Fabienne and June Ch. 06


I felt nervous. Making love with June had grounded me and made me feel so much better, but it had been a long day and a gruelling one. But Miss Dyer had been so kind to me, and I was intrigued to meet her lover and, yes, I wanted her to meet my June. June seemed pleased that was the case.

“I am nothing special, just an ill-educated waitress who does some back of house stuff too. I don’t know why you want to show me off to these well-educated ladies. What have I got that they’d be interested in?”

I knew June well enough now to read what that really meant and decode it, so I gave my decoded answer.

“You’re my girlfriend, that’s enough. If it weren’t, you are also a loving and a caring person, and unless I read Miss Dyer badly, that will be more than enough, so there!”

I emphasised the last few words before kissing her.

“You’ll smudge my lipstick.”

“You look lovely!”

She did. Her blue pleated skirt came to mid-thigh, and with her four-inch heels, helped emphasise just how gorgeous her legs – and bum – were, while the white, asymmetrical tank top showed just enough cleavage to make my eyes wander there.

“Hands off, Missy, you don’t look too bad yourself!”

My black and white stripe T-shirt dress was one of my favourites, concealing my lack of bosom while looking elegant.

I caught a glimpse of us in one of the shop windows as we walked to Wolfie’s; not bad, I thought, and I gripped her hand tighter.

“June,” said the replacement waitress, “good to see you again. Wolfie says the table over there is yours. Your guests are not yet here. Is this Fabienne?”

June smiled.

“Great to see you again, Katy, and yes, this is my girlfriend. Fabienne, Katy worked here last year. Good to have you back with us.”

Katy was tall, taller than June. I’d have put her at five foot ten, so she towered above me. She was busty, and blonde, and given the way she was eyeing up June, I wondered whether there had been anything between them? But I let it go. It was June’s prerogative to worry about such things.

We ordered some water and four menus.

“Katy seems nice,” I said.

“You mean you fancy her?”

“No, but I could see she fancied you.”

June giggled.

“Well when she was here we used to flirt, but no further than that, my Mist… erm, then girlfriend, wouldn’t allow anything more.”

Had June almost called her ex her “Mistress”? It would explain a lot. But before I could process any of the thoughts to which that gave rise, Katy brought Miss Dyer and her partner over. To my surprise, her “Jen” was the vicar I had met earlier. I should, perhaps, have twigged, but they had been so professional when we met that it had not occurred to me.

“I think you know my partner, Jen,” Miss Dyer smiled, “and this must be June?”

Rising, I was kissed on both cheeks by them both.

“Yes, this is my girlfriend. June, Jen is the lovely vicar whom I met earlier.”

June beamed at Jen.

“Thank you! You’ve no idea how much that meant to Fabienne, and to me.”

And she gave Jen a big hug.

“So, this is where you work, June?” Miss Dyer commented as she sat down.

The conversation flowed much more easily than I had supposed it might. June was shy with strangers, and given her view of herself, I’d feared that she might find herself ill at ease, but it was as though Jen’s kindness to me had created a connection which allowed her to talk freely.

She told them about the restaurant and its specialities, and when Katy came over to take our orders, June was a fountain of help about what to have and what was best.

Over supper, we chatted easily, with Miss Dyer insisting we both call her “Ali.”

“So, Ali,” said June in her usual direct way, “you and Jen, how does that work? I thought the Church didn’t allow its clergy to marry someone of the same sex?”

Ali smiled.

“That is why we are partners.”

Jen added:

“There is a contradiction there we are all aware of. The laity can, and do, contract same sex marriages and are welcome in church. In Wales and Scotland clergy can marry someone of the same sex, and here, well there are finally moves to shift in the right direction.”

“Isn’t that very illogical?” June asked, direct as ever.

“Logic and feelings have little to do with each other at times. Unfortunately, as your lovely Fabienne discovered today, there are some Christians who, while they have love on their lips, fail to have it in their hearts.”

