Elizabeth’s Confession Pt. 01


My Husband has asked me to write this. I suppose it’s a kind of a confession, perhaps for us both. I owe him at least this. Though it is not an apology. It will tell many things about the last year of our marriage. (That’s wrong, our marriage isn’t over, yet.) It infers many things about the previous years in our relationship too. The events in the last year, that have changed our marriage, forever. It is for our children to begin to understand the direction our lives have taken in the time. Or, how I became a hot wife, cuckolding my loving husband. A year ago, I had been (Almost) faithfully married for more than 25 years. Now my life is different, forever. Better, who knows? I feel different, sometimes very happy, but George, I don’t know…

It’s hard to know where to start. I think the best thing is to begin at the beginning. My name is Elizabeth, my husband is George and we have lived for many years in a town in the middle of England. It is reviled by everyone who doesn’t live here, as a town with too many roundabouts. We have three children, all grown and away at university, or into working lives. I am fifty-two years old and a touch overweight. I spent several years thinking my breast size was 38c. They aren’t… I have ash blonde hair, a little helped, nowadays, by a careful stylist. I am every inch the middle-class mum and office worker. I dressed carefully as befits my age, with some style, but more covering up. Just a touch of foundation and lippy, small gold earrings, with pearls, Ironed jeans and polished loafers. You know the type. There are millions like me. Ordinary, happy and middle class. This experience begins the weekend we took Milly our youngest daughter to University, for the first time…

We had been packing Milly’s belongings into my Freelander and took a monotonous trip across England, to an old City with walls, and Medieval history (You work out which one, there are several.) This was an uneventful last Saturday in September, we were not the only parents doing this. I was more than a little tearful. Milly is the youngest by three years of our children, and because of her personality, perhaps my favourite, if only by a nose. I love my kids and would never do anything to hurt them. We spent Saturday afternoon unloading and settling Milly in her room. Her neighbour was Sam, from Manchester. A little loud, a little common, perhaps. She had dyed purple hair, and a nose ring, but, someone Milly could talk to. As you can see I am a snob, who judges… Hmm. We had decided to stay in the city, in a small hotel, overnight then have a touristy Sunday, before seeing Milly, me undoubtedly having a few tears, then the journey home, bed, sleep and back to work on Monday. It didn’t happen!

Saturday evening was fine, a walk on the City wall, a decent meal, wine, a little fumble, then off to sleep in the damp patch. Sunday, that was the joker! When George woke up he checked his phone and groaned. A works presentation he was to make had been brought forward to the next day, so he needed to work, all day, despite calls to buy himself some time. I asked him to take a hit for once…I wonder if he wishes he had done? (That’s for him to say!) We showered and had breakfast. As couples do in in mid-priced city break hotels. George his guilt running over sat next to me on the bed as I was looking in my bag for something, what I can’t remember. “Darling I was going to spoil you today. I have £2000 in this envelope. Please spend it on yourself, not the kids. Curse me and my stupid job, while doing it too. Have fun.”

I scowled at him, “Thank-you for the money, I’ll look around.” He went back to his laptop, and I went out, not knowing where to go or what to do. There was a flight response. I didn’t want to argue with him, or unload on Milly. I walked aimlessly for a while, before I found a small independent coffee shop, not hard nowadays and looked at things to do, finding nothing. I asked the young waitress, for any ideas. She replied, “If it’s a me day, I would start at Miss Sophia’s, it’s sort of a lingerie shop, but she sells shoes and jewellery, and other stuff too. It’s hard to find, in a little courtyard in the old town. Give me your phone, I’ll set a destination for you.” I needed some new clothes, and maybe some other stuff. I was under no obligation. The money wasn’t burning me.

“Thanks, for this, I hope she can make something of me!” I left her a good tip, she came outside with me, lighting a cigarette. She Said, “It’s expensive, but you look like you can handle it, have fun, do something different! Smoke?”

I shook my head saying, “Different today is good!” I paused, then shook my head again, “Sure I haven’t had a cigarette in years, why not!” She offered the pack, a grey horrid government pack, I took one & she lit it. I coughed, blowing smoke skywards, she laughed, came closer, kissed me on the cheek and said, “I bet you will have fun, tell Miss Sophia, Kirsten sent you. Have the works! Come back and show me?”

