Forboding Reality


The club was alive tonight. Like a living creature the veins of vitality flow, pulsing throngs of people entertaining themselves to the beat of a dark sound. The flowing music washed over Tasha, the very touch of it’s sonic wave upon her ears excited her. Perhaps the beat of the bass line was making that exciting tingle cross her flesh. Her body seemed to respond in way’s she didn’t expect. This was her first time to try the cliché drug of Ecstasy.

Lights began to poor forth, like water to a dying man, her eyes drank upon the bursting rainbow. The very appearance of the lights made her brain react violently. Her body spasmed, moving in the undulating rhythms of the music. She felt the crowd around her, she knew they were there, but somehow they were apart from her. She felt a rush of exhilaration, she was alone, by herself amidst all these people.

She continued moving, but became suddenly more aware of herself than she had been before. Looking down, her eyes flashed, their gentle translucent grey sparkling in the lights that flowed. Her flesh looked much different, but in her Mind’s Eye, she could see herself clearly. Her pale flesh, untouched by the ravages of the sun, her black lipstick covering her lips. She could feel the compression of her satin bra across her breasts. The fishnet covering it hiding little, but enough that one could not clearly see the tops of her nipples, peeking out shyly from the top of her bodice.

She felt the press of her PVC pants against her flesh more acutely. She knew someone was touching her, the fingers felt thick, strong digits were pressing her flesh tightly. The mere presence of another in her small bubble of self-reality was intoxicating of herself. The undulating crowd seemed to dim to her grey eyes, becoming a blur of unrealistism, mundane. Turning around she felt the fingers drag to her lower stomach.

Her flesh prickled as the fingers curled upward right under her navel. She gasped softly, feeling the precision of his fingers. They felt cold though, unreal, as if they did not really belong to a human. Looking at him she saw beauty in his face, not the common masculinity of a young male. His cheeks angled sharply, face devoid of any fat, angular and delicate. His eyes were an unrelieved mixture of grey and blue, they seemed to change colors to her even as she watched, first misty şerifali escort then firm, at once the sky and ground. Blue for the lovely day, and grey for the granite, like steel that was burnished.

Her lips parted slightly, only as another light groan passed her lips. His fingers slowly snaked their way down, across her exposed flesh, under her shirt. She could feel the tug on her pants. More of the mundane crowd rushed around them, but still apart from her. She could no longer feel their presence, or even their touch against her. Right now he was all that mattered.

His torso was clad in a thin mesh with a spiderweb design. Underneath it she could see his abdomen. His stomach was strong, rippling muscles obvious. The lights around them changed, black lights flashing in coordination with bright hues. It was all quite psychedelic, yet that didn’t matter to her, it only intensified the lines on his face. She realized, somewhere deep in her mind that she didn’t even know who this was, just some guy she had just met at this club.

His fingers penetrated beneath her pants, rubbing against her newly shaved flesh. The sensations that coursed through her were quite different now, more alluring, and even more intoxicating. She slowly began to realize that even he was dwindling in her vision, turning more unknown even than that of the crowd. This time she didn’t feel that this was because he was below her, she realized that it was because he was above her.

Her lips remained slightly parted, she could feel the cool air flowing from the air conditioning ducts brush across her face. The soft touch of his other hand against the back of her neck, pushing her silky black hair away from her neck. His fingers began to move in small convoluted circles, massaging her.

He leaned forward, his lips pressing into her, right beneath her earlobe. He whispered gently to her, “Speak not, lovely, just close your eyes and feel.”

She wanted to do as he asked, but his tongue flicked against her earlobe, pushing it up, the warm moisture making her body react on it’s own accord. She felt the flesh around his fingers turn slightly moist, warming to his touch. He ran his fingers down further, pushing the hood of her clit down against her.

