Dr. Visit


Man gets more than he bargained for during routine dr visit

NOTE; “This is a complete work of fiction. Though the nurse is loosely based on a real person, to my knowledge, she is not a clinical nurse, and she would never read this.”

When an adult male turns 45 there are a couple of procedures that he has to schedule, one being a colonoscopy, the other being a prostate check. I was in for the latter.

“Mr Thomas for Dr Robinson?” Called the nurse standing at the door leading back to the clinic area.

“Right here.” I called standing up and headed towards the door.

“Good afternoon Mr Thomas, if you would follow me, please. My name’s Jenna and I’m going to be getting your vitals.”

“I know, Jenna. I’ve been seeing Dr Robinson for a couple of years and you’ve been his nurse for most of that time. And you can call me Joe.”

“Sorry Joe, force of habit. Most of Dr Robinson’s patients haven’t been here that long and some don’t like the informality. Not to mention the office manager doesn’t like it either.”

“Well they’re stupid. The informality lowers the stress level of Dr visits in my opinion. I’ll try to remember that next time.”

We finally made it to the exam room and Jenna exclaimed, “Dang it! I forgot to get your height and weight. You don’t happen to know those off hand?” She asked.

“Gee. Isn’t that a little personal?” I asked in a mock chiding way.

“Well, you can tell me or I can advertise it for the whole office to hear.” She said in the same way as she punched my shoulder not too lightly.

“Ouch! I’m 6’1″ and about 130 pounds. What was the punch for?”

“Joe, can I be honest with you?” I nodded my head. “When you leave, or when they see that you’re on the schedule, all the nurses beg to switch with me because they think you’re the most eligible bachelor that comes in, and they want to be in the same room with you hoping you’d ask them out. Even the office manager wants to go out with you.”

“I thought she was married. Same with some of the nurses. Why are you telling me this? Do you want me to ask you out?” She nodded her head. “I thought you were seeing someone already.”

“Not anymore. I found out he’s been cheating on me with my best friend for six months.” She said and I noticed tears starting to well up.

“Hey, look at me.” I said looking her in her green eyes. “Finish taking my vitals while I think about asking you out. And wipe away those tears.”

“Ok.” She said as she wiped her tears with a tissue. Immediately her professional manner returned. “Let me see your arm.” I held out my arm as she put the blood pressure cuff on. She held my arm between her elbow and stomach as she squeezed the cuff. After the process was done “125/78, pretty good.” She said.

“See? Told you the informality is better. That would be higher given what I’m here for. And yes.” I stated.

“What do you mean?” She asked.

“Yes, I’ll ask you out. Give me your number. And I’m here for a prostate check, which is a little nerve racking. It also helps that in the two years of seen Tyrone, he and I have become good friends. So can I have your number?”

“I’ll give it to you later.” She said as she was leaving.

Whether I was going to ask Jenna out was actually a no-brainer. She had two very important things going for her. She was a nurse and I find most nurses very attractive. AND she was a redhead. And to me redheads are more attractive than blondes. I heard a knock on the door.

“Yes.” I answered. Jenna opened the door.

“Dr Robinson is going to be a few minutes late. One of his patients checked into the ER and the Dr went to see him. He’s on his way back if you would like to wait?”


“Can I bring you something to drink? Dr Robinson has one of the local coffee services provide the coffee for the office.”

“Sure. I’ll have a black coffee.”

“Ok. That will be one ‘Long Black'” she replied in an obviously fake Australian accent.

“You’re a ‘Fluffy’ fan?”

“Yes, I love his comedy.”

“So do I.”

“I’ll be right back.” She said closing the door. A few minutes later came a knock and Jenna handed me the coffee along with a piece of paper. “Here you go. Dr Robinson is about 10 minutes away. He got stuck in traffic because of an accident just past the South Virginia exit. He requested that I ask if you still want to wait or do you want to reschedule.”

“I’ll wait. My schedule is clear.”

“Ok. I’ll probably be gone when you leave. See you next time Joe.”

“Bye Jenna.” I said, a part of me wishing she could stay. I looked at the piece of paper and read the following “My cell number is 775-555-1234. Call me tomorrow after 6 pm. Looking forward to hearing from you. Love Jenna.” The “o” in “love” was in the shape of a heart. My heart skipped a beat. “I could potentially be dating a petite redhead nurse who obviously liked me. My life just got more interesting.” I pondered to myself as I sipped on my coffee which was really good. I pulled out my phone to put Jenna’s number in. I looked at the clock it Escort Pendik said 4:50. “Going to be a late afternoon.” Little did I know just how late it was going to be.