I followed the GPS directions Ankara travesti down a warren of old streets, some little more than alleys. I enjoyed the smoke after my first cough, stopping at a newsagent to buy some of my own, I pondered and thought I used to smoke lights but why not…so I asked the guy in the shop for “20 Marlboro red, and a lighter.” The cost made me wince, but I paid him, went outside & lit my first smoke since before I was pregnant, 26 years before. Wow! I felt a rush and took a quick selfie: My first fag in years! One for Facebook! It’s not just youngsters who do. As I finished my smoke looking for somewhere to throw the butt, I saw the shop. A double fronted shop in a terrace, one side lit up with white lingerie in a bay window, “Miss Sophia’s complete lingerie service. The other to contrast was in black, with few lights and a chalk board sign reading “Rock Chic’s slicks, with some black clad models posing on posters. The door was between them. Nervously I went in, a young woman, with Jet black hair, facial piercings and tattoos, on both arms, looked up from her phone. I asked “Miss Sophia?” She asked if I had an appointment, “No I replied, but Kirsten sent me, for the works?” The girl picked up a desk phone and said “Aunty, a customer for you, from Kirsten.”

A woman, older than I, but much better dressed came in, looked me up & down & said “Thank you Juliet, welcome! Follow me and leave your inhibitions at the door!”

I followed, watching and looking, she was maybe five years older, wearing a tight bodiced dress, with a flared skirt, heels in patent leather about 4″ and seamed stockings. She looked hot, to my straight married eyes and very sexually provocative. She was fully made up, with an emphasis on her eyes. I felt a frisson of dampness between my legs, looking at the woman. It was going to be that kind of day, where different things happened. Was I going down Alice’s rabbit hole? Did I want to?

She held a door open for me, then closed and locked it. “I need to measure, you and don’t want to be interrupted. You are?”

“Oh, I’m Elizabeth.” I mumbled, “I am looking for some different underwear. Different clothes, maybe too. I’ll know I hope when I see it…” I didn’t know what I wanted, yet.

“Different how, Elizabeth? Oh, and address me as Miss Sophia, always.”

“I don’t know, sexy maybe? Provocative, maybe? A different slice of life, not middle-aged, middle-class, middle England? More sophisticated too.”

“Please don’t be offended, but are you satisfied, sexually? Looking at you I don’t think so?” I shook my head, “Would you like to be?” I nodded. “Strip, all the way When did you last have an orgasm, of any kind?”

“…err last week sometime?”

“Your Husband?”

“God no! He hasn’t made me come in ages. My fingers in the shower.”

“Everything off?” She slapped my head, as one would have done a child in previous times. I gasped in shock. “I am presuming you don’t own any toys?” I shook my head as I didn’t understand her. “Vibrators, Dildos, Anal-beads, Love-balls…I could go on.” She could see from my blank response that I was lost.

“My elder daughter showed me a vibrator, once. I thought it was tacky!”

“I told you how to address me, and yes I want to see your tits and cunt!”

“Yes, Mistress Sophia.” I remembered: “Different today is good!”

I got undressed, my chain store, designer underwear just got tuts from Miss Sophia as it came into view. I stood naked, and a little afraid of what was happening in the middle of a shop. She walked around me and began to measure me, some were obvious, so less so. This took about thirty minutes. When she finished, Miss Sophia offered me a chair, “Sit.” I sat as beckoned, still naked, and very self- conscious. She walked across the room and returned, with two large glasses, clearly containing Scotch. She offered me one, despite the early hour I took it, and a cigarette that she offered, from a box on the table. It was untipped and French, by the look of its short stubby length and the distinctive smell as it was lit. Miss Sophia lit both with a large gold lighter, so much more sophisticated than my new cheap disposable one. (I would need to remedy this, in the next few days.)

I waited, as she smoked, with much pleasure. Eventually, she put her glass down & her smoke out. “Elizabeth you are a stunning looking woman! There are many things I can do for you. I can dress you in properly fitted undies and send you back to your vanilla life. Or, I can show you a window to another place where women are in control and satisfied. There may be stations between, but if you can get off is unproven. Are you interested?”

“Yes, Miss Sophia, I am curious, and more than just about the clothes.”

“Why? Is it not just pique, that you are alone in my city shopping for underwear? Where is your husband?”