Jen sounded almost wistful, and I saw from the way that Ali was looking at her that this was a subject Çanakkale Escort close to both their hearts.

“Should just make them get up to date,” June said, “I’ve no time for bigots like that awful woman who is persecuting Fabienne.”

“I understand,” Jen said, “but should we lower ourselves to their level? If we ask for tolerance and kindness, we don’t begin where they do, preaching intolerance and hatred.”

“That’s a hard one to answer,” June said, “not sure I can get there.”

“I never said I was there,” Jen smiled, “I said I wouldn’t begin in the other place. I’m only human, and like you, would love to hurl a thunderbolt at the ghastly Connie.”

June laughed. Jen had defused a situation which was getting too tense for comfort. I envied June’s ability to say what she meant directly; there was something in me which could not go there. I saw Ali smile at me. She knew, and I smiled back.

“So we’re agreed, thunderbolts and lightning for Connie and co,” June joked, picking up the need to defuse the tension.

“Oh absolutely, but” and Ali turned to me, “I have a more practical suggestion.”

I looked at her, and then June.

“If this is not the time or place, or you aren’t interested, just say, but we have twice advertised for and failed to appoint a French teacher. It’s only a half time post, which may be one of the reasons. The last time was a fortnight ago, so it is still within my ability to accept late applicants for it. How would you feel about applying, Fabienne? No need to answer now unless you want to say no.”

I was shaken. Another act of kindness, and such an act!

I looked at June, who smiled back at me.

“Can June and I talk later, Ali?”

She grinned at us.

“Of course!”

Over dessert, Ali drew June out to talk about herself and the restaurant.

“It’s got such a nice atmosphere. I have been here before, and you make everyone feel at home, that’s quite the gift.”

“Oh, it’s just waitressing. I do some front of house too, but compared to what the three of you do….”

“We all serve others, just in different ways,” Ali replied, “don’t put yourself down, that is what other people are for, after all.”

That made June laugh, and I could tell from the tone of it that Ali’s remarks had pleased her. She and Jen had a gift for making others feel comfortable, and they recognised June’s similar talent.

The whole evening was a great success. When Ali asked for the bill, Katy told her it was on the house, and Wolfie came out to be congratulated on the quality of his cooking. I felt a sense of being at home suddenly.

My mind was trying to process what Ali had said.

A half-time job here would not pay what I was paid in Paris, and it would mean leaving France. But the cost of living was less here, and then there was my real reason for even thinking about it – June.

I was painfully conscious that in another four weeks my contract in the UK finished, and while I could stay for another month before school started in Genvilliers, thereafter it would be hard to see June. Love and the excitement of it had been pushing that thought to the back of my mind. I could not process it anyway. Now, thanks to Ali, there was a chance of staying!

After big hugs all round, and an invitation to supper at Ali’s, we parted. June and I walked back, hand in hand.

“You can’t do it, you know?”

“Can’t do what?” I asked.

“Give up your career in France for a half time job here.”

I looked up at her.

“You’re right!”

She seemed a little shocked even surprised.

“Oh, well, as long as you are sure.”

She sounded disappointed, and I could not tease her any longer.

“I cannot give it up for a part-time job. I CAN give it up for my girlfriend and for us!”

“Oh Fabienne!”

She swept me up in her arms and kissed me.

“Really? No?”

“Really. Yes!”

As we walked, I could sense both her excitement and her disbelief.

I explained that if we lived together, and if I carried on cleaning at the restaurant, the money would be enough. Ever practical, that had been at the forefront of her mind.

“But how do you know we can live together?”

“I don’t. But how do you ever? The question is do we want to live apart?” I looked at her, she looked at me.

“Would it work if you went back to Paris?”

“No,” I said, “you are busy here, I would be busy there, and before we knew it this would be a fond memory, a spring romance.”

June looked coyly at me.

“I wouldn’t want that.”

“Well,” I said, Çanakkale Escort Bayan “it’s not like we have a lot of choices. Whatever happens with school, my time there is now limited and within a couple of months at most I would be gone. If it was not for you, I’d go as soon as I could, but Ali is providing an alternative.”

