Fist to the Heart Ch. 08


Chapter Eight – Going The Distance / Shallow Waters

Johnny wasn’t exactly crazy about chilling with Ruslan’s childhood friend in some game room, but the fact that he was owning Yanis at the video game they were playing made him feel good. Once he had been explained the rules and gotten the hang of the console controller, his good reflexes and quick thinking put him on top.

He didn’t have to look at Yanis to know that he didn’t like having his ass handed to him like that one bit. But the fucker had a competitive streak, and somehow Johnny digged that. Hell, he even respected the man a little. Ruslan had sternly told them to work out whatever differences they still felt they had in front of the big ass TV from which now a blaze of visual effects was lighting up the room. He had also added that he was in no mood to babysit them or try to clean blood out of the carpets.

That seemed like good thinking. The master of the house had gone somewhere while Johnny was turning Yanis’s character on the screen into mush, and he did wonder what the hell Ruslan was doing.

Nonetheless, putting Yanis in his place, without using his fists, but only his fingers, felt good.

“Good game, man.” Yanis patted his shoulder when the screen closed with Johnny’s nickname up in lights.

“Another round?” Johnny asked gruffly.

“Nah, I think I had enough for one day,” Yanis replied and laughed.

He wasn’t sure if he could really relax around this guy, but Yanis no longer looked like a threat after Johnny had taught him a lesson. Yanis knew how to lose, and that was, again, something Johnny knew to respect in a man. Not many knew. Even in the cage. Winning at all costs was not worth everything. Well, for Johnny, it was. But he was not like most men, so such rules didn’t apply to him.

Yanis was looking at him, with hooded eyes.

“Why are you staring at me like that? Looking to get your ass kicked for real?” Johnny asked, but now, he was half joking.

“I’m trying to figure you out a little,” Yanis replied with a shrug and eased into the large armchair.

Johnny was sitting on a leather sofa, a bit away from him. He stared at Yanis. “What’s to figure?” he asked.

“Well, I told you. You’re not like any of Ruslan’s hookups.”


Johnny was never crazy about making conversation, especially with strangers, but he was damned curious about Yanis and what the hell the fucker was trying to tell him. But he didn’t have to look too eager.

“So, how good are you?” Yanis asked.

Johnny threw him a crooked smile.

“Hmm.” Yanis linked his fingers and crossed his legs. “Four times?”

Not that many words were needed between them, it seemed. Johnny knew exactly what Yanis was talking about.

He hesitated. It wasn’t like him to lie. Then he shook his head.

Yanis grinned. “Ah.”

Johnny snorted. “Don’t tell me. You?”

“Yeah.” Yanis snickered like a school kid. “Want me to share some techniques with you? You could use the help.”

“Nah. I always get where I want to be on my own.”

Yanis seemed to ponder for a couple of seconds. “Now, seriously, man, what’s the deal with you and Ruslan? And how come his papa hasn’t told you to fuck off already?”

“Ruslan does what he wants. He’s a big boy,” Johnny replied. “He likes me.”

“He told you that?” Yanis quirked an eyebrow.

“Yeah,” Johnny said.

“Ruslan is not that big on liking people. Especially strangers,” Yanis said. “How many times have you two done it?”

“Enough to piss you off, by the looks of it,” Johnny said with a large grin now.

“You better not hope that you can get something out of this.” Yanis pointed a finger at him. “You try to mess with Ruslan, you’ll have a problem with me.” He then pointed the same finger at his chest.

“What do you think? That I want to rob him or something? If I had wanted that, I could have been at home now, selling all this pretty stuff lying around on eBay,” Johnny said. “Although he should have some more security in place. Seeing that assholes like you can come and go as they want.”

Yanis didn’t seem to be bothered by that comment. “Me and Ruslan … we go way back, man.” The fucker seemed serious now. “We’re like brothers. I don’t care about you stealing or anything like that. You wouldn’t make it to count the dough. Ruslan’s papa would be all over your ass in a heartbeat. But I care about you messing him up.”

“What the hell do you mean by that?” Johnny asked. “All we do is fuck like crazy. And Ruslan loves it, or don’t you know that, Mr. Four Times?” he added, with a tinge of envy.

“Keep it at that,” Yanis said. “Ruslan doesn’t need complications in his life. You smell like trouble from a thousand yards. Don’t mess with his head. You know. Think that you’re in some kind of relationship and shit. That you’re special or something.”

“Are you that pissed that Ruslan doesn’t want to get screwed by you no more?” Johnny asked. “What’s to you if he wants to hang out with me?”