“George is working, at our hotel on a presentation for tomorrow. Yes, I am cross with him, but…”

“That Antalya travesti is enough for now.” She came over to where I was sitting, motioned for me to stand, then she kissed me fully on the mouth, searching for my tongue. I gave in, welcoming the kiss and her tongue. (She had a metal stud! Wow, I was NOT expecting that!!) She reached down and grabbed my left nipple twisting it harshly, I squirmed and moaned feeling the discomfort. She took my tongue between her teeth & bit it too. I pulled away from the kiss. She laughed and felt between my legs. I was wet. She dragged her fingers through my wetness, smelled her fingers, then stuck them in my mouth to taste. I had never, at this time, tasted my arousal. Again, the smile. I felt more arouse by Sophia, than I had for years.

She picked up the phone, and said “Juliet you are not doing anything, so bring me a shaving kit towels & hot water.” There was no question of dissent, and shortly after the latch opened on the door & Juliet appeared with what was asked. “Call Chrissey and have her come down. No excuses, from her. OK.”

“Elizabeth, sit on this stool. I am going to shave your cunt and outline what I think your future is. Have you heard of ‘Hot Wives’?” The scissors were trimming my poorly attended bush. (George didn’t care how I kept it, so unless we went for a beach holiday, it was left, unattended.) I nodded appreciatively. I wanted more…

“No, I have never heard of them, are they a band?”

“Stupid woman, we are liberated women, who control our husbands & have sex with others, more able and interested.”

“What do you mean control? I am a little off the pace here.”

“For me my hubby is interested in fishing, and football. So, I control his cock. I keep it in a cage, where I can tease it. He knows I sleep with other women & men. Yes, I’m Bi, I think you may be too. The way you responded to my kiss was distinctly turned on. Sometimes he gets to watch me play or lick my cunt clean when I get home. Google Cock cage now!” I get fucked by young bulls. Not always massive, I don’t always crave that…But better and more energetic…I enjoy inexperienced middle-class women, hotties too!”

Shocked, wasn’t the word. I was aroused as Miss Sophia shaved me looking at the photos of caged men. “I don’t think I could have sex with another man & tell George, he would be devastated. I am interested though.” I had once had a drunken fling at an office party. I was full of regret all through that Christmas holidays, but three small children help. George, never said anything, if he knew. I was beginning to become turned on, and more than receptive to a new me being born on this slightly seedy shop…

“Small steps…You will have sex with me, first, then you can send him a photo. But first underwear. Have you ever been corseted?” Your bra is the wrong size, It’s too big and the cup too small. What I will show you will be more flattering to your tits.

“No, but different today is good! What do you have in mind?”

“Another, first! Trust me Elizabeth, you will be hot.” Juliet appeared with a bright scarlet corset that looked quite small. She also carried a pair of high heels & a pair of stockings in a packet. You must trust me today, and until you find your niche. Some things will seem wrong at first, but right later. When you get home throw ALL your underwear away, I shall help you with what you need.”

The two women fitted the corset, first at the front, then Sophia pulled the laces tight, from the top, to waist, then up from the base to the waist. It was not pleasant, not painful, but odd. Juliet took several photos of my torso, with a big SLR camera. I was reduced in size by a couple of inches at the waist. “There’s room for at least as much again in this Corset.” Advised Sophia. “Sit.” My breasts were pushed upwards, and the tops sat above the corset. Especially when Sophia pushed them that way. My nipples were only partially covered. I was wet too. I was embarrassed by the idea of photos of me in my underwear but turned on too. Once on the stool again, stockings were rolled up my legs and clipped to the suspenders on the corset. God, they must be able to smell my arousal. “You shall never, ever, wear tights again! They are the spawn of a non-sexual devil.

My feet were encased in the 5″ heels, their straps fastened around my ankle. Sophia whispered, “These are really proper ‘Come fuck me shoes’, no straight man can resist them.”

Juliet returned and sat making up My face, then painting my nails, to match the bright red she had put on my toes, while I was being shaved. She whispered to Me, “Get your nails done. Top hot wives, often have one drilled and a chain attached, to a bracelet.”

Juliet asked, “Can I take a full-length picture?” I nodded & had my first porno picture taken of my shaven pussy, framed by the stockings. I turned around, bending slightly, this tightened the suspenders a little and she photographed my lily-white arse. (It İstanbul travesti seems really vanilla, or at best boudoir now, but before a year ago I should have run a mile of nude pictures!)

Her phone buzzed. “Aunty, that’ll be Chrissey.”

