Fun with the Folks Next Door Ch. 02


Maybe I should explain how this all started, it may seem strange to some people, but loneliness can be a terribly sad thing to deal with, Bill Jones and his lovely wife Pamela had lived next door to us for several years and in that time our two families had become very close, I shared many confidences with Bill and vice versa, we helped each other out with anything, no matter what.

After my wife Jean passed away suddenly, I realised just how good it could be to have a friend like Bill, I had become very insular, not bothering about a social life, I did all I could to bring Cathy up properly, provide good food, pay the bills, see that she had some friends and a normal school life, as much as any single parent can possibly provide, but what’s normal for a teenage girl without a mother?

Bill and I began to spend more time together and then he told me that Pamela wanted to help Cathy out if she could with the womanly side of life that every girl needs to learn, I thought this was a great gesture and I welcomed Pamela’s help, not least because I was finding it difficult to think about sex at all and I certainly didn’t relish having to talk about it with my daughter!

Sex for me became something not to think about at all, my sex life with Jean had been good and living next door to the Jones’s was often very interesting indeed, they were at it like rabbits a lot of the time, very uninhibited, Pamela is a very attractive woman and Bill is just a randy sod, but sneaky with it!

Then we have young Julie, growing up just as fast as Cathy, she has a fuller figure than Cathy, gets it from her mother I suppose, along with the darker looks, she was turning into a stunner and there I was, surrounded by these beautiful women and a horny old sod who never did much to hide his feelings, Bill always liked to share a dirty joke with my wife Jean.

I tried very hard to stay aloof from sexual thoughts, if we had a barbecue and the ladies wanted to go topless I ignored them as much as possible, even though Pamela has the most amazing nipples, they nearly always seem to be erect, protruding like perky acorns and I’ve often wondered what they look like when they are getting it on together, Bill was always giving me the old nudge and wink routine about the girls developing assets when we occasionally got to see them.

Outwardly I did quite well at this, but at night it was a different story and I was having real trouble sleeping, I discovered that wet dreams are not just something that plague teenage boys, drawing more and more into myself and determined to stay away from carnal matters, I decided to find a new hobby, writing was something I’d often fancied trying and I did have a lot of free time to fill.

Soon I was spending most evenings at the computer, listening to music was nice and television is full of sleazy late night sex anyway and good for me to avoid, like every author though I needed a subject to write about and never having been very passionate about anything much I was finding it hard to get started, I had not written anything more than the odd letter since my school days so it’s no wonder I was rusty.

In order to write successfully, you need to know your subject and I soon came to realise that my own life experiences were quite limited, I struggled with this fact at first as I tried to develop themes for a story, but none of them got beyond the first few pages before drying up which was quite frustrating.

I asked myself what do I like to read about, crime thrillers, historical fiction, most people who write that stuff seem to be retired detectives or journalists, they probably all had a better education than me and I was feeling very uninspired, then one afternoon as I was sitting at the keyboard, for some reason my mind drifted off and I started to fantasise about an attractive young lady in a doctor’s office, she was standing behind a screen taking off her clothes prior to having an examination.

“Do I need to remove everything doctor?”

“That is the general idea Miss Smith.”

“Oh yes, yes of course doctor.”

The young blonde gulped as she unclipped her bra and shrugged forward to let her breasts hang free of the cups, her nipples were hard and she fiddled with them, then thought how chilly it was in the room.


“Could I hurry you please, we have a lot to do.”

“Just coming doctor.”

The girl stepped out of her lacy panties and put them on the pile with her other things, totally unaware of the two tiny cameras observing her, then she picked up the small white towel and tried to wrap herself in it like she would have on a beach, but it was too small to go round her body so instead she just held it to her front as she peeped round the edge of the screens.

“I’m ready doctor.”

Dr Brown didn’t turn from the desk, he seemed riveted to his computer monitor.


“Very well my dear, let’s have you then shall we?.”


The girl stepped bursa escort out cautiously clutching the tiny towel, the doctor said nothing so she went to stand by the couch, Doctor brown was a senior doctor but not old and wrinkly, something of a father figure to a woman of twenty two maybe, but then she spotted the stirrups and the enormity of what she’d soon have to do hit Megan Smith like an express train.


