Futanarious Bimbosis Ch. 07


The sun spilled gently through the small blinds that covered the window in Tiffany’s bedroom. It was warm and soothing, indicating that summer was finally upon her. She looked at the clock and saw that she only had a half an hour before she had to pick up Jen. Her experiment was really messing with her head. Since she exposed Jen, any time she was around the woman she would feel her mind going fuzzy, and oddly she found herself growing more aroused and attracted to the woman. There had to be some pheromones that she was emitting or something that was causing her to react that way. When Tiffany went to the lab last night, she couldn’t find Diana anywhere. Most of the mice that were once caged in their quarters of the lab were missing. She left Diana well over twenty voicemails, not including the hundreds of texts and chat messages. The second sample tube was still located in the freezer when she arrived, but Tiffany was too afraid to open the stopper for fear of what exposing herself further to the bacteria could do. What if it worked like spores, and if you inhaled them they could duplicate on your lungs and cause bad reactions?

Tiffany took a deep breath. The night before she slept terribly and didn’t want to drive herself insane. She was alone in everything right now. Diana had gone missing, Jen was causing her to go mad in a different way than before… she had no one else to turn to. She took a deep breath and decided to get ready for the day and act like everything was fine. When she was finished with her daily shower and routine she climbed into her car. It still smelled of Jen. The scent was intoxicating and sent shivers up her spine. She took a deep breath enjoying the smell and started her car. The drive over was far less confusing than the night before. Jen was starting to lose regular mental functions. It was extremely similar to Emily the mouse. Diana had said that Emily was unable to complete a maze, but was still functioning with normal faculties. Perhaps driving on streets was similar to a maze for mice. Jen was still functioning, but on a much lower performance than before. There were still no signs of an altered sexual organ on her body though, which meant that the bacteria could just inhibit brain functions. Perhaps she wouldn’t get in trouble over any of this after all.

She arrived at Jen’s place and climbed out of the car. She rang the doorbell and waited for what seemed like forever. The door opened gently and Tiffany felt her mouth open in shock and surprise. Jen was wearing her usual pant suit, but the clothing seemed to be tighter around her hips and bust, much more so than normal. Her breasts were at least a healthy ‘D’ cup, and her hips flared out beautifully. Her waist was thinner and the smell that erupted into her nostrils could only be attributed as a pheromone that was induced by the bacteria. Her hair was a very light brown, bordering on blonde. It looked like she went to the salon the night before and had her hair completely redone. She was beautiful. Tiffany stepped back and Jen walked gracefully to the car in silence. Her hips swayed intoxicatingly and Tiffany found herself trying to pry her eyes away from the woman. She was proud and extremely full of herself. Jen really did deserve to be infected didn’t she?

Tiffany sat down in the car and started it up, Jen’s stared idly out the window from the passenger seat in silence. The rest of the drive was horrible for Tiffany. Jen’s perfumes, or whatever it was, made Tiffany edgy and uncomfortably warm. Every time she forgot about it or grew used to it, another wave of the stuff would hit her nose and send her into another minute or two of fitful arousement. Eventually they arrived at the parking garage and Jen turned to look at Tiffany for the first time since she arrived at her house.

“Like thanks for the ride.” Jen said tilting her head and giving Tiffany a big smile. That was extremely strange to Tiffany. Jen was actually smiling and thanking her… and it almost sounded like she was imitating a valley girl. Jen climbed out the car, her skirt pressed tightly against her ass. From what Tiffany could tell either Jen wasn’t wearing any underpants, or she was wearing an extremely sheer thong. She shook from the sudden wave of pleasure that surged through her. Was that because of the smell or was that from the bacteria she had inhaled while mixing up Jen’s concoction? She climbed out of the car and followed Jen to the elevator. Jen pressed her hand on the doors to make sure they didn’t close on Tiffany. She was actually showing kindness.

