Finding Our Way Ch. 04

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This is the last full length chapter of this “book.” If you’re joining without having read the previous chapters, it shouldn’t be a problem for the piece to stand alone. But I’d like to think it’s more satisfying as part of a greater whole. In any case, I hope you enjoy reading it somewhere near to how much I’ve enjoyed writing and publishing it. Thanks, as always, for the comments and votes!

I don’t recommend these sorts of relationships in real life, but I’m happy to share and enjoy as long as it’s OnlyFiction. 😉


Finding Our Way

Chapter Four: Real World Holidays

Part 1

For once my mother was the one running out the door while I lazed at home. “Can’t miss my ballet class,” she said. “I’ve got to keep this body slim and hard so I can keep up with you!”

“Yeah, I’ve actually been slacking off my own workouts lately. Maybe I’ll hit the gym or something. Or maybe I’ll start working on my resume’.”

“Do the work out. The resume’ can wait until after we get back from graduation present number two.”

“Get back? What? Are we going somewhere?”

Mom froze at the entrance to the kitchen, frowning with a piece of toast stuck in her mouth. Lucky piece of toast. “Fuck,” She said. I considered trying to take that as an offer, but she really did want to head out to her ballet class, and there was certainly no arguing with the results it got. My mother was a slim 5’9″ with straight black hair just below her shoulders and 120 pounds of long, dance-toned muscle and smooth milky skin. “I guess I’ve said too much now. I was planning on telling you what gift number two is over dinner tonight, but I might as well tell you: Before you start your post-university career, I’m taking you on a trip for two weeks!”

She’d already gotten the vacation time approved at her part time secretary job. Starting next week, we would head out to one of the national parks, and have a romantic two week holiday together; just the two of us. She’d gotten a third week of free time approved without pay (she didn’t need the money anyway) for travel to and from the park grounds as well as a few days to recover before going back to work.

It was an excellent surprise. Admittedly, most 23 year old guys wouldn’t get so psyched about a cross country trip with their 40 year-old mothers, but most aren’t getting the kind of insane sex that I was getting from my mother. This was double good for us because we were going somewhere that no one knew us. No one knew we were mother and son. We could go as a couple; a forty year-old woman and her twenty-three year-old boy toy…maybe something more than just a boy toy…maybe what they call a Spring-Autumn relationship. We certainly had gone beyond simple play. Mom loved what I had in my pants for her, but in her heart I was much more than a toy.

Mom checked us in. They accepted her ID alone. “If they’d asked, I would’ve given them your ID,” she told me as we unpacked in the quaint little room.

“But we have the same family name. What would you have said to explain that?”

“My license has my maiden name, actually. I had it switched back last time I got it renewed.” Then she stopped stowing away a fresh looking Victoria’s Secret bag, and turned to me. “But, Kevin, even if we’d had the same last names on our ID’s I would’ve just told them that you’re my husband.” She stood very still and quiet, watching me closely. “I hope you’re okay with that.”

“Of course. I…I guess I hadn’t really thought about it, but, yeah. Sure, that’s fine with me. I love playing house with you, but only if we play husband and wife!” She smiled, warmed by my response. “But what about the fact that we’re not wearing rings?”

She rolled her eyes. I’ve still got mine somewhere, and yours could be lost or in the shop. Really, Kevin, you can get so bogged down in the details. Who would ask us, ‘Hey! Where are your rings?’ Hahaha! Anyway, our ‘cover story,’ if you need one is that we are just an unmarried couple on a romantic getaway. Just a strapping young hunk and his grateful older lover.”

I smirked, and put my arms around her. “They won’t believe we’re a romantic couple.” The color drained from her face. “At least not until someone hears the right sorts of noises coming from our room.”

“Mmmm. I suppose you’re right.”

“We’d better start making some of the right sounds soon, before anyone gets suspicious.”

Mom made a clicking noise with her tongue, and broke my embrace. She flung herself onto the queen sized bed and sighed. She lay there akimbo, with her long slim legs poking out of her plaid pleated catholic-school-girl style skirt and ending in brown cowboy boots. Her blouse was eggshell, and I could see a red bra strap inside the wide collar. “I don’t know if I can make those sounds, Kev. I’m a little bit pooped. I would need some…inspiration to make the sounds… convincing.” She grinned up at the white ceiling. “Now how WOO!”