I came out of my daydream as the study door opened and Bill’s smiling face appeared.

“Not shut away in here again Dave, it’s bloody lovely outside!”

That’s when I realised that the girl in the doctor’s office was not in my imagination, but right there in front of my eyes on the screen, for all to see!

“Hey Bill, how are things mate?”


“I just came round to see how you were doing Dave and here you are at that desk again, you must have loads done by now, can I see what you’re up to this time?”

Before I could stop him or hide the screen, he was leaning in to read my words and reaching for the spare chair.

“Why you sly old dog, Doctor Brown indeed, well there’s a coincidence!”

I was horrified that he’d caught me, he pulled the chair closer.

“Come on then, don’t let me stop you, what happens next?”

“It’s nothing really, just a mindless doodle.”

“Yeah, cut the crap Dave, now I know what you get up to in here all day, can I stay while you expand on your story…..if you know what I mean?”

I was going to offer an excuse of some kind, be all meek and mild like usual, and then I thought…..wait a minute, I’m not harming anyone…..let’s see where this goes and I continued to type…..

The doctor was reading Megan’s notes instead of looking at her.

“Now Miss Smith, I’m going to start today with an internal examination, will that be okay for you, have you had one before my dear?”

“Yes doctor, not with you of course but I know what has to be done.”

Megan was a very attractive young lady and she sounded nervous, the doctor knew it might be best to offer some reassurance.

“Would you like the nurse to attend?”

“Yes I think I would, if it’s not too much trouble.”

“Not at all Megan, if I may call you Megan, I try not to be too formal as this can get rather personal.”

Doctor Brown pressed the intercom and asked the nurse to come in and Megan waited patiently, trying to stay calm, but knowing full well it would soon get very personal indeed!

Megan stood by the couch, it was covered in a white sheet stretching to the floor, the tiny towel only just covered the girl’s top half as she held it to her front but Doctor Brown already knew that she had nice tits and her light blonde hair was delightful, he’d followed her every move as she had undressed, for some strange reason she had left her short stockings on, maybe she was cold but the doctor liked them so he didn’t mind!

“Why don’t you get up on the couch and lie back, just try to relax as we prepare.”

He studied his screen again and tapped a few keys, adjusting the tiny cameras hidden in the room, ready to capture the events about to unfold with this tasty creature!


Megan did what he asked as gracefully as possible, she climbed up, keeping her sweet rump facing away from his desk but her tight little arse was caught by the camera in the far corner and the Doctor didn’t miss a thing, Megan covered her front with the towel from her tits to her upper thighs and kept her legs tightly together.


The doctor was rummaging around on his untidy desk, seemingly oblivious to Megan, she was actually worried sick about what was going to happen next, the last time she’d had an intimate examination she’d been really turned on by it and who knows what that doctor must have thought of her, there was a knock.

“If that’s you nurse come in please.”

“Come on Dave, is she going to be some gorgeous kinky bitch?”

“Calm down you sex mad sod, I’m trying to be creative here.”

Concentrating, I let my fingers fly across the keys, I try to let the theme flow as quickly as possible and worry about punctuation later.

“Nurses are usually sex mad in top shelf stories.”

“Yes Bill, I know, I have read a few …..”

“That’s it Dave, you could write for men’s magazines, a whole new career!”

“Yes Bill, now shut up will you?”

The door opened and a nurse entered, she looked about thirty and was dressed in the usual light green smock and trousers…..

“Awww, trousers?”


The nurse had shortish dark hair and a kind face, she was well rounded without being fat and she’d worked with Dr Brown a few times already, she knew his likes and dislikes, she looked warmly at Megan and said a cheery hello, Megan responded with a feeble wave, she was nervous as hell by this stage!

“Thanks Amanda, bursa escort bayan just prepare the patient please, Megan’s having a full check up.”

“Of course doctor, now Megan, are you comfortable up there?”

“Yes, I suppose so.”