“Thank you.” Tiffany muttered as she stepped in. Jen stared at the panel and put a finger to her lips. Did she forget which floor we work on? Tiffany reached over and pushed the button. When she was retracting from her reach, her arm brushed against the stretched fabric across Jen’s breasts. Goose bumps prickled along her arm making the hair on her neck stand on end. Jen let out a soft breath that made Tiffany feel even seks izle more aroused than before. She quickly pulled her arm back to her side and straightened the pleats in her skirt. When they arrived at the floor Jen walked away briskly to her office. She quickly closed the door and was gone. Tiffany shook her head and made her way to her cubicle. The rest of the day followed the same as yesterday. Jen didn’t leave her office once. She remained silent and ominous. Tiffany was able to finish each contract assigned to her section right after they got a call. The rest of the week was the same. Tiffany was unable to get a hold of Diana and stopped by the lab, unencumbered from the usual Jen fits. It was actually extremely nice to have her schedule without a horrible boss floating around and talking to her over her shoulder about everything she did wrong and how she was going to get fired.

The next week went the same as well. Tiffany tried to talk to Jen a few times, but the woman didn’t seem to want to talk. Tiffany was unsure if she even left her office at night anymore. The woman didn’t stink or anything, but she seemed rooted to her chair day in and day out. Her hair showed signs of lighter blonde, but that was the most that Tiffany could make out that changed on the other woman. Nothing was different, accept that she was blonde now and sat in her office quiet as a humming bird. Eventually her logs on Jen’s progress began to look rather empty. There were a few logs of the conversation she had with Jen, but nothing of significant value. Diana still hadn’t returned her calls, and Tiffany even called to HR and they said that she requested some time off for a while. Emily the mouse was missing, and Tiffany assumed that either Diana took the mouse with her in fear of the experiment getting discovered, or she had Diana killed to put the creature out of its misery.

Tiffany walked into the now happier work space. Many of her co-workers hadn’t seemed to mind the changes from Jen. They called her ‘the new blonde Jen’ and always made her seem to be the nicest person in the world. Tiffany hadn’t gotten more than two or three coherent sentences from the woman since she gave her the ride to work last week. Since tomorrow was Saturday, Tiffany decided that she would get up the courage to speak to Jen, and try to be a bit more forward with her. Maybe she could collect more data from the experiment that seemed to be falling apart. Whatever was going on Tiffany wanted a more direct answer.


Jen walked around the pool in her normal meditation. It roiled happily in the sunshine. She had visited the place oping to get a sign from Mimi or Jenni. Both of the women hadn’t appeared since they had that small escapade. How long ago did she have sex with Jenni? She felt like it was an eternity. She had come back to the pool after Tiffany drove her back to work, and didn’t leave it accept to talk to someone to let them know that she was still in her office. They always seemed surprised to see her, but she didn’t quite understand why. She was only in there for a few hours walking around the pool asking for Jenni or Mimi. She dipped her hand in the pool again and took a sip of the other woman’s seed left behind. It was still warm and sweet to the taste. She loved it so much, but it wasn’t the same as drinking from Mimi’s breasts or sucking on Jenni’s cock. She frowned at the ground and sat down in one of the sun chairs. The uncomfortable twinge that normally made her shift from side to side seemed to have gone as well. That was really strange how last night she was growing uncomfortable around Tiffany. She frowned even further. Tiffany rejected sleeping over at her place. Maybe if she got a ride home today she could convince her to stay.

“Where are you Jenni? I like totally miss you… I want to fuck you…” Jen said to the sky. She had been asking for the girl day after day, hour after hour. She was alone. She was so alone…

“Jen.” A familiar voice said. It was odd to her though. It seemed distant. She stood up and looked around hoping to see Jenni or even Mimi, “Jen?” The voice echoed around her. She looked around the plaza

“Jenni?” She asked the empty spa again.

“Jen are you okay?” The voice echoed again and Jen felt a pressure on her shoulder. She looked down and saw indents in her skin like someone was holding her arm.

“Is it…Mimi?” Jen asked the invisible figure that was holding her arm.

“Jen wake up.” The voice said again. Jen closed her eyes and opened them again. Tiffany was standing over her with a hand on her shoulder looking down at her with concerned eyes. When did Tiffany enter her dream world? She looked around the room and realized that she was sitting in her office chair. The cold grey and white room greeted her eyes sorely. She missed the sun and warmth that Jenni had made for her.

“Oh, like hi Tiffany.” Jen said up to the other woman. She felt her mouth water again as she scanned sexmex the woman’s breasts. She could see down her blouse since Tiffany had to bend over to touch her arm. They were so round and grabbable. She licked her lips and pried her eyes away from them to look up into her eyes. She felt her heart flutter and that familiar stirring in her nether region flitted again. How long had she been in her office? It didn’t feel like long to her.

