Erica’s Man: A Second Orgy


Please note, for our first orgy experience, refer to my story: Hallowe’en Havoc. https://.com/s/ericas-man-halloween-havoc

“I really want you both to come with me. Honestly, when I went with Kasey it was so well organised and safe… Please come. You know you loved the Hallowe’en one.”

Alice had been trying to persuade Erica for about two weeks now, and with just three more days until the orgy she’d signed us up for, she was again trying to convince my wife, her older sister, that going to another fuck fest was a good idea.

She wasn’t wrong, of course. We had loved our first ever orgy, nearly two years ago now, which we’d attended at the invitation of some of my work colleagues (and sex partners). It had been a fun night of debauchery, with Erica accompanied by her younger sister and their cousin, Kasey. We’d also met my two work colleagues, Holly and Nat, and I’d been lucky enough to take all five back to our hotel afterwards.

Erica grinned again, obviously running back the good memories in her head as I was. “It was pretty great,” she chuckled. ” I just don’t know if you’d be able to cock-block as effectively on your own.” She grinned at her younger sister. “You and Kasey took so much cock between you that nobody had anything left to pester me!”

Alice blushed a little, but smiled with the memory. Erica had been very apprehensive about our first orgy. She is bisexual, but generally much prefers girls, and for her own reasons had not wanted to fuck any other men, asking her sister and their cousin, Kasey, to ‘distract’ any advances.

I interjected, “Again, gorgeous, there’s no reason you can’t fuck the other guys there. I appreciate your dedication to my cock, but I’ve always said, if you wanted to include other men then I’d be fine with it.” We’d had plenty of group sex over the years, but Erica had always involved only other women. “In an orgy especially, it’d be fine if you wanted to fuck anyone you wanted. Let’s face it, you’ve slept with so many women with me over the years, it’d just be selfish if I had any issue!”

“See! Your husband is ok with it, so let’s all go! He can help cock block if needed anyway.” Alice knew she was repeating herself. She’d given all of these arguments over and over for weeks now.

Erica sighed. “I’ll think about it.” The same response as the last however many times.

“Too late! It’s in three days! What is the issue?” Alice was clearly fed up, and I kind of understood why. I wasn’t sure myself, why Erica wasn’t really up for it. I wasn’t bothered, particularly. I’d already made it clear I would be up for visiting another sex party, but Erica had always decided against over the last couple of years, and Alice had gone three times with Kasey. She’d always enjoyed them, and come back with some very erotic stories. This time, Kasey was unavailable, hence Alice’s more determined pursuit of her sister’s, and my, company.

“I just… I don’t know,” Erica admitted, sighing. She looked at her watch. “Anyway, I need to go and pick up the kids. I’m taking them to Mum’s from nursery – you coming?” She looked to Alice and chuckled at her sister’s irritated expression. “I promise I’ll let you know tomorrow,” she offered.

Alice pouted, but accepted that Erica was clearly done with the conversation for now. “I’ll meet you there. I’ll just nip to the loo, and then I need to nip for petrol, first.”

As Alice disappeared upstairs, Erica kissed me and headed out to the car. We would clearly need to have a chat that night about Erica’s misgivings regarding the orgy. I wondered what it was that was bothering her.

The car just disappearing around the corner, I felt Alice’s body press against me from behind, her hand reaching around me and down the waist of my jeans to fondle my semi-erect cock, engorged a little, but without any serious stiffness after the discussion of the orgy.

“Your job tonight is to get Erica to that orgy,” she whispered into my ear, her chest pressed against my back and her fingers slowly rubbing at my quickly growing erection. “I don’t want to go on my own, and I want this big, thick cock inside me while I’m sucking on another.” She reached up on her tiptoes and lightly bit my earlobe. “You don’t want to miss out, do you?”

I turned and kissed my sister-in-law, fully ready to show her just how much I wanted not to miss out on her tight, little pussy, but she pushed me away gently after a few seconds.

“Not now,” she breathed, her cheeks a little red. “Get Erica to that party and I promise you can do anything you want to me there.” She paused and smirked at me. “Anything at all,” she reiterated, her voice dripping with the implications, before she skirted past me, her stomach pressing against my erection as she passed, and waved cheerfully as she headed to her own car to follow Erica to their mum’s.