“That’s so sweet of her. She and Jen seem lovely.”

“They do,” I said, “and basically I accept the offer, or I go back to Paris. Hey, would you come with me for a few days?”

“Paris?” June said, as though it were Outer Mongolia. “I’d need to take some holiday.”

“We could do a week-end break, going Thursday and back Monday, how would that be?”

“Lovely. Geeze!”

“What?” I asked, always slightly worried when June did that.

“It just hit me.”

“I’ll hit you if you don’t tell me!” I said, impatiently.

“Yummy, going to spank me then.”

“I won’t if you keep teasing me!”

June giggled.

“That’s very effective! It is just, well, I realised, we’re committing ourselves.”

“Strictly speaking,” I said, giggling at my use of that word, “I’m taking a big risk – but you are worth it.”

“Aww,” June said, kissing me.

“And just in time,” I said, “here we are.”

We got in and divested ourselves of our coats. I looked at June. She looked at me.

“You must be exhausted after the day you have had, darling,” she said, sweetly.

“Not too exhausted,” I smiled.

“Oh, I see, insatiable, eh?”

“For you,” I said, teasingly.

“What if I am too tired?” June smiled teasing back.

“Oh that’s easy enough,” I said, moving closer and kissing her, pushing her back against the hall wall and putting my hand up her skirt.

She gasped.

On tip toe, I pressed into her, her hardening nipple pressing into me as she moaned. My invading hand tugged at her knickers, and I knelt, getting under her skirt and, with her cooperation, getting them off. I pushed her thighs apart and, pressing my face into her wetness, licked along the line of her lips, dipping in, touching her wetness, and sliding my tongue up, slowly, until I pressed and flicked her clit. She gripped my head under her skirt.

The confined space meant that she smelled so strongly. I loved that scent, eau de June, and abandoning any restraint, licked and swirled my tongue around her clit, pushing it upwards as two fingers curled up, parting her wetness, and feeling that warm nectar as her lips parted for me. As I thrust deeper, I felt her rise on her toes and then press, moving with me as I finger fucked her.

I could hear her moaning through the fabric of her skirt, and the more I took her, the louder she got.

I licked and sucked at her clit as my fingers took her, harder, faster, deeper. She groaned and gripped my head. I could feel her begin to shake. I needed her, and my urgency communicated itself to her as she suddenly gripped my fingers and came, her juices dripping over my fingers as I pressed them in firmly. She shook, pressing herself against the wall and holding on to me to keep herself upright.

I did not want to let go, so I stayed in my lair, using my other hand to unzip and removed her skirt, which pooled around me.

I looked up at her flushed face. She was breathing heavily. Our eyes locked.

“You,” she whimpered, “are a bad girl!”

“And you,” I said, “are MINE!”

Slowly pulling my fingers out, I rose and offered them to her.

“There, taste!”

Meekly, she opened her mouth and sucked.

“Now!” I said, taking my fingers out and ushering her upstairs in just her bra and tank top.

June followed, looking at me.

“I want!”

As we got to our bedroom, I pushed her onto the bed.

“Get that top and bra off, I want those girls to be free!”

She smiled.

“Yes, bossy one!”

She complied as I slipped out of my clothes and, getting the strappy from the bedside cabinet. stepped into it.

“Oh Geeze,” June moaned. “Is that for me?”

“It SO is, gorgeous,” I said, climbing onto the bed and pushing her back.

Crouching between her thighs, I moved forward, helping the strappy to find her wetness and, as I pushed in, adjusting to get it right, I kissed her nipples. June moaned as I entered her.

Pushing deeper, my hands reached under and gripped her firm bum, and I took her, deep and hard, sucking on her nipples as we made love. She gripped me with her thighs, allowing me to press the phallus as deep as it could go.

And we made love, we fucked, we were together, we were one.

