First Timer with Philip

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‘Clinches that led to a voyage of divine discovery.’

“It’s my body and I shall do what I like with it” Philip said in no uncertain terms.

He was a good pal and I was concerned for his welfare and other things which were important to me, especially now since we had both developed a wonderful intimate relationship together.

His fuck is sublime and I don’t think I could ever go without it now.

“I was simply concerned that’s all” I continued. “You’ve not been looking yourself lately, you are looking pasty and you seem to be putting off weight.”

“Well, if you don’t want my body any more, you just have to say Pete!” Philip scorned.

“Don’t be silly, I want you for both your body and you!” I said trying to pacify him with a soft caress across his forehead.

Looking back I remembered how our friendship grew from just that, to what it is now, and what inspired that.

Philip was always sensitive and I guess that is what drew me to him, that day when he enveloped into tears when his poor mother died of cancer two years ago.

I simply comforted him by coaxing him to rest his head on my shoulder, whispering just to let all the emotion out and he would feel much better for it..

I had never envisaged what would happen then, because we were just buddies and nothing more, just normal guys who enjoyed playing bowls and going to a football match occasionally.

Until then there was never any indication that our friendship would blossom into what it is now.

It is odd how things happen in life. Like me, Philip likes to talk about philosophy and how we came about and things like that.

He impressed me one day when he said that our bodies were simply the framework for our souls. Initially I did not take much notice because Philip was apt to go off on one of his semi-religious themes -but when he explained that the body was simply a tool adapted for our use on earth and when we are done with it, when we grow old and the flesh deteriorates, it is assumed we apparently die and that is that.

It all sounded a but gruesome for me but on thinking about it he had a point,

“But we don’t die Pete, our souls live on – our real selves and it is just the flesh that returns to dust, but never our souls, and that’s the difference don’t you see.”

I nodded. His words were deep – he is a deep thinker to be sure but the rocket to the moon came when he added that we should take advantage of this wonderful form with which we have been adorned ,and let our souls soak in the pleasures of the flesh.

And that is when he rested his head on my shoulder; his tears soon dried, and I gently veered him away again, wiping his brow, Then something happened that changed our lives completely,

He touched me intimately and sunk his head into my shoulder once more, murmuring how he thought I was so wonderful and loving.

Initially of course I was not ready for this and promptly grasped his hand and jerked it away. Looking back I guess it was because of my upbringing and how my parents abhorred anything that they thought was so unnatural, such as a gay relationship, dad stating his opinion that the gorukle escort bayan true reason for congress among two human beings was to reproduce their own kind, and this was virtually impossible for those of the same sex to do.

The idea that such a one sex relationship could be based on true love never occurred to him, because he thought of it purely from a sexual viewpoint, thinking that all gay people were toilet bashers and so forth.

So although I had certain feelings about guys I always kept them shut up – the feelings that is – because I thought they were detestable and unnatural because that is what my father said.

So when Philip touched me there – and although I was not adverse to his touch, indeed it stirred me, my mindset was that it was wrong and I should not encourage.

Philip seemed disappointed that I had stopped him. His eyes focussed on mine and I felt he was truly embarrassed and confused.

“I’m so sorry Pete, I didn’t mean to do that, I just don’t know why I did, it seemed natural that’s all, I wanted to cement our friendship to show my respect and love for you. There I’ve said it, For what it’s worth I do love you Pete, So ff you think that will spoil our friendship I will try to understand, but I can’t disguise my natural feelings.”

We simply sat there, on the sofa in my flat. I knew then that what my Dad said was a load f rubbish.

I needed to be honest with myself. I felt the same way about Philip and no mistake, I guess I had for a long time but my mindset would never accept it.

I wanted Philip, I really did. I was besotted by him and when he touched me the stirrings confirmed that.

For while no more words were spoken between us, I didn’t want to lose Philip as much as he didn’t want to lose me.

I grasped his hand once more and returned it to the place it was. He smiled gorgeously. A last we were on track, At last we could share and share alike. Bodies were made to be a tool we could use during our tenancy on earth, of course they were, and Philip acknowledged this, but they were also made to be enjoyed by lovers who deemed to give each other just as much pleasure and gratification as was humanly possible, given all the so wonderful consensual diversions there were. To give and to take and enjoy to the utmost. Philip and I were indeed embarking on a wonderful new experience together.

So I let his hand explore. It was so divine. What had I been missing just because of my parents bad upbringing?, but then I was told that in their day things were so very different and homosexuality would certainly have been snubbed at, such as was sex out of marriage, they lived in a completely different world and thank God it has changed, else guys like us would have been deemed contemptible and the rest of it.

So from then on it was fine for us to share each other mind and body and those first clinches led us onto a voyage of divine discovery and joy, seeking the ways we could best thrill and gratify each other.