“Let her in, I’ll take Elizabeth upstairs.” I, followed slowly tottering on the unfamiliar heels, (I needed to rest on Miss Sophia’s shoulder to stop me falling), through the store to a staircase. Two flights up there was what looked like a dentists’ office, a big moveable couch in the middle. “Sit.”

Juliet and another woman, with lots of tattoos and visible piercings came in. She nodded in recognition of Sophia. “Hi darling, what can I do for you on this, my day off?” The sarcasm dripped, and I didn’t like the over familiarity. Despite being sat in the room in my undies, well some of them…

Sophia spoke, “I think today we’ll hold the ink, but nipples, hood and tongue, and some more ear studs.”

I gasped, “I can’t! It’ll hurt & George shall see.”

Sophia shrugged, “Yes to both, but I asked you to trust me. This is necessary, for your hot wife credentials being established.” We each had a cigarette, while Chrissey ran her steriliser for the jewellery.

Resaying my mantra for the day “Different today is good!” I offered my tongue to the now rubber gloved Piercer. She pulled it out of my mouth and clamped it still. A small scratch followed by a pinch, and a proffered mirror showed me I was the less than convinced possessor of a silver stud, in the middle of my tongue, it was uncomfortable to say the least! (Miss Sophia was right I wouldn’t be without it now! Guys love me to drag it down their cocks as I suck them, and women well let’s just say It’s not the same without a stud!) It swelled up during the first week. George hated it but kept quiet. (The shape of things to come?)

My nipples were pulled free of the corset, a towel put over my chest, then Chrissey in new gloves, marked my two nipples carefully using a string, to ensure they were level. Then she free-handed pushed a spike through each in turn, leaving me with a Titanium, ring in each nipple, now very erect.

Chrissey again changed her gloves & asked me to put my feet into two stirrups, at the end of the couch. Sophia helped me, then fastened a strap on each. My new high heels poking out of the straps. “I am going to wipe you twice, once to clean, and once with a little liquid anaesthetic. You are doing great.” The chair was then tipped by its motor lifting my corseted abdomen up and pushing my head down. After a few seconds I couldn’t feel anything between my waist and knees. I saw shadows move, then I was being raised up again, and she pierced my ears several times. This was fine, I was shown a mirror & my left ear was now full of metal, I had a large gold ring in what Chrissey said was my forward helix. It was on the edge of my ear & I was conscious of my hair touching it. There were other piercings inside my ear and along the lobe. My right was only pierced three more times. I looked different, with black eye make-up, pale foundation, really bright red lipstick and my newly pierced ears. I looked more dangerous. A femme fatale? Chrissey, smiling moved the mirror so I could see my pussy. I gasped. “Oh my god, was all I could muster. I had a large bar in my hood, it looked like the bottom would touch my sensitive clit, all the time It looked for all the world that the bar prevented my clit from shrinking into the hood. (It did! I love it! It’s like being plugged into the mains when it’s touched…by me or anyone else!)

Sophia, broke the reverie.

“I want Chrissey to ink you too! Not today, but soon. Think about what and where, though not just a dolphin on your ankle.” (A reference to our missing former Prime Minister’s wife.) I had brief thoughts at my 50th birthday of a butterfly on my hip, but bottled out, as always. I nodded. She passed me a another cigarette, already lit. This time I really sucked the smoke in, like an old lag.

“You look hot, babe, I’d like to ink your pussy with flowers.” Chrissey offered her view.

“Later, maybe…” Chrissey reached over & kissed me, her tongue reaching into my mouth, our studs knocking on each other’s. It was hot & despite my piercing I was getting wet.

“See you soon”, I said not knowing if I would ever see her again. (Though I was becoming attuned to a new hot me.) I felt so hot, the endorphins were flooding my brain. Sophia released the straps & unsteadily, I stood. She helped me back down the stairs and had me stand in front of an old dressing screen. Where Juliet took several pictures of me, fully frontal, while Sophia & I laughed, and smoked.

Juliet forwarded some of the snaps, including a couple of my naked, shaved and pierced cunt. (I began about here to think more sexually. If I was to be a tart I may as well talk like one.) I picked my phone up & sent a couple of pics to George. One showing my cunt piercing & another my tongue, poking out as I smoked. He tried calling straight away, but I rejected the call & turned the phone into flight mode. I was starting to have fun. Juliet, picked the phone up, had me unlock it, and then set a picture of me showing my pierced tits as wallpaper, adding several contacts too.

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