“That’s none of your business,” Yanis bursa escort replied quickly. “When you leave never to come back, I don’t want Ruslan to think of you at all. I want him to be like ‘Snake who?’ and not even remember your real name.”

“What you’re saying is totally fucked up. Ruslan’s right. You need some kids to bother with this kind of shit. See about some daughter when some punk comes to take her dancing after ten PM, and she’s not even fifteen. Ruslan’s not some girl. And he’s not fifteen either. He looks to me like he can take care of himself.”

Ruslan walked into the room “Thank you for the vote of confidence, Johnny. Let Yanis tell you all he wants to tell you. Otherwise, he won’t leave you alone until he does. And Yanis, thank you, man, but both you and papa should back off a little. I’m not like that anymore.”

“You know I won’t let anyone hurt you,” Yanis said, looking at Ruslan. “Even if you like the guy. You know that.”

“Yes, I know,” Ruslan said and walked over to Yanis, and placed a small peck on his cheek. “And I can tell you there’s nothing to worry about here. Johnny is a good guy.”

Johnny could feel a small lump in his throat at those words. He had to work out his Adam’s apple a few times to make that go down.

“Good in bed, I hear.” Yanis snickered, ruining the damned fine moment.

“Yeah, that, too,” Ruslan added with a small smile, and looked over at Johnny, with eyes that said everything.

Yanis stood up. “Then I suppose I should hit the road.”

“You don’t mind, do you?” Ruslan asked, and placed both hands on his friend’s chest.

Johnny didn’t like how the two were looking at each other. Like there was some secret bond between them. If what the fucker had said earlier was right, that had to be it.

“Take care, man.” Yanis embraced Ruslan shortly. “And, you,” he looked over at Johnny, “I have my eyes on you.”

Johnny wanted to have a good comeback for that. But he hadn’t. So he just nodded.


Ruslan turned back to the game room after seeing Yanis out. Both men were hard-headed, but that was one of the things Ruslan liked about them. And he had secretly enjoyed the verbal sparring between the two. He liked that Yanis cared about him as he had always cared. With a family to look after, Yanis would be less involved in Ruslan’s life, and he was totally fine with it. That didn’t mean that he wouldn’t have his regrets when that happened.

But that feeling, of being cared for, had no equal. His papa cared for him. And that was precious. And now Johnny, for as long as they would go at it, he was caring for him, too, in his own way.

Even if it was nothing but fucking between them, it was still nice. No, nice was not enough a word to describe that. Together, they were fucking amazing between the sheets, and Johnny’s rough, yet gentle touch, as well as his simple words, made him feel wanted.

“Care about going back to bed now?” he asked with a small smile.

“Did this guy really fuck you?” Johnny asked, without moving from his place.

Ruslan walked over to him and sat on his lap, hooking both arms around his thick neck.

“Yes,” he said and looked Johnny in the eye, to prove that he had no reason to lie, and he wasn’t hiding the truth.

“But he’s getting married,” Johnny pointed out.

“Haven’t you heard of bisexual guys?” Ruslan wondered out loud.

“How come he’s leaving you for some chick?” Johnny placed one hand on Ruslan’s thigh, rubbing his fingers against the thin fabric of the sweatpants Ruslan was wearing.

He laughed. “He’s not leaving me. We have never been like that. He’s my best friend.”

“A friend who can make you come four times in a row?” Johnny asked again.

“Yes,” Ruslan said with a sigh. “I see he could not help bragging. But that has nothing to do with you and me.”

“Like hell it doesn’t,” Johnny said. “That should be me.”

“You’re so competitive.” Ruslan laughed softly. “I’ve always known Yanis would find a girl and settle down. It would be egotistical of me to keep him. I couldn’t, anyway,” he said wistfully.

“But four times? How did he manage that?” Johnny pressed further.

Ruslan took Johnny’s cheek, enjoying the feel of the short stubble under his fingers, and made him meet his eyes. “It just happened. You don’t have to prove anything. Not to me. I want us to enjoy ourselves. For as long as this is going to last,” he added.

Johnny frowned, and his squeeze on Ruslan’s thigh grew tighter. “Why do you all think I’m going to get up and leave any moment now?”

Ruslan looked at Johnny, surprised now. “Aren’t you?” he mumbled, for lack of anything better to say.

He almost yelped in surprise as Johnny stood up, holding him in his arms. “I’m not doing that. I know you don’t know me, and that’s okay. But I’m not that guy. I’m going the distance.”

“Hmm, yes, I heard.” Ruslan grabbed his neck to steady himself, while Johnny took him up the stairs, clearly bent on reaching the bedroom. “No knockouts? bursa escort bayan Never? Is that really true?”

Johnny’s reply was a curt grunt.

“Wow,” Ruslan whispered. “Color me impressed.”

He wanted to ask more. He wanted to find out more. Like what Johnny meant by going the distance. How many rounds would they last? In the real world?

And was it truly right to think that this, whatever was happening between them, would be more than a torrid, yet fleeting and therefore condemned to die, affair?


Ruslan groaned against himself. Johnny was caressing his flanks, making him feel goosebumps everywhere. He wanted nothing else but for Johnny to hurry. But his lover was bent on proving himself, and Ruslan knew now that there was no way to convince him to do something against what he wanted to do. “How long are you going to keep me like this?” he pushed back into Johnny’s crotch.

Johnny was sitting behind him, using, so far, nothing but his hands. “I need you hot and ready,” he mumbled. “There’s no way I’m going to last through four of your rounds if I rush into it.”

Ruslan giggled. “This is not the ring. And, seriously, you’ve already proven yourself over and over again. I think you’re the best.”

Johnny’s hands remained still on Ruslan’s hips. “Nah, you’re just saying,” he drawled the words.

Ruslan smiled to himself. Johnny was almost like a kid when he was praised. And that was something Ruslan could really relate to because that was also his weakness.

“I might become a little frustrated,” Ruslan joked.

And immediately hissed when lubed fingers entered his tight ring of muscles, not from pain, but surprise.

“Does it hurt, pretty?” Johnny withdrew his fingers.

Now it wasn’t a joke anymore. Ruslan groaned in frustration. “No. Put those fingers up my ass right now. Or your dick already,” he ordered.

Johnny seemed deaf as he plastered himself against Ruslan’s curved back and placed a wet kiss on the back of his neck. And then his tongue began a slow descent on Ruslan’s spine.

Ruslan could swear this was pure torture. He was quivering as Johnny was swirling his tongue over and over again, each time on a different spot. He was moving away while doing that. When the tongue’s wicked journey stopped, Ruslan exhaled. And then yelped, as he felt teeth sinking into one of his buttocks.

“I thought you weren’t going to hurt me.” He glared over one shoulder.

Eyes dark and hot like burning coal stared back at him, and he suddenly lost his train of thought.

He licked his lips, his throat suddenly parched. “Fuck me, Johnny,” he whispered, and now he wasn’t ordering, but begging.

The deft fingers were back at his ass, and this time, Ruslan helped by pulling one buttock apart, while not losing at all the contact with Johnny’s eyes.

When Johnny finally positioned himself for entering, Ruslan was sure of one thing. That he hadn’t joked before. This man was the best he had ever had, and there was no possible way to compare him to anyone. Not even to Yanis. With those deep dark eyes, Johnny was looking straight into his soul, and understood what Ruslan wanted, without any need for words. They understood each other. And that was rare, especially for guys who didn’t know each other from Adam.

Johnny pushed inside slowly, resting one hand against the bed so that he could hover over Ruslan, using his other hand to caress everywhere. Eventually, it settled for Ruslan’s throat, wrapping around it, without pressing down, just touching and keeping him in that loose, assuring grip.

“Kiss me,” Ruslan begged again, and Johnny leaned closer, teasing for a moment, making their lips touch barely, before delving in.

He was dizzy with the myriad of sensations he was experiencing right now. Too taken, enthralled with the other man, that he didn’t notice, at first, the hand moving from the bed and wrapping around his stiff cock.

“I hope this is not against the rules,” Johnny whispered into his ear, licking the lobe, as soon as Ruslan moved his head away from their kiss, unable to deal with so much sensorial attack.

“It’s not,” he managed with difficulty.

“Good, ’cause you looked a little in pain, there,” Johnny joked and bit his ear.

“You jerk,” Ruslan whispered, but he wasn’t mad.

That, if being mad with desire didn’t count. Johnny’s hot spear was rooted in his ass now, and he was moving between his grip and the shaft brushing over his pleasure spot over and over again.

When the first orgasm hit him, it wasn’t a surprise. Ruslan had been prepared for it for enough time and trying to postpone it would have been unkind for both of them. Johnny murmured words of satisfaction into his ear, and, this time, he didn’t let Ruslan time to recover, continuing to move slowly in and out.

The hand in his cock moved away though, and Ruslan shivered when he heard Johnny sucking on his fingers.

“You’re so damn delicious,” Johnny said. “Here,” he added, pushing the bursa escort kız still wet fingers into Ruslan’s mouth.

