Forbidden Fruit Ch. 11-15


Author’s Note: The most continuing criticism I get as feedback from my stories is the use of condoms. I’m trying to make these stories as realistic as possible. Most of these characters are young co-eds. Of course they are going to be using condoms. Anyway … enjoy!


Ch. 11

“They’re getting ready to go!” Vickie told him excitedly, “I’m gonna start to get changed, you see them off and then put on a dress shirt, nice pants and some shoes. Come to my room then!”

“Yeah!” he said excitedly as he jumped off his bed. He went downstairs and got a glass of milk and then casually hung out by the porch as his parents said good night and went off to their weekly card night with friends. “Hell ya!” he whooped as the car pulled out and he ran off to get changed and then went to Vickie’s room. It was opened a crack so he just went in. “Oh yeah!” he exclaimed when he saw her, “That’s what I’m talkin’ ’bout!” She had on a tiny black dress, tight and well above the knee, black stockings, black high heels, and her raven hair was brushed seductively over one shoulder. “So hot!”

“You look presentable, I guess,” she grinned and immediately turned on the music. They met in the middle of her room and stepped into each other’s arms. He slid his hand on her lower back and she laid one hand on his shoulder. They held hands with the other and danced to the slow melody playing from the tiny speakers on her dresser.

“Jesus Christ, you smell good,” he murmured as he inhaled deeply. She laid her head on his shoulder and swayed her hips gently in time to the music.

Another song played and another and he let go her hand to snake his arms around her slender small body to crush her up against him. With another song he began to gently nibble on her heck and then with another the low sound of her dress getting unzipped added to the music.

“Jesus, you’re smooth,” she whispered as his fingers probed inside her dress. His deft fingers found the clasp of her bra and unfastened it. “I guess it’s shower time now,” she remarked as he pulled her dress over her shoulders and then it dropped to the floor. “Those bikini bottoms don’t come off, Brad. I’m serious.”

“Yeah, sure Vik,” he whispered as he carefully studied her small pert breasts with their button hard little nipples. He reached to cup one and gently pinched the nipple.

“Jesus,” she whispered and started to unbutton his dress shirt. She pulled it off and ran her hands slowly over his muscular torso. “We shouldn’t be doing this,” she whispered as he kicked off his shoes.

“Yeah, sure, whatever,” he scooped her up and carried her to the bathroom and her shoes dropped off along the way. He deposited her on the floor and quickly ran the shower. “Better take these off?” he dropped to his knees and after kissing her belly some he slowly pulled off the stockings until she was naked except for the bikini bottoms. Holding her by the hips he went in with his mouth.

“Oh no! No, you don’t!” she pulled him up after he only managed a kiss on the puffy swell between her legs. The scent of her pussy filled his nostrils though as he stood up. “Aren’t you supposed to have trunks?”

“Forgot them,” he grinned as he pulled down his pants and quickly stripped naked.

“Not part of the plan,” she chastised him as she studied his upright hard cock.

“Come on, you,” he pulled open the shower stall and pulled her in with him to the steamy inside.

“Arg!” she gasped as the hot water cascaded over them and soon they were both wet. “No mouth kissing,” she said as he pulled her into his embrace and turned her head as his mouth descended. He has to satisfy himself to kissing everywhere else and he made his way down until he took a hard nipple into his mouth. She moaned softly a bit before pulling him off her breast, “Ok, enough of that too. Soap me up.”

They soaped up each other. Brad got behind her and with handfuls of lather he caressed her breasts as his cock rubbed in the small of her back. “Mmmmm,” he squat down a bit so his cock could press against her ass and he grinded into her.

“No, Brad,” she pulled his hand away as he tried to take off her bikini. “Here,” she got behind him and took his hand a put it down to his cock. “That’s the only way and you got to do it to yourself. I’m just a spectator in this.”

“Jesus, your cruel, Vik,” he laughed.

“Come on!”

“Yeah, ok.” He started to masturbate as she pushed herself against him from behind and rubbed his chest, shoulders and arms. “I should’ve kicked you out for tonight and had Colleen over.”

“You should’ve. Now beat that meat!”

He pulled fast and furious and soon felt the orgasm coming, “Cumming Vik!” he grunted. She peeked out from behind him and he aimed towards the shower wall.

“EEEK!” she exclaimed in glee as he grunted and a shot of cum arced out powerfully and hit the wall. “OMG!” she exclaimed again as he grunted and pulled slowly as a second and third squirt got ejected to lessening force until just a long dollop hung Bycasino from his dick and he shook it off. “Shit dude!”

