enjoyed something like this. They had been having such a good time together, it really didn’t seem like his mother. He knew when he got back to his bed he would have to jerk off.

He just couldn’t get over how attractive his mother was. Those nice tits. Without thinking he reached and touched the tit closest to him. He rubbed his hand over it, and used his fingers to feel her nipple. He wished he could feel her skin, her warm flesh.

He unbuttoned two buttons of her shirt, and slid his hand inside. His fingers were on her bra now, without the shirt fabric getting in the way. He opened up her shirt so he could get a better look.

He could feel his cock getting harder. He unsnapped his pants and pulled his zipper down. His cock was starting to bulge out the opening, still constrained by his jockey shorts.

He bent his head down and kissed her nipple through the bra. He got one hand up and started feeling her other titty. He tried to think of a way to get her bra off, but knew he couldn’t do it. So he opened his mouth and took as much bra covered tit in his mouth as he could. He opened and closed his mouth on it, half sucking, half chewing. She left out a moan, and he paused. He started again feeling one breast and rubbing his tongue against the bra right at her nipple.

“Oh Earl. I’ve missed you so much.”

She was dreaming she was with his father. She started şişli escort squirming around a little.

“I want to feel that cock of yours inside me. I was you to fuck me. It’s been so long.”

She was reaching for his cock. He guided her hand to his hard knob, and she started rubbing it. Her fingers rubbed his shaft through his underwear, up and down, nice and slow.

He was sucking harder on her tit.

“Oh Earl, why were you gone so long?”

She seemed to stop for just a few seconds, then started rubbing his cock again. Eddie pumped his hips a couple of times, then shot his load. What a load. He pulled her hand off his shorts before his cum got on her fingers, he hoped. He closed up her shirt, buttoned it, and slid out away from her.

He went back to his room, took off his cum soaked jockey underwear, and put it in the wash.

He laid awake for a while, thinking about how nice those tits were. He felt like a teenager, fantasizing about his mother.

Before he fell asleep he heard his mom get off the couch and go to her room. He was asleep within minutes.

The next morning he got out of bed, put on his shorts and a Tshirt, and went out to join his mother for coffee.

She was fully dressed, blue jeans and a light blue blouse.

She had his coffee cup right by the pot for him, with his favorite creamer already poured. He was ready with a friendly greeting.

“‘Morning mom.”

“So, Edward, for some reason my bra cup was very wet this morning.”

Eddie just stared into his coffee cup.

“Another strange thing. Your jockey shorts are wet. Do you think the two events are related?”

Eddie did not look up from his cup. He started hem-hawing but his mother interrupted before he could say anything.

“I know what happened, so don’t try to make up any excuses.”

“How do you know what happened?”

“I dozed off on the couch, and next thing I know you are nursing on my breast, through my bra, and my hand is on your erection.”

“Yeah, sorry mom. It just sort of happened.”

“My breast just sort of went into your mouth?”

“No, I didn’t mean that. It’s not like I planned it. I am really sorry for what I did.”

“Here’s the thing, Edward. No one was hurt by what you did, except you disrespected me, by not asking. That was worse then what you actually did. We need to have good communication if this is going to work. Do you understand?”

“Yes mom. I totally respect you. What I did was stupid. I mean, touching my own mother like that…”

“Well Edward, I did breast feed you. So it’s not the touching that is so bad, that has happened before. It’s not asking permission, that is the problem, like I said, you disrespected me.”

“Yes. I certainly didn’t mean to do that.”

Both were silent for a while, as Eddie thought, then spoke, with a smile.

“So, do you think we could fool around tonight?”

“Edward! Of course not!”

Then she added, “But that is a step in the right direction.”

With that, Dorothy got up, and walked towards her bedroom, shaking her head and thinking, ‘What am I going to do with that son of mine.’

* * *

The remainder of the day the two kept their distance. They were polite to each other, but Dorothy needed to let her son know she was not happy with his actions.

They ate lunch together at the kitchen table, tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, one of his favorites.

Dorothy was sure her son understood she did not approve of his actions the evening before, but she also wanted him to understand that she loved him, and was glad he would be staying with her for awhile.

They avoided being in the same room throughout the day. That gave both of them time to do some thinking.

Dorothy was seeing her son’s side of the situation. He wasn’t the only one who was aroused by their close contact. He was not the only one who enjoyed the feel of her fingers on his erection. After she went to bed she considered masturbation. She hadn’t done that since her husband had passed. She started to feel like that part of her, the sexuality, was over. Now, her son had awakened those emotions in her.

The last time she had masturbated it was her husbands hand in her panties, his fingers rubbing her clit.

She decided not to masturbate that night. But she did have a dream, that someone else’s hand was in her panties. Someone she loved just as much as her husband.


Dorothy told Ed she was going in to town for groceries. She had decided to try to smooth the waters over between them. She bought some more wine they had enjoyed so much. She also picked up some pizza, so she would not have to bother with cooking.

She was looking forward to an enjoyable evening.

Ed was surprised his mom decided on wine to go with the pizza, but was glad she wasn’t worried he might do something inappropriate.

She started the conversation over the first glass of wine.

“Did you cover ‘taboos’ in your sociology classes at university?”

“Yes, a little. About one chapter as I recall.”

“Well I did a little research to brush up on what I remember from what seems like one hundred years ago. Societies have taboos, and some are useful, and some are just tradition. This taboo against incest, that is so common, is to prevent births between close relatives, because of birth defects.”

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