“Jen have you been in your office this entire time?” Tiffany asked looking down at the woman with a furrowed brow.

“Well yea you only dropped me off this morning. What time is it?” Jen said looking at the wall clock. It was nearly five in the afternoon. Wasn’t Tiffany supposed to go to her lab today? Or was that tomorrow? She forgot what days the woman was supposed to go to her other job.

“Um… Jen I gave you a ride last week.” Tiffany said crouching down so they were eye to eye. Jen frowned and looked back at the clock.

“No you dropped me off this morning. Last night I couldn’t drive still… and then you didn’t come over and this morning you picked me up. I remember that much.” Jen said in Frustration. Tiffany’s face reflected pure shock.

“Jen it’s Friday. You have been in your office for over a week…” Tiffany trailed off her cheeks blossoming red. Her eyes had drifted over Jen’s body as well. She was relieved to see that the other woman wasn’t the only one struggling with the tension that was rising between the two of them.

“I really must be sick…” Jen’s sentence faded and she looked back up at the clock, “Is there any chance you can take me back to my place tonight? I really think that I need someone to help take care of me.” Tiffany’s eyes shone in the light. Was it a confession of having done something wrong?

“I can do that Jen; I will probably stop by in about twenty minutes I just have to finish with a contract.” Tiffany turned on her heel and walked out the door briskly. Jen sat for a second and her head began to spin. She was woozy and didn’t know what was making her feel this sick. She stood up and nearly toppled over her desk. She felt extremely hungry and dizzy with each uneven step that she took. Maybe she really had been sitting at her desk for a week. How was she alive if she didn’t have anything to eat? That strange fluttering in her nether regions made her grit her teeth again. Butterflies danced in her stomach and she rubbed her left arm with her fingers biting her lip. Something strange really was going on with her body. She remembered that feeling.

After what seemed like an eternity of her standing in her office walking back and forth trying to get her wits about her, Tiffany showed up at her door. They walked out together; some of the people were still in the office. They dropped their jaws as she walked past them. Were they dropping their jaws at Tiffany walking out with her, or were they ogling her? Whichever it was she felt her cheeks growing warm with each step that she took. Tiffany guided her down to the parking level and into her familiar uncomfortable car. It wasn’t a great vehicle but it would have to do.

“How about we pick up a pizza or something? I am sure that your food has gone bad seeing that you haven’t been home since last Thursday.” Tiffany said to Jen quietly from the driver’s seat. Jen nodded in agreement but her head was still dizzy. Hadn’t been home in over a week, where had she gone? She was at her desk the entire time? Is that really a possibility? After picking up some food and driving back to Jen’s place they entered her empty home. It felt cold and distant, almost unfamiliar to Jen. She frowned as she turned on some of the lights. They weren’t very bright; they were more for ambiance than anything really.

Tiffany insisted that she ate something, and Jen idly picked at a piece or two of pizza. Tiffany frowned at her over her plate. She hadn’t bothered with putting her glasses back on, they were probably somewhere in the car. Jen smiled at the woman that was sitting adjacent to her at the table. Tiffany quickly looked back down at her food, red spots blossoming on her cheeks. She was so cute today. Jen’s head was still spinning and she felt herself growing extremely warm again. It wasn’t from arousal but similar to the fever she had the other day. The other day… it felt like it was just yesterday or the day before… but according to Tiffany it had been more than a week. Jen started fanning herself as though she could cool herself down. Her hands began to shake and Tiffany darted to her feet.

“Are you okay Jen?” She asked with concern in her voice.

“I am just really hot can you help me to like my room or something?” Jen said biting her lip in frustration that she said ‘like’ again. She wasn’t a bimbo… Tiffany nodded, not noticing her hindered vocabulary. She grabbed a hold of her shoulder and arm and helped her to her feet. They made their way upstairs to her room. Tiffany flicked sikiş on a light and Jen sat on the edge of the bed. Her hands felt heavy but she began to undo her shirt. Tiffany knelt down on the ground next to her.

“Where do you keep your pajamas?” Tiffany asked looking up at Jen’s eyes with concern. She really did care about Jen. It was a strange sensation to her, and Jen felt that same uneasiness build in her nether again. The butterflies continued to dance in her stomach, as though they could flutter through her ribs.