I’d grabbed one of her boots, and pulled it off. The other came off kaynarca escort easily. I crouched at the foot of the bed, and ran my tongue from the inside of her right ankle to her inner knee. I planted a kiss there, and then continued up her sinewy inner thigh. The pleats of her skirt gave me no resistance (maybe she lifted the skirt as I got closer to her center.) I could feel my mother’s bare heels on the backs of my shoulders. My nose collided with the cinnamon-colored crotch of her satin panties, and I could feel Mom’s body quiver. This pair did have a gusset. It was damp and smelled divine. I kissed the panties, and my mother bucked silently again.

I ran my hands, palms up, under her thighs to her ass, and grabbed the top of her undies. Mom lifted her hips to allow me to pull them off. She was giggling softly. I got back down to the business between her thighs. I kissed the folds lovingly, and tickled at her clit with my tongue. Mom gasped and swiveled her hips, but was otherwise silent. I sucked at the clit, and let it go with a slurping sound. Mom’s cunt was sopping wet already, and I was drinking her in. But I was struck by how quiet she had been.

I came up for air, and looked across that most supple body to my mother. Her face was flushed, and she was grinning like a game show winner. “Are you okay?” I asked. “Why are you so quiet.”

She started laughing, and ran her fingers through my hair between her knees. “If I make too much noise too soon, you may think it was enough to ease the neighbor’s suspicions and stop.” She laughed some more.

This time it was my turn to roll my eyes. “Let ‘er rip, Mom. Let’s scare the hell out of the neighbors.”

Mom grinned again. “In that case, my fine young man, get back in there, and get back to business.”

“If I do a good job, I’d better hear about it!”

My mother nodded, and gently pushed my head back down into her hot waiting pussy.

I went to town on that steamy little cunt. Two fingers, deep tongue work, and I nearly gave myself whiplash with the way I wriggled my face into Mom’s glorious opening. For her part, she certainly did respond. “HOLY FUCKING SHIT!!! FUCK YESSSS!!!! Oh my god, you’re a fucking MASTER! OH! OH FUCK! You’re a KING! Ohhhhhh! You’re so good to my pussy! Ooooh, Baby, don’t stop! OH! HOLY SHIT MY… MY PUSSY! OH SHIT!” When I slowed the pace, she begged for more at full volume.

I came up for air just long enough to tell her to get that blouse off. “And the bra too,” I added. “Tits as beautiful as yours need some air and some attention.”

“Oh yes, Baby! Anything you say. Just give me some more!” Her blouse came off over her head, and the bra ended up across the room. “Are you going to give me some more, Kevin?”


“You promise? You’ll give my pussy more of your sweet touch?”

I flipped her over to her hands and knees, and gave her a pointed tongue lick from her clit up – probing the folds and the hole before continuing up to her asshole.

“OH, MOTHER FUCKER!!!” she cried out.

I climbed up onto my knees behind her. I leaned over her lean muscled back, and spoke softly in her ear: “You’d better fucking believe I’m a mother fucker, Mother.” She moaned loudly, and pushed her ass back against the hand I was cupping over her slick lower lips. “You’d better want me to be a mother fucker.” I gently squeezed her drooling cunt. Her fluids oozed between my fingers, and she made a high whining sound. “Mommy’s awfully wet, and my dick is awfully hard. What should I do with it, Mommy?”

“OHHH! Put it in me, Baby!” she cried out. “Give me that BEAUTIFUL FUCKING MONSTER!”

I got upright on my knees behind her, moved my hands to her hips, and I shoved in at top speed. She backed up into me with the full force of her desire. Our bodies slapped together, and it felt like the nerve endings in our genitals were singing. The sex was so intense in the sun drenched hotel room that I couldn’t help shouting wordlessly.

Her body was bent there in front of me. Her beauty was otherworldly. We both were. We were like some kind of Greek deities coupling in the most perfect sexual act in the history of the human form. It was magnificent.

Mom’s neatly groomed pussy was so tight that afternoon; it was stretched around my shaft as I drove it in and out of her. Above that perfect fit, my mother’s heart-shaped ass spread and crashed into my hips with a thunder clap again and again. My hands glided along her smooth hips to the pinched waistline just beyond the small of her back. I grabbed on tight, so I could really start to pound into her pussy as she really likes it. My thumb tips were about two and a half inches apart, and I could feel the musculature of her flat stomach with my fingertips. Her torso spread from there, her bellowing ribcage broadening to her lean shoulders. She was twisting hard, using even her arms and shoulders to fuck back onto me with style and rhythm. With that movement, I knew her succulent handfuls had to be positively küçükyalı escort swinging all around. Her raven hair was across the leaves of her back, and hid her face from view. But I could hear her howling with joy at my deep exploring penetrations.