“Good, I’m Amanda, now let me just put the towel across your tummy like this and then you can shuffle your bottom forward for me…..that’s good…..more toward this end of the couch please?”

Megan did as requested, feeling helpless, lying there with her breasts on show, just wanting it to be over with as quickly as possible.

“Good girl Megan, I can see from your nipples that you might be cold, is that why you decided to keep your pretty stockings on?”

The doctor shot up from his chair at the word stockings, he startled Megan.

“I thought they wouldn’t matter too much, they’re only shorties, I didn’t think they would get in the way but I’ll take them off if you prefer me not to wear them …..”

Megan fumbled with the elasticised tops of her white stockings which came to just above her knees, she was in a flap now, unsure whether to pull them tighter or roll them down.

“No no my dear, they will be no trouble, I assure you.”

Doctor Brown stepped over smartly to look at his patient, his mood seemed to have changed to one of urgency now, his glance took in Megan’s full breasts which were well rounded and natural and then he gazed at her wonderful white clad legs, he had a particular thing for women in stockings and these short ones gave her a schoolgirl quality, the towel still covered her abdomen and upper thighs, they were flawless and looked very toned and smooth.


The nurse knew all about the doctor’s little weaknesses and prepared herself to be busy, from the foot of the couch she asked Megan to raise her leg and helped get her right ankle resting in the padded support.

“That’s good, now this one Megan.”

With her legs now splayed apart Megan knew the nurse could see right up her chuff, but the towel still partly hid her from doctor Brown’s position at her hip.

“Okay Megan, firstly, I’m going to examine your breasts for irregularities, do you check yourself for lumps my dear?”

“Yessss, ooohh, sorry doctor, that didn’t hurt……..I’m just sensitive there.”

“I do understand your nervousness Megan, but please rest assured that the nurse and I both know exactly what we are doing.”

She smiled meekly at the doctor as he felt her breasts in great detail, his rough hands brushed her erect nipples several times and Megan reacted to this by closing her eyes and trying to think of somewhere far away, but she could not detach herself enough and felt her pussy already starting to lubricate…..


The doctor looked at her sleek thighs and the pretty stockings as he worked, seemingly deep in thought.

“Do you take regular exercise Megan, play sport, work out at all?”

“I try to stay in shape yes, I like to swim.”

“Good, I’m glad to hear it, you do look fit if I may say so.”

“Thank you doctor.”

“I can tell you make an effort from your trim legs Megan, these thighs don’t have an ounce of fat on them do they?”

As the doctor spoke he continued to squeeze Megan’s breast and was running his other hand up and down Megan’s leg from her knee to the top of her thigh, he let his fingertips stray under the towel and it almost felt like he was giving her a massage.

I stopped tapping on the keys for a moment and looked to my right, we were only wearing shorts and tee shirts due to the hot weather and Bill had one hand on his crotch, he seemed to be rubbing himself and his breathing sounded funny!


It was then that I realised I too had a warm glow in my shorts, the start of a hard on in fact, I hadn’t had a daytime erection for ages and it felt really good, I was actually getting turned on writing this stuff, then I thought how embarrassing things could get with Bill there and wondered if I should let it go any further.

“Come on Dave, when does the doctor get to see her pussy?”

“I’m just getting to that.”

“I think we can dispense with the towel now Amanda.”

The nurse whipped the towel away, exposing Megan’s groin to the doctor’s hungry scrutiny and it made him smile strangely when he saw the blonde girl’s neatly trimmed peach fuzz, it was just a trail of light golden down that did nothing to hide Megan’s cunt, and in such a position, Megan knew he could see everything she had.


The doctor paused for a few seconds as he studied her and then he moved to the foot of the couch, from there he just seemed to stand and stare at her pussy and as he did so, Megan felt the blood rushing to her face.

“Is everything okay doctor?”

“Yes my dear, everything seems perfect, no need to worry.”

He was still looking at her pussy, thinking how tight it looked, just a thin escort bursa slit between very smooth outer lips, quite virginal, no trace of inner labia showing, he was trying to remain professional but those schoolgirl stockings were reaching right into his trousers and he was already getting a boner, the nurse coughed and spoke up quietly.