“The honest answer, yes,” I agreed, my hands canlı bahis siteleri roaming over my wife’s beautiful body as she cuddled into me, my cum drying on my belly and her chest after a slow and sensual blowjob. “I love you, and usually I can guess how you’ll react to pretty much anything, but with this… you’re just a lot more indecisive than usual. The last three she’s been to, you’ve said a straight no to her. Is it the fact she’d have to go alone that you’re considering, or are you just not sure whether you fancy it or not?”

Erica sighed. “Ok. Honestly… I have been thinking about this a lot. Yes, part of it is not wanting Alice to have to go on her own. I know she’d be fine, but she wants the company, so I really don’t want to leave her. Otherwise I think I’d have just said no.”

“Well that’s no problem. If you don’t want to go, we don’t go. Simple.”

“But that’s the thing,” she interrupted. “I do want to go.”

I stareqd. “But…” I began. “No, I’m confused again. If you want to go, I’m back to not understanding.”

Erica breathed out deeply. “Ok… I want to go, but I don’t want to fuck any men.”

“Riiiight… Again… not sure of the problem. That’s what you did last time.”

“Except that I don’t want to be worrying about it. I want to just be in the moment. I loved last time, but I was constantly worrying I’d just suddenly feel a cock slide inside me, especially with the string underwear. That’s why I was so glad to have Alice and Kasey with me. I knew, when I did feel that big cock slide into me, that it was you.” Erica shrugged, looking up at me with a grin.

I hugged her close, “You know I’m always glad that you love me, and my cock, as much as you do. I don’t mind though, you know. I mean, I’m not actively going to search out opportunities to involve more penis in our lives, but you bring me so much happiness, and soooo much pleasure, as well as joining me in fucking our way through both of our friends and colleagues… I honestly wouldn’t be upset if you did enjoy another man, especially in a situation like this.” I smiled at my wife. “Like you say, its just losing yourself in the moment.”

“I just…” she paused. “I just worry that you’ll look at me differently if I’m riding another guy.”

Finally I understood. And knew I had to dismiss her worries. Even if we didn’t go to any orgies again, I couldn’t let my wife think anything could ever change how I felt about her. “Look at you differently? Love, If I do see you riding another guy, it’ll be from my vantage point of being balls deep in your little sister!”

Erica laughed, and I continued. “You have given me so much in terms of sex, both with you, with the women I’ve slept with, and the women we’ve shared, I would never begrudge you receiving pleasure from anyone. As long as we follow our own rules we’ve always had, it’s not like it’s cheating. As you’ve always said, you can’t be annoyed at me fucking another woman when you’re sat on her face. The same goes, I can’t be annoyed at you enjoying another cock when I’m spunking down someone’s throat.”

She laughed again, and we lay in silence for a bit. “Did Alice blow you to get you to persuade me?” my wife chuckled after a while.

“Not today, gorgeous,” I smiled at her. “But I expect she’ll find a way to say thanks!”


Erica and her sister looked stunning. Both wore long black dresses, with hip-high slits up the left side showing off their long, toned legs, a little risque for the formal dress code normally, but perfect for the sort of party we were attending. With their sequined black eye masks they could pass for twins, if Alice hadn’t been a little shorter than Erica. Alice had bought their matching dresses (google sasha-formal-high-slit-wrap-dress for visualisation), heels and masks and the dresses accentuated the pair’s pale skin and strawberry blonde hair, as well as showing off their natural curves.

I hadn’t scrubbed up badly myself, I didn’t think, wearing a black tuxedo I’d rented for the occasion. We had a couple of glasses of wine each before our taxi arrived. This party was a lot more local than the previous time we’d been to one, so there was no hotel room and the house, while fancy and large, was nowhere near the size of the huge country mansion Erica and I had last visited a similar party.

It was a little strange this time, travelling with Erica, but then last time had been a very different situation. I’d been deep inside a Scottish woman dressed as a nun at the Hallowe’en themed party when Erica, Alice and Kasey had walked in, then, as we’d agreed to arrive separately and anonymously. Tonight was definitely a different feeling, but a pleasant one, riding with my arms around my wife and her sister, stroking their soft thighs and occasionally kissing one or the other.