“I just… I want… help…” Jen sighed out while trying to undo her blouse. The buttons just weren’t working for some reason. Tiffany nodded her head quickly and lifted her shaky hands to the woman’s chest. The feeling of her fingertips dancing around her breasts made Jen close her eyes and grip the sides of the bed. Her pussy began to burn hot and she shifted her knees uncomfortably. Tiffany skillfully unbuttoned her blouse and helped Jen roll it off of her shoulders. Her exposed skin sent shivers up her spine. She wasn’t wearing a bra, because the way that her chest had swollen from that sickness. Why were they getting so much bigger? Tiffany gave out a surprised squeak at Jen’s nudeness. Her cheeks were a deep red and Jen could tell that Tiffany was trying not to stare openly at her chest.

“Are… did they…. did your breasts grow since…” Tiffany asked, her hands still openly shaking. She let go of the blouse and dropped her hands down onto Jen’s knees. Jen felt her cheeks warm.

“A bit… I think its cause I am like… sick…” She said her bare chest heaving as she breathed in and out excitedly. Tiffany really was attractive, and she was feeling so warm. Tiffany stood up and offered a hand to Jen.

“Let’s get you out of that skirt and I will get you into your covers.” Tiffany said her cheeks turning even redder as Jen took hold of her hand. She stood up and tipped a bit, feeling her exposed chest waver a bit in the air. They really did feel larger than she remembered. She looked down and pushed a hand on the undersides of them and gave out a shocked moan. Tiffany quickly looked up at the woman with wide eyes. Jen rubbed her hands forward and looked at the large breasts she was pushing back and forth between her hands. They looked so full and they were so soft to touch. She reluctantly let go of them and reached for the buttons on skirt and let out a frustrated grunt when she couldn’t unclip them. Tiffany stooped down and undid them for her. The skirt fell gently to the ground and Tiffany let out a shriek of surprise. Jen hadn’t been wearing underwear. That was probably the discomfort she was feeling all day long. Tiffany’s eyes were wide and she stared at Jen’s pussy for well over a minute. Jen shifted a bit uncomfortably under the other woman’s gaze. How was she so open with this? Jen felt herself growing even more aroused as Tiffany’s eyes continued to wander over her body.

“Is everything okay?” Jen said lustfully. Tiffany looked up at Jen and nodded, “Is there something wrong?” Tiffany shook her head back and forth. She really was extremely cute. She stood up and helped Jen sit back down on the bed. The sheets were cool under her exposed ass. It felt wrong, but so right at the same time. Tiffany turned and Jen gave out a soft whimper.

“Perhaps you should stay in here with me.” Jen said patting the bed next to her. Tiffany nodded once again and closed the door behind her. As though she was controlled by some hungering desire Tiffany dug her hands into the blouse she was wearing. She yanked it over her head and threw it to the ground at her feet. She kicked off her shoes and Jen gave out an excited squeal. This was really going to happen. Tiffany was soon stripped down and she gently made her way to the bottom of the bed. Jen felt her heart beating in her throat and ears. This was real, this had to be. She was in the dream world for ages without knowing it, but now Tiffany was going to fool around with her. She felt her breath catch in her throat as she watched the other woman’s large breasts sway as she crawled on the bed. Tiffany’s cheeks were red, and her eyes were wide as though she was confused. Did Tiffany want to do this? Tiffany’s hand ran along the inside of Jens naked leg and she gave out a soft sigh. It didn’t matter if Tiffany was over anxious to participate in this with Jen. They were going to do it anyway.

Jen felt her breath catch in her breast as her eyes followed Tiffany’s swaying chest. She felt her own rise and fall, her nipples begging for attention in the crisp air that stood out in the room. They were alone and naked, what was going to stop Tiffany from showing her the affection she really needed? Tiffany slid her hand closer to Jen’s dampening pussy. She felt her skin pebble on the inside of her thighs from excitement and she gave out a startled and excited moan. It felt different then when Jenni and Mimi were touching and caressing her. It felt… real. That means that the other two women really were dream women. That means that all that had happened to her was just fake, but why was she feeling so excited to be with Tiffany right now? Also why was Tiffany so willing to strip nude and touch her exposed skin?

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