“Will we need jelly doctor?”

“Yes I think so nurse, apply some please while I adjust the patient’s position?”

“Yes doctor.”

Megan watched the nurse move round to her left side, she took a small tube from her pocket and squeezed some clear jelly onto her fingers.

“It’s KY, might be a bit cold at first dear.”

Megan braced herself for the nurse’s touch but before that she was more shocked by the doctor reaching forward and running his hands up her thighs.

“You need to shuffle your bottom further forward my dear, come now, no point in being shy at this stage.”

His big hands slid under her buttocks and cupped her, then he pulled hard as Megan shifted her weight, he dragged her even more towards the end of the couch, this splayed her thighs wider with her knees high in the air, she actually felt herself opening slightly and with the doctor leaning forward so much it was like he was trying to sniff her pussy, Megan felt very vulnerable.


She almost protested at the rough handling, but at the same moment the nurse’s slick fingers found Megan’s pussy and started to spread the lubricant, she was very good at it and very thorough, she rubbed it all over the outer lips and one fingertip dipped enough to enter her warm cavern, Megan felt herself responding instantly, shamefully wanting more, she noticed that neither of them were using gloves and she wondered why.


Dr Brown watched closely as the fingers got busy, they moved skilfully around and over Megan’s most intimate parts, including her hooded clitoris, brushing it and pulling the delicate skin aside, exposing her little soldier, she chewed on her lower lip and it was all she could do not to buck her hips.

“This is good Dave, keep it going mate.”

“Are you okay Bill?”

“Oh yes, I’m fine, don’t let me distract you.”

Bill’s right hand was inside his loose shorts by this time.


I carried on typing as though I hadn’t noticed, if my hands had not been so busy at the keyboard maybe I might have been tempted to have fifty flips myself.


Megan looked down between her thighs at the doctor’s balding head as he crouched down for a better look at her pussy, he seemed to be watching the nurse’s fingers intently, they were slipping in and out of the girl by now and she was breathing much faster.

“That’s good Megan, we want you fully relaxed my dear, it will make for easier insertion, forgive my being forward but you do have a rather sweet looking cunt.”


Beneath the edge of the couch and out of Megan’s sight the doctor had slyly undone his fly and…..and just then the study door opened and Pamela’s lovely face appeared.


“It’s so warm today, I thought you two boys might like something to drink?”

Without waiting for an answer she breezed in with two chilled glasses of orange juice, I could see her reflection in the picture frame above my desk, she was wearing a pale blue swimsuit with very thin straps holding the top tied at her neck, Pamela felt a little too exposed in a bikini usually with her fullsome shape, but the way the suit was cut only complemented her lush body, it particularly did things for her large bosom, pushing her tits up invitingly in a real display of creamy cleavage, Pamela came to stand between us to put the drinks on the desk and of course she looked at the screen!!!

“So whose sweet looking cunt would that be exactly?”

“Hi babe, just someone in David’s story, that’s all.”

“A story, is that why you’ve got your hand on your cock?”

“It’s Dave’s new interest, writing, he’s good at it too.”

“Hmmm…..I thought you two were up to something lately…..”

She read a few more lines and chuckled, one minute she was smiling and then she tut tutted at me reprovingly.

“Writing filth I see, David…’s always the quiet ones you have to watch out for as my mum used to say.”

I looked up sheepishly at Pamela, but instead of being cross, she seemed interested and squatted down on her haunches between us to get a better view, she steadied herself with one hand on Bill’s leg and the other resting on my right thigh, I sat bolt upright with her fingertips about two inches from my thickening penis and her gorgeous tits just beside me!

“Sorry David, I didn’t mean to startle you, well don’t stop now, let’s see what happens when the good doctor puts his fingers up her fanny.”

I looked at Pamela.


“You really want me to continue, with you here I mean?”

“Why not?”

“You don’t mind?”

“Why should I, I’ve been there and got the tee shirt, how can a woman go through that without getting turned on, I ask you?”

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