It wasn’t a long journey, just over twenty minutes, bet siteleri and we pulled up at the door to the manor house just over quarter of an hour after the doors opened, to be greeted by a tall, muscular man who took our names and looked Erica and Alice up and down appreciatively, before stepping to one side to let us in.

Inside, dark oak dominated the walls and furniture, but there was enough light in the room to ensure it was easy to see around. The set up looked similar to the last party, if on a smaller scale. The entrance hall was clearly generally to be used more as a resting area, with several doors leading off to rooms which, from a glance, appeared to be generally furnished with large sofas and beds or larger surfaces for group play. Stairs curved around the right hand side to an upstairs area, and presumably some bedrooms. There were a couple of sofas, and several seats, in the entrance hall, and some were in use by couples or small groups just beginning to start the festivities with some kissing and petting.

Walking with my arms around the waists of both sisters, we soon found the bar area, staffed by a group of extremely attractive men and women who appeared to be early twenties at most, maybe even eighteen or nineteen. The boys were topless of course, wearing suit trousers and all with chiseled abs and gym built physiques, and the girls, though not topless, left little to the imagination, with tight black dresses (Google ann-summers-alessia-dress-black for an approximate visual) and no bras. We collected a couple more drinks each, enjoying the view, while alleviating any nerves we might have been feeling. I wondered if the bar staff were allowed to get involved in the sexual activity during the night, as I got the feeling Alice would have her legs wrapped around one of the boys if she got the chance, from the way she was gazing at their toned abs… while equally I was pretty sure my wife was imagining removing the dress from a particular dark-haired barmaid who gave her a very dirty grin as we selected our drinks.

I could feel Erica, especially, becoming more relaxed as we casually maneuvered through chatting couples and small groups back towards the entrance hall, and my suspicions were confirmed as Alice asked if we thought the bar staff were allowed to do anything. I suggested she find out later and both women chuckled.

I couldn’t be sure if it was Erica or Alice whose nails dug into my arm first – both spotted the first signs of life as we stepped back through the bar-room door, an older blonde woman (maybe late 30s) in a white dress, who had been sat talking to what appeared to be her partner when we first walked in, was now leaning the opposite direction to him, her tongue circling the head of a long, erect penis protruding from a suited, dark skinned man’s zip, while her partner slowly rubbed at her mound through her lacy panties.

We strolled towards the threesome, stopping a few steps from them to watch. I didn’t feel like either of my two companions was tipsy or horny enough just yet to join in, and I was proved right as eventually Erica pulled on my arm and we three moved away again.

As we had watched, the room had begun to fill up as more people arrived, and I noticed everyone had taken the formal dress code very seriously, with every man in a smart suit or tuxedo, and the women… well, women look stunning when they do what they do, and there was every combination of skin, hair, dress colour, and almost every body type you could imagine. The only requirement on the site had been to provide photographs – both face and body, according to Alice – and so a lack of larger people was noticeable, but that suited my tastes (I’m sorry if I offend anyone, but it’s my personal preference).

The room was generally still a place of chatter, for now, and we collected a couple more drinks each from a pretty blonde girl with a cheeky smile as the bar staff began to make their way through the crowd to avoid a crush at the bar. Erica, Alice and I thread our way through the crowds aimlessly, eventually coming to a pause near one of the bar boys, who had paused in his own movement through the crowd to watch one of the female guests, who looked to be fairly young, having her nipples licked and sucked by a brunette as her boyfriend (I thought) slowly rubbed himself next to them.

A couple of minutes of watching the pair later, and it was Alice this time tugging at my arm, guiding Erica and I to a recently emptied sofa, a couple who had been kissing on there having vacated and headed into one of the side rooms.

Once sitting, Alice finished her glass of wine and immediately kissed me, before reaching her arm past me to draw her sister into a kiss. We’d discussed this, too. The pair didn’t often please each other, even when we’d had threesomes, but had on occasion in the past, and they’d decided that tonight, with the anonymity of the masks and the formal attire, and a commitment to “living en iyi bahis siteleri in the moment,” that nothing was off limits.

The pair’s tongues soon found mine, and we kissed all three together for a couple of minutes, before Alice took the lead and reached down to stroke my cock through my trousers.