The gasp that came from her mouth silivri escort was no longer soft, it was more urgent. It was lost upon her that they were in the middle of a crowd of people. The techno beat of the industrial music continued to make her body throb in time. As the throbbing spread, she felt his fingers press tighter against her clit. The index finger and thumb of his long-fingered hand ran in small circles against her.

A slow warmth kindled against her flesh, the juice of her pussy flowing out of her love canal. Her urgency rose, pushing her to reach out and touch him. His flesh was cool, not like her feverishly warm hands. She gripped into his flesh, pulling against it, as he pulled her face further away from his. Bending her slightly, she felt the strain upon her muscles, causing more of her own weight to push against his fingers, as they continued their dance against her clit.

She became aware that the warm juice of her pussy was no longer building up in her. It was making a warm trickle down her leg. Her voice began to drone, sonorous, she couldn’t bring it to have any inflection. To her, the power of her experience began to take effect. Her body must be glowing, abdominal muscles beginning to flex underneath her flat stomach. The rippling motions of her muscles seemed to all be directed to her clit. The feeling there was the center of her being.

His index finger continued to push against her clit, pressing in on it, slowly working it in circles. Her voice up again, moans becoming even louder than before. They attracted little attention, but those who did found themselves excited. Her hair fanned behind her, bent backwards, but supported by his strong arms. Her pussy throbbing, each beat releasing more of her cum from inside.

Then in one terrifying moment it all came upon her. The throbbing music, the pulsing of her flesh against his touch. The pressure in her back, the ache of her sex, all of it burst upon her at once. The tingle across her body blossomed, her voice screamed out, but in the club, with the loud industrial music blaring, it was lost in the sound of the gathering. Her nipples pressed against her bra, tightening.

Her hands clawed at the air, trying to find a release for this pressure, this joy within her. More juice flowed şirinevler escort out of her pussy, bathing his fingers in her internal warmth. His fingertips began to press more urgently against the walls of her sex, inside. The flesh there bent and flexed with the throb exploding through her body. It came to her dimly that her face was covered with sweat. Her flesh was burning, her eyes were rolling, she couldn’t see, she didn’t care.

Her back arched even more, in her shoes her toes began to claw just as her hands did. She thrashed against his grasp, pulling against him as she forced her hips forward, her pussy pressing with her weight and strength against her. In one shattering moment it culminated beyond her previous expectations. Her back was already arched as far as it could, her body moving as urgently against his hands, his own hands still holding her tight.

“Ah, oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck,” her voice exploded out of her throat with a feral growl. She heard a soft laugh come from the man, as he leaned forward, his mouth seemed to be near her ear, but how, if she was bent so far back?

“Oh yes, lovely, you are such a bad girl, do you want to be fucked?” he asked her gently, his voice soft, and attractive.

“Oh God, yes, please, please fuck me.”

She didn’t know if he responded, her own moans drowning out any sound. The roar in her clit taking over her conscious. She felt something in her hands, crumpling to her touch. She squeezed, trying to release this tension in her body. The tension seemed to flow out into the air around her. She screamed out again, her muscles quivering, her body wanting to explode. Blood screamed in her ears, as she felt the heat of her body, how could she stand it? She didn’t know.

Her screams turned into panting moans, and the moans slowly died away, she was trembling, every muscle was weak. Her knee’s shook as she sank to them. Then abruptly she looked around, where did that guy go? Those in the crowd looked all the same, where had he gone? She couldn’t close her mouth or focus her eyes, everything in her was shaking. She felt the crotch of her pants, the warmth that had leaked out. She could feel it on her leg. What had happened… She couldn’t tell.

“Hey, what are you doing down there?” a familiar voice asked her. Looking up she saw her friend, Alice. Alice looked much like her, with long black hair, and fishnet on.

“I… where did that guy go?” she asked Alice, her voice pleading, she so wanted to find him again.

“What guy, I was only gone for a few minutes, I had to use the bathroom…” Alice’s voice trailed off in her mind, suddenly she felt alone again.. Her muscles quivered again…

To Be Continued…

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