I sat back and worked on my coffee while I was playing a trivia game on my phone when Dr Robinson came in. Dr Tyrone Robinson is a 6’4″ black man that is about 220 pounds of mostly muscle. He was a former Defensive Back in college before a knee injury caused him to switch careers and go into medicine. As I said, we’ve became friends shortly after I started going to him as my doctor. He’s a very good looking man, and I wouldn’t call myself gay or even bi.

“Sorry for the delay Joe. I hope I didn’t keep you from anything important.”

“Not at all Ty. I took the rest of the afternoon off. I didn’t think I’d want to be sitting at work after this, especially with the gel that’s used. With all the advancements in medical technology and an index finger and some gel is still the best way to check a guy’s prostate?” I asked sarcastically.

“We could stick a probe up there that’s marginally thicker than my finger. But that’s for later, but you won’t have to deal with that, unless I find something that concerns me. But let’s get started. Is there anything going on that I should know about? Things like having the urge to go pee but little to no urine coming out? Or other symptoms?”

“No nothing like that. It’s just that I’m 45 and figured should have it checked.”

“Ok. Now I want you to take your pants and underwear completely off. Same with your shirt. You don’t want to get any gel on your clothes. It’s a pain to get out. Also take your socks off, you don’t want to slip. Your bare feet will have better grip on the floor. Then I want you to turn around and lean against the bed and spread your legs.

Even though I thought it was strange that he wanted me to be stripped for something short and simple as him sticking his finger up my butt, I did as he asked without any protest. I had just turned around when I heard the loud “SNAP!” of a rubber glove being put on. “Ha! Very funny Ty!”

“I’ve found that it lightens the mood a little. Now I want you to relax this will be be easier if you don’t clinch.” Ty said this right up against my left ear. I jumped and turned my head and saw his face next to mine. I also noticed that he had set the bottle of gel on the bed not next to me but easily within arm’s reach. I was prevented from reaching for it when I felt the cold liquid on his glove covered finger push against my anus for a brief second before going in. I gasped and clinched my ass as he said, ” Relax, don’t clinch, it will be over soon.” I had to admit the probing felt really good. After a minute of him probing, I felt the finger hit my prostate and fireworks went off in my head and I let out a low moan “ohhhhhhh. That feels good.” just as I said that, Ty removed his finger and I heard him remove his glove. I was surprised to find that I felt empty without his finger in there.

“Joe, I’ve liked you from the first time you came to my office to see me, but I wasn’t sure if we would hit it off. When we became close friends, I thought there would be a chance.”

“A chance at what?” I had already figured out his answer and I wasn’t sure if I would be appalled or aroused at his answer. I felt his body next to mine and he whispered in my ear,

“To be in a same-sex relationship. Maybe not a full on relationship, but a friends-with-benefits kind of thing.”

“Ty, I-I-I’m straight.” I stammered. “I don’t like guys that way. I’m into having sex with women. I don’t want to be fucked in the ass by a guy, especially if that guy happens to be my personal physician who also happens to be black.”

“What does the fact that I’m black have anything to do with anything? You worried about my cock size?”


“Just relax. Let me get you prepped. If you don’t like what I’m doing to you, you can get dressed and leave and I’ll give you a referral to another physician. But I think you’ll enjoy the experience. Now relax so we can get started.”

“Ok. But what about the rest of the staff, won’t they hear us?” I asked remembering where we were. And I was stalling if I’m being honest.

“It’s after 5:30. Most of the staff has left for the evening.”

I felt the back of his hand softly rub down my exposed spine. When he reached my lower back I leaned forward onto my forearms. I felt his strong hands massaging my ass cheeks as he spread them apart. I then felt his mouth encircling my anus and then felt his tongue lick up and down my crack and around my hole. I let out an involuntary “ooooohhhhh. That feels amazing.” Then I felt his tongue shove past the entrance which nearly caused me to fall on my face. I thought to myself “Is my doctor and friend going to fuck me in the ass? Should I get dressed and leave and not come back? Why am I enjoying this so much?” I reached over and picked up the bottle of gel and read Anal-Ease Anal lubricant on the side. “Yep, my friend, no, my DOCTOR is going to sodomize me.” I realized that his tongue was Beykoz escort no longer licking my ass and I also realized I wasn’t happy about that.