My hands still around their waists, I slipped my fingers through the slits in their dresses, caressing their soft thighs as Erica unhooked the fastener and pulled down my zip, fumbling slightly as both she and Alice pulled at my boxers to release my eight inch erection.

Erica wrapped her hand around my shaft, locked in a kiss, but I almost immediately felt the familiar warmth of Alice’s lips press against the head of my erection. Adjusting her position so she was laid mostly on her left side to allow her greater access to my cock, Alice had one leg laid flat but her other lifted with her knee bent, lifting the slit of her dress in such a way that her bare cunt (I hadn’t realised she hadn’t worn any underwear until now) was on show to the room. I immediately reached over and began to stroke her pussy, finding her soaking wet. Clearly she was incredibly horny and ready for the night to really begin, moaning around my cock as I slid my fingers between her moist lips

Eager to find out if my wife had dressed exactly the same way as her sister, I gently encouraged her to join Alice, mirroring her position on the opposite side. Alice released my cock from her mouth, to allow Erica to wrap her lips around me, and I slid my fingers down to find Erica’s bare lips as well, rubbing slowly at both women’s pussies, now. As the pair alternated between whose mouth contained the head of my cock, and who had their hand rubbing my shaft, a small crowd began to gather around.

Soon, an attractive young couple (we’ll call them Carl and Ellie) stepped forward, he a dark haired, tanned man, and her a blonde, with smaller teats, but long, long toned legs protruding from her short, silver dress. “Mind if we join you?” asked Ellie, who I judged to be mid-twenties.

I gestured and smiled, and the pair split up, Carl sitting by Alice and Ellie by Erica. I silently thanked fate that they’d chosen that way round. I felt like Erica was more likely to lose herself and enjoy the night by starting with a woman, and as the blonde’s fingers replaced mine between my wife’s legs, Erica moaned with satisfaction.

Alice, as Carl sat down, had wrapped her right leg over the top of the sofa, ensuring her leg wasn’t blocking his view of her pussy as I played with it. He soon reached down and I allowed his fingers to replace mine as his girlfriend’s (I assume) had on the other side.

My hands now free, I ran my fingers over the bodies of my two partners, pulling their dresses up their bodies and caressing their waists and beautiful arses, running my fingers along their spines as they continued to take turns sucking my cock. Soon, I lifted my left hand to the slim blonde rubbing at my wife’s clit and drew her into a kiss, her tongue slipping into my mouth to explore.

On the other side, Alice had leaned up to kiss Carl, who now had two fingers inside her and was slowly pushing them back and forth. I played with her rock hard nipples as my tongue wrestled Ellie’s.

Shortly, Erica also leaned up from sucking my erection to kiss the blonde, turning to begin disrobing the newcomer, exposing her lovely small chest just before I was distracted by Alice sitting up fully between myself and the other man, pulling me in to kiss her with one arm before turning her head and pulling Carl in to kiss her on the other side. Alice’s dress was bunched around her waist now, her chest uncovered above and her pussy below, and as she kissed me I noticed her other hand reach down to release the cock of our new partner.

Se broke our kiss to look down at his cock, a solid six inches or so, and I wrapped my fingers in her hair, pulling her to kiss me again, before guiding her head down to find him. Alice’s mouth wrapped straight around the man’s erect cock and he let out a low moan as she sucked and rubbed at his length. I returned my fingers to Alice’s pussy for a few minutes, before adjusting myself to lie on my side behind her, kissing her neck even as she sucked Carl’s cock, and guiding my own cock to the entrance to her vagina.

A brief glance to my left before I entered my wife’s sister told me that Erica had fully unclothed her new blonde friend, the silver dress pooled on the floor as Erica straddled her on all fours, the blonde now lying on the long sofa, kissing her passionately and occasionally leaning to suck on her hard nipples.

My wife occupied for now, I slid my cock into her little sister from my position behind her. Alice moaned loudly as my erection slid easily into her soaking cunt, bringing another low moan from Carl as she hummed against the head of his cock.

I slid slowly in and out of my sister-in-law for some time, her wet warmth enveloping me as played with her nipples with my left hand, Alice pleasuring the dark haired man as my wife went down on his girlfriend next to us. I kept the sex slow, for now. I didn’t want to shoot a load so soon, and I think Alice was enjoying a slow fuck while she sucked another cock.

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