We rocked Escort Çanakkale to and fro, in time with each other, our scent filling the air. Time ceased to matter. Everything save the moment seemed not to matter, and the moment spun out along an eternal axis of love. In taking her, I was giving her myself, as she was giving herself to me. It began as a carnal impulse and was incorporated into an act of ultimate love and self-giving.

When she came again, I did, and we were united; one.

We lay together in the aftermath, soft words of love flowed as freely as our orgasms had. That, I knew, was why they called in making love.

I looked into her eyes and saw it. She nodded. She saw it too.

At some point I lost the strappy and she pulled me into her, and pulling the duvet over us, we spooned the night away until the dawn hour broke.

She must have woken before me, as the next thing I knew was a kiss and June saying:

“Coffee for my darling one. I love you!”

That, I thought was the way to wake up.

I stretched aching remembering the night before, and raising myself, I kissed her.

“That’s as well then, coz I love you too! Thanks for last night.”

June giggled, almost shyly.

“I should be thanking you. What got into you?”

Giggling, I said, “I was what got into you!”

“Yum,” she said, sliding back into bed for a moment, “and how!”

It felt so good. All the hurt of the day, all the hate and the pain had been washed away in love. As we lay there in the early dawn light, I knew that the light would banish the dark and that love would prevail.

But we are human, we cannot live on such exalted heights forever, and perhaps as well, as we should become rarefied beings remote from everyday life, and love in such circumstances would become self-centred and inward looking.

I began to understand something of that as we got ourselves showered and ready for work.

As I could not go to school, I said to June that I’d come with her and clean up.

“You don’t need to, darling, just rest!”

“No,” I said, “if I do that, I’ll end up hosting my own pity party. I actually want to be useful and help. One of the things about cleaning is that you know if you’ve done a good job or not. In a world where there seem few certainties, a clean floor is or isn’t spotless!”

June looked at me.

“Did anyone ever tell you that as well as being cute and lovely, you’re weird?”

“Oh” I jested back, “the latter all the time, but keep with the cute and lovely and you can say anything after that.”

There was something refreshing, or at least reassuring, about getting into the rhythm of our normal morning. Making sure that the restaurant was as clean and tidy as possible, and working with June, all induced a feeling of usefulness and calmness. After the previous day I needed that.

Just as we were settling down for a well-deserved coffee, my phone went. It was Penny, my landlady.

“Fabienne, are you okay?”

I confirmed I was and asked why she was asking.

“It’s just that I have a journalist on the phone asking to speak to you about what was happening at school. I have a number for you if you want to contact them.”

“Thanks, Penny, but I don’t.”

June asked me what was going on. I told her.

“Maybe you ought to put your side of the story,” she suggested.

“Yes, and then someone tells them they saw me out with Elle and Amy, and asks whether I was fucking them, and then I lie or prove my enemies right – and I am not going to lie.”

“That’s so unfair, Fabienne. It wasn’t like you were a predator, if anything, Elle seduced you.”

“Try explaining that one to a wider public, darling! No, no, I am not going to talk to the press. Ah, let me take this, it’s Mrs Pritchard the lawyer.”

She wanted to tell me that a meeting had been fixed up at her offices near the Cathedral that afternoon with Mrs Gordon and the school’s lawyer.

“That’s quick!” I commented.

“Yes, looks like the press is sniffing round, and I suspect they want to gag you. In the meantime, if the press does contact you, don’t talk with them.”

I told her what Penny had said, and confirmed I would stay silent.

June was right, but so was I. Any nuance would be lost in the scandal of a teacher seducing an 18-year-old pupil into a lesbian affair. Elle would be damaged, Amy too, and their families, and for what, so that I could tell “my side” of a story which no one would understand?

There was, I told June, such a thing as bad publicity, and this would be it.

She looked at me.

“Are you going to tell Ali today?”

Our eyes locked for a moment.

“If you are sure you can put up with having a weird girlfriend.”

“You must be weird to be my girlfriend,” June laughed.

“Well then, we’re well-suited.”

And with that, I texted Ali:

“I accept the job!”

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