The whole goddamn hotel must have heard us. I came so hard into my mother’s wonderful insides that I nearly blacked out. Mom made this guttural sound that resembled a lower animal crying out in the wild. Her honey dripped down my thighs, and we collapsed; laughing in heady afterglow.

Holy shit that woman can fuck like a champion!

For the rest of the trip the hotel staff and residents called us “The Happy Couple.”

Part 2

“More wine for The Happy Couple?” our waitress asked, smiling a huge knowing grin.

Mom and I were holding hands over our small dinner table, and were surprised by the interruption.

“Um, I’m fine. You, Sweetheart?”

My mother smiled back at the waitress and shook her head sweetly. I’d half expected the people of the hotel to be irritated with how much noise we’d made, but we were consistently met with hearty approval. Old couples smiled brightly at us. One husband and wife paused from shooing their kids to greet us. The wife, a blonde with a nice chest and the full round hips of bearing three children, looked hungrily at me, and her husband – a husky guy with shorts, camera, shades and a baseball cap – gave me a thumbs up from behind his wife. Anyone past puberty was bound to approve of making a woman as strikingly beautiful as my mom scream like I had that afternoon.

After dinner we danced on the dance floor, and kissed in the moonlight. It was better than either of us had hoped for.

We went to bed more calmly that night, and I thanked my mother for such a lovely second graduation present (for about two and a half hours.) Sweating beneath me, she cried out how welcome I was. We both did, come to think of it. But our words were more of love than of wet muscular escapades.

At one point, near the apex of our love making, I had some kind of mental episode. It wasn’t an out of body experience, but I was seeing myself – what we were doing – in a different way. I saw myself on my mom with my mouth on hers, and my tongue reaching for the back of her throat. But also I imagined that my cock was a tongue spearing deep into her cunt to taste her most secret flavors and to pleasure her wildly at the same time. And my hands were mouths too (in my mind) nibbling her nipples as my fingers pinched and pulled at them. Her breasts were slick with our sweat, and I dreamed that I could taste it with my mouth-hands. I reached down to squeeze her sweet ass and imagined I was covering those perfect buns with enthusiastic kisses.

I know this sounds bizarre and alien, but it was beautiful and thrilling for me. I wasn’t devouring her; I was praising her and basking in the glory of her. Some element of my thoughts (or, at least, how deeply I felt about them) reached Mom, and she began to thrash around in ecstasy under me. She came hard over and over. She screamed into my mouth and raked my back and bucked mindlessly up to meet my penetrating member. It was so wild and surprising that she drew me into my final orgasm of the night.

While I was fire hosing her cunt with sticky cream she finally twisted her head away to break the kiss, and said, “Oh fuck!” She took a deep breath, and nearly deafened me screaming as she had one last hard writhing cream-spewing orgasm.

She started to shake, like shivering, but the movements were too dramatic. I thought for a second that she might be having some sort of attack. I pulled away against the wet resistance of our joined bodies, barely noticing the slurping sounds as her cunt gave up my cock. “Are you okay? Do you need help? Are you cold? Should I get a doctor?”

Her eyes were closed, but she smiled to herself. “I’m okay,” she whispered, still shaking all over. “I just need a minute.” I put my hand to her shoulder, and she began jerking violently. “Uh!” She wrapped her arms around herself and curled into a ball. “No Kevin. Don’t touch me just now.” I’d already withdrawn my hand, and was looking at her with concern all over my face. She opened one eye to spy my face, and started to laugh softly. “It’s okay, Baby. Mommy’s just a bit overstimulated right now. You did me good. Even your hand on my shoulder can give me an orgasm right now. Don’t! Don’t test it. Just trust me.”

“You’re kind of freaking me out, Mom.”

“Look, you know how the tip of your cock feels right after we’ve had a good hard fucking?”

“Yeah,” I said with a smile.

“Kevin, sweetie, you just set me off so many times and so hard that my whole body feels like that.”


“Yeah. Really, Stud. Give me another minute or two, and then I want you to hold me until I fall asleep.”