“Can I have that?” Tyrone asked in my ear.

“So you just happen to have anal lubricant in your office? How many of your other male patients have you fucked in the ass? What about the nurses?” I asked trying to sound angry.

“No I don’t keep lubricant on hand. I went to the store and got that especially for you. Don’t you remember what I said a few minutes ago? That I liked you and was hoping we could have a relationship That’s actually where I was. There was no emergency. I was in the hospital cafeteria waiting for Jenna’s call telling me that you were here. I waited an appropriate amount of time before I came up here.” I started to say something but he held up his hand. “Hold that thought. As far as fucking other patients, you will hopefully be the first and only, and I would never have sex with one of my nurses. They would have to work in another office before I even thought about that situation.”

“So you fuck then fire? That’s kinda harsh. Back to what you said about there being no emergency. Jenna knows what you’re going to do to me?”

“That she does. In fact she even wanted to watch, but I said no. This is private. She might still be in the complex if you want her to watch.”

“I guess that explains the ‘Long Black’ comment when she asked if I wanted coffee earlier.” At his confused look I explained, “A comedian that we both like has a bit where he orders a large coffee in Australia and the waiter calls it a ‘long black.’ And no I don’t want her to watch. That would just complicate things even more between us.”

“She told me you asked for her number. I thought she was already seeing someone.”

“She found out he had been cheating on her with her best friend, so she broke it off.” I explained.

“Then ask her out. She likes you a lot, Joe.”

“I know. She told me. And I guess not just her, but the rest of the nurses want to get to know me.”

“Enough stalling. I need to get you prepped for my chocolate fuck stick.”

“Can I see it?” I asked turning my head.

“No. It ruins the surprise.”

“What about protection?”

“Got it right here.” He said holding up a black condom package in front of my face. I saw the words “Trojan Magnum” printed in gold on the wrapper. As he took it away I heard the distinct sound of a belt hitting the floor. I felt the cold lubricant being squeezed onto my lower back above the start of my crack and felt it run down to my anus. I instinctively clinched my ass cheeks as I felt Ty spread the lube around my hole and let out a gasp as he stuck a finger in.

“Don’t clinch. It will be easier. And breathe in each time. You ready for me to prep you?”

“What’s that going to entail?” I asked, though I was sure Ty wasn’t going to tell me and I was right.

“I’m not going to tell you.”

“What if I didn’t want to do this? Are you going to keep me here?”

“Not at all like I said if you don’t want to do this you can put your clothes back on and walk out that door out to the waiting room and into the hall to the elevator and walk out the building and I’ll set you up with another doctor tomorrow. But you’re going to really enjoy it. Believe me. It’s been a few years but I was nervous my first time taking a cock in the ass.”

“How many partners have you had and how many have you had since we’ve known each other?” I asked, curious as to what he was going to say to the second question.

“Total all time three, one in college, one in med school and one after I first moved here. And zero since we met. Actually that’s not quite true. I was still with the last guy when you and I met, but he broke it off after it was obvious that I liked someone else.”

“Me, I assume.”

“Yes, we only lasted another month after you and I met.”

“Thanks.” I took a deep breath and said, “I guess we should get started so we can be done before someone finds us.”

“That’s the spirit!”

I felt him squeeze some more lube onto the top of my ass and the felt him spread it around and then without warning Dr Robinson shoved a finger in my ass and started fucking me with it. I wasn’t surprised that I didn’t have much of a reaction to that first finger. I guess it was because I already had a finger in my ass earlier during the exam, but this feeling is much different. The first finger was more of a probing sensation. This was more of a pistoning in and out. After a few strokes, I felt him put a second finger in with the first. I let out another gasp.

“How’s that feel?”

“The stretching kinda hurts, but there’s also a bit of pleasure.”

“Ok, I’m going to add another finger here pretty soon then you’ll be ready for my cock.” I felt him spread his two fingers a little to spread my opening. Then I felt the third finger go in and said, “Omg that hurts and feels good at the same time.” I could feel Ty’s fingers spreading open my anal cavity and could feel him twisting his fingers spreading my Cevizli escort bayan opening even more.

“Ok” Ty said. “I think you’re ready for my dick.” He announced.

“Shouldn’t I be the one to make that announcement?”