So when Philip unzipped me, no longer did I feel uncomfortable – I felt complete and so very much enjoyed his exploration of me. It seemed nilüfer escort bayan right and natural for me to remove my jeans and prance about in my boxer shorts, and he too. And it seemed right we should see the funny side of that, It was another learning curve, to laugh together as we tried different things with each other. I guess then, if we did anything we were apprehensive about – it could be put down to a joke and that was an escape. But that was in the early days because we soon discovered just what makes each other tick , but it is always fun trying new things as and when they come to us,

Who would have thought that I would like and enjoy a bit of harmful spanking indeed, but there was something extremely attractive about the way Philip looked when he bent over to take me orally on the settee, that gorgeous hind looking so absolutely wonderful, that was simply asking to be spanked and rubbed with lotion and mollycoddled.

It was that which led to something more and it was lovely too. It started during the lotion massage, when I inadvertently teased just a little finger full of lotion into the gorgeous crevice between, something I had not tried before, we were still learning about each other. A one sex relationship can be many things and not always penetrative, but from that first time Philip found me and adorned me sexually and even tasted me, we enjoyed for a time just the touching and sucking and all the so wonderful and thrilling thrills and joys that could bring remembering the first time I made Philip cum so beautifully, the way he hunched up his hind as I brought him to the fore, that beautiful firm and pleasured cock spurting like a volcano. It was all utterly fantastic that I could do all those wonderful things with Philip and in return he would do the same. Those so wonderful times we just spent simply exploring each other instinctively, hearing the joy in each others moans as we did so,

But now we were ardently approaching a new dimension. I parted his cheeks just a little primarily to gain better access to him there, That beautifully formed brown orifice looked so utterly enticing, it really did. I was surprising myself doing the things I was doing, gently rimming him, the softness there created by the lotion which did what it said on the bottle, to soften and ease.

It was heaven to hear Philip sigh as I began to rim him there, First one finger, my small index finger, and then two fingers, just gently stretching it more around and around carefully to see what the reaction would be. The way he squeezed my cock as I rubbed up and creamed his balls was a good response and I was imagining just what it would be like to fuck him. I wanted to try and I guess the way I started to gently thrust my fingers into him, stretching him wider and wider there, he got the message.

“I’m not sure Pete, I want you that way, I really do, but I have never done that before so be gentle huh?”

I told him I loved and respected him and would never do anything he would not want, but of he’d like for me to try, just to see how it goes and then, if he would rather not I would understand . But I bursa otele gelen escort bayan knew if he had stopped me I would try again another time. In my way of thinking that ass was just waiting to be initiated, everything was pointing to it, I whispered that we deserve to enjoy the bodies which wrapped our souls, emulating his philosophical thinking and he seemed to go along with that just fine.

He arched his hind up for me in presentation and it was a sheer delight to see him wiggle just slightly. Like he was offering it to me for service, this would be a prelude to everything that was to follow when we were to explore the joy of role play, when he would act the servant and I the master.

But the stance was not quite right for me to enter him comfortably, so we twisted and turned and tried different positions, but the best always came back to him spread beautifully on all fours, cushions under his knees and elbows. At last we found the perfect positions where I could line up to him perfectly and there it was, all ready and waiting and looking so utterly fuckable, But something told me I just had to do something else first, it just looked so beautiful and daunting that ass of his, I just had to go down to him, in a moment I instinctively pushed my face between those lovely contours and got to work orally, it was so lovely and the way he squirmed and moved to my sucks was delicious. It was an experience I would say to be complimentary to the forthcoming fuck ,and now Philip was well ready for it. He yearned for me to fuck him there and then.

I gave him a few heart slaps with ,erection and loved the way it bounced so provocatively.

For the first time we were about to discover just how wonderful it is to share the most ultimate human experience, the leading up it , the touching and feeling, everything that made the actual entry so enthralling and beautiful.

Philip was virgin ass and I had the pleasure of breaking him in. It was good and I took time to gently and slowly insert my full pulse into him, he grunted and groaned at first but said not to stop. I was glad he did because already I felt the warmth of him inside and I so wanted to push it all the way into him..

We helped each other achieve full insertion, he was tight and forbearing, I gripped his thighs ardently to give me the support I needed for full thrust and the fuck was imminent.- he moved from side to side to help me into him and he made those certain throaty noised that complimented the fuck..

It was simply the most beautiful thing I have ever done with anybody and I am glad it was a first timer with Philip.

We built up to a frenzy and every time I thrust it into him I felt and heard my balls slap his thighs.

Afterwards Philip was more loving than ever, it seemed we had reached the ultimate of our wonderful relationship and what that could bring.

Sure thing we would enjoy each other’s bodies to the full and ultimately he wanted my cock just as much as I wanted his ass, so it was a very compatible sharing experience and always a learning one too, because there was so very much more we could do to enjoy our wonderful new discovery of each other.

For those guys who has hang-ups about being gay – forget them, just enjoy the body beautiful while you can, find the right partner as I did and your frustrations will be a thing of the past, and the future will open its doors gladly for you. For me a whole new horizon opened and a new venture sealed,

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