In the morning we had a light breakfast, and headed out for a hike in one of America’s wonderland natural parks. We walked sancaktepe escort quietly satisfied, holding hands like we couldn’t really do in our home town, and listened to the increasingly rare sounds of nature. It was beautiful, and we walked for a long time. Eventually our path came in view of a glade not far off. We’d brought a few snacks and drinks in backpacks, so we decided to head off the path to the glade and make a picnic of it.

Pressing through the trees, I said, “That waitress sure did seem to have an especially big smile for the two of us; The Happy Couple.”

“Well, I am happy. Very. But I know what you mean. When someone smiles like that… well, I think she wanted to join The Happy Couple and try out being an Ecstatic Trio.” She smiled over at me, and bumped my hip with hers.

Just then we broke our way into the glen. It was even more beautiful up close. We picked a spot close to the trees we’d come through, so it wouldn’t be visible from the path we’d just left. We began to unpack and enjoy.

“Um, I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that, Mom.”

“A threesome with the waitress? She’s cute, honey, but…”

“No, not exactly. I mean, not about a threesome with the waitress. You’ve mentioned getting other women involved from time to time, and I haven’t really been so responsive.”

“I know you’re committed to me, Sweetie. I just want you…”

“No, I know, Mom. You’ve explained it before. I just want to tell you why I haven’t said much about it, myself. I’m completely open to having another woman join us, as long as you’re there and playing a major role. In fact, it sounds really great. I’m also okay if there’s never another woman.

“See, a few years ago – not long after I turned 21 – I went to a bar with some guys and I met a girl. This was before I’d met Kim, of course. I bought this chick a few drinks and she was definitely interested. She told me all sorts of things to keep me interested. She told me that she was a stripper (no, this wasn’t a strip club. It was an ordinary bar,) and at some point she mentioned that she had stripper girlfriends who would be open to a threesome.

“This girl was okay in bed; nothing special. After a few times, I asked about those friends. I said I’d like to get some more girls into the action.”

“And she was offended, wasn’t she?” Mom guessed.

“She never spoke to me again. To be honest, I didn’t mind much. There wasn’t that much between us.”

“How old was this young woman?”

“I think she was nineteen.”

Mom put her hand on my cheek. “I’m no nineteen year-old girl.”

“Oh, I know that!” I said, resting a hand on her thigh.

“I understand your nervousness, and I’m far from desperate to get another woman in our bed or anything like that. I was joking about the waitress. I wouldn’t want something like that now, anyway. Not on this beautiful trip. This is for the two of us. I don’t want to share you now. Maybe something will come up in the future, but it’ll have to be something…someone more special than a waitress who overheard you making me cum like Niagara Falls.”

We drank some water and juice and kissed some more.

The national parks are awesome. After a few days of trying different paths (and finding secluded locations for more intimate explorations of nature) we took time out to do some shopping for souvenirs. Mom insisted I pick up a turquoise necklace for my ex-girlfriend-now-just-friends friend Kim.

“Why? What’s the deal with you and Kim, anyway?” My willowy raven-haired mother had been meeting my hard-body strawberry-blond ex for lunch every week or so for the last several months.

“I think you should show your appreciation for what she’s doing for you.”

“What? What is she doing for me?”

“She’s got that job lined up for you at her PR firm.”


“Didn’t she tell you? I thought she told you at the bar on your graduation night. You just need to send in your resume´, and Kim will make sure that John takes care of the rest.”

“John? Who the hell is John?”

“Kim’s boyfriend. The one in the Human Resources department of her firm? Didn’t you two talk at all that night?”

“Wow. I guess we didn’t talk about much. I mean, I think she mentioned something about being “covered” in the boyfriend department, but…she never said anything about a job or anyone specific named john.”

Mom slid her hand into the back right pocket of my jeans, and grabbed gently at my ass. “Well, she told me all about him at your graduation ceremony. Apparently, he’s a really charming guy who had been flirting with her for a long time. She finally broke down and let him take her out, and it turns out he’s a pretty decent guy.”

I put my arm around Mom, to encourage her to keep her hand on my ass.

“You’re not jealous are you?”

I shrugged. “No, not really. Kim’s great, and I’m glad we’re still friends. But my ass is in exactly the right hands this very second.” She gave my right butt cheek another squeeze. “I’m just a little disappointed that she didn’t tell me she’s got a new love in her life.”

“Oh, I wouldn’t go so far as to say ‘love.’ The relationship is working out for her, and it looks like it’ll help grease the wheels for your employment.”

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