“Nope.” He replied wile putting more lube on top of my ass crack. I think he put another finger in my gapping hole to spread the lube inside. I didn’t feel it.

“Here, take this and put it between your hips and the table.” He said handing me the small pillow


“I’m going to just stick the head in so your body can get used to the size. When you’re ready I’ll start slowly pushing in then I’ll pull out until just the head is still in then thrust more in. I’ll let you decide when you’ve taken all you can. Don’t feel like you have to get it all in tonight.”

“Ok, thanks. I’m ready.”

“Spread your legs wider and grab onto the edges of the table.” I did as he said and felt him put his cock on the top of my crack. He slid his sausage up and down my crack a couple of times before setting it up against my sphincter and then leaned forward pushing the monster head in

“Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! So big, so big,” I blabbered

“I’ll just stay right here for a bit.”

“NO!” I said with more force than I expected. “Keep pushing in. When half of it is in slam the rest in as hard as you can.”

“You sure?” Ty asked. “That’s a lot of cock that will go in.”

I felt something snap into place in my head, “Yes Ty, I’m sure. I’m at the edge of a cliff looking down at a river of something, I’m not sure what it is, but I want you to push me off the edge into the raging waters.”

“Damn that’s the sexiest thing I’ve heard a lover say.” He said as he pushed more of his pole into my channel. This slow pushing in went on for an agonizingly slow amount of time until finally Ty said “One more push and I’ll be halfway in. Are you sure you want me to shove the rest in with one final thrust?”

“Yes, Ty I’m sure. Make me into a cock slut tonight.” I said with an animal lust in my voice

“Here it comes.” He said. And placing his hands on my hips and pulling out to the tip he slammed his monster cock hilt deep into my no longer virgin ass. I let out a loud yell “OH FUUUUUCCCCCKKKKK!” I was panting trying to catch my breath but said, “Now fuck me Doctor Robinson and make me your bitch! I want to hear your thighs slapping against my calves. Without saying a word he grabbed what hair he could on the top of my head and pulled my head back as he savagely pounded my ass, each thrust slamming my thighs into the table, with the pillow having long ago fallen to the floor. Thankfully my crotch sitting well above the edge. My own seven inch cock stiff as a board. This fucking went on for about ten minutes until Ty’s said, “I’m going to come!”

“So am I!” I answered.

After a few more thrusts, I felt Ty stiffen up and with one final thrust and a grunt Ty came into the condom. To my surprise I shot a rope of cum onto the protective lining on the table.

“Did you just come without touching your dick? I’ve never seen that!” Ty asked.

“Yeah. I’m shocked too. That’s never happened to me before.”

Ty pulled out of my well fucked ass and I heard him peel the used condom off and put it in the trash bin. I took the opportunity to turn around and get a look at what I just took in my virgin ass. I was surprised to see that even after a good fucking his cock was rock hard, the monster was a good eight or nine inches. Ty stepped over to me and we shared a deep passionate kiss. I accepted his tongue into my mouth and our tongues danced around each other for a few minutes before he stepped back and said in a commanding tone. “You said you wanted me to make you a cock slut tonight, right?” I nodded knowing what was coming. He put his hands on my shoulders and pushed me down to my knees “It’s time for you to suck my cock. Don’t worry about getting all nine and a half inches in your mouth that’s going to take some training.”

His cock was shining from his cum that coated the inside of the condom. I licked it clean before lifting it up and licking the underside from the tip to his acorn sized balls. I tried taking his entire sack but after a few tries I took each one individually. I rolled each one around in my mouth before licking back up the underside to the tip before trying to get my lips around the mushroom head. I had to stretch my mouth wider than I’ve ever had to, even for the biggest cheeseburger I’ve ever had. I finally managed to open my mouth wide enough. I couldn’t wrap my thumb and forefinger around it’s girth so I switched to thumb and middle finger and they barely touched. I stroked the rod and on each down stroke I got more in until the head hit the back of my throat and I started to gag. I looked at where my finger had stopped and I still had half of it to get in my mouth. I move my finger up towards the tip about half an inch and started bobbing up and down until I hit my fingers. While I was bobbing I kept my tongue wrapped around the cock as much as possible. I was bobbing for what seemed like another ten minutes before ty pulled me up for another kiss. After a shorter kiss, he broke away and said, “We need to get dressed and get out of here. The building cleaning crew will be here in about ten minutes. Can you walk?”

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