He took them hungrily. As much as he would have preferred to experience the other’s taste right now, being fed his own essence was strangely erotic. They were sharing it, and sharing something, a pure, unblemished pleasure of all things, made everything they did ten folds more arousing.

“Could you take care of your dick?” Johnny licked his fingers again, as soon as they left Ruslan’s mouth. “I plan a small change of pace.”

He nodded, incapable of saying any words. Johnny grabbed his hips, and this time, he began fucking him vigorously. Ruslan didn’t need to be told twice to grab his cock and pump it. The way Johnny was hammering his prostate was driving him a little insane. He was sensitive as a general rule, but Johnny just knew him, in and out, like they had spent eons together, and they hadn’t barely met weeks ago. Johnny was talking about going the distance. And, until now, no one had gone so far with him, either. He just hoped that, at the finish line, there would be two winners.

And that couldn’t be the case. Not with everything he was trying to hide. Johnny liked him because he saw Ruslan as some rich guy, without a worry in the world. And worries were, without fail, what always brought him back to the stark reality.

He chased away the unsettling thoughts. Instead, he whispered the words, to give Johnny his reply. Johnny pulled him toward his chest, and kept him there, looking over Ruslan’s shoulder.

“You’re so beautiful when you come,” Johnny poured sweet words into his ear. “Your cock is so damn pretty, I want to eat it whole, and suck all your jizz.”

Ruslan was trembling and had trouble speaking. He leaned against Johnny, as he was falling into a steady rhythm without releasing his ass. For now, it was okay to lose himself into the other.

“Johnny,” he whispered and raised one hand to caress Johnny’s cheek.

“Pretty,” Johnny said back, covering his chest with one calloused hand, and brushing over his nipples, making him quiver slightly.

Johnny pushed himself back, and then drove himself into Ruslan’s ass, keeping his hands on his partner’s hips to steady himself.

Ruslan dropped back on all fours, arching his back and pushing himself into Johnny’s cock.

“Ah, damn, Johnny, you really want that …”

“To make you come?” Johnny laughed behind him. “Yeah, it’s all I want to do.”

This time, his hand came to rest on his slowly recovering cock again. Ruslan was pretty sure Johnny’s jerking off technique alone was something worth noting down for future reference. His rough hand was squeezing just right, and it created a tight channel, letting Ruslan fuck himself into it.

Guys wanted him on the receiving end, all the time. And he had no problems with being the perfect bottom boy. Yet now, bucking his hips into Johnny’s hand, he could feel a different type of desire growing inside him. At the same time, Johnny’s cock was assuring him he was where he wanted to be.

“Fuck, this is so good, fuck,” he let out words, in almost pained, ragged sobs.

When he came again, he was sure he wasn’t exactly feeling his legs. He let himself on his elbows, and Johnny’s cock slipped out of his ass. That was okay. Johnny had already made him see heaven.

So his surprise was indeed as big as Johnny’s cock as the said sexual organ drove into him fast and hard again. Now he was growing overly sensitive, and his mind was slowly going blank. There was nothing else there, but the man riding him, and the pure, intense desire that was making his entire body burn.

It was rarely that he could bounce back so quickly, and when he came the third time, torturing his cock, squeezing everything out of it, he was sure he needed to ask for a break. Johnny withdrew, making him exhale in relief.

One second later, a playful slap landed on his ass making him groan.

“What?” he pretended to be upset, but he could feel his lips curling up into a satisfied grin, and he couldn’t help it.

Johnny plopped himself down next to him. “How about you get on top for a change?” He joked.

Ruslan giggled. “Aww, don’t tell me you’re tired, Mr. Zero Knockouts.”

“Who says I don’t want to be sent to the floor by a pretty man like you?” Johnny said again.

Ruslan knew he could stay and look into Johnny’s dark eyes forever. But right now, Johnny was calling for him to prove he could be on top, too, so that was something he needed to do. With a small laugh, he pushed himself up and straddled the other, carefully putting the slick cock back inside him.

“Ah, damn,” he whispered, feeling how raw and wasted he was, but still incapable of throwing in the towel and just admit that he had enough.

The truth was, he had, and he hadn’t. He wanted to keep Johnny there, inside him, no matter how crazy the idea was. No matter how much he knew that he was probably not going to be able to sit down for days after this. Johnny had been right. He knew how to fuck him into the next week, and there was no way for Ruslan to deny that. Or want any other man.

“Look at me, pretty,” Johnny cooed.

He raised one hand to cup Ruslan’s cheek, as his thumb moved slowly. Hungry for more, Ruslan moved his head to capture the wandering thumb into his mouth.

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