“More than your little boyfriends, hey, Brat!” he laughed as he turned into the stream of water. “You wanna wash it off?”

“I’m good thanks.”

“I should just carry you back to my bed and take you,” he remarked as he washed his cock.

“You can’t and won’t do that. Maybe if it was in primordial days. We done?” she turned off the water and they got out. “Colleen wouldn’t’ve been a better choice, hey?” she smirked as she wrapped a towel around herself.


“Then give up this stud dream you got of bagging your little sister and get yourself some real pussy!” she started to walk away, “Oh! And start with Tammy and make sure Dean finds out! Then I’ll console him and both of us can get laid!” she stuck her tongue out at him and then squealed and ran away as he threw his towel at her.

Ch. 12

“Don’t forget, dude,” Brad grinned at Dean.

“You’re playing the second half and all you can think about is pussy!” Dean laughed.

“Hey! My priorities are right! Coach says we can run over for a minute or so before his prep talk.”

“I can’t believe he’s doing that.”

“I said it may be the last game my gran is at,” Brad grinned, “And hey, it might! She might get hit by a bus or abducted by aliens after the game, right?”

“True. True.”

“I’ll have to come up with my plan to nail Tammy after that,” Brad grinned and Dean pushed him laughing. “You should try the single life again man!”

“Hard to give up regular pussy,” Dean grinned, “Get it? Hard?” he laughed at his own joke.

“Variety is good too, guy. Get it before you settle down.”

The first half was fairly even and it was 14-14 at the half. When the coaches were talking to individual players who were on the field for the first half Brad and Dean were excused. They trotted over to the bleachers to find Brad’s grandmother. There were a few spectators here and there but where it was just a pick up practice game there wasn’t a huge crowd. Brad was able to spot his grandmother by her silver hair and quickly identified the stylish lady sitting next to her, wearing jeans and an expensive burgundy fall jacket with matching brown leather boots and gloves. “There’s Kelly-Ann!” Brad said eagerly to Dean.

“Hi, Nan,” Brad gave her a hug as the two women walked down the bleachers to greet them.

“You remember my friend, Carol?” they were re-introduced.

“Of course,” Brad looked at Carol who studied him back like the cat looking at the canary. She had bleached blonde hair and a huge smile; she looked even more like Kellyanne Conway up close, especially her slender yet curvy body and sense of style.

“Of course,” Brad turned his smile on her. He chatted to both of them a bit before Dean expertly inserted himself into the conversation and engaged Brad’s grandmother with the finer rules of football. Brad was able to speak softly to Carol. “You know you bear a remarkable resemblance to Kellyanne Conway?” he asked.

“Well,” she laughed, “I have been told that but I don’t share her politics!”

He laughed, “That’s ok. I don’t have much of an opinion on her politics, just her looks!”

“And what opinion is that?” she smiled as she continued to undress him with her eyes.

“Totally hot!” he whispered as he grinned.

“Well now! Oh my,” she laughed as she brushed back her hair a bit. “And I look like her?”

“Very much,” he added very softly and made a motion like he was looking over to check to see if his grandmother wasn’t listening, he could see the way Carol was looking at him and he wasn’t going to miss the opportunity. “To be honest I have a real fantasy about being with her.”

“Oh my,” she put her hand in her pocket and he watched as she held a business card discretely down by her side which he promptly retrieved. “Maybe we can do something about that?”

“I’ll be in touch.”

“Nan we gotta get back! Thanks for coming!” he gave her quick hug and then he and Dean headed back.

“Got her business card, dude! I’m gonna call her Kellyanne when I’m fucking her brains out! Yeah!”

“That cougar might rip you to threads, dude!” Dean laughed.

“What a way to go!”

Dean subbed in as running back for the second half and Brad at quarterback.

“Don’t go rushing throws and get picked off, Sterling,” the coach told Brad as he held the face guard of his helmet and looked into his eyes. “Take the tackle if you have to. Keep your cool. Don’t be afraid to run the ball either. Templeton there on the left has good speed; he’ll get away from his guard.”

“Yeah, coach,” Brad glanced over to the black youth who was pulling his helmet on over dreadlocks, “He’s from MacPherson. I know who he is.”

“High school is over, Sterling.”

“I know that coach.”

“Let’s see it, boy!”


The offense ran on the field and Brad looked with some concern at Bycasino giriş the huge linebackers that looked at him with more hunger than Carol.

“Gonna fuck you up, pretty boy!” one spat at him.

“Make you my bitch!” another growled.

Brad ignored them and grouped with his team. “Passing play to a wide receiver. Run and cut. Dean, we’ll fake the run. I’ll fade back a bit for extra time. ONE, TWO, THREE: WESTERN!”

The lines squared off. Brad barked out the numbers to the play, “HUT!” He faded back and pretended to pass the ball to Dean who flew by. It either didn’t fool the defensive line at all or they just didn’t care. His guards and tackles held their ground but outside line backers blasted their way in and he was crunched from both sides and went down hard but he held on tightly to the ball. The whistle blew.

“BITCH!” one of the linebackers laughed as they got up. “Hope your fucking insurance is paid up, cock breath.”

“Fuck it,” Brad said to his team mates after he had dusted himself off and they got back in the huddle, “They just want me too bad. Take the ball Dean and run it!”

Brad called the same play numbers and the center snapped the ball. Helmets slammed against each other. This time he handed the ball off to Dean and turned his shoulder as if he was about to throw. He got smoked again but he was ready and took the hit. He heard his teammates cheer as he got up and looked up to see Dean taken down but after getting the necessary yards for the first down. “Fuck, yeah!” he flexed as the opposition players all cursed.

“Try the run and cut again,” Brad informed them in the next huddle. “HUT!”

The defensive line was a bit more hesitant and Dean didn’t fake the run this time, instead he threw a solid block on a defensive end who had broken through. Brad had dropped back and didn’t even look right. He barely looked left, knowing intuitively where Randy Templeton was and more importantly where he was going to be in a few seconds and he threw. It was a frozen rope and Randy didn’t even have to reach having just cut to the middle to shed his guard and made the catch on the run. He cut back towards the touch line and exploded as if he were shot from a cannon. The safety was helpless and Brad jumped with his arms in the air as Randy smoothly and calmly crossed the line for a touch down before insolently tossing the ball away as if he didn’t want it anymore.

“Relax, punk,” one of the linebackers called over, “It’s not the fucking Super Bowl!”

Brad didn’t even acknowledge him, he just trotted over to sideline to the back slaps and yells of his teammates. “Wicked block!” he grinned over at Dean.

“Good job, kid,” the coach called.

Brad waited by the sidelines to be the first to meet his former rival. “FUCKING A, DUDE!” he yelled as he slammed his helmet up against Randy’s and threw his arms around him.

Randy grinned back. “What a strike, dawg!”

“I fucking knew you were going to be there!”

“YEAH!” another teammate yelled as several others joined into the celebration and some of the older players grinned over at the sophomores.

“Oh, my!” Carol whispered from the bleachers as she fought off an almost overwhelming desire to reach down between her legs and rub her wetness.

The game ended 24-14 with the Western players and fans yelling out happily. Brad had to meet with Nathan for his quick after game survey and looked around for him. “Hey, Square Root!” he called out to Nathan when he saw him, using the new nick name he had come up with earlier. A few of the nearby players chuckled and Nathan blushed. They completed a quick survey.

“Ahhhh, could we meet again tomorrow morning for an hour or so? Once we get a lot of this early information set and a baseline established I won’t require as much of your time.”

“Yeah, sure dude. Come over to the house at, like, nine? We’ll get it done.” As Brad was giving him the address, Vickie and her posse skipped and hopped over, all decked out in their cheerleading uniforms.

“Brad!” a few called at once.

Nathan looked up and his mouth dropped.

“Hi, kiddies,” Brad greeted them.

“Stop calling us that!” Vickie pouted and took a swing at him with a pom pom.

“Great game, Brad. You looked real good out there!” Colleen grinned showing her dimples and with a twinkle in her blue eyes.

“EEEK!” Carla squealed and jumped back as he playfully made a grab for her.

“Girls!” a cheer captain yelled over at them irritably. “We’re not done yet!”

“Jesus!” Janette gasped, “Let’s go, girls!” She grabbed Alyson and they sprinted off quickly followed by Vickie, Colleen, and Carla. Brad appreciatively watched them bouncing off and turned to Nathan and grinned as he caught him gaping as well. “Nice, hey?” he grinned.

“Oh! Ahhhh, yes.” He blushed as he looked at his tablet.

“So cute!” Brad smirked at Nate’s discomfort. “So which one you like best?” he asked him.

“Ahhhh, well they were all Bycasino deneme bonusu pretty.” Nathan muttered as he started tapping at his tablet.

“Come on, dude. Who’d you like best? I’m curious. It’s just us guys right?”

“Ahhhh, well the one with the long black hair,” he admitted as he took another side glance at Vickie as the posse was getting told off by their captain. “Not high school” was getting used a lot.

“Oh. You mean my sister?” Brad tried to look offended.

“Your sister! Oh! I’m sorry! God, Brad, I didn’t know. Really.”

“Relax, dude!” Brad started laughing, “All my buddies give me a hard time about how hot she is. Don’t worry about it. So, tomorrow at nine.”

Ch. 13

Brad received a text from Nathan that he was outside and went to the door to let him in. “Find it ok?” he asked as Nathan came in.

“Sure. GPS right? Nothing is hard to find anymore.”

“Come on in and have a coffee,” he yawned and led Nate to the kitchen when he set up a laptop at the kitchen table.

“Whatya want in it?”

“Ahhhh, two milk and two sugar?” Brad got the coffee and they started with Nate asking a lot of questions regarding fatigue, injury, sleep and meals. “You should start tracking all that yourself. Most athletes do.”

“You mean with the smart watch?”

“Yeah, sure. It’s easy.”

They heard the stairs squeaking then and light footsteps before a sleepy bed-headed Victoria strolled in wearing a tiny strap shirt and small pajama shorts. She stopped up short when she saw Nathan and his jaw dropped when he saw her. “Thanks for telling me you were gonna have someone over this morning, asshole,” she hissed at Brad while she pushed back her long hair with a hand.

“Sure, Brat, no sweat. I don’t think he minds, though. You ok, Square Root?” he looked over at Nathan grinning, “Nathan? Nate? You in there buddy?”

“What?” Nate suddenly snapped out of it and then turned a blistering red, “Oh … ahhhh … hullo, Victoria.”

“Vickie,” she padded over to the fridge and slapped Brad in the arm as she went, “Don’t be an asshole. I know you’re good at it so you don’t really need any more practice.” She fished out an orange juice and after a brief struggle trying to open it she crossed the floor again and gave it to Nathan.

“Oh! Ahhhh, I have some coffee thank you.”

“Open it for me,” she smiled as Brad laughed.

“Awwww! They don’t make juice in weak little girl friendly bottles I’m afraid,” Brad laughed, “Hey, Vik, I could’ve done that for you.” Brad smiled at Nate.

“You would’ve opened it and then chugged it,” she gave him a condescending icy look as she took it back from Nathan. “Thanks!” she took a gulp and then laid a hand on his shoulder as she stood close to Nate to look at the screen of his laptop. She lifted a little foot to rest her toe on the floor and her heel against her leg. Nathan still burned red and looked uncomfortable as her hip was now pushed against his arm. “Whatya working on?”

“He’s tracking my performance as a highly tuned athletic machine!” Brad informed her grinning.

“Whatya working on?” she asked Nathan again while Brad laughed.

“Ahhhh, we’re doing a research project on advanced sports metrics and part of the study is to monitor athletes personally to see how much the raw statistical data is impacted on outside stimuli.”

“Fascinating! You should try that on a real athlete someday.”

“Mer-row!” Brad laughed.

She finished her juice and went to rinse the container and toss it into their blue bin. “You guys hungry?” she asked as she had went back to the fridge and looked in again, “Bacon and eggs anyone?”

“Hell ya!” Brad immediately agreed.

“Ahhhh that’s ok, ahhhh, Vickie. It’s way too much trouble for you.”

“No man. Don’t worry she’s the real little kitchen elf. As long as we have a stool so she can reach the stove top we’re golden!”

“If I make them for us it’s no problem to do you a plate too, Nathan,” Vickie smiled at him and then took out a carton of eggs and an unopened pack of bacon from the fridge. She got two large skillets and soon the full pack of bacon was on and she tossed a bit of butter on the other pan and then got plates. “How do you like your eggs?”

“Ahhhh, over hard?”

“Just like me!” she exclaimed.

“So you gonna finish this thing off?” Brad asked Nathan.


“Stop staring at my sister for a while and finish up the survey.”

Vickie looked over her shoulder at Nathan smiling and he blushed furiously again. “I wasn’t staring,” he mumbled. He continued, though, asking questions and plugging in the answers.

Vickie put some bread in the double toaster and then cracked some eggs. She had things timed perfectly and didn’t even look rushed as she drained the bacon when it was nice and crispy but not burnt, fried three over hard eggs and three over easy and plated it all with ease. She put Brad’s three over easy eggs with bacon and two slices of toast; Nate’s with two over hard eggs, bacon and one slice of toast; and her’s with one over hard egg, bacon and one slice of toast.

“This is incredible, Vickie,” Nathan said, clearly impressed at how expertly and perfectly she had done it all, including a fresh steaming